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AU887 (Allen)
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This is a character from my sub-action story: "A Dreary path of A Soviet Dragon". This was a part of the story "Dragon Storm" that covers Lazz's past.
Anyway, this is one of the dragons in Lazz's squad as well a good friend of his. Allen's main role is a "Bullet Stormer". He was to attack from the air while darting down at the enemy. He was good at it. Takes alot of guts to face the enemy meters to pointblank range under fire. Of course he met his untimely demise in the story.
I sketch him up about 1-2 months ago and decided to color him in with pencil since I didn't have anything better to do while I was in class. Its not the best but, I'm happy with it ^.=.^
Anyway, this is one of the dragons in Lazz's squad as well a good friend of his. Allen's main role is a "Bullet Stormer". He was to attack from the air while darting down at the enemy. He was good at it. Takes alot of guts to face the enemy meters to pointblank range under fire. Of course he met his untimely demise in the story.
I sketch him up about 1-2 months ago and decided to color him in with pencil since I didn't have anything better to do while I was in class. Its not the best but, I'm happy with it ^.=.^
12 years ago
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