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Chapter Eleven - Easier Than Planned
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Eh, wasn't as long as I thought it would be but still a bit longer than usual. Enjoy~
11 years ago
Estimated reading time
17 Minutes
After a while we drove into what appeared to be a heavily populated city that was poorly taken care of. We slowed down at this point, as we’d been driving for quite a while now. “Well, that plan went well.” Electra said as she slumped down in her seat. “We totally got to like, rob that bank all that exciting stuff.” “Hush, getting away was the priority. I have no idea where we are now, so it worked.” Kevin said. “Actually we don’t know where we are because we don’t live on this planet. So back where we were when this started, we still didn’t know where we were. So if you’re going to go by your logic then we can just drive back where we were and still have gotten away.” Cammy said. “Smartass.” Kevin mumbled. “Judging by the looks of the place, the people that live here aren’t exactly rich.” Cammy said as she looked out the window. “I think it looks like a dump.” I said. “There’s garbage everywhere.” “Well we WERE looking for troublemakers too.” Electra said. “What better place to look than a town like this?” “Yeah well we were also looking for a bank.” Kevin said. “And I doubt they’d put one in a town like this.” “Well humans in this world seem stupid so I wouldn’t doubt they did.” Cameron said. Just then, we took a right and a huge beach came into view, and before long we took a right and were driving on the road closest to it. Unlike the town, the beach didn’t seem to have much garbage on it at all. “Well. Where the hell did that come from?” Cammy asked as she pointed to the beach. “I have no idea.” Kevin said. “But I’m feeling up to having a little swim, how about you guys?” “Oh heck no.” Cammy said. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to get sand out of my fur?” “They’ve got their Pokémon out on the beach too.” I said as I pointed out a dog chasing a Frisbee. “On second thought, yeah I could use a little beach time.” Cammy said, hopping up and standing on her hind legs, her forepaws on the window as she stood on the seat and peered out of it. “Cammy that’s nasty.” Cameron said. “What’s nasty?” Cammy asked as she looked over to him, poking her head through the space between the wall and his headrest. “I didn’t do anything.” “You’re going to the beach to have random sex, it’s obvious.” Cameron said back. “Pssssh… Noooo. I’m going for the sun, duh. The sun is really hot on the beaches and I like the warmth.” “Yeah, there’ll be some real heat cooking up out there when you get out.” Electra grinned, folding her arms. “Oh ha… ha…” Cammy said, pulling her head out of the little space and sitting down. “No one is having sex on the beach.” Kevin said. “We’re just going for a swim.” “Ohhh we’ll see about that.” Cammy mumbled. “Told you.” Cameron said. “Or we could just stop somewhere and ask around for money.” Electra said. “And by ask for I mean steal.” “We aren’t robbing anyone.” Kevin said. “What’s wrong with all of you?” “Well I have this weird itch under my chin.” Cammy said. “And it feels really good when you scratch it.” “I didn’t mean literally.” Kevin groaned. “The car is going to get stolen as soon as we park.” Cameron said. “You all can stop somewhere but I’ll stay here with the car.” “THERE.” Electra said as she pointed out the left window. “Let’s ask that group of people. They look like they’re up to no good.” “Hey man you’ve got blood on ya’ car.” Someone shouted as Kevin rolled down the window. “Yeah, I know.” Kevin said. “What are ya, fugitives?” he asked as Kevin parallel parked, opening the door and getting out. “Ain’t no guts on that hood so you ain’t hit no deer. That’s a mighty fine car ya got there by the way.” “Err… Thanks.” Kevin said as he shut the door, followed by Cameron rolling the window up. “We’re looking to rob a place.” Electra said. “We need money.” “Oh just because we’re in a gang means we’re all criminals now does it?” One of the people said as he looked down at Electra. “’The fuck are you anyway?” “We’re Pokémon.” I said as I walked up behind Electra. “And we need cash or something.” “Actually yes, that’s usually how it works.” Electra said. “You’re in a gang because you gang up on people and do stupid shit.” “You’re lucky you’re