Current Track: Blabb

 Sauna Serenity

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

17th February, 2024

All Rights Reserved

Bernard set down the utensils, one
beautiful ear flicked forward, the other back before he swallowed
and grinned across the lunchroom table at his friend, the hybrid mule
deer who set down his sandwich and looked back, his eyes filled with
curiosity and a little nervousness.

“Ceder - “ Bernard smiled, his
infectious smile spreading from one ear to the other, as the
extroverted kangaroo smiled warmly.

He's planning something, usually
with him, it's unexpected, such is his nature – pure chaos,
often with the purest of intents, he's such a sweet, trusting, and
gentle soul.
Ceder thought to
himself, his eyes slightly widening, his floppy ears brushing quietly
across his robed shoulders.

“I've been
thinking,” Bernard continued as if he hadn't paused for a moment.
“how about a sauna day?”

Cederwyn's frown
intensified before he opened his mouth and Bernard reached across
and gently cupped the nervous buck's chin, pushing it up.
uh, hear me out – please?” Bernard begged in that adorable way
he had.

Cederwyn whispered, his eyes turning down at the outer edges, his
lips following, reflecting his hesitation.

Bernard could
sense Cederwyn's uncertainty, and his look spoke more than the quiet
hybrid did. With a gentle smile, Bernard nodded and gestured wildly,
painting a picture of relaxation and camaraderie. “Imagine it, my
deer friend! A place where warmth envelops us, steam swirls around,
and worries just dissipate! It's the perfect way to unwind and share
As Bernard continued to expand at length,
Cederwyn's expression softened. His initial worry transformed into
contemplation, and a sense of trust in the younger marsupial's words
began to blossom within him. The kangaroo's contagious excitement
started to work its magick on the hesitant and skittish deer.

“I don't - “
Ceder began, then Bernard snorted and laughed in that beautiful,
sweet voice of his.

Tomorrow, 0930, it's a date!” Bernard nodded, standing up and giving
the hybrid a friendly kiss on the cheek.

As Bernard bounced
off in the way he had, Ceder felt like the breath had been stolen
from his lungs, the warmth, love, and light, seemingly sucked out of
the room as Bernard left. Slowly, Ceder placed a dark-furred paw
against his forehead and rested it there.

have I gotten myself into now...”
He quietly muttered.


dressed only in a towel affixed around his waist, rolled his eyes and
tapped a long foot on the floor before he chuckled and turned about.
“There, happy? I'm not
looking - “

Nervous, Ceder turned his own back, untying the cord belt and then
the light forest green robe that he tugged up over himself, folding
it in three, then setting it in the locker.

a shy deer,” Bernard's voice reached Ceder's ears. “It's so

blushed, his inner ears turning a rich salmon color, as he took a
pool towel and covered his nakedness.


As they
moved past jacuzzis and spas, Bernard bounced around with that
tireless energy and exuberance the young kangaroo had, his excitement
palpable. As they entered the more tranquil area Bernard had booked,
Ceder's nostrils flared, catching the scent of eucalyptus, chamomile, and other pleasant fragrances that filled the air, soothing and

Bernard, with a flourish only he could pull off, revealed he was
dressed in a colorful pair of swim trunks, as he eagerly led the way
to the sauna. Cederwyn, slightly more reserved, followed suit,
keeping a very tight grasp on his oversized towel, trying to shake
off his lingering nervousness, his cloven hooves clicking on the
non-slip tiles.

- “ Bernard giggled, clapping his paws together. “Over here!”

blinked then snorted, shaking his head as he cleared it, following


sauna door opened, turning into an airlock of sorts, Ceder closed
the thicker outer door, feeling the room pressure change with a
subtle hiss. As Bernard opened the inner door, Bernard, with a
mischievous glint in his eye, gestured for Ceder to enter first. The
mule deer took a deep breath, feeling the heat envelop him as he
stepped inside. The wooden benches and the subtle crackle of the
heated rocks created an atmosphere both enclosing and serene.

settled in beside Cederwyn, a grin still etched across his face.
“See, my deer friend, this is the perfect place to unwind and let
go of all worries,” he exclaimed, patting the space next to him.

