“How can you accuse me?” Owin grabbed Rusty by the shoulders, “Do you think after everything we have done, I would do it?
Rusty looked back at the Ursaring. The Swak looked him right in the face, “Yes, of course.”
I paused the show again. I placed the remote back onto the table. I can’t believe Yasin recommended this crap. I can’t get through the first episode. I lay back down on the couch, spring sunshine came through the window. Such a nice day, a shame I can't enjoy it.
It's been over a week since that incident with the Ditto that went around pretending it was me. Even though we got them, not everything resolved itself. That Ditto convinced a lot of people they were me and not everyone was willing to buy ‘a Ditto impersonated me’ story. So under the orders of both my boss and the police, I have been put under house arrest till the entire thing blows over.
It was fine the first few days, with months away from entertainment, my days were spent catching up with new seasons of shows, playing games that were released, and just being a lazy Typlosion all around. But now the days just seem to drag on painfully slow. I can’t even go out at night.
I heard the door swing open, “I’m home.”
I sat up, “Hey Simon. Did anything happen at school today?”
I see my young Quilava brother close the door behind him, “Nothing much.”
“Really? You sounded down just now.”
“Just tired. School was just tough today.”
“There, there, you're almost done with it. Unless Yasin hasn't been helping you with your homework, you’ll graduate in the summer right?”
“Yeah,” Simon went into the kitchen a sullen look on his face.
No way it’s not something serious. I got off the couch and followed him into the kitchen.
I saw Simon going through the pantry looking for a snack.
“Hey, Simon,” I said, “If something is bothering you, we can talk about it.”
“It’s nothing important.” Simon closed the pantry, an entire pack of crackers in hand. He moved over to the fridge and opened it up. “Honestly the shit been happening even before you left, so it’s nothing new.”
“Before I left? What's been happening before I left?”
“It’s nothing important.”
The flames erupted from my neck, “You been having trouble for months, and I am hearing it just now?”
Simon pulled his head out of the fridge, “What? No, look, this has been going on for a while. I told Yasin and he gave me some advice on what to do so the matter is settled.”
“Simon, if you--”
“Kira, the matter is settled.” Simon pulled out a bottle of cola.
My flames died down, “But I’m just--”
“But nothing,” Simon hotspots flared up. “I’m not a little Cyndaquill you need to protect anymore! I can take care of myself!” Simon ran past me. A second later, I heard the sound of his bedroom door slamming shut.
I stood in front of Simon’s room. His outburst from earlier has me a bit concerned. I am hoping that he calmed down a bit so we can talk.
I knocked on Simon’s door. “Simon,” I called out.
I heard movement on the other side of the door. The door opened, showing my younger brother in front of me, “Hey, Kira. Something up?”
“I just wanted to apologize earlier. I really shouldn’t have overreacted like that.”
“You did overreact, sprouting flames like that.”
“I know. You’re not that little Cyndaquill that climbed into my bed in the middle of the night every time a thunderstorm came by. You're a Quilava now. You don’t need me to jump in every time something happens to you.”
Simon scoffed. “You finally realized that”,
I was hurt by that statement, “Did I really--”
“No, no. What I meant to say is thanks.” Simon walked over to his bed and lay on it, “I should probably apologize too while we are playing the forgiveness game.”
I approached the bed but didn’t get on it, “Huh, what do you mean?”
“Well, for yelling at you and also having my flames out.” Simon curled himself into a ball, “I mean, you probably don’t want to hear that your brother was being bullied after you come back after months of isolation.”
I try and keep myself calm, “Yeah, that is not comforting news to hear.” I climbed onto the bed, “If it is not too much trouble can you tell me what happened.”
Simon turned onto his back, exposing his cream-colored stomach. “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing.”
“Didn’t you say you told Yasin earlier?”
“Well, yeah, and--” Simon stopped for a moment. “Oh, I see what you mean.”
“So what is it?”
“Well, um,” Simon glanced sideways, “You see, um.” He brought his hands together and started to twiddle with his fingers.
What got him so worked up?
“You see, the thing is,” Simon swallowed hard and continued, “I am a virgin.”
“I see.” What did this have to do with it?
“And well, I am being teased about it.”
“Wait, why are you being teased for being a virgin? I am pretty sure most of the other teens there are the same.”