right little yellow thing.” One of them said. “We’re lookin’ for something to bust into and take over if ya know what I mean.” “If you’re talking about robbing, then so are we.” Electra said. “Where are you headed? Maybe we could tag along, split the profits.” “The bank.” One of them said. “Yo what if these dudes are undercover cops yo, ya just gave us away dumbass.” “We aren’t police.” Electra said. “If you want the truth, I killed six people in about five minutes. Dallas here killed a few too. We’re murderers and we aren’t afraid of a little burglary.” “But touch our car and die.” Kevin said, my ears perking straight up as the car horn beeped. We all turned our attention to the car, and inside it was Cameron, sitting in the passenger’s side with Cammy standing in his lap. Her forepaws were on his upper chest area as she stood on her hind legs, and her muzzle was pressed right up against his mouth. “Way to draw attention Cameron!” Electra yelled. “I know you’re having a good time in there but you don’t have to gloat about it.” “Ugh.” Kevin said as he walked over and opened the door. “Cammy get off of him.” Cammy slowly pulled away, grinning at Cameron as she licked around her muzzle, licking up the drool before hopping onto the driver’s seat. “And there’s more where that came from.” She said as she hopped down and out of the car. “Wasn’t that supposed to happen on the beach?” Electra asked. “She made out… With me…” Cameron mumbled as Kevin shut the door. “She… was practically licking my throat… Oh… Oh Arceus…” “Cammy I think you broke him.” Kevin said. “He’s acting all funny now. What the hell was that all about anyway? I thought Cameron was completely against your persuasive ways and your ‘need’ for him to mount you or something.” “Yeah well attract works its magic.” She replied as she walked up and stood next to me, gently nosing my cheek as she leaned against me. “Damn, do you think you could have at least gone easy on him?” Kevin asked. “The kid’s scared to death now!” “Nah, that’s just attract. He liked it, I could tell.” Cammy chuckled. “You forced him to make out with you, I don’t think he liked it.” Kevin said. “I did not.” Cammy said as she sat down. “I just… leaned so far against him that my tongue fell into his mouth.” “Now THAT’S an excuse!” Electra shouted. “Yall people are nuts.” One of the guys said. “I kinda like that female one that just came out that car ya know?” “Don’t. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into by saying that.” Kevin said. “Getting yourself into… Hah.” Electra chuckled softly. “Good one.” “Oh hush.” Kevin said. “Let’s just go do this.” “We don’t even know what we’re doing.” Electra said. “And I find it a little strange that they have the same goals we do.” “ANYWAY here’s our plan. We’re gonna barge in an’ shoot the place up ya feel me? Pop all them suckers and take their dough like bam!” “Okay, ignoring the fact that you talk like a retard…” Electra said. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. “His plans are just as retarded as his grammar is.” Cammy mumbled. “That’s a terrible idea.” “Yeah I think they probably have guns too.” I said, frowning as I hugged Cammy from behind, laying my head next to hers. “Brute force probably isn’t the best idea.” “Yeah your plan is stupid.” Electra said. “I change my mind. What idiot barges into a bank full of people that have guns and just shoots people?” She asked. “That’s like walking in and yelling ‘I HAVE A BOMB!’ only you’re doing it with bullets and people die and stuff. And they react quicker. But hey, if we do it that way, Cammy won’t be on the receiving end of the penetration for once!” “Oh ha HA that’s real funny.” Cammy said, a little grin spreading across her muzzle. “As true as that might be.” “You know, we’re trying to use the time we have to come up with a proper plan here, but you just wasted a bunch of it with that smartass comment.” Kevin said. “Congratulations Kevin, you just wasted even more of it with your comment about my comment.” Electra said. “I ain’t stupid.” “You don’t even talk right.” Cammy said. “Plus you’re just now replying to that.” “Can we just focus here?” I said. “We need money, so let’s just go get it. Without… barging in and shooting everyone.” Cammy laughed as she hopped up and grabbed a gun out of one of the gang members’ pockets, holding it out and pointing it at the person across the