As Cora led us to her home, me, Emily, Damon, and Rick kept pace with the small red dragoness as the sky turned into a beautiful orange. Meaning the day's almost over. I have to say we followed her a bit of a while. I wonder how far she'd wandered away from her home? Or did she lose track of where she lived and we're just wandering around the woods lost? I shook my head at that. No, I don't think that's the case. My eyes looked up at the beautiful sunset sky. It is getting late, so I hope we get there before the night comes. It's almost here.
I put my gaze back on Cora, her red tail was swishing back and forth. Her wings settled down on her back too. I grinned at her. I'm still happy she isn't afraid of us. Let alone not fly or run away from us as her fear got to her. I can tell that she wasn't lying about not meeting a lot strangers, she hasn't. Heck, I'm getting a feeling she probably never talked to anybody other than her family friend. It was no wonder she was somewhat afraid of the four of us, even to another normal dragon like Damon. But its a real good thing she gave us a chance when we told her we rescued her from harm....Also from getting raped by both evil cheetah AND evil dragon.
Or...Get murdered and THEN raped. God, I don't even want to picture THAT!
I wrinkled my face tightly, letting out a hiss through my teeth, trying to get that horrifying image out of my head. Emily heard it and giggled, "What's up with you?"
I muttered with a disgusted face, "You don't want to know, Em. Trust me on that."
She chuckled lightly and frowned, "What? Is it disgusting?"
Damon joined in with a lowered head, as he padded behind us with a bit of a limp, "You don't seem to have a fine look, little pal."
I giggled and waved them both off, "Honestly, you seriously don't want to know what I was thinking."
The drake asked with a grin on his muzzle, "Was it dirty and you were disgusted by it?"
Rick made a threat when he shot daggers at me, "You better not be thinking something dirty about my daughter."
Emily just howled in laughter, clutching her ribs tightly. She said when she composed herself, "Oh wow, you were disgusted of thinking dirty with me, Scott?" She clasped a comforting hand on my shoulder, "It's okay to think like that. We're practically together."
Her dad rolled his eyes with a disgruntled sigh, "Something I don't enjoy."
Emily shot a glare at him, "Dad."
Rick said when he waved her off, "Never mind."
I just laughed, shaking my head, "No, no, I wasn't thinking of something dirty with you, Emily."
Emily casted a playful look on me when she crossed her arms underneath her breasts, "Well thanks for not thinking about me."
I gave her a small smile, "Hey, I think about you...Just in my dreams."
Rick muttered in a heated voice, "Don't exactly want to know what your dreams are, young man."
His daughter exclaimed, "Dad!" Her father turned his gaze on hers, but he didn't speak another word. He growled a bit and turned his eyes onto Cora.
Damon giggled, "Gee, Rick, and you were supposed to be the parent. You're letting your daughter tell you what to do again!"
Rick replied without looking at the green dragon's smiling expression, "Shut up, you big lizard." That comment gave Damon a glare and he snorted behind Rick's head. He rose his head afterward.
I said after all that happened, "Really guys, you don't want to know what I was thinking. I'm trying to get the image out of my head! It's horrifying."
Now Emily wrinkled her brow, "Oh...That kind of thing. Well in that case don't talk about it."
I sighed in relief, "Thank you. If I even brought it up, all of you wouldn't get that image out of your heads. I'm still trying honestly."
Damon asked, "Could you give us a hint?"
I looked over my shoulder up at him, nodding a bit and I pointed at Cora who was still focused on getting us to her home. Damon nodded when he figured it out, "I think I know what horrifying image you're thinking about." He let out a hiss in anger, "It's about what those monsters were planning to do...Uh, you get the picture." I nodded at that and so did Emily, who actually figured out what I was thinking too. Well obviously he didn't want to say it out loud since Cora's in front of us, so he kept his big trap shut.
Speaking of Cora, she twisted her neck to look behind her, with a frown and her ears perked up, "What are you guys talking about?"
I waved both hands in a dismissive matter and had a wide look, "Nothing!"
Cora snorted in response, turning her gaze ahead when we all rounded past a bush and a big tree, "I know we just met and all, but now I think you guys are weird."
I giggled at that, "Well we're not totally weird if that's what you're thinking."
The little dragoness replied, showing a hint of a smile when looking a bit over her shoulder, "Couldn't fool me, um....Human."
I gave her a thumbs up, "Got that right, girl."
She laughed at that, nodding three times, "Ok, now you're normal. I sorta wondered a bit if I was making a mistake taking you to my home." She let out a breath, "I mean, my family friend told me not to talk to strangers when I'm walking out of the cave. Even weird ones."
Emily smirked, "I'm a girl too, so you don't have to wonder if I'm weird. I'm not weird like those boys here."
Me, Damon and Rick exclaimed at the same time, giving her glares, "Hey!" Emily was laughing at our reactions, Cora joined in too, fluttering her wings as her laughter caught up to her.
Rick said, that glare still plastered upon his face, "How can you call me weird? I'm not weird! I'm your father!"
She made a giggled remark, "Because you are."
I saw that Rick had smiled, "I'll have to talk to you about this later." His smile went away as he made a serious look when he laid his eyes on Cora, "Hey um...Corajan?"
Damon rolled his eyes, "Oh perfect, you got her name right, but you never got MINE right!" Me and Emily were giggling when he let out a groan of frustration.
Cora looked over her shoulder at Rick, "Yes, um....Rick? Is that your name?"
He gave her a nod in answer, "Yes. Look I don't know this family friend of yours, so what do you think he'll do when we get there?"
Cora answered with her snout rose and she hummed in thought, "Well we hardly ever have visitors show up at our cave, you'd be the first ones, so he might be a bit surprised. He used to live in Wingspan so he does know what a friendly dragon is. But I'll tell you this much, he'll probably get on my scales for talking to strangers and bringing them to our cave. He's pretty protective if you ask me."
Emily said in a bit of annoyance, "Welcome to the club of having somebody who's overprotective."
Rick said with a smug look, "Still your father, Emily."
Then his daughter shot back, "And I'm STILL not a little girl, dad."
Cora went on before those two continued to back talk each other, "Anyways, I'm sure he might see that Damon's friendly. As for you humans...Well as long as you don't cause trouble with me or him, you're good."
I shrugged my shoulders, "Not exactly planning on it. Not like we're that much capable of killing a dragon anyways."
She playfully shot back, "You'd probably have a chance to kill me since I'm smaller than your green friend behind you." She showed a toothy grin, "Which I wouldn't go down without a fight by the way. Don't think I won't fight back. I maybe little, but I can fight."
Damon grinned, "Heh, you didn't look like you did a good job earlier."
Cora narrowed her yellow eyes at Damon, her tail thrashed behind her, barely hitting me and Emily when we had to pull our heads back a bit, "Only because there were too many of them!"
Damon laughed, "And you were crazy enough to fight them even though you never seen any one of them before."
She turned her neck and held up her head in pride with her eyes closed, "I could've won. They were just lucky I didn't win."
Damon shot back, folding his wings on his back, "YOU were just lucky to be alive when we came."
She replied, "And I do appreciate it. Just don't think that I'm a weak girl. Cause I'm not."
He rolled his eyes at that, "Whatever you say."
Cora never did see his eyes rolled, she just kept her gaze ahead with her held up snout, "Thank you very much." I was giggling at her expression. Man, do all dragons act tough? First I see that Damon's tough, then Cora's tough, I wonder if her family friend's tough? I'll be having a feeling the answer's yes.
Up ahead a couple minutes later, we can see an entrance of a cave. By the shape of it, it looked like the shape of a mouth, judging by some rocks that stuck out on the top of the entrance like teeth. Damon sighed in relief, "Bout time, little one. I was feeling sore still from the battle." He showed a contorted face when his paw made another step on the grass. Pain must've shot on his shoulder, "Grrr, it hurts."
Emily rose a playful brow, "Now what did I say earlier? Quit being a big scaly baby."
