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Hanging My Clothes to Dry by ConejoBlanco
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This submission contains non-sexual wetting.
It's a nice warm sunny day. What a great time to hang my wet clothes out to dry - with me still in them! I bet all the other forest critters can smell my pee-stinky coon fur from a hundred feet away though! Nothing feels more fun than wetting while playing at the same time. Anyone want to help me down?
Thank you, ConejoBlanco , for such a beautifully colored drawing. Your backgrounds are fantastic. :)
Be sure to fave the original, by ConejoBlanco , [b][u]here[/u][/b].
It's a nice warm sunny day. What a great time to hang my wet clothes out to dry - with me still in them! I bet all the other forest critters can smell my pee-stinky coon fur from a hundred feet away though! Nothing feels more fun than wetting while playing at the same time. Anyone want to help me down?
Thank you, ConejoBlanco , for such a beautifully colored drawing. Your backgrounds are fantastic. :)
Be sure to fave the original, by ConejoBlanco , [b][u]here[/u][/b].
9 years ago
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