Current Track: Blabb

Chapter 6-Hakuro/Kurotora and light Bayonetta/Yuki

Yaoi, Yuri, labor, and mpreg

The forest was crawling with bugs and small animals. Two dogs were walking through searching under leaves and roots.

"Damnit, I can't believe that Akame made us go all the way out here just to pick up some goddamn herbs!" snarled Hakuro. "Cheer up daddy! We'll find them in a hurry!" said Haka.

"Thank you, let's just get this done quickly." he said.

"So you say that my old rival Hakuro is nearby?" said Bayonetta. Her friend bowed. "Yes, he is currently in the forest nearby, Should we chase him out?" he asked. Bayonetta thought for a moment, "Yes, but don't kill him. Bring him here so I can fight him myself." she said.

"As you wish, my lady." said the Husky. He walked out of the room.

"Just you wait Hakuro. I've gotten a lot stronger since we last met." she thought.

"Is something troubling you, love?" said a female voice. Bayonetta turned her head to see her mate Yuki. "Oh no, I was just thinking about something, that's all." she said smiling. "Was it about Hakuro?" asked Yuki. Bayonetta's jaw dropped, "How-!" she said shocked.

"I heard your conversation silly. How could I not hear your voice?" giggled Yuki. "By the way, one of my dad's friends came to tell me about my uncle Gin."

Bayonetta raised an eyebrow, "Your uncle Gin? You mean the one who took down that bear? Him?" she asked. Yuki nodded, "Yeah, I want to meet him!" said Yuki. "Okay, but after I kick Hakuro's ass!"

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"So you've really made up your mind, dad?" asked Haka. Hakuro nodded, careful not to drop the herbs they found. "Yes, if what Akame told me is right, then these herbs could help with wounds."

he said. "Really now?" she said. "Yes hopefully. Let's hope I got the right ones, hehe." he said sweat-dropping. Haka shook her head.

"Dad?" asked Haka. "Yes sweetie?" said Hakuro. "There's this male I've had my eye on for a while now."

"What! Who?" asked Hakuro in surprise. Before he could get an answer…

"Hey boss!" yelled one of Hakuro's pack friends. "Yes, what is it?" he said somewhat annoyed.

"Kurotora…he…something happened…and." he panted out of breath. Hakuro looked at Haka, "I'll talk with you later dear. Your stepfather needs me, it seems. Stay here, alright?" he said running off with his friend. "Is Kurotora in labor?" she thought for a moment. "Oh fuck, this ain't good,…" she muttered.

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Kurotora was in his room lying on the floor, blood coming from his rear. "Damnit, why now!" he cursed. "Kurotora-kun!" yelled Hakuro in the distance. "Hakuro, my stomach!" he yelled. He panted, "Why the fuck did I go into labor NOW!" he growled. "Hurry the fuck up, bastard!"

Hakuro ran inside panting, "The pups are they-?" he began to ask, walking toward his mate. "Yes, they're coming damnit! You sure took your sweet time getting here, asshole!" he snapped.

Hakuro licked his mate's face, "I'm here, don't worry Kurotora. Nothing bad will happen now." he said nuzzling his face. "Boss, shall I get Cross and Akame?" he nodded, "Hurry please." His friend left running.

A few minutes later, his friend arrived with Cross and Akame.

"So Kuro-chan has gone into labor, it seems!" piped Cross. Kurotora panted, "Don't…call…me…that…AHHH!" he cried, digging his claws into the ground.

"Shhh, I'm here Kurotora…" breathed Hakuro, licking his mate's face, wiping his tears off.

"Ahh!" cried Kurotora. "Just relax, don't push so hard. You'll hurt yourself." said Akame calmly.

"Easy for you to say, ass!" he snapped. He winced, feeling a powerful contraction. "AHHH!" Liquid leaked from his butt. "His water's broken. It shouldn't be long before the pups arrive." he looked at Kurotora, "How long have you been in labor, Kurotora?" asked Cross. He panted, "About…two hours." he breathed. "Baka, you should have called for someone sooner." sighed Akame.

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"What, you're saying Hakuro's mate is in labor?" yelled Bayonetta. Haka nodded, "Please, I'm worried. It's been a while since he left." she said. Bayonetta sighed, "Guess I'll have to put our rematch on hold." she said. Turning to Yuki, "Let's go. I don't want to miss the birth of my rival's children!" she said running after Haka. Yuki followed suit.

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"AH FUCK!" cursed Kurotora digging his claws in his mate. "Hakuro winced, "Not so hard please." he winced again as Kurotora screamed loudly. Akame checked his rear, "I can see a head coming." he said. "You need to push now." he said.
Kurotora braced himself and pushed, "AHH!" he yelled, "That's it, just a little more!" encouraged Cross, rubbing his back.
Kurotora gave one more push, cries following suit. "That's it, now let me clean the pup." said Kurotora reaching over. He gently pulled the pup close to him. "He...looks...just like you." he breathed, looking at the orange pup. Hakuro smiled, "Now for his siblings."
"Dad!" yelled Haka coming into the room. "Haka, why are you here? I thought I told you to stay put!" he said.
"Sorry, but I bumped into your old rival and her mate." she said as Bayonetta and Yuki walked inside.
Bayonetta smiled, "Been a while, hasn't it Hakuro?" she said smiling.
"Not since Haka was born." he said. "Forgetting about me, are we?" growled Kurotora. "I never thought you'd fall for another male!" said Yuki lying down.
"The next pup is here." winced Kurotora. His dug his claws into his mate again. "I'm gonna have scars from this, I can tell." he said.
"The next pup is almost here, just relax and keep pushing." said Akame. "Put a cork in it, ninja asshole!" he snapped.
One more push and the second pup came out. "Here's a black one. Just like his mother." chuckled Cross placing the pup next to his brother. Kurotora winced, "So soon after this one? Damn, it must want out now!" chuckled Bayonetta.
"That's it, easy does it." said Hakuro licking his face. "Shut the fuck up, I'm castrating you when this is all over fucker!" snarled Kurotora.
A few minutes later and the third pup came out. "A grey one."
"I need some water." he said. Cross pulled over a leaf with water collected inside. Kurotora lapped up the water. He breathed in and out, making a steady breathing rythem. "Fourth one." said Akame.
Kurotora pushed, the pup coming out. "Easy now." said Cross.
Ten minutes pass, a white pup came out. "The last one seems to be..shit, this is not good." cursed Akame.
"What's wrong?" asked Hakuro. "The pup's in breech." said Akame. "It's coming out the wrong way backwards." Kurotora cried, "Fuck, is it?"
"Easy now, just push." he said. A few minutes later, "Alright last one." said Akame.
Hakuro sat up to look at his pups.

The first pup was orange with brown and black stripes. The second pup was nearly black with even blacker stripes. The third pup was grey with brown stripes. The fourth one was white with black stripes. The fifth one was grey with black stripes.

"So beautiful…" muttered Hakuro. "I am never doing this again, bastard."

"Looks like they're all males." smiled Yuki. "Strong warriors for the next generation." said Cross.

"The first one shall be named Rukai. The second one is Kagetora. The third one is Arion, the fourth one was is Nobutora, the fifth one is Harutora." Kurotora looked at Hakuro, "You can name the last one." Hakuro thought for a moment, "Tony. We'll name him Tony." said Hakuro.