Current Track: Blabb

\n Walter was back early the next morning.  "Good morning, Vallen!" he said, wheeling a large machine on a cart into the cave.

\n "What's that?"

\n "Oh, something special that the San Diego handlers and I discussed last night.  They should call in about five minutes."

\n Vallen yawned, stretched, then settled down in front of the machine while Walter set it up, removing a small panel from the cave wall and running a wire from the machine to an outlet in the wall.  Once that was done, he pressed a button on the machine, and a screen on its front brightened slightly.  Then they waited.

\n They didn't have to wait long; after only a minute or two, the machine made a ringing noise and some human writing Vallen couldn't read appeared on the screen.  Walter stood between him and the screen, pressed another button and said, "hello?"

\n A picture came up onto the screen, and there was a human on it.  "Good morning, Walter," the human said, her speech emitted through speakers on either side of the screen.  "Is everything set up on your end?"

\n "Yes, Sandy, everything's ready.  And you?"

\n "All set.  So..."  Walter stepped away from the screen and the woman on the screen walked out of the screen's view, leaving someone else visible in her place: Aithsa.

\n "Son!" Vallen said in dragontongue; he had to stop himself from reaching out to touch the little dragon's image with his snout or one of his paws.  "How are you?"

\n Aithsa smiled at him and walked towards the camera on his end.  "Dad, put your head down.  All I can see is your big neck."  Vallen lowered his head, and Aithsa said, "there you are, dad!"  He reached out and his claw disappeared beneath the bottom of the screen.

\n "Aithsa, don't touch it, it's fragile!" he heard Sandy say, and Aithsa's claw came back into view.

\n "How are you?" he repeated.

\n "I'm fine.  I wasn't very happy on the first day...  I was so lonely, and there were so many humans watching me.  But Sandy's been nice, and she spends a lot of time with me so I don't feel as lonely anymore.  She's the one who suggested that I start acting."

\n "Acting?  What, does she have you reciting some sort of speech?"

\n Aithsa pulled his head back.  "No, no, dad, we put on a show for all the guests!  It's a lot of fun.  They give me a big hoard of treasure to guard at the entrance of my cave, and then there's a woman I'm supposed to be threatening to eat.  So I snarl at her and stuff, then another man comes along, he challenges me and we pretend to fight, and I pretend that he wins the fight.  Then he sets the woman free, and that's the end of the show.  It's a lot of fun."

\n "That's good to hear, son.  Are you eating well, and getting enough exercise?  And are you being nice to everyone?"

\n "Yes, dad."

\n "That's my boy."

\n Both of them were silent for a moment, then Aithsa looked down and said, "do you think we'll ever see the rest of the clan again?"

\n Vallen sighed.  He didn't want to let Aithsa down, but there was no way he could tell the truth.  Not in front of this Sandy woman, anyway...  Wait, what was he thinking?  The humans didn't understand dragontongue!  "Chris is near my zoo, right now.  I talked to him last night, and he says he can get me out of here tonight.  Once we're done here, he'll come to get you, then we'll all be together again."

\n "Do you really think he can do it?  There are a lot of guards around my cage."

\n "He already got Carnoc out, didn't he?  I'm sure we'll be no problem for him.  If all goes well, we could be really seeing each other in just a matter of days."

\n "I hope so.  I miss you, and Molthan and Orasin and...  Everyone," he said, blinking back tears.  "I want to go home."

\n "I know, son, I know."  Vallen wished he could reach out, drape a wing over the little dragon and comfort him, but even though they could see each other they were almost two days' flight apart.  "Stay strong for me, have fun in your show, and I'll see you soon.  Don't let yourself feel sad; I'm sure Chris will be able to get you out of there.  Come on, let me see you with your head high."

\n He sniffled, then lifted his head to look his father in the eye.

\n "You call that high?  Come on, you little hatchling, use those muscles!  Let me see a strong, proud dragon!"