Damon ranted, "I'm not a hatchling!"
Cora laughed and turned her body a bit to see us, "Yeah, sorry that it was a long walk. I wandered a bit away from home." She beamed when she pointed at her cave with a wing, "But we're here!"
Damon grumbled like a child, "Fantastic."
Rick remarked, his eyes on the cave entrance about several feet away from us, "Nice looking place."
She shrugged with a forepaw, "Well it's not much, but thanks."
Damon's bandaged form started to pace past the little red dragoness, limping a bit, "Then lets head on in. I'm tired already." Cora chuckled and all of us followed him through the mouth of the cave. Our forms disappearing in it.
Cora ran past the big drake, leading us the way again. Pretty sure she just wanted to be in front before us cause she wanted her family friend to see her first. To see she's left unharmed by us. As it turned out, the cave went deeper than we thought as we were now in a long, dark tunnel. About a minute passed by and all of us emerged in a big, high ceilinged cavern. And what me and the others saw after we entered, shocked us all. Except for Cora, she was pretty calm. We stopped in our tracks with gasps escaping our lips.
We see big, five feet long colored crystals jutted up from the ground at several places in the big cavern. And they were shining too, making the whole place have light. I even see several of them sticking out from above the ceiling as well. All of our bodies were within the bright glow of the place. Even the color of each of them makes me think they'd each resembled a emerald, a sapphire, a ruby, an amethyst, but they're several feet long and big! I found myself smiling at the scene beholding on us. Wow...This place is beautiful.
I was taking several slow paces towards one of them. Gazing at the big, bright, sapphire colored crystal sticking up from the floor. I chuckled at that and Emily came over moments later. Her face showed a smile of amazement, "This is...Beautiful."
I reached out to ran my hand along the smooth surface of the beautiful thing in front of me. My eyes never took off of the glowing thing, saying softly, "Yeah...Yeah it is." My eyes squinted at it and I think I can see my reflection being showed off of it. Then for a moment, the big round blue crystal that was the size of a car that the Lost Souls wanted us to get into popped up in my mind. Well these crystals weren't like that odd crystal we saw that night. They were just different, apparently. Which I think that's why I love these things we see here! We're not being forced to get inside them and we're not scared.
They really are beautiful, I had to admit it.
Rick was behind us, gazing intently at the emerald colored crystal nearby. Even his voice sounded like he was amazed, "This is truly amazing. Big...Five foot long crystals sticking out of the ground." He reached out to touch it, rubbing the glassy surface up and down, "Holy mother of god....Now I really think I'm sleeping on the ship and dreaming this."
I laughed, the echo of it ringing off the walls of the cavern. Then me and Emily spun around from the blue crystal to face him, his back still on us. I said with a giggle, "Feels literally like a dream. If my brother was here with us, he'd be amazed as we are." Then Mike's face came to my mind. You would, Mike...You would.
And god, even Joshua would be amazed by this, and I'm sure as hell that if mom was here with all of us she'd be amazed too.
Mom...Are you seeing this from heaven? Don't you find this beautiful?
Now that I really think about it, I feel like I'm in heaven now. Emily clutched my hand and grinned at me. I grinned right back.
Damon came up to all three of us, his eyes appeared to show a lot of amazement in them. Emily said with disbelief in her voice, "Gosh, Damon. Did you know this kind of place existed?"
He shook his head softly, eyes tracing along the ceiling, "No...I never heard of this place. Let alone never been to a place like this." He smiled and said, looking down at us, wings resettled on his back, "I've studied about these things back at home. Crystals are pretty rare in Avarilan. And from way back before I was born, only a few places like this have been found by dragons like me. But according to the stories, when the war started, a lot of places have been destroyed...Including the ones that were found and discovered. And now...There's one here and it's still standing after hundreds of years of war."
Emily smiled brightly at him, "You find this beautiful, don't you?"
"Very beautiful, Emily. Very beautiful."
Cora came up to all of us still in awe at her cave, big smirk on her snout as she turned her gaze to each of us, "Well? Do you like the place?"
I giggled and exclaimed, "Like it? I LOVED it!"
Rick chuckled himself and turned his eyes off the green crystal in front of him and onto her, "You said before we came in here that this cave's not much." He spread out his arms and declared, "This is much! This is totally amazing!"
She laughed a bit, "Thanks. Me and Rocko lived here for years. Even I could never get enough of it."
I tilted my head, frowning at the name, "Rocko?"
Cora answered, "My family friend. His name's Rocko. Or Rockojaren, if you prefer."
Rick joked, "Rocko? There's a dragon named Rocko? Pretty fitting for a dragon living in this cave. His head's probably full of rocks...And crystals!"
Then we heard a loud booming voice rang throughout the cavern, "Who's there? Did somebody say my name?" I moved my head and eyes back and forth, trying to see the source of the voice, but I didn't find him yet. By the sound of his voice, it sounds a bit old and ragged.
Cora called out with a giggle, "I'm home, Rocko!"
The tone of his voice sounded surprised mixed with worry, "Corajan? Where have you been? You've been gone for hours! I was gonna come looking for ya!"
She hung her head with a guilty look, "Sorry." Then she proudly held up her head with an announcement, "But I have guests!"
Then we heard a echo of a growl coming from her family friend, making my blood turn cold a bit, "Guests? Corajan, I told you not to talk to strangers!"
Cora shook her head, "But they're not strangers, they're saviors! They saved my life!"
There was a pause, until Rocko's voice came back, only in a soft tone, "They saved you? What happened?"
I decided to cut in the conversation, letting my voice echo out across the cavern, "Listen, we're not here for trouble. We have a friend here and he's sore from battle."
Damon muttered through a hiss, "TOO sore."
Emily hollered out with a giggle, "We love your cave, uh...Rocko. So...Can you come out and talk face to face?"
Cora nodded furiously at the idea, "Yeah! Come out and meet your guests!"
Then we heard a hiss of annoyance, "Hold your damn tail, young one, I'm coming!" Cora giggled at that. And all of us stood in silence, except we can barely hear footsteps running through the echoed ceiling. We hear that he's getting close to us and I followed the noise in time to see a grey scaled dragon padding up to us in slow strides. He had yellow eyes, curved grey horns, and even a grey underbelly that seems to be lighter in color. He had his eyes locked onto his guests, including me, curiosity shown in them, "Hmm, so you're my guests?" He stopped in front of us, "Never really expected the young one to bring guests here. Actually, you're the first guests to come here."
Damon stood beside me, saying to the grey colored drake, "We know. Heard from Corajan that you and her don't get too many visitors here."
Rocko snorted and he turned his eyes to the green drake, "There's pretty much a reason why we don't get visitors a lot." He gazed down to Cora beside Damon, "It's all for her sake...Cora, tell me what happened. How did you meet these strangers?"
She explained, "Ok, long story, but I'll make it short. I was taking a walk, like I told you I was gonna, and I was using the same trail just as usual. Never flew, just walked." She reached with her paw to rub under her belly, "I was just walking until I felt like I was getting hungry and-"
Her family friend groaned, laying his forepaw over his eyes, "Arrg, Corajan, you know you weren't supposed to go off hunting alone. You were supposed to come and get me when you're hungry. You know the rules."
She argued with a defiant look, "But I know how to hunt. I was just hungry and I thought that I could do it on my own."
He shot back, his tail thumped on the stone ground, almost hitting one of the crystals, "Corajan, you were gone for a long time! I was worried."
Cora hung her head and let out a guilty sigh, "I know and I'm sorry. I didn't want to come back to the cave cause I was already outside. I've thought...Why not go hunting now? How bad can it be?"
Rocko growled deeply with a narrowed look, "And you gotten yourself in trouble." His eyes wandered to us, "And they were the ones who saved your life." His gaze went back to her, "What happened?"
