Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Concuration


No one had trusted the
king. After the stunt that he had pulled early morning with that news about a
new law taking place upon their fair realm. Many were angry; so few of them
never cared about it anyway. Citing some sort of money profits for their own sales
that is. My head shook while listening to everyone surrounding me,to their
conversations that was looming upon the air above us. But my eyes were entirely
somewhere on their own however. For as I stared, I looked upon the horizon
before me. Staring down onto the medium size room that we were in. Empty as
always however, with nothing more than just a pair of chairs, table and
something else amongst the room.


With painting lingering
onto the walls and hanged, alongside the lamppost and other things that were
there, I turned my attention towards the others as they shift their eyes over
to me. Their conversations were silent, neither of them had said anything in
response with the looming silence hovering over the room. I just nodded towards
them, saying nothing more than to raised my claw. Pointing upward to the
ceiling once, then rapidly shift it downward pointing to the basement below.
Everyone nodded, then split into two even groups. Natty, Kyro and Ozkun headed
upstairs; the rest went downward. Disappearing from my views after they had
exited from the room, taking the hallway that was ahead of them. I exhaled a
breath and shift my attention towards the chairs and lamps that were there.


Heading forth towards one
of them, I slumped upon the chair and l leaned backward to feel the backside
hit against my wings which were spread of course. I glanced over to the brown
table that I somehow missed; overtop were some magazines piled over one
another. Tilting my head, curious as to what each one had offered, I snatched
the top and opened it up instead. Taking the time to read while the
investigations goes onward. Yet a short while into the break, my walkie
suddenly went off. My eyes  blinked and hanged
my head, averting my eyes away from a particular page that I was reading.
“Ling. You are needed upstairs." “Coming." I responded without hesitation,
getting up from the chair and setting aside the magazine back upon the table.
Though unneatly organized however.


I walked passed the
chairs and lamps. Heading back upon the entrance of the hallway where one step
inward, exchanges the main room that I was in for the hallway that I would
entered in. Suddenly, the place had dimly darkly as if someone had turned off
the lights somehow. My eyes peered upon the hallway, staring down onto an
opened door right in front of me. It was slightly cracked opened somehow. With
an aqua coloring upon that crack; something pointy was viewed, but only the tip
however. I had wondered if it was a weapon or something harmless however. But
my thoughts went back to the words upon the walkie, remembering that I had to
take the top floor. A smile drifted from my lips, my eyes pulled away from
whatever was interesting there and turned towards the pair of staircase over to
my right side. There were indeed two; one raised to the heaven above, the other
towards hell. Each of the stairs had railings, while poles were attached to
them from the steps underneath them. Rising in elevation towards heaven so it
had seemed.


I stared at the stair for
a moment, then raised my foot, slamming it upon the surface grounds underneath
me. Repeating the same for every step; reaching the very top afterwards. I had
found myself upon a new room. One that had no doors for me to open; but rather
an opened room. I glanced around this new room for curiosity and nervousness
was lingering upon my scales with every step. I managed to take three steps
forth before I heard the same voice from the walkie which had me to turn
towards the source of it. There, Natty was found; leaning against the wall. Her
eyes were closed, then opened upon my arrival as a smirk submerged from her
lips. Raising her head, she and I met eyes. Yet the silence loomed over us. A
short pause later had her stepped out from the wall before speaking straight
towards me, “There is something strange about this room. Kyro and Ozkun
confirms it however." “How so?" I questioned her, thoughts continuing popping
in my mind in thought while she drifted her head away from me, glancing instead
at the window on the other end of the room.


“For instant, that window
is painted. There are spikes corners coming from them. We have later believed
that this must be a frame." “Of the entire window." I finished for her, she
nodded her head then gradually turned towards me again, “Think you can pull that
off from the painting picture?" “I will try. Not guaranteed however."  I responded, nodding only once before turning
my head back towards the window again and stepped forth towards it. It had
indeed take a few steps forth before I can closed the gap between myself and
the window itself. When I do however, I reached out for the window. Set my
claws upon the corner of the painted window. Then tried to pull the frame apart
from it. Yet, at the first noticed, I had realized that it was much harder than
I thought. Because the frame was glue shut to the window itself and another
reason was, the glue was also hot at the same time. “It is warm. “ I commented
which perk the ears of the pink dragoness behind me while she questioned me,
“What is warm?" “The glue." I answered her and I turned to her in silence. She
grunted, growling a bit before taking a step forth towards me. “Let me try."
“Alright." I said, stepping to the side.