street. “You, human! Prepare to be penetrated! … With bullets!” She laughed. “Oh now I get it.” Someone else said. “She means sex.” Electra groaned as she slapped both paws over her face. “Enough with the innuendos.” She mumbled through her paws. “Oh I don’t know Electra. If we just go barging into a bank like this we’re bound to run into some… stiff… competition.” I laughed. “Really Dallas?” Electra asked as she looked at me, just as Cammy lowered the gun and turned toward us. “Looks like Cammy failed to perform!” Kevin laughed. “Don’t worry though, it happens to a lot of girls.” “WELL if the topic has suddenly shifted to random sexual innuendos then here is a TIP for you.” She said. “HAR HAR TIP.” Cammy shouted. “I wasn’t done.” Electra said. “Your little outburst made me forget what I was going to say now.” “Well then you’d better thing long and hard about it!” Cammy said, grinning. “I’ll be sure to deliver some… oral encouragement.” She said, everyone in the gang suddenly bursting into laughter. “Wow Cammy, you sure know how to… Please a crowd.” I said, grinning as I nudged her. “Okay that’s enough. Really guys stop.” Kevin said. “Damnit. I was so close to remembering what I was going to say too. I was sooo close. So very close…” “That’s what she said.” Cammy grinned. “Electra seriously, no more jokes for now.” Kevin laughed. “That one was unintentional.” Electra sighed softly. “Sure it was.” Kevin said. “You all are a weird bunch you know that?” “Yeah we know.” I laughed. “So what is the plan here? Obviously it isn’t brute force.” “Brute force will totally work man.” “You’re an idiot. Shut up.” Electra said, waving her paw at the guy. “I say we just go in and do it.” “Yeah let’s go.” “What’s the plan?” Cammy asked. “Apparently we just do it.” Electra shrugged. “I have no idea what that means.” I said, groaning softly as my ears drooped to the sides. “HOW do we do it?” “You teleport in and grab money and come out.” Electra said. “I haven’t seen what the inside looks like so I can’t.” I said. “I don’t think you need to.” Cammy said. “Just… Try real hard or something.” “Nah, I don’t really know how.” I said softly. “Let’s just follow them.” “Right.” Kevin said. “Let’s follow the-” “Shuuuut up.” Cammy said. “They’re all we have right now.” We spent the next ten minutes following them, and before long we were at this run down place that looked like it had been burnt down or something. They were all standing in front of it, so we approached. “What is this crap?” Electra asked. “The bank.” “Oh, well don’t you think it would have been helpful to mention the place BURNT DOWN and wasn’t in business?” She yelled. Naw it’s all the same.” “I’m going to fucking kill you.” She growled as Cammy hugged her from behind. “Nooo don’t do that.” Cammy laughed. “I’ve killed a bunch already, what’s one more?” Electra snapped. “Eh. Do what you wan-AAAAH!” She screamed, perking her ears up as she let go of Electra and turned around, running back the way we came. “RUN!” My ears perked up as I heard a faint hissing noise. I automatically assumed it was the sound of a fuse burning, so I tugged on Electra’s tail and ran after Cammy. “Hey what the FUCK?” Electra snapped as she whipped around. “Who grabbed my-” she started, dropping down onto all fours and immediately taking off after me. “You little goofball! You’re lucky it was you!” She laughed as she chased after me. “Uh, what’s going on?” Kevin asked as he ran after us. “At least explain this Cammy!” “Bomb!” She shouted. “Come here!” she yelled as she quickly turned into an alley, sitting down in it as I ran in after her. “We’re about two blocks away now and there are buildings between us and it, it should be fi-“ “GOTCHA!” Electra yelled as she tackled me down, sucking my right ear into her mouth and sucking on it gently. “Nahm nahm.” “Eeeh! Nooo!” I laughed, furiously pawing at her. “That tickles stop it!” “Guys can you slow down at least? I’m not super freaking fast l-” he started, but was cut off by a loud explosion. A few seconds later a rush of wind blew past us, and Cammy’s ears drooped down a little as she stood up, sighing softly. “And there we go.” “What the hell was that?” Electra asked. “Something blew up.” Kevin said. “No kidding.” She snapped back, rolling her eyes. “WHAT blew up?” “Probably that dude that thought brute force was the correct way to approach a building that wasn’t even operational.” Cammy laughed. “Let’s