Damon answered for her, making Rocko look at him, "There were a lot of Lost Souls and a couple of Dark Dragons." He pressed his paw to his chest and shot his head towards me, Emily and Rick, "And we saved her life. She's not hurt, we saved her before they would kill her."
Rocko asked, having a worried look in his eyes, "Are they dead? Are they all dead? Cause I don't want any of them to find this place, and-"
Damon waved him off with a paw, confidence in his eyes, "They are. I assure you."
He took a calm breath as he puffed out his chest scales, letting it out slowly, "Well...I suppose I can be at ease then." He shot daggers at Cora, "And I can ALSO be at ease knowing that the dragoness that I've looked after for years is alive and well." Cora hung her head again and whined, "I'll talk to you about running off without telling me you wanted to go hunting later." His eyes drawn back to us, a smile forming on his snout, "But for now, I should be treating her saviors well. I thank you for saving her."
I just grinned at his expression. Well this was going well. Rocko here doesn't think that humans are a threat to Cora or to him. Good sign. Damon smiled too and bowed his head slightly, "It was the least we could do."
I chimed in with a chuckle, "It wasn't an easy situation, but we did."
Rocko looked down curiously at me, Emily and Rick, cocking his head, "What are you three? At first, since you three were standing on two feet, I sorta thought you'd be cheetahs." He paced a bit to us, lowered his head to our levels and said when he sniffed his nose, making me stumble away, "You don't look like cheetahs. What are you?"
Emily answered when she was trying to explain what we are, "Look, um, this might seem way off, but we're from another world. We're...From a place called Ft. Lauderdale. We're humans and we're not from Avarilan."
Rocko reared back his head in shock, "Ft. Lauderdale? Another world? Humans? I've never heard there was another world other than this one and I certainly never heard of humans before either."
Rick giggled a bit, shrugging his arms, "Tell us something we don't know." He pressed his hand to his chest, "I'm sure you want to know the names of Corajan's saviors, well here goes. My name's Rick." He gestured to me and Emily, "These two are my daughter, Emily, and Scott."
Rocko gave out a warm chuckle, "Rick...Emily....And Scott....Foreign names, I'd say."
I remarked when gesturing to the drake, "Well it's not everyday that there's a human by the name of Rocko. Or Rockojaren. That's foreign even for my mouth!"
He rose his head and tossed it for a loud old hearty laugh, "Oh, you got me there, little one!" Then he looked down at us, "So one of you said that you're hurt. Which one was it?"
Emily waved a hand at Damon, "Him."
Rocko turned his eyes onto Damon, noticing the bandages on his scales, "I see that you have those things on your body. No dragon could actually be born with those...White things on you."
Damon giggled and tried to resist the urge to scratch one of them off with his wing, "Oh trust me when I say it, when a dragon's born with these, they'd feel itchy for a lifetime. Ancestors, they're still itchy!"
Emily teasingly remarked, "Still your fault for fighting a lot of baddies."
Damon hissed at her, "Had to at least fight the baddies to save an innocent creature." He winced when he felt some soreness still on his limbs, "But ancestors, that bastard fought me good."
She giggled, "You fight the baddies, you get the wounds."
He groaned, "And I have the wounds to prove it."
Emily walked up and touched his scales fondly, "You have, big guy. You have."
Rocko smiled at this, "I can see that you, fellow dragon, that you seemed to have grown attached to these...Humans."
Damon replied with a smirk on his snout, "Well I only met them a few days ago. And basically what I'm doing is trying to get them all home." He held a pity look, "They...Been through a lot. They've gotten inadvertently involved in a war that humans are not even involved in."
Cora butt herself in, "There were a lot of others like them, but...They're dead."
Rocko had a surprised look on his face, "What? There were...More of them?"
Rick softly nodded, "Us three are the only ones left."
Damon sighed and nodded too with a look of determination, "I've been helping them ever since we've met."
Rocko stated, "Well considering that they're innocent, I'm glad you are. What's your name? Are you from Wingspan by any chance?"
He nodded, "Yes I am, and my name is Damonen. Or Damon if you like."
"Well Damon, I don't know why you're outside the city of dragons instead of staying there. But you are welcome to stay here, along with these recently discovered creatures here. Since you're one of those dragons who fight in the war for a living."
Damon shook his head slowly, his eyes only lowered, "I'm not much like everyone else." I tilted my head and frowned at that. Wonder what that's all about?
Rocko replied, wrinkling his face and his tail swished behind him, "Hmm, well whatever reason you have for leaving, for saving Corajan you deserve a break. You do seem to be hurt."
Damon remarked with his wings and shoulders shrugged, "Just sore. But yes...I need a break. I feel like I'm gonna collapse on the floor."
Emily rolled her eyes, "There you go being a big baby again."
The green dragon turned his neck fast like, casting her a glare and snorted, "I'm not a hatchling! I'm just in pain."
Rocko chuckled, making Damon turn his vision back to him, "Well if you feel like you're that worn out, come with me." He looked down at me, Emily and Rick once more, "You guys need a break too I bet. Knowing that you're pretty surprised and scared that you're in a world that's not your own."
I said, as Emily and Rick giggled, "You have no idea, big dude." I widely grinned and motioned my hand around the cavern, at the beautiful glowing colored crystals, "You really have a nice place. Pretty beautiful. There's no place back at our home that's like this."
Rocko made a smile as he started to slowly turn around on us, "Thank you very much. Now follow me to a place where you can rest." With that, he padded away with his tail swinging back and forth, all of us following behind him. Damon was just limping and moaning while at it, but like before we came to this cave he pushed on, walking past several other bright looking crystals all jutted up from the stone floor. Rocko led us to the edge of the big cavern to another tunnel. Kinda a bit dark as the last one we used. But it wasn't long before we entered a big circular room that has a big crack up in the ceiling. I can see the sky barely through the crack and saw that the sky has turned darker now. The sunset has went out and night came.
Rocko spun around to face us, big grin upon his face, "All of you can rest in here."
Damon cocked his head, "Aren't we intruding your spot to rest?"
The grey drake shook his head, "Don't worry, there's another room that me and Corajan uses. You guests can stay in this one." He flicked his eyes up through that crack in the ceiling, "You guys would like this spot. You can see the sky through there."
Emily said in gratitude, "Thank you."
Rocko grinned, "You're welcome." He locked his gaze on Cora now, "I can imagine that you're hungry still, right? Not had anything to eat?" Cora shook her head and then her family friend made a nod, "Then I'll be the one to get something to eat, you stay in the cave where it's safe."
Cora was about to protest, "But Rocko-" But before she could say anymore, he narrowed his eyes and growled. Then the red dragoness groaned and sat straight down on her haunches, closing her eyes and hissing out one word in defeat, "Fine."
He shot up his head, "Good." He returned his eyes to us, "I'll share the food with you guys too once I get it cooked, ok?"
I was gonna say no to that, "Well you don't have to, we-"
Rocko made a sincere smile, "There's no trouble at all." He shot his head at the corner of the room, "Go ahead, Damonen. Rest."
Damon's scales brushed Rocko's as he went over to that corner, "Thanks." When he made it, he sat down on his scaly butt, letting out a sigh of relaxation at that, which made us all giggle, and he laid down on his stomach next. Feeling relieved to have finally lay down. I was giggling at him still when he gave us all quizzical looks. Poor dragon was really tired and sore. Damon gave us a narrowed look and remarked, "You try limping for hours and see what happens."
Emily shrugged her shoulders, big smug grin on her face, "We didn't say anything."
He nodded in disbelief, brow raised, "No, but you're thinking it."
Rocko tossed his head and laughed when he started to leave us alone, "I'll see you when I get back."
His form disappeared in the tunnel, as Cora sighed and her head still hung, "I shouldn't have left Rockojaren like that."
Emily walked until she stood in front of Cora, smiling at her, "Hey, he'll get over it. He's probably just in shock still that you walked off and almost got killed."
