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QuetzaDrake (Dragon) Reference 2011
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"Well I've finally decided to make some official reference sheets for my three forms with all kinds of info on their details and abilities and colors and such. This is so I don't have to keep using ancient art from years ago or art by others as references when I want myself drawn, as well as adding and establishing a bunch of new stuff.
This one's obviously my main fursona, my dragon. He remains pretty much the same visually, although I have made a few minor aesthetic changes as well as some major additional abilities. The most notable physical change is simply that I have blue-colored flesh now in places like my mouth and such; I've also acquired some default pudge. Ability-wise, I'm now a sizeshifter, i.e. I can change any and all parts of myself to any size as I wish, letting me be macro or inflate/expand myself or whatever. I can also do this to others if I want using the smoke I can exhale (as well as induce mind control/euphoria o3o ). Other than that... pretty much the same.
References for my rabbit and lemur are to follow as soon as I draw them; dragon reference took me all week, but with the sizes all defined now for the sheet itself and the lesser need for elaboration on details on them, I think they'll both be finished by next week." - Original Text 7/9/11
This one's obviously my main fursona, my dragon. He remains pretty much the same visually, although I have made a few minor aesthetic changes as well as some major additional abilities. The most notable physical change is simply that I have blue-colored flesh now in places like my mouth and such; I've also acquired some default pudge. Ability-wise, I'm now a sizeshifter, i.e. I can change any and all parts of myself to any size as I wish, letting me be macro or inflate/expand myself or whatever. I can also do this to others if I want using the smoke I can exhale (as well as induce mind control/euphoria o3o ). Other than that... pretty much the same.
References for my rabbit and lemur are to follow as soon as I draw them; dragon reference took me all week, but with the sizes all defined now for the sheet itself and the lesser need for elaboration on details on them, I think they'll both be finished by next week." - Original Text 7/9/11
11 years ago
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