go back. Quickly.” Despite the word quickly, we all seemed to take our time walking back to the building. When we got there however, it was on fire, and the buildings all around it were either on fire, destroyed, or both. What stood out though was a huge metal box, or at least that’s what it appeared to be. “Okay I’m going to just ignore the fact that that just happened and go right for the safe.” Cammy said. “Although it’s probably hot.” “Safe?” Electra asked as she followed. “It’s a thing humans use to lock stuff up.” I said as I followed them both to it. “Only this one is bigger.” “No kidding.” She said as she stared at it. “So how do we get in? I mean, hopefully they blew it up.” Electra said. “Not a chance.” Cammy said. “They might have blown themselves up though, they’re nowhere in sight.” “And yet I don’t care.” Electra snapped. “How do we get into this thing?” “Break it open.” I said, gently placing my paw on the front of it. “It’s warm.” “Well it was just on fire.” Electra said. “Not a chance.” Cammy said. “These things are built with steel reinforced concrete.” “Which means…” Electra said, waving her paws around in the air. “Steel and cement?” “Yep.” Cammy said, sighing as she sat down. “Unless we can figure out the combination we’re fucked.” “Well Dallas knows steel tail right?” Electra asked. “That’s what you said.” “I don’t think I ever said that but yes, he does.” Cammy said. “Well can’t it go through concrete and other steel?” Electra asked. “It’s not that simple.” Cammy said. “It’s reinforced with concrete. That’s different. It’s stronger. But maybe if we were to heat it up enough without burning the contents inside he could slice through it with steel tail.” “So you’re saying you want me to burn myself?” I asked, tilting my head. “Good point.” She said, sighing softly. “Just hit the door then. We’ll take out only the lock. Or corrode it somehow.” “This isn’t happening is it?” Electra sighed as she leaned against it. “No, probably not.” Cammy sighed. “Maybe if we combined attacks.” “Whatever do it.” Electra said as she dropped down onto all fours, firing off a steady bolt of electricity at the locking side of the door. I sighed, shrugging as I dropped onto all fours too, closing my eyes halfway as I fired off my own bolt, joining it with Electra’s in the same spot, Cammy joining in soon after. It didn’t take long for the spot we were juicing to become white hot and begin to melt. I wasn’t going to stop the bolt until someone else did first, and by the looks of it neither was Electra, so it seemed as if Cammy was the one leading this whole thing. Cammy’s bolt lowered from the top of the safe to just underneath it as liquid metal began dripping off of it, and then right to the bottom. Completely confused, I just followed her bolt, and Electra followed mine. In about a minute Cammy stopped, panting softly as she stood up, followed my Electra, then me. “Okay.. Same spot, go.” Cammy said. “Just needed a little break.” We all nodded and continued with our attack, until about another minute later Cammy yelled stop, standing up and nudging against Electra’s side. We both stopped as fast as we could, tilting out heads as we stared at her blankly. “What?” I asked, sitting down. “We need to cool that off, fast.” Cammy said. “We need some sort of liquid. If it cools really quickly it’ll become brittle and crack.” “I’ll pee on it.” Electra said, standing up on her hind legs. “No you won’t.” Cammy said, her ears drooping down. “Unless you have a better idea, I am.” She said. “Here.” Cameron said as he tossed a bucket of water onto the molten metal, a loud hissing sound and a bunch of steam rising from it. “Where did you get that?” Cammy asked. “And where did you come from?” “I drove up when I heard the boom, saw the explosion, and took someone’s bucket and filled it with seawater in case one of you was on fire.” He said. “The car is right there, Kevin is in it.” “Aaaand that happened while we were… Attacking this thing?” Cammy asked. “We really couldn’t hear that?” While they were arguing I took the time to actually crawl into the hole we’d made in the door of the safe. We’d actually managed to poke a hole all the way through it. The problem now was that there were a bunch of smaller safes inside, which wouldn’t fit through that small hole. Since it was a smaller one inside a bigger one, I figured it was just one of those regular safes