“That is not what everyone was saying.” Simon sat upright. “Lately everyone is saying how much sex they had like it is something to brag about. Who banged who. What kind of sex everyone is doing. All of that shit. Lately, some of the other students made it a habit to start mocking virgins. And low and behold, I end up a target for them.”
“That's bullshit.”
“I know, it's completely unfair.”
“Haven’t you tried talking to a teacher or counselor?”
“I did, at the beginning. But that only stopped the first bullies.”
“First ones?”
Simon nodded, “After I reported the first bullies, things improved for a while. After a while, I started to get inappropriate things in my locker.”
“Not going to ask what you mean.”
“Please don’t. A lot of those things got me in trouble with the teachers and put me in detention at times. When I tried to tell them the stuff wasn't mine, the staff didn’t believe me.”
“So how did you stop them?”
“I didn’t. By cosmic luck, a teacher happened to be by my locker one day and saw the bullies put the stuff in there. After that, stuff hasn't been put in my locker anymore and life returned to normal. Till a month ago that is.”
Oh Arceus, give me the strength to not go to his school and attack every student there.
“The last is a group of bullies that been starting trouble since day one of this sex craze begun. You can possibly say they are what started the craze in the first place. They just left me alone at first till rumours spread that I was the reason that their friends were getting suspended and expelled because I was helping the teachers do it.”
“Hey, if those assholes got expelled, it's their own fault.”
“They didn’t see it that way. They just came up to me one day and just made me feel uncomfortable. Sex talk, inappropriate jokes, everything to just get me riled up and pretend they didn’t do anything.”
“That's gaslighting Simon.”
“If that was the only thing they did to me, I could have just gone to a teacher, but” Simon went quiet.
“What did they do?”
I grabbed Simon by the shoulders, “Simon what did they do?”
“One of the guys is a Munna named Josh. They say if you aren’t giving the group a straight answer or just because of any reason, he forces himself into your mind.”
“He what?"
“And that is not even the worst thing he has done.”
Oh, Arceus it gets worse?
“They say if he finds something interested in someone's mind, he literally makes a projection of their kinks and shows it around school humiliating them even more.”
“Fuck,” my anger was almost at its tip.
“They even threaten to out me today during lunch, in front of the whole school.”
My flames erupted. “Why isn’t that fucking school doing its fucking job?!”
“Kira, your flames.”
“Why aren’t your flames out, Simon?! Your rights were just violated! He should be expelled or better yet jailed. It doesn't matter if he is some kid, that brat shou--” A blast of freezing mist hit me square in the face. I cough and put my hands up in front of me trying fruitlessly to stop the blast of mist. “Simon, stop,” I coughed. “I get it, I get it. Just turn off the extinguisher.” The rush of cold air stopped and I tried to catch my breath.
Simon put the extinguisher off to the side, “It's not like the school hasn't tried stuff. They can’t prove that Josh keeps going into people's minds and any people who do know keep quiet for fear of exposure. Some rumors are that Josh even did it on some of the teachers and found some major dirt on them that could ruin their careers.
“But you have names, especially the one that went into your head.”
“And no proof. It is basically my word against his.” Simon curled into a ball, “We can’t do a thing without proof and everyone else is basically terrified at this point to do anything about it. The only thing we can do is just try and hope they get bored of me and move onto someone else.”
What should I do? I’m not familiar with psychic powers. Anika is a Gardevior, he might know more on what to do then me. “Hey Simon, I know a Gardevior in law enforcement that may help us.”
“How do you figure?”
“Well, uh, he is a psychic type in law enforcement. He might have some ideas on what to do in this situation.” I mean, he should know the law right?
Simon was quiet.
I go to get my communicator in my room and contacted Anika.
“Hello, Officer Anika Omau.”
“Hey, Anika.” I said charmingly.
“Oh Arceus, what the fuck do you want now?”
“Look, I'll be brief, I need some law and legal advice.”
“Then I recommend a lawyer, not a detective. Especially one that doesn't like you.”
“Look you are a physic type, you know the law, you are really my first option to who I can go to for this.”
I heard Anika sigh, “Look I only gave you my number because Ria told me to. That doesn't mean you can call me like we are friends or anything. I have reports to do so unless you can convince me this is an emergency, bother someone else.”