Cora nodded, her wings fluttering behind her, "...Yeah." She casted her gaze to us, "I'm going to lay down in my room, you guys get your rest before Rocko comes back." Then she concentrated her eyes on Damon who laid on his side, relaxing himself, "You take it easy on yourself."
Damon tiredly replied, "Don't worry, I am."
She giggled and said, "Well welcome to my home, guys, and hope you enjoy your stay."
I smiled at her, "Thanks, Cora."
Cora said back, "You guys saved my life, so I'm returning the favor."
I waved her off, "You didn't have to return anything, but thanks anyways."
Cora nodded when she turned her back on us, "Yeah." She looked over her shoulder, as she took a few steps away from us, "See you around. I actually can't wait to know what humans are like." With those words, she disappeared into the tunnel as well, leaving all four of us alone in the big room.
I hummed quizzically, "Hmm."
Emily turned and frowned, "What?"
I replied when I turned to face her, "I'm just thinking...Apparently she doesn't get out much and explore the world." I thumbed behind me towards the tunnel, "Hell, she said that she's not from Wingspan, except Rocko."
Emily nodded in agreement, "I think you're right. For some reason, they're both living out here. In this place."
Damon said, finally relaxed on the floor, "Well Rocko probably felt crowded in Wingspan and left. Or he left Wingspan to not get involved in the war, I suppose. As for Corajan...I don't know."
Rick sighed and went to a spot close to the wall, laid his stuff he carried down on the floor and sat down with it, pressing his back against the wall, "Who knows why they're here? Point is we're here so lets sit down now."
Me and Emily nodded and we laid our stuff on the ground too, before heading up near Damon and sat down close to him. Reclining ourselves on the side of Damon's green scaled body. He didn't mind that we're laying against him, he just let his head lie down on the floor, feeling worn and relieved to found rest. All of us sighed in content and I wrapped an arm over Emily's shoulder, as she laid her head on mine. I looked up through the crack in the ceiling, seeing the stars through it.
I took a deep breath and let it out. Well at least Rocko wasn't bad, just like Cora. And gosh, that cavern was really beautiful.
When the sun finally went down, I still sat with my legs crossed close to the pond. The stars twinkled above in the dark sky. It felt like a quiet, peaceful night.
I took a breath and slowly let it out, as I begun to form a smile. The fun memories of what happened earlier, hours ago, were coming forth in my head. I let out a small chuckle deep in my throat. I really had a lot of fun with Luna in the very pond I'm sitting close to. And I even seen it on Luna's face that she had a lot of fun with me.
Me, her new playmate.
Internally it felt so good to play with her. I mean, I know that I had played with Scott in the pool back on the ship before the whole fight thing happened. But today was even better with the dragon. Most of the time, we both just played in the water. I chased her around, and she even chased ME around in the water. Heh, to her frustration before she could even catch me I always dived below the surface to slip away from her, popping out at a different spot in the pond each time I got away. Ha! The way she snorted at me every time I escape her really made me laugh.
Then we got to the point when we were just tired of chasing each other's asses and started to swim calmly around. Well her feet still stood at the bottom, so technically I was the only one swimming and she was waddling around in the deep water. I giggled to myself. Not as small as she'd used to be, that's probably what went through her mind, but she didn't care. She wanted to play with me.
Her first playmate since Damon....Her best friend.
My eyes went up to the star filled sky. You know Damon? I may not have met you, may not know you that well, but you were real lucky to have had a friend like Luna.
And Luna was lucky to have had a friend like you. Lucky to have had a friend at all.
She's thinking about you, dude.
Now my thoughts began to wonder about Luna's best friend and I tilted my head a bit in question. Damon...Are you alive up to this day? Are you waiting for Luna to come home? Are you at Wingspan waiting for her?
Luna left the dragon city eleven years ago, so is he even alive? I hope he is. I actually wanted to meet the drake. From what Luna says, he seems to be a nice guy.
Heh, imagine me, a creature from another world, actually brought Luna back to the home she left years ago. That I'm the reason she came back. Damon would surely thank me for that.
I hope you're alive, dude. I hope you are.
Then un-expectantly Gabby's face showed up, making my whole body feel cold. I hung my head and sighed in sorrow. I haven't thought about her in a while. And now her face brought back guilt in my body.
That I didn't save her. The girl I had liked.
I still wished that I'd saved her. That I wished that I'd somehow grabbed her hand before she fell to her death. I still wished that we both escaped together using that teleportation stone. It wasn't fair. What happened to her wasn't fair. She didn't deserve to be dead. I thought she was beautiful and kind. Hell, she didn't deserve to get kidnapped by the Lost Souls and get involved in this war, like me. She shouldn't have gone through that. Gone through her death. She was supposed to live.
And I didn't save her.
I showed a hint of a smile. You know something, Gabby? You would've liked Luna. I can imagine the fear in your eyes when you'd have met Luna in the cave with me. But then when you see that Luna's not a bad dragon like the ones that tried to kill us, you'd feel safe with her. You wouldn't feel scared anymore. Luna would keep you safe, like she would keep me safe. She would protect both of us, if you were alive and with me. She would do that. She would get us both to Wingspan. She would take us to The Great One. And then...We would both go home together.
I wonder, Gabby...If me and you would've grown closer on the journey together. I mean, I've thought that I wouldn't have a chance to be with you since you were with that asswipe Barry. Not to mention that you didn't live in Ft. Lauderdale like me. But...Would you have grown a lot of feelings towards me? Despite that you lost Barry, would you want me? I was chuckling at my own thought now. I know that you were joking that me and you were making passionate love on a beach together. But...Would it have happened for real, if you weren't dead?
I tightened my grip on my jeans, guilt tugging furiously at my heart. I shut my eyes real tight, trying to hold back the tears. Oh, Gabby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're dead. It's my fault.
Luna would've done a good job at saving you...Better than me. She would save you any day than I would.
Then I could feel this certain fear from before welling up in my chest. My thought made my eyes go real wide. On the day when I met Luna on the mountain and not long after we both flew off of it...I wanted to leave her. Afraid that she would've gotten killed because of me. That I wanted to find a way home alone. It was the same fear from that day that I'm feeling now.
Would it...Happen to her? Would Luna die...Because of me?
Maybe...I better leave her while I have the chance.
I shook my head from the thought, putting on a glare. Don't think like that. You need to stop worrying. Luna's a tough girl. She knows how to fight well. I mean, for fuck's sake, if you leave her you would not have any fucking idea where to go in Avarilan! You would get lost and soon get killed! Not to mention...You'd be alone again. You came to the conclusion before that you need that dragon's help. You can't do it alone.
I mentally shoved that fear aside and got up off the ground, dusting a few strands of grass off my butt as I stood. Luna's not going to die. She's not going to die. She won't die because of me.
I whirled around from the pond, thinking about heading back to Luna now who's waiting for me at the fire she made. I moved my legs and started making several paces on the path between the bushes and trees. I hope she didn't grew too concerned that I was gone forever. All I did was sit near the pond for some alone time and watch the sun go down. Well, Mike, better get back to the bossy girl dragon you're stuck with. I giggled at myself when I cut around the corner to see an orange flickering light ahead. That's the sign of the campfire Luna made.
I strolled until the fire became closer and closer, and I see Luna's black scaled form laying on her stomach in front of the flickering flames. She heard me coming and jerked her gaze off the flames onto me. I showed her a smile and she returned it with one too. She said, "There you are. The sun already went out. Thought you were gonna get yourself lost in the dark."
I chuckled and shrugged my arms, "I wasn't even that far from here. So I wouldn't get myself lost, big girl."
Luna asked and her wings moved a bit on her back, "What took you so long?" She formed a teasing smirk, "Did you go for another swim and didn't invite me? Were you trying to dry yourself? Is that what took you?"
I rose a teasing brow, "Actually no, I was watching the sun go down like I said I would. And if I was planning to, I wouldn't say anything."
Her jaw dropped and she narrowed her eyes when she snorted, "Well you're no fun. Why not? You know I love to swim."