Cederwyn hesitated for a moment, before settling down, the warmth
gradually seeping into his fur, his skin, his very pores, and finally
– penetrating the twitching, taught muscles and bones beneath. The
initial tension began to melt away as they sat in companionable
silence, the only sound being the hiss of steam.

As time
passed, Bernard began sharing light-hearted stories, his animated
gestures adding flair and drama to each tail. Cederwyn, initially
reserved, found himself soon giggling helplessly, the sauna providing
a safe, comfortable backdrop for their friendship.

Amid laughter and shared stories, Cederwyn began to appreciate
the genuine joy that Bernard brought into his life. The worries he
had harbored earlier seemed to dissipate in the sauna's comforting

Bernard reached over and tenderly caressed Ceder's right ear, then
snickered. “Ewww, it's so...wet.”

a startled snort, Ceder pulled his head away, then shuddered and
nervously giggled. “They're – like radiators I suppose, and very
sensitive. When I blush, being what
I am... the blood vessels dilate I suppose, and cause the...”

Bernard listened, both ears pricked forward. “You know, for an
author, you're not very – descriptive
– are you? I get the idea, they cause the most adorable
thing I've ever seen!”

Cederwyn blushed even worse under his friend's gentle words, the
sauna's warm intensifying the hue on his ears. As the conversation
flowed, it became clearer that the sauna wasn't just a place to
unwind but a genuine space for connection and understanding.

hours later, Ceder thinking he'd been steam cooked right through,
Bernard led him to private showers. Here, Ceder stared, watching his
sweat turn a milky color, as it sluiced off his fur and down his
body. Once he was thoroughly clean, Ceder stepped into the dryer.
It looked like a small shower cubicle with nozzles. He curiously
touched the glowing panel, then bleated as warm air assaulted him
from every direction at once, Bernard's chuckle coming from the
adjacent stall.

last, dried, clean, and redressed, Ceder shuddered, as Bernard grinned
at him and placed a paw on Ceder's chest, that beautiful, adorable
smile creasing the kangaroo's face.

was fun, wasn't it?” Bernard asked, his ears pricked forward.

Cederwyn couldn't help but return the smile. “It was... more than
I expected, Bernard. Thank you for convincing me to give it a try.”

wrapped an arm around Cederwyn's shoulders, and they left the spa,
the shared serenity of the sauna lingering in their hearts.

no more stressed, nervous deer?” Bernard asked as he leaned back
against his car, raising an eyebrow.

for a while my friend, truly – thank you.” Ceder smiled
nervously. “I can't help the nervousness, it's a part of what I

Bernard pondered, crossing one arm over his chest, the other one idly
drumming his short dark claws against his cheek. “I'm hungry, let's
go eat.”

chuckled, watching Cederwyn's startled reaction. Seamlessly, he
shifted forms, his kangaroo features transforming into those of a
mischievous coyote. The laughter echoed in his new form, and he
couldn't help but revel in the wide eyes and down-turned lips on the
deer's face.

coyote that Bernard had become, snickered, meeting Cederwyn's
widening eyes with a playful glint. Licking his lip, he maintained a
mischievous grin, savoring the moment of unexpected transformation.
His ears pricked forward, capturing every nuance of Cederwyn's

Bernard's perspective, the shift in appearance was not just a
mischievous display of shape-shifting abilities but an amusing twist
to their interaction. He reveled in the surprise and wondered how
Cederwyn would respond to this unexpected turn of events. The
coyote's demeanor remained lighthearted, reflecting the playful
intent behind the spontaneous transformation.

are friends - “ Ceder whispered skittishly, backing up against the
side of the car. “not food...”

not both?” Bernard's grin spread wider. “Hmm, I didn't think
this through... I guess you're driving...”