I told Anika what Simon told me. From the sex-crazed students to how Josh invaded everyone’s mind to determine if they have sex to even projecting their kink if the mood fits him. I made sure to not leave anything out when I talked to him.
Anika was quiet while I was done. If it wasn't for the noise on his end, I would have assumed he would have hung up.
“Um, Anika?” I said, trying to see if he is still there.
“Tell me, Kira,” he said in a more serious tone, “Do you believe your brother?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Kira you need to understand this is a serious charge if your brother is telling the truth.”
“My brother wouldn't lie about it.” I fought the urge to erupt my flames, “Look I ask you to see if I can do anything about it.”
More silence.
“We have a special unit for this sort of situation. I’ll send a report there way and make some preparations for your brother to come in.”
“Okay but why? Isn't Josh the psychic type?”
“Yes, but we need to make sure that your brother actually had his mind invaded. Since the suspect is a teenager he might have left something in your brother’s mental space. I should have everything set up by tomorrow.”
“One more thing. You might want to keep your brother home from school the next few days after the exam. Proving that someone is actually doing what you said is a slow process, about a week.”
“For what reason?”
“We can’t exactly identify signs of invading the mind on one trip alone. The first trip is just to get a grasp of what is in the mind. The second trip is to see if anything changes since the first trip, that is usually when we notice if someone invaded the mind. If the victim is not isolated from the suspect, it might screw with what we are looking for.”
“Like what?”
Anika groaned, “Look trying to explain mental space to a non-Physic is a headache and a pain I will do without. I will make sure to contact you when we have everything ready.” Click.
I pulled the communicator away from my ear. While I am glad we can do something, he didn’t have to sound like an ass.
I went back to Simon’s room. Simon was still curled up in a ball. This time he was nibbling on the ear of his Incineroar plush he had ever since he hatched. He didn’t even notice me returning.
I approached the bed, “Hey, Simon.”
Simon broke whatever daze he was in and looked at me. “So how did it go?”
“I think it went well. They want to do a test on you and have you stay home from school for a few days. Depending on what they find, they can possibly press charges against Josh.”
“I see,” he brings his Incineroar plush into his chest.
“You don’t sound excited.”
“It's not like anything is going to happen.”
“Don’t say that.”
“But it's true. If it was that simple, they would have done something already. Hell, they might just get more aggressive if Josh is out of the picture. It's hopeless.”
“Don’t say that Simon! It's that kind of attitude that allowed them to walk all over everyone!”
Flames sprouted out of Simon, “Then what do you expect me to do then? I wasn't trained by a Battle Master like you were. I can’t fight even a half like you! No one can help me out in this situation!”
“I am trying to help you, Simon! I’m not taking this lying down and neither should you.”
“That’s easy for you to say, but did you forget you are still under house arrest. You can’t just go to my school and blast Flamethrower, Thunder Punches, or Break Break at all the bullies.”
“We don't have to. If we can prove Josh goes into people's minds, we can take care of the rest.”
Simon’s flames died down. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know this Josh pokemon, but what I can say for certain is that he is a coward. He would use what info he can against you and expect you to fall in line. If he is a leader and used this same tactic on the people who surrounded him, those people will turn on him once they learn there are people more powerful than him. If Josh is a follower, I don’t think he is willing to take the fall for someone else's orders. He’ll give out the name of his associates as a deal.”
“How can you be certain? You never even met him.”
“I have met people like him or at least people you told me about. I can figure out what they can do quite easily.”
“Fine then, say they do find that he does go into people’s head. Then what?”
“Then I will tell you my plan.”
Simon cocked his head. “Plan?”
“Yep. From what I can guess from Anika, going into someone's mind leaves a sort of print there that goes away over time.”
“Well, to use a saying Master uses, ‘it is easier to see a fresh wound than an old one’. I can’t say for certain how this special unit works, but it might work something similar.”
Simon thought for a second, “So a sting operation? Catch him in the act of doing it.”
I nodded, “Pretty much.”
Simon's face changed. “Kira, tell me your plan.”
“You sure about this?”
Simon nodded, “Yeah. Like you said, I shouldn’t take this lying down. I am tired of that asshole too.”
“Alright, but remember we can only do it if they find some evidence first. Hell, even if they didn’t we can still possibly do it.”
“So stop stalling and tell me then.”
“Okay then.” I explained my plan to Simon. This Josh guy and his friends are going down.
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