I said with a small grin, "Oh I know that. It's also because you want to see me naked."
She actually pretended she was deep in thought, "Well-"
I let out a laugh, "C'mon, admit it!" I made a devious remark, "Honestly, I was kinda thinking about it, but I changed my mind. Why? Cause I was thinking that you would watch me from the woods take off my clothes, see me naked and then see my little ass run in the water. Probably laugh at seeing my anatomy."
Luna laughed at that, "Really? You think I'd watch you?"
She rolled up her eyes and shook her head, "You're getting paranoid." Then she rose a talon, adding, "I still think that it's ok for you to show your body to me. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not like that there are other humans out there for them to see your nakedness."
I just blushed at the thought and fidgeted, "But I still don't want to do it. We've been over this." Then I narrowed my gaze at her, "Just like I had went over it with you AGAIN when we started to trek out of the water. I told you to either turn your big, black, wet ass around, or wait for me in the woods, while I get my clothes back on."
The dragoness admitted when she made a rumble in her voice, "I did try to take a peek at you." She shot a narrowed gaze back at me, "BUT I knew that you would get on me for doing so. I think your kind needs to be more open about your bodies, like cheetahs need to be more open about theirs. There really is no shame in doing that."
I held up my chin, closing my eyes, "Nope, not gonna happen."
Luna growled, having a sharp swish of her tail across the grass, "Jerk."
I walked up to the fire and sat down near it, "That's right. I am a jerk." I gave her a wide grin.
Luna formed a smirk on her snout, "You seem to be proud of being one."
I nodded in pride, "That's right. I'm proud for being a smart ass, and I'm proud for being a jerk."
That's when she cocked her head, playfully asking, "I thought you were also proud for being an idiot."
My mouth dropped agape, "I was not!"
She shot up her head with a laugh. Giving me a pretend look that said she wasn't buying my answer, "Funny. I could've swore you were."
I glared, "No I wasn't, you freakin liar."
"That's pretty funny, I actually heard that idiots wouldn't believe that they're idiots at all. So that makes you an idiot." She winked.
I groaned, "Going back to the name calling now."
She shot back at me, "You just called me a freakin liar, you idiot!"
I pointed a finger at her, "And you called me an idiot again!" Then I was about to topple over on my back when I laughed hard along with her. Luna was slamming her paw in a fit of laughter, her wings also fluttering on her back.
After the two of us stopped laughing, Luna just grinned when she took a deep breath, "I had fun with you. Even when you were just being private about your body."
I was grinning myself when I nodded, "Me too."
Then she had a bit of a narrowed look in her eyes, "But I didn't like the way you just evading me underneath the water. That's not fair!"
I giggled, "Not my fault you're not small enough to dive and swim after me. You're big and your feet just touch the bottom of the water!"
Luna whined, "Damn it, I wish I was small again!"
I made a wide look and furiously shook my head, "Don't wish that! You'll catch me in the water if you do."
Luna formed a toothy grin, "Why shouldn't I wish that I was the same size as you? I think it's only fair that I catch you in the water for once, like you catch my tail every time you chase me."
"But I like you when you're big!"
"Right now I kinda don't."
We both paused as we both just stared at each other with our grins. Then Luna's smile went away, when she hung her head and broke the silence, "I'll be honest...For a long time, I had wished that Damon was with me and...Played with me like before. Because you know...I miss him."
I made a nod at that, "I know, Luna." I got up from the ground and made my way around the fire up to her side, reaching up to touch her shoulder, "I think you deserved to have fun."
She turned her head and smirked mischievously, "Even after I gave you such a scare today?"
I chuckled a bit, "Oh I was already over that." I was rubbing her shoulder comfortably, "You deserved that kind of fun again. After living alone for so long. And...I was willing to help you with that."
She brought her head to the side of my body and nuzzled it with her cheek, "Thanks again, Mike. For being my playmate for the day."
I shifted around on my feet and touched her neck scales, "No problem, big girl." Her nose was drawn to my chest and she nuzzled it softly, I giggled softly at the sweet gesture and my hand was stroking the underside of her chin. My fingers pressed under her head, having her bring her gaze onto mine and I kissed her nose. I looked into her silver eyes and then all of a sudden...I saw that her eyes were replaced with a different color and saw that they were...Gabby's eyes.
Internally, I gasped in shock. That never happened before and I was surprised that I had imagined Luna's eyes as Gabby's. My fear for her dying because of me came back in an instant and I found myself lowering my gaze to the ground. A bit of guilt from Gabby's death tugged at my heart again tonight. Luna's eyes grew concerned and she asked with the same concern in her voice, "Mike? ....What's the matter?"
I forced myself to look back at her eyes once more, and now they showed only Luna's. And the guilt and fear went away slowly. I knew that it was just my imagination, but...It really got to me. I shook my head, smiling at her, showing her that I was alright, "I'm fine. I was just...Thinking about something."
Her ears perked and she cocked her head, "What was it?"
I sorta did want to tell her about Gabby. About the girl that I had a crush on and didn't save her before I teleported myself up on the mountain and met the dragon in front of me. I never had ever since we both met. But...I couldn't. I didn't want to talk about it. I assured her, "It's nothing."
I kinda thought that in her eyes she didn't believe it. But she smiled back a second later and nodded slowly, "Alright."
I backed away from her head and yawned loudly. She chuckled, "Tired now?"
"Kinda am." I let out a sigh, looking behind me at the dark woods, "Well in the morning we're going to leave this area."
She playfully whined, "Aw, do we have to go tomorrow? I was thinking about swimming again."
I laughed and looked back at her, "Hey it was your idea that we leave tomorrow!"
"But I changed my mind!"
I gave her a playful look and shook my head, "Sorry, but perhaps we'll see another pond to swim around in."
She growled deviously, "Perhaps next time you'll show your own body and not be shy about it?"
My cheeks were turning red at that, "Not letting that go, huh?"
"Nope. I'm helping you get out more. I told you that I'll help you get over your fear of flying AND give you the courage to show your body to me and to others."
"Perhaps with more of your scary flight tactics and jokes....MAYBE I'll get over it." I shook a finger in front of her eyes, "But I seriously doubt that I'll take my clothes off in front of you. I'll be making you turn around when I do."
Luna rose her head away from me and held it up in pride, "We'll see about the last part." I rolled my eyes and then her maw opened and yawned as well, "Now I'm tired." She looked to me and asked, "Want to sleep by me again?"
My blush went away and I nodded, "Sure."
Luna started shifting her body to lay a bit on her side, exposing a bit of her belly and raising an inviting forelimb to me, "Come here, Mike."
I knew what she wanted me to do. She wanted to sleep with her limb wrapped around me. She never did that to me last night, only I slept close to her side and she draped a wing over me. I grinned at that. I don't see anything wrong with that. I got on my hands and knees, and crawled up to her. And when I did, I laid down on my side with my back pressed against her and she wrapped her paw around my stomach, holding me close. Honestly, I did feel comfortable laying like this with the big girl. I twisted my head to see her eyes still on me. She asked, "Do you mind it?"
I replied, "Not at all. I feel comfortable with it."
Luna pleasantly sighed, "Good." Then she lowered her head to the grass, taking a deep relaxing breath and I feel her chest expanding behind me.
I shifted my body a bit, saying this to her as we're now both laid close to the campfire, "Goodnight, Luna."
Luna yawned again and she closed her eyes, "Goodnight, Mikey."
I twitched at the name. My face was wrinkling as curiosity and confusion got to me. She said it again. She called me Mikey. That's twice now. How could she have called me that? My mother called me that.
I wanted to ask her how she knew how to call me Mikey, but I didn't. Luna was tired and so am I. I'll ask her tomorrow, if I remember. I let out a breath and started closing my eyes. So we'd continue our journey tomorrow.
Luna, who appears to be short and small, shouted through fits of laughter over her shoulder, "You're not gonna catch me this time!" She ran as fast as her four limbs could carry her, laughing very hard as she sprinted across the soft grass outside the very tall, stone wall surrounding Wingspan, the city of dragons.
