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Renny's Teddy
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Drawn for a friend.
Renny is a living push fennic who has stuck with me all these many years. For years, she wanted a picture like this and being always busy, tired, or just depressed, I just could not do it (or do it justice).
So finally I got around to drawing this, took me a few attempts to get the shapes right, but over all I am pleased with how this turned out. Sadly, I feel I didn't quiet have the right colours for this, but this is close and Renny liked it, and that is the most important part.
Thank you for being a friend.
Renny is a living push fennic who has stuck with me all these many years. For years, she wanted a picture like this and being always busy, tired, or just depressed, I just could not do it (or do it justice).
So finally I got around to drawing this, took me a few attempts to get the shapes right, but over all I am pleased with how this turned out. Sadly, I feel I didn't quiet have the right colours for this, but this is close and Renny liked it, and that is the most important part.
Thank you for being a friend.
1 year ago
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