\n Aithsa snorted, then stood and reared onto his hind legs, his head disappearing off the top of the screen.

\n "There you go.  You just take care of yourself, and in a few days Chris will be there to take you home.  Everything's going to be fine."

\n He sat back down on his haunches.  "All right, dad.  Have a good flight home."

\n "I will.  Goodbye, son."

\n "Goodbye."

\n Vallen turned to Walter.  "We're done."

\n He nodded, then walked back in front of the screen.  "You there, Sandy?"

\n "Yeah, I know, they're done.  What?"

\n "I'm thinking we should do this more often...  Once a week, maybe.  Can't keep father and son separate for very long."

\n "I know what you mean.  In a week, then, Walter; I'm sure both of them will look forward to it.  See you."

\n "Bye."  Walter pressed a button below the screen, and it turned off.  "What do you think?  Is talking to him once a week enough for you?"

\n Vallen thought for a moment.  "He's young.  Normally a fledgling dragon won't start to grow independent until he reaches fifty or sixty, and Aithsa's only half that.  I wish it could be more often, but...  Doesn't matter."

\n The human unplugged the machine from the wall.  "Why not?"

\n "I'll tell you tonight...  Until then, though, I'm hungry.  You have some food for me?"

\n The day passed with almost agonizing slowness.  It was impossible not to think about what would happen that night, and the thought of flying home, the anticipation of being free again, made each minute seem like an hour.  Staying on the paths and conversing with the humans didn't help, but at least Walter seemed to have done his work, because the children weren't asking for rides any more.  

\n But he couldn't bring himself to enjoy interacting with all the humans, and in the end he just glided back to his ledge by the zoo entrance and curled up there, resting in the sun.  He would be flying for much of the night and the following day anyway if all went well, so he could use all the rest he could get.

\n Walter came up to see him early in the afternoon.  "Something wrong?  You're usually out entertaining the whole day."

\n He sighed, but he couldn't tell Walter about the plan, or at least not yet.  "I'm just tired.  Maybe I'll go back down there later, or maybe not.  It's warm on this ledge."  He stretched out and yawned for good measure, then added, "I could lie here all day."

\n "All right."  Walter turned to walk back into the cave, and into the hallways beyond, then laughed.  "You'll miss your chance to exercise."

\n "I can exercise when I feel like exercising.  Go on, do your other work.  Not all the animals in your care can see to their own needs."

\n "See you at dinner, then," the man said, and walked into the cave and out the door there.  He sighed again, then laid his head down for a nap.

\n Walter woke him up later, just in time for Vallen to look up and see the sun set.  "Have a good rest?"

\n He yawned, taking in the smell of the assorted meats laid out before him.  "I haven't been able to just lie out in the sun since...  Well, not ever, really; I wish I was able to sleep in the sun back home.  You have a busy day?"  He dipped his head to take a bite so he could eat and listen at the same time.

\n "The usual.  A couple of security stir-ups, but nothing big."

\n He looked up from his meal.  "Oh?  What happened?"

\n "Not much, just a couple of kids trying to shoplift from the gift shop.  We took back the stolen items, checked their UN ID cards so we could notify their parents and the police and sent them home, and that was it.  Like I said, nothing big."

\n "That's good."  Vallen finished his meal, then watched the sunlight disappear from the evening sky while Walter cleaned off his teeth and lips.  He thought while he couldn't talk: would it be safe to tell Walter of his plans to escape?  Yes, if the human liked him anywhere near as much as he seemed to, which Vallen thought he did.  And based on what he had said the night before, he likely wouldn't interfere...  Yes, he decided, Walter deserved to know.

\n "Walter," he said once his mouth had been cleaned off, "did you mean what you said yesterday?"

\n "About what?"

\n "What you said about me leaving."

\n "Ah.  Well, I thought about it, and...  We can't just keep you here if you want to leave.  At best it's imprisoning you against your will and without lawful reason, and at worst it's slavery; I mean, I do ask you to do some entertaining.  Though I could pay you, I suppose..."