Damon, who was about the same size as her, never slowed himself down as he was catching up to the young dragoness, "I'm gonna catch you!" The sky above them wasn't as blue as before, now it was turning orange as the day's almost over.
Luna gasped and tried to bring more energy to her legs to make her move more faster, but it was no use, Damon was getting close behind her. Damon dashed harder, his wings folded on his back and when he was close about a few meters away, he leapt off the grass and crashed onto her back. Luna let out a high pitch scream of surprise and glee as they both tumbled and rolled along the ground, ending their tumbling with Damon pinned on top of her with his paws pressed to her chest.
Luna tried to get him off of her, but he pinned her good, making her whine when she pulled her forelimbs back to her chest, "Aw...You caught me!"
Damon held up his green head in total smugness and pride, "Looks like I'm on top. I win!"
Luna used that as a moment of distraction and actually pushed him off of her, much to his surprise when he made a yelp. And now she was on top of him, eliciting a giggle as she looked down beneath her, "Actually, now I'm the one who's on top, drake."
Damon groaned, his wings and tail laid out on the grass, "Drat!" He sighed as he looked up at her smug grin, "Well it's over, time to get off now."
She mischievously giggled, "It ain't over yet. After you humiliated me with your pin, I'm gonna get back at you." She playfully growled at him, lowering her snout to his ear and her tail swishing behind her, "And I think you know how I'm gonna do so."
He had a freaked out look when he knew what she was getting at and he started to squirm underneath her, "No! Not THAT!" But she followed through with her threat, when she started using her talons on one limb and started tickling his wing, making it twitch in reflex from her attack. Damon tried to hold back his giggles with a very tight muzzle, but couldn't and he started to laugh uncontrollably, "Ah....Bwahahahahaha...Oh stop it! Stop it!"
But Luna didn't relent, continuing her assault on his other ticklish wing membrane with her other paw, "Say I win the game!"
Damon didn't want to give up, but his laughing from his tickling nerves were making him think otherwise, his toes were curling inward and both his hind legs were twitching, "I...I...Ahahaha, I won't! Ack! Aaaaahahahah!"
She shouted through his loud laughter, "Say it, or you'll die from laughing!"
Damon's green tail jerked a bit when he still cackled, "I...I won't say it!" He tried to push her halfheartedly off him, but she held firm and his laughing didn't help him aid much, "Heheh, stop it...Ahahaha!" He was coughing because he was running out of breath, but Luna didn't give up.
"Say I'm the winner!"
Damon finally gave in, "You're the winner! You win! You win! Just stop already! Mwahahahaha!"
Luna held up her snout at his answer, lifting her paws off his wing membranes and pressing them firm on his scaled chest, shouting her accomplishment, "I WIN!" Damon let out a breath of relief, his chest rising up and down in a fast pace, relieved for the fact that her assault is now over. He laid his head back on the grass, finally beginning to relax underneath the dominated black dragoness.
Luna giggled when she stared down at him, the grin never left her face, repeating the same words in a smug tone, "I win."
Damon rolled his eyes at that, "So what? I always win at the chasing game. You got lucky now."
"Oh, I know. But it sure feels nice to not feel humiliated anymore. Looks like you're in my place."
"Yeah, sure. Like all the times that you humiliated me with your flight skills."
She spread out her wings, showing them off, "At least I have a game that'd beat you everyday."
Damon sighed, playfully saying, "Show off."
Luna asked with a giggle, "What? You getting jealous that you don't have wings like me?"
Damon shook his head, "Not even close." He shot back with a grin on his snout, "This doesn't change that I'm the fastest runner than you are. I caught you."
She tapped her claw against his nose, "But I beat your game with ticklish wings."
"Like I said, you got lucky. I didn't expect you to push me and pin me to the ground and start tickling me. That wasn't fair!"
She bellowed in glee, "I still win!"
"Yeah for once."
She laughed and finally got off his body, shaking the dirt and grass off herself, and Damon rolled onto his fours and shook his body, wings and tail too. Sending clunks of dirt and grass flying. Luna after she curled the wings on her back started circling around him, whispering the same words over and over again, "I'm the winner. I'm the winner. I'm the winner."
Damon laughed, folding the wings on his back too, "Alright! You're the winner!"
When she strode past him, she flicked the tip of her tail against his snout, "You better say I'm the winner."
Damon jogged up and rubbed his scales against hers, warning her with a playful growl welled up in his throat, "Won't be the winner next time."
She nipped his neck, making him yelp and he hissed, "Oh, I think there'll be a next time. When you pin me again." She winked.
He adamantly shook his head, "No you won't. I'm gonna make sure you won't pin me like that ever again."
Luna brushed her wing tip against his, "Aw, and I thought you always like me tickling your wings."
His eyes went wide at her statement, "No I don't!" Then he made a comeback with a grin, "I bet you like mwah tickling yours."
She shot up her head, "I hardly let you. I have a habit of tickling them before you."
Damon rolled his eyes, "No kidding."
She giggled before calling him, "Sensitive scales."
The green drake had his wings drooped and his green cheeks made a red tint, "Don't call me that!"
She howled in laughter, patting his shoulder with a paw, "Aw, but you are sensitive. Like you have sensitive wings."
He shot back when he flicked his tail against her flank, "You know what? Don't make me call you black slime."
She shot daggers at him, which it hit an apparent nerve, "You better watch it."
He made a teasing grin, "I mean, the color of your scales really make you look disgusting."
She made a protest at her best friend when he laughed at his own joke, "I do not look disgusting!" She held up her head, "Humpf, I'll have you know, my scales are quite beautiful."
"And I always tell you I beg to differ. Cause your scales seriously have the color of the slime of the darkest deeps of the swamps away from here. So yep, your scales look disgusting."
"How would you know?! You never been there! I mean, ancestors, they're pretty far away from home!"
He waved a paw as he explained it, "Did you already forget about this story of my uncle actually flying off to the swamps and came back home to describe what he'd saw. He said that there was disgusting slime that was as dark as the night sky! He even touched and sniffed the stuff." He sniffed her scales and scrunched it, pretending to have smelled something disgusting on her, "My uncle said that the slime is not a pleasant smell. Hard to describe it. And in your case...You have the indescribable smell."
Luna just snorted in response, "At least my scales are more beautiful than yours. The color of your scales look like somebody retched their food from their stomach."
Damon retorted, "At least I'm not covered in black slime."
She walked to his front, standing firm in front of him, face to face, trying to snap her jaws on his nose. He yelped and back away one inch from her teeth, "Quit saying I'm covered in black slime! Barf scales!"
His eyes went wide, "I thought I was sensitive scales!"
She made a grin and a remark, "Barf scales, sensitive scales....Same thing. With how sensitive you are and by the color of them scales, that's why you're both!"
He shot his daggers at her and she was still holding her grin in triumph. But he didn't hold that look for too long and they soon were sharing a giggle. He reached out with his snout and nuzzled her cheek with it, "How could I hate you?"
As he pulled his head back, Luna licked his nose with her pink tongue, "You couldn't. Cause you're sensitive."
He let out a sigh, "...I am sensitive." He hung his head in shame, "I always am."
Luna held a pity look on her face and she brought her snout closer to his, trying to look deep in his eyes, "It's ok, Damon. That's just who you are." She gave him a comforting smile, "I like the way you are."
He nodded, "Yeah I know. But...It's just what everyone calls me, you know. It just...Gets to me." He sighed again when he turned his body a bit away from her, "I mean, I know you always kid around with me when you call me sensitive, but....Not everyone kids around like you." He shook his head and groaned in frustration, "I never fought before, I don't even want to do it. I'm just...Scared of fighting and I'm scared of the war. Everyone just-"
Luna cut him off with a stern voice, "Damon, stop." He looked at her and she went on, "I don't care if you want to fight or not. What does everyone else know? They think they're just better than you by pride and strength. But I think you're better than them. So they can pretty much go mount themselves." Damon chuckled as she continued, "I kinda believe for a fact that they're pretending to be tough and gruff, when some of them are actually scared. They just want you to look like the one who's scared."