She tried to pull the
picture frame, using the same technique as I had beforehand. However, she felt
something hot within the depths of the frame and she pulled her claws back.
Yelping at the same time while she frowned, “I told you." I started, glancing
at her  deadpanned as if she would not
listen a word to what I was saying. She narrowed her eyes upon me in answer,
but a short pause of silence was between us however. For she stepped away and
motioned her claw upon the picture frame in silence while I take her spot once
more. Repeating the same as we once did; but this time never pulling off the
frame from it picture and instead, used my claws to find something that was
hiding inside here. A metal jingle echoed through the walls and halls of the
room which Natty perked upon attention. For as she tilted her head to one side,
I gradually grabbed whatever was inside here and pulled it out. Very slowly


It had suddenly revealed
itself somehow and was upon my own possession while I lowered my head and
glanced down upon the object that was inside of my paws. “Is that a key?"
Questioned Natty just as approaching footsteps had came. I nodded my head with
my eyes narrowing in interest “Something is bound to be unlocked with this."
“Within this room?" “Maybe somewhere else, let's try the room we are in first
however." I started, glancing around the room. But before either of us could do
anything, we heard my name called “LIng!" Exclaimed Kyro and Ozkun, their
voices chorus through the empty silent air and filled my ears while I turned
towards them in response. A quick wave answered them while they smiled, they
quickly ran up towards me. Slowing down afterwards and held our their claws, I
hanged my head glancing at what they were having.


A folded piece of paper
and a rock for some strange reason. That I find myself tilting my head to one
side before raising my eyes up towards them “What does a piece of paper and a
rock have anything to do with this inve-" “It is not a piece of paper, rather a
map of the entire place." Kyro cried, grabbing the piece of paper from Ozkun
and unfolding it. Undoing every fold upon that paper; both me and Natty watched
while the paper grew bigger in size. Rapidly. Till it was large enough however.
That me, Natty and Ozkun stepped to the side and back off from Kyro while he
had unfolded the last piece of fold before unveiling what was the paper had in
store for us.


The paper was twice as
long. Longer than I had imagine however. While my eyes peered upon the three
floors drawn upon the paper, something else within the second floor gained my
interest somehow and I stepped forth towards Kyro, pointing towards this particular
location. Kyro, Ozkun and Natty shift their eyes towards where I was pointing
at and only Ozkun and Kyro smiled faintly. Though there were some hints that
they were nervous about something however. Me and Natty ignored it while I
spoke towards the two, “What is with this large square dabbed at the center?" I
questioned, “That is a door leading into the basement. Yet it is locked and has
a hole for something however." “A hole?" Questioned Natty, gaining interest
into this so called basement. Kyro scratched the side of his chin, frowning
while he raised his eyes meeting with mine. “Yeah." 'Why is it called a
basement when it is only at the second floor?' I thought to myself, tilting my
head to the side again in question. Shaking my head afterwards before motioning
the other three as they turned towards me in response and I headed out the


With the door closed
behind me, lots of questions and thoughts popped into my mind. The majority of
it were related to the large square at the center of the second floor; the rest
were related to that key and rock that me and Natty had found earlier on just
as the two had left us to head downstairs for something. I descended the stairs
immediately while I  continued pondering.
Already hitting the bottom of the stairs then and shifting my attention towards
the chairs and sofas that were off towards the sides, I spotted the second
group of my unit there. Longing around, their conversion dry as a water and I
exhaled a breath shaking my head following it before walking up towards them.
Whereas I hit against the top of the sofa, causing the vibrations to be felt by
the dragon underneath me. All three looked to where I was; although only Zander
and Takakri were the first to raised themselves from their spots. Giving off
salutes towards me while I just eased them down. I stepped around the sofa that
the sitting dragon was upon, taking the one adjacent to everyone and flopped
upon its surface while leaning forth and folding my claws.


A few seconds had fallen
to silence, Zander and Takaki were nervous that they turned their attention
towards one another. Sweat had fallen upon the side of their faces. Even Takaki
was pulling against his collar however. As the two fell silent, the third
jumped in and spoke words to me. My ears flickered while I had turned my head
to meet her eyes as she continued talking, no hesitation came from her words.
No pause additionally however. She gave the report upon the floor they were
upon; although nothing of interest was found down there. “We did note a few
things however." “Like what?" I questioned, tilting my head again while looking
at her. She smiled in response, but nudged her head to the side. Allowing
either Zander or Takakri to speak for her this time. Yet neither of the two
dared to however; their voices were sealed inside of their mouths. Shut like
caves found onto mountains however. While me and Mauja stayed silent, Zander
coughed and crossed his legs. Leaning forward with his arms raised to the bottom
of his chin, responding to me “We found three buttons upon the floor. Three
sets of small wires was attached to them." “Are they all live?" I questioned, a
mixture of fear and curious had made me shiver suddenly as Takaki and Maruja
taken noticed of me, faintly smiling while they leaned back. Relax, allowing
Zander to take over the entire conversation.