\n "I would have no use for your money, you know that.  But do you mean that you would prefer to see me free?  If you were to see me escaping, you wouldn't stop me?"

\n He nodded.  "Yes.  I do mean that."

\n "Good."  Vallen lowered his head to Walter's level and whispered, "I'm leaving tonight."

\n "Oh."  He just stood there for a moment, then smiled--though it looked forced.  "I suppose it's for the best; I know you don't belong here.  I guess...  Good luck, Vallen.  Good luck getting home, and seeing your sons again, and making it to that female clan you mentioned."  He hugged Vallen around the base of the neck.  "I'll miss you."

\n He growled, but let the human embrace him.  "I know you will."

\n "It won't be the same without you.  None of my other charges talk back to me.  Not like you do, anyway."

\n "Don't worry about it.  You got along fine before I was brought here, I'm sure, and if you liked working here before I came you should still like it after I leave."

\n Walter let go of the dragon's neck and stepped back.  "I know.  Again, good luck, and I'll do my best to spread the word about your kind, like you said yesterday.  I guess I'll see you some other time...  Bye."

\n "Goodbye, Walter."  The human turned and disappeared into the cave.  Vallen watched him go, then settled down to wait until it was time.  His wings twitched a couple of times a minute; he couldn't wait to get moving, and after resting for most of the day he was full of energy.

\n Finally it was late enough, and he retrieved the communicator from behind its rock.  "Chris, it's me.  I'm ready to go."

\n "We're already on the way," Chris said after a moment.  "Sean's up in the air, and we're waiting for Dave to get into position.  As soon as he's ready, he'll tell us.  Then you'll fly up, he'll take out the power, and you'll meet Sean in the air."

\n Vallen stood and flexed his wings, preparing for the flight.  "So you say I'll be able to fly without having to worry about humans?"

\n "Pretty much.  Sean told me to tell you, you'll be getting communications from humans occasionally.  They'll call you by Sean or Mr. Nelson, and they'll tell you to adjust your flight path according to some figure so other, faster aircraft can pass you.  Don't respond, just do as they ask, and keep flying west-northwest until you reach mountains.  Once you get to them, turn north, follow the mountains and look for familiar territory.  Nothing to it."

\n "All right.  How long is the flight, do you know?"

\n "Well, by car it's about twenty-seven hundred kilometers, but for you it will probably be closer to twenty-four hundred since you can take a more direct route.  Either way, you'll be flying for quite a while."

\n "Sounds like fun."

\n After a few minutes of silence, a new voice said, "all right, I'm in position.  Is everyone else all set?"

\n "I'm ready to go," Vallen said.

\n "And I can see Sean waiting up there," Chris added.  "This is it.  Vallen, get in the air, and tell Dave when you're ready to leave."

\n Vallen took off, circling up to the barrier above the zoo in slow, easy spirals.  "I can see another dragon on the other side of the barrier, so I guess I'm as high up as I need to be."

\n "Firing...  One cable down."  The laser barrier flickered.  "Two, three, four and five.  That's it, go!"

\n The barrier flickered one last time, then completely disappeared.  Vallen thrust his wings down and accelerated upwards as fast as he could go, almost colliding with the other dragon in his rush.  "Here," the dragon said, holding up an oversize backpack.  "I'll put this around your neck.  As soon as I tell you it's secure, get out of here.  The police are sure to be here any minute."

\n Vallen nodded and flew as close as he could manage, and the other dragon buckled the straps of the pack around his neck.  "All right, it's all set.  Go!"

\n Vallen didn't need to be told twice; he turned and flew northwest as fast as his wings would take him while the other dragon dove back down towards the parking lot.


\n "I'm telling you, it's just been too long.  Who knows what they're thinking now?  You have to keep in mind that unlike us, they have no contact with the outside world.  All they know is what they see themselves.  So when they reach fall, or even maybe winter without any sign of us, what do you think they will do?"