that could be just broken open. Tail raised behind me, I charged up my apparently steel tail attack and swung. The little safe exploded, sending money flying everywhere. As soon as I hit it Cammy came running through the hole, standing up and staring blankly at me. “Why don’t we just take the loose stuff and go?” Cammy laughed as she picked up a pile of neatly stacked bills with a rubber band wrapped around it and shoved it through the hole. “Electra take this. You and Cameron pull the car up, or Kevin, I don’t care. Just get the car over here and stuff it with this stuff.” She said as she continued shoving stacks of bills through the hole. We spent the next couple minutes gathering up all the cash we could take and shoving it through the hole. “Guys we don’t need any more you know.” Kevin yelled. “We’re not staying here forever.” “In case we are, yes we do.” Electra said as she snatched up another pile, tossing it into the car. “Well that’s all of it. Besides the stuff in the smaller safes that I really don’t feel like breaking open.” Cammy said. “There isn’t much in them anyway and it’s not neatly stacked like the other stuff was.” I said, shrugging as I crawled back through the hole, quickly hopping back into the car, followed my Cammy and Electra. Kevin shut the door behind her and got in, and before long we were back on the highway, driving towards who knows what. “Well… Now that we have money, let’s get food.” Electra said, laying down on the seat. “It’s a good thing that stuff was stacked, fit neatly into the trunk and stuff. And on the floor. Rather than just throwing it in and wrinkling it and wasting space.” She said. “I know right?” Cammy laughed softly as she picked up a bundle of bills in her right paw. “And you thought we were going to break in and feed it all to ya.” “Actually that was you. I was the one that said paper wouldn’t last even a few minutes in my belly.” “Right. Well… How are you hungry already anyway? You said you were full!” She laughed. “She’s Electra.” Me and Cameron said at the same time. “True.” Cammy laughed. “Where are we going anyway?” “I saw a hotel. They’d be thrilled to have us there.” Kevin said. “Yeah… Where the hell did you see that?” Cameron asked. “And what makes you think they WANT us there?” “There was an ad for it on the highway. Said it was up here, looked expensive.” “Yeah yeah, let’s just go.” Cameron said. “We’re leaving the state according to that sign, whatever that means.” “It means we’re leaving the area.” Cammy said. “In other words the government in this area that wants us won’t be able to do anything. And I’m assuming the government in this state place we’re entering is going to be smart and leave us alone.” She said. “Yeah, I don’t think they’d want to mess with us after seeing what we did and stuff.” I laughed softly. “Chances are neither will the people here. They’ll probably just embrace us as like… Being awesome and stuff.” “I love being awesome.” Cammy said, posing seductively with the money in her right paw. “That’s more along the lines of slutty.” Electra laughed. “Which is awesome.” Cammy smirked. “Ehhhhhh sure.” Electra said, laying back down. “Yeah, I guess so.” “I hope they have more chicken.” I said. “I like chicken.” “We’re almost there, we’ll see what they have when we check in and stuff. Everyone stays in the car until I’m checked in though. We might be staying a while.” “Who knows, maybe they’ll all he-” “THERE IT IS!” Kevin said, pointing to another sign. “The Holiday Inn.” “Holidays are cheerful. I don’t see a problem with it. Eh, I approve.” Cammy said, shrugging as she dropped the money. “I don’t need your approval.” He laughed softly. “Maybe we can settle down and actually think when we get here.” “About going home I assume.” Cameron said. “Not even going to say it.” Electra said, rolling her eyes. “Well, here we are.” Kevin said as he pulled into the parking lot. “It’s fucking crowded as hell though. “What… the actual fuck is that?” Cammy asked as she stood on her hind legs, pressing her face against the window. “There’s a ton of them! What are they?” “I… Have no idea. But they look friendly.” Kevin said as he shut the car off and got out. “Wait here.” “Wow. Maybe there are other things here like us.” I said as I stared out the window, poking Electra’s side gently. “Come look at this.” --END Chapter eleven.--
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