“We had later believed
that they were ripped of from somewhere." “And where is that?" I questioned
with another thought popping up immediately following that quote, 'I bet it is
found in that second floor.' Immediately, 
I shift away from the conversation. Turned towards the dark halls that
were there. Staring back upon me as if it was keeping a secret or something.
With my eyes narrowed at the halls, I turned around and back towards Zander who
blinked trice before tilting his head to the side, questioning me instead of
answering or reporting anything that they had found “What is it, Ling?
Something caught your interest?" “Yeah." I started, leaning back against the
chair just as rapid vibrations echoed from the ceiling above us, towards the
stairs afterwards. “Kyro had mentioned about a secret door. Only found
somewhere upon this building. Yet they were unable to find it; however, they
were able to find a map that contains this particular thing that we had wanted
all along." “So that is believed to be where she was, right?"


“Perhaps." I responded,
saying nothing more than the silence hovering above us. Zander, Takakri and
Maruja's eyes narrowed. But soften afterwards when the other group had arrived
from the entrance of the hallway. Popping out of nowhere, they walked forth
towards me. Sitting down upon the flooring below them, crisscrossing their legs
and folding their wings while I lowered 
my eyes down towards them. Another pause of silence had fell before Kyro
spoke into the atmosphere for all the ears to hear, “We manage to locate that
room." “The basement room?" I asked with Kyro nodding his head, a small smirk
reappeared upon his face before that faded afterwards “Yeah." “Is it in the
second floor?" I questioned, a shake. I blinked in response, tilting my head to
one side in confusement “What?" “It is not in any of the three rooms however."
Kyro remarked, his voice dropping a bit before raising back to normal level
again as he straighten himself out and responded towards us, particular me “It
is upon the rooftops.


“How are we suppose to
get to there now?" Questioned Takakri while Kyro find himself silence. A murmur
loomed overhead; whispers and voices bounced from one another. With none of
them having any sort of idea of how to approach this however. Till I started
coughing was when the silence came again and every eye was back to me again
while I smiled back and spoke responding to the silence, “If there is no access
towards the rooftops for the basement at all. Guess we will scale the building
and reach it another way." “Guess that means we are going flying." Muttered
Takakri while spreading his wings, commenting something else that I never
heard. “I need both Kyro and Ozkun to hold onto the objects that were upon
their paws. They will follow me first into the rooftops above. Rest of us, stay
where you are for now. We will radio for confirmation." Nothing else came
following my orders as what dragons were required, followed me out from the
building. Back upon the afternoon where the heat and humidity hammered upon our
scales. Ozkun frowned, his scales started sweating suddenly as he turned his
attention to Kyro who shook his head, arms and claws upon his waist as his
wings were spread to. I turned towards me, he had looked happy somehow.


We spread our wings.
Stretched them far as we could and raised our heads high towards the skies
above us, where we jumped into the air and rapidly flapped our wings. We
hovered 'scaling' the building. Rising in elevation amongst the silence passed
between us, I pondered over something that just now had popped into my mind and
quickly, I turned towards Kyro before questioning him again that he had snapped
his neck towards me, giving me a curious look however. “Say, in reality where
did you find those three buttons? They were not pile up were they?" “Why are
you questioning about this now, instead of beforehand when I mention them to
you." “Did not occur to me however." I started as he exhaled a breath and
frowned, then answered my question. “The three buttons indeed were in different
rooms. They were not in the same room. Each of them are in the following:
Master, Living and Bathroom of the floor previous to the floor that everyone
was in." “Master, living and Bathroom." I muttered out loud which perhaps caught
the attention of Takakri as his head was turned towards us.


“This that be a password
for something?" Takakri questioned me, I shook my head and frowned “Although it
could be. It is not a certain fact however. None of us were able to enter
through the door leading into the basement however. Although we only acknowledge
its existence however." “Right." Responded Takakri after hearing me for he had
nodded his head slightly, giving a smile in interest just as we had reached the
rooftops of the building. We flung ourselves forward and landed upon the
surface of the rooftops. Whereas we looked around, noticing that nothing of
interest was here. Everything was the same as a normal looking building would
such as a silver door leading into the building itself. Three satellite dishes
that were scattered and perhaps hanged by the edges of the rooftop's buildings.
Nothing more was here. It had greatly disappointed me, but my head shook before
I started motioning everyone as I take the lead forth towards the door onto the
side. Kyro and Takaki nodded their heads and followed me straight for the door
where I grabbed upon its handle and pulled, allowing the door to opened and
moaned onto its own. We entered without hesitation as curious thoughts popped
onto our minds. Stairs were in front of us, descending into another silver door
down below. We were never hesitate and descended the staircase, reaching the
door immediately which Kyro had opened and allowed the rest of us to enter.


There was no hallway.
Instead was just a single room. Eight chairs in group of two were to either
side of us. Surrounding by a table at the center. A row of windows were behind
the chairs; stretched forth towards the other end