\n Nesleh shuffled his wings.  "How should I know?  Besides, it's only August; we have plenty of time to get out there before they start to worry.  As I said before, there's no need."

\n Ureth growled.  "No need?  If they decide they can't wait any longer for us to show up, they might decide to start flying in our direction.  And what do you think will happen then?  The world isn't bare of humans over there!  They'll be seen and captured in an instant, and what do you think we'll be able to do when they've all been caught?"

\n "The dragonesses have always been patient.  They will wait at the very least until the end of the year for us to arrive.  We have been late before...  We were late last cycle, in fact; I think you remember that delay as well as I do."

\n "But never like this!  That's why I'm saying someone should go now, so at least they will know what's going on.  Getting the entire clan there without being noticed is hard.  One dragon, however, is another matter entirely.  Send someone.  I'm willing enough to go."

\n He snorted.  "I believe when I first assumed responsibility in Vallen's absence you were the one who told me to act in the clan's best interest and not my own.  However unfounded your advice was, it seems that you need it more than I do, Ureth.  Control your desire for another couple of weeks.  It won't be long until you will have your chance to mate.  There's no reason to hurry."

\n Ureth stood and snarled at him.  "This isn't about me.  I don't care who you send, but someone has to tell them, and if you don't choose someone to go, I will."

\n He looked at the ground, twitching his tail.  "You cannot.  It's not the right choice, and besides, with Chris away, you will have no way to even get into Canada.  At least wait until Vallen gets back, then give him your suggestion and see what he thinks of it.  But until then, I can't let you go."

\n "You're stalling," Ureth growled.  "It's not about doing the right thing.  You're just afraid."

\n "What did you say?" he snarled.

\n "You heard me.  You're afraid to leave, coward."

\n "How dare you!" Nesleh roared, leaping to his feet.  "I have made this flight six times in my life, and not once have I been shy of the trip to their caves.  For the last time, just drop the idea."

\n "Coward," Ureth repeated.

\n What little other conversation there was in the cave stopped as all the other dragons turned to stare.

\n Nesleh growled and struck forward with his head, fangs snapping shut just a claw's width from Ureth's snout.  "Do not call me that again.  Not if you want to live to see the next evening."

\n Ureth took a step backwards and raised his head, fanning his wings out.  "Threatening me, now?  I'd like to see you just try to fight me, old one.  How about a duel?"

\n Nesleh hesitated.  "There hasn't been a duel in your lifetime, and believe me, you should be glad you've never seen one.  Do you really want to end such a peaceful time?"

\n "Sounds like the coward doesn't want to fight after all."

\n "That's enough," Nesleh barked.  "You want to challenge me, Ureth?  I accept."

\n "Both of you, stop!"

\n They all turned to look.  A dragon had just landed at the cave entrance, silhouetted against the moonlight outside.  "Nobody is going to start a duel, not while I'm here," Vallen growled.

\n "Father, you're back!" Molthan leapt to his side, reaching forward to nuzzle at his shoulder.

\n Vallen nudged him away.  "In a minute, son.  Now, Nesleh, what were you saying about a duel?"

\n "Ureth here challenged me, just before you arrived," Nesleh said, lowering his head respectfully.  "I accepted, because--"

\n "In that case, I'll ask the initiator first.  Ureth, what is the meaning of this?"

\n Ureth looked uncertain, but stood his ground.  "I suggested that we send someone to the dragonesses' clan to explain why we're so late flying out there.  Nesleh and I argued about it, and I challenged him."

\n "Over an idea?  That seems doubtful."

\n "He called me a coward," Nesleh said.  "Three times."

\n "I see."  Vallen thought for a moment, then said, "Ureth, you know there is no dragon here who is a coward, and at your age you should know how much we all hate the idea of cowardice.  What did he say that prompted you to call him that?"

\n "This wasn't the first time I'd mentioned the idea, and I said he was stalling for time, hoping I would wait for you, and that you would tell me no.  He said it would be best for me to at least wait for you, and I said he was just afraid of the idea.  Then I called him... a coward."