Damon said in a low voice, "They're doing a good job and they're not wrong. I am scared."
"Well who cares what they say? You can fight in the war if you want. That's up to you. Besides that, Illuminus is teaching you how to use your powers cause he teaches everyone how and he's your friend." She shook her head, "Don't let everyone else get to you. I like you the way you are. And for the record...I don't like fighting myself. We're being trained just in case we have to."
Damon actually started to smile at her and said, "I guess that's why I can't hate you. You don't call me a coward."
"Well since I don't like fighting either, then we're both cowards."
Damon chuckled, "You don't like it, but you're not afraid of it, there's a difference. So basically...You're not a coward."
She nuzzled him deeply in his neck, "So what? I still wouldn't call you one." He nuzzled back, a lot of rumbles in his throat were made when he purred, so had she. Luna pulled back and locked eyes with his, "Damon, don't worry what everyone else says. They're probably just cowards like you are and don't want to admit it." She shrugged her wings and shoulders, "I would admit it."
Damon laughed and nodded, "I know." He puffed out his chest as he took a deep breath, "Well...Alright, I'll try."
Luna smiled at him, "Good. And you know you can talk to Illuminus about it if you want."
He shook his head, "No, it's ok. I guess I could've, but they would think I'm the one who tattled on them."
She sighed, "Well that's up to you as well."
Then the two of them had their ears perked up when they heard a voice calling out to them from up on the wall surrounding Wingspan, "Damonen!" They both looked up and see that it's a green dragoness who's taller and older than them. She called out, "It's time to come home!"
Damon hollered back when spreading out his wings, "Coming!" Luna spread out her wings as well, and they both ran and took off the ground flapping both their wings in unison. Gaining some altitude that took them up to the top of the wall. They landed moments later right in front of the green dragoness, folding their wings against their backs. Damon smiled up at her, "Hey mom! Here I am!"
Damon's mother chuckled warmly, "Well I see that, honey." She looked down at Luna, "Did you have fun with my son, Lunasin?"
Luna nodded when she paced a couple steps to stand beside her best friend, "Yes, I did." She shot her head towards him, her horns almost hit the side of his head, "Your son almost caught me again in his chasing game. But I pinned him down myself and made him say I'm a winner!"
Her best friend's mom laughed, "Oh did you?"
Damon groaned, "She's lying mom." He formed a big grin and he lied, "She never pinned me at all. I always beat her at my own game." Luna rolled her eyes that she knew that he was beaten tonight, but she didn't protest. She just let it slide.
The tall dragoness replied with a chuckle, "I didn't really believe it anyway. I've watched you two play before and you, my son, always seem to catch her."
Damon shut his eyes and held up his snout in pride, "I do catch her."
Luna muttered, "Oh brother."
The grownup dragon motioned her snout towards the direction of their home, "C'mon. It's getting late and everyone's turning in."
Damon nodded at that, "Alright, lets go." He turned to Luna with a smile, "I had fun today. See you tomorrow?"
Luna smiled brightly, "Definitely. See you tomorrow."
Damon nuzzled her for the last time, "Goodnight, Luna." He turned away, spread his wings and took off in the air with a flap, his form started flying over the city.
Damon's mother said after he left, "Night, Lunasin. And tell Illuminus I said hello."
Luna nodded at the tall dragoness, "Will do. See you around." And with that, Damon's mom unfurled her wings and started to flap them, bounding herself in the air when she took off. And as of now, Luna's standing on the wall all alone, turning her head to stare at the lands beyond the city. The sky was getting more darker than it was as the sun was about to go down below the horizon. From up there she can hear the crickets doing their thing too.
Luna smiled to herself, as her curiosity of what's out there got to her like before. She let out a calm sigh and then the young girl realized she needed to get back home. With a few paces along the edge of the wall she started to run, spreading her wings and giving them a couple of flaps. When she gave herself enough speed, she made a leap to the air and flapped them, taking off away from the wall now.
Luna made several beats of her wings, getting higher in the air, flying above the skyline of Wingspan. The streets down below were lit up by torches and through the windows of several stone buildings that she flew over had lights of several dragons that were in their homes. The young dragoness angled the wings on her back, making a turn in the air, her mind only on going back to where she lives. After about two minutes of flying over the city, she can see a small stone building that the top of it is shaped like a dome. That was the place.
As Luna glided down smoothly to the stone street, she landed softly on all fours, laying her wings against her back. She let out a breath and casually walked up to the front entrance of the place and went through the wide circular opening. After entering her home, she hollered, taking a couple of steps towards main room that includes a mural of The Great One and his mate on the wall, the two of them laying close together on their stomachs, "Illuminus, I'm home."
She can hear from another room that sounds old, but sweet to her ears, "I'm in here, young dragon." She grinned and bounded her way through the main room, walking past the small pedestal that used to hold the egg of the only hatchling that Illuminus had. Her talons tapping loudly on the floor and her tail swung wildly behind her. She entered her father figure's place of slumber. There he was, Illuminus, laying on his stomach on a nest of large blankets that were made by cheetahs from a nearby village that he visits once in a while.
The old dragon had pure white scales that are all over his body, even on his wing membranes. He has grey horns sticking out of his head. And even the color of his eyes were white as he gazed at the approaching dragoness. He smiled warmly down at her when she got close, saying in his old voice, "Hello, Lunasin. Did you have fun with Damonen? How was that young drake?"
She piled on the blankets with the old wise dragon, as he watched her, "I did actually." She giggled, laying on her stomach beside him, rolling up her eyes to look up at him, "He was great as usual. Always acting like a real chum as you'd say."
He chuckled, laying his wings on his back, curling his tail to his side, "I'm sorry that I didn't talk to him today. You both know how I am."
Luna laid her body against the older one's, "Yeah, we know. You were busy teaching." She giggled and shook her head, "But we don't ever mind it. It always comes with a job for ya."
Illuminus replied, "And I've been doing my job teaching you two how to use your powers." He snaked his snout to nuzzle her softly, "Even you, my favorite student."
She licked his nose lovingly, "You call me your favorite student, cause you treat me as your daughter."
His white eyes met her silver ones, "But you are like a daughter to me." He giggled, "I know I never really had a daughter before, only..." He hung his head and sighed in sadness. Even Luna can feel that sadness emitting from his body close to her little own. She knew what he'd always thought about. She knew it all too well.
She rubbed her cheek comfortingly into his side, "I know. You don't have to say it." She showed guilt in her eyes, thinking that this was her fault, "I'm sorry about-"
He wiped that look off his face and shook his head reassuringly, "It's alright, Lunasin. You know how I am. When I think about how...The war started...It does struck forth to my soul." He looked up at the ceiling, wonder in his eyes, "I wonder what my mate thinks of what the world is now? That the world of Avarilan is not free from war."
Luna remarked, "Makes you wish that you had the power to speak to whose up in the heavens, huh?"
He giggled deeply, "I certainly do."
She laughed and said, "I mean, you lived for hundreds of years! You've mastered every element known to dragon, even have powers that you can use with your mind, and you never had the power to speak to someone up in the heavens. Do you even deserve it? Sure! I think you deserve that kind of power." She nodded slowly at her own idea, "I don't see why not. That way you can talk to your mate. Talk to your beloved. I mean really, c'mon!"
Illuminus shook his head and rose it away from her, "Perhaps that kind of power was never meant to exist at all. I do not question the ancestors for not having a dragon, even myself, have that kind of power. I'm born with what I have. We're all created by the gods in the clouds along with the powers made for us."
"You're like a god yourself. You had lived for years and you still never died."
He looked up at the ceiling, "Perhaps I am. I have special blood that has kept me alive beyond the normal age of a normal dragon...I probably am a god. And with my mate...I created another dragon who is a lot like me...Only we're not alike by personality."
Luna looked out through the small round window to see the dark night sky, her voice sounded like a whisper, "....Yeah."
Illuminus cocked his head in concern, "Something troubling you?"
Luna let out a sad sigh, "I was thinking about-"
"What the outside of Wingspan's like." Luna only made a small nod and he nodded return, "I know what you're thinking. After all the stories I told you about what all of Avarilan was like, you had grown curious of it. Wanting to explore it."
She turned her eyes back to him, "I do. I mean....I know what the war is. I'd known that from you. And I've also known that when the city sometimes gets attacked. Its just I can't...Get it out of my head. I feel like I really want to see it. See what's really out there in front of my eyes. Not stay cooped up in Wingspan for years."
"But you're still young to try something like that."
Luna sighed, drooping her head, and her wings laid out to her sides, "But it's not really fair. I mean, it's not fair that young dragons like me don't go outside the city and see what we don't have here."
Illuminus formed a smile, "You do go outside the city with me. And also with Damon and his family if I'd heard correctly."
"Yes, but I don't get far! I only leave the city with you and Damon with his family cause of only TWO things. One I go swimming at the large lake, and two we go picking apples to snack from those trees not far from here also, and I've been doing that for years." She patted on the blanket she's laying on, flicking her tail behind her, "I never go with you to see the cheetah village only a day away from Wingspan. I've never seen one before. Only heard stories about them too. They can't even come to our home because of...The war. They're not much friends with dragons because they hate the war. Cheetahs don't go flying on our kind's backs and see our home like in the stories and it's because of this war." With her eyes showing frustration, she sharply turned her gaze away from the white dragon's eyes, "I mean, ancestors, you told me stories about gryphons and I've never seen one of them either!"
Illuminus muttered her name, "Lunasin."
Luna huffed, softening her look and bringing her eyes back to him, "I'm pretty intrigued by your stories like all the other young ones. Maybe more intrigued than they all are. I have been for a long time, but I can't go see it. It's all this stupid wars fault."
The old white dragon rose a brow and hummed, "Mmm...Yes, it is the wars fault. Things haven't been the same since dark times have arrived upon the lands."
"Illuminus, I don't care about the war. I'm old enough to see it."
He shook his head, his eyes grew serious, "No, young one, you're not. You're still a teenager. The world is really dangerous. There are other things out there that are dangerous other than Lost Souls and Dark Dragons. More dangerous than you imagine."
"That doesn't stop me from feeling curious."
He made a chuckle deep in his throat, "I thought not." He brought back his snout down to her, "Lunasin....I know you're curious about the world. But you have to be patient."
She hung her head, letting out a depressed sigh, "I just...Feel like I'm gonna be stuck here forever."
He nuzzled her forehead with his nose, cheering her up, "You won't. One day when you're older, you'll have your chance to see it."
Then Luna leaned her head into his white scales and softly rubbed her cheek on them, "But when though?"
He just grinned at her, pausing for a moment until he said, "I'll tell you when the time comes. Time for sleep, young dragon. Your next day of training will start tomorrow." He chuckled and mentioned, "Might as well have enough sleep to not look so cranky in front of this certain drake that you probably like...Maybe as a potential mate. I'm sure he'll be training tomorrow too."
She frowned and cocked her head, "Who're you talking about?"
Illuminus shook his head softly, "I see it in front of my eyes, but you young one don't. Really is a pity."
"No, seriously, who ARE you talking about?"
He chuckled again before he answered, "Damonen."
Luna reared back her head in surprise, "Damon?" With her eyes still wide she shook her head, "No way, no. I don't think Damon in that way. He's my best friend." She shifted a bit on the blanket to get comfortable, "I don't see us as...Mates. Heh, I never thought about it."
He let out an amused sigh, "You're just young and naïve. Perhaps one day you'll see him differently?"
She shot a playful glare at the old drake, a bit of red showed on her black cheeks, "Illuminus."
"Love does find any dragon, cheetah and gryphon. Love has found me. It'll even find you too."
Luna formed a smirk, "Illuminus...I really don't see that."
He nuzzled her cheek with his, and she let out a purr when leaning back into him. When he pulled away, he lovingly licked her small forehead, "Like when you'll see the day when you're old enough to explore outside the city, you'll see the day when love starts to form between the two of you."
She had a look of disbelief and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, sure."
Illuminus stared to curl around her little self, laying his head on the blanket, "You'll see, young one....You'll see."
Luna brought back her smirk and laid her head down as well, "Night, dad."
Illuminus smiled at the word dad, "Goodnight, Lunasin." He immediately shut his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose, letting the slumber overcome him. Luna hasn't done that yet, only rose her head off the blanket a bit and glanced up at the round window on the wall. Her curiosity for the world still buzzing in her. She let out a sigh, her face showing impatience.
She doesn't want to wait. She wants to see the world. She's tired of not seeing it.
Despite Illuminus's words, she doesn't want to wait till she's older. She wants to see it now.
Luna took a deep breath and let it out before she laid her head back down on the blanket. Closing her eyes to try not let her thoughts bother her like all the nights before tonight. Finally feeling content to sleep with her father figure.
I jerked my eyes open and quietly gasped. I moved my head back and forth and saw that I'm...Still laying close to Luna with her paw wrapped around me. The night's still here. I frowned and then I twisted my head around to see that Luna's still sleeping peacefully. Moaning a bit like she was dreaming about something. I think she's talking in her sleep too, but I couldn't exactly make out what she was saying. My heart pounded hard in my chest, surprised and confused at what I saw.
Wow....That was strange. That dream...What was that all about?
I closed my eyes trying to remember it. I can remember it pretty much. It felt real...Like I was there. But I wasn't.
I was...Dreaming of...Luna, who...Looked to be the size of a donkey or something like that. She didn't look tall and big at all. I was dreaming about her as a teenager. Damon was there too, and....Illuminus too! Gosh, he looked magnificent in my eyes. And Luna wasn't kidding that Damon was a good drake...He was. And I even see what Wingspan looks like. Remembering the buildings. So that's what it really looks like? God, the place looked amazing. There really were tall stone buildings and that wall that surrounds the huge place was amazing too. And in her dream, Luna mentioned something about a...Gryphon? Wait, so there are gryphons in Avarilan too?! Jesus, what else did she not tell me?! First dragons, two legged cheetahs, and now gryphons.
I frowned to myself as I was still pressed against Luna's scales. That dream...I must've been dreaming of her teenage life before she was....Kidnapped by Abyss's forces. Before she snuck out of the city of dragons one night. She looked...Really happy back then....Until her curiosity gotten to her so much and trouble had found her and brought her to Abyss. She must've not listened to Illuminus and snuck out of the city like she told me.
I can't believe what I'd saw in my sleep. I don't understand it. How could I have dreamed of that? How could I have dreamed of Luna's past? There's no possible way I could dream of that. That I'm pretty sure.
It felt real, no doubt about it. But...How was it possible? How could I have seen it?
I hear Luna mumbling in her sleep again and I grew a pity look on my face as I remember every bit of that dream. I reached out to pet her scales lightly. You had a great life and it was taken from you. I'm sorry, Luna. I'm sorry that you don't have your best friend and father figure anymore.
Now a realization came to me. I realized I never saw her parents. She didn't appear to have slept by them in the dream, she slept by Illuminus, her teacher and father figure. She even called him dad.
My curiosity about her family came to me like it did earlier today. Did they die? Now I'm really wondering.
I yawned as the feeling of sleepiness came to me after waking up. Well I can think about it and ask her that again later. Like I'll also ask her about gryphons in Avarilan. I'm going back to bed. We'll leave in the morning.
So with that, I got comfortable within Luna's forepaw again and closed my eyes. The dream still on my mind after I closed them.
How did I get that dream? It didn't feel like it was my own.
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