\n "Nesleh, is what he says true?"

\n "Yes."

\n Vallen paused for a moment to think.  "Nesleh, go get a drink from the spring and calm down some.  You were justified in accepting the challenge--"

\n "If he was justified in accepting it, then let it happen!" Ureth snarled.  "I'm tired of sneaking around in this cave like a hunted beast when we could be flying away to Nepal!  Why can't we just leave?"

\n "Ureth, enough!" Vallen roared.  "It doesn't matter whether or not it was a justified challenge anymore.  You must be more patient; I don't like your idea either.  Aithsa is the only dragon left in captivity, and at this rate he'll be back here in just a few days.  The whole clan could be ready to leave for their clan in a week, or less, and that short an amount of time is no reason to send someone ahead.  Not only that, but I can't let there be a duel so close to when we'll have to leave, because one or both of you could end up too hurt to fly if I let you fight now."

\n Ureth opened his mouth to argue, but Vallen snarled, advancing on him.  "No, I'm not going to hear anything more about this.  Nesleh, go and get some water."  The old dragon turned and walked away, then Vallen continued, "Ureth, when Nesleh returns, I want you to apologize to him for what you said, then go to your alcove and stay there until tomorrow night.  Understood?"

\n Ureth lowered his head to the ground.  "Yes, elder."

\n "Good."  He turned and walked back to the center of the cave.  "As for the rest of you...  I'm back.  Have things been peaceful in my absence?"

\n "Yes," Molthan said when none of the other dragons made to answer him; most seemed intent on staring at their own paws.  "Nesleh took over for you, and aside from what you arrived to stop, it was fine.  Or..."

\n Vallen interrupted him.  "What happened to your face, son?"

\n "I was getting to that.  Carnoc lost his temper and clawed me."

\n He whirled around, but Carnoc was nowhere in sight.  "Nesleh, have you dealt with this at all?"

\n The old dragon walked back out from the rear chambers of the cave.  "Yes.  I've confined Carnoc to his alcove for a week from when he attacked Molthan, and we're going to concentrate a lot more on his control.  But it's not just that; he attacked and killed some humans while he was in Florida, and..."

\n "I heard about that; considering the sort of impression I made on people in St. Louis and how well Aithsa's been doing in San Diego, it shouldn't be hard to explain to the humans that he just has an anger problem and that not all dragons are so violent.  Either way, I'm going to go have a talk with him."

\n "I'll come with you; I never did teach you how to subdue him physically, so this would be a good time for you to learn.  But first, do we know what Chris' plans are for Aithsa?"

\n "Yes.  I already talked to Chris down on his patio, and he says they're leaving for San Diego in the morning.  If they break Aithsa out as quickly as they freed me, then he could be back in just two or three days.  And then..." Vallen glanced around at the other dragons in the cave.  "We leave.  And you all know what that means."  A few dragons chuckled at this, but most of them didn't seem to notice his attempt to lighten the dark mood in the cave.

\n He sighed, turned away and walked back towards Carnoc's alcove, Molthan and Nesleh following him.  "It's good to have you back, father," his elder son said, nuzzling his shoulder again.

\n "I know, son.  I was able to talk to Aithsa while I was in St. Louis, and he's doing well enough...  He misses us, though.  I hope Chris, Sean and Dave are able to bring him back soon."

\n "So do I."  He paused a moment, looking at Vallen's side, then said, "Carnoc complained that he wasn't treated well where he was held.  Were the humans mean to you?"

\n He laughed.  "Oh, no, they were very nice.  They barely even confined me; I just had to stay inside the zoo, otherwise I could do whatever I wanted to do.  I spent the days entertaining the humans, and talking to them whenever they were interested.  It was almost enjoyable, actually, if I didn't think about being here."

\n "But you're happy to be back, right?"

\n He returned Molthan's nuzzle.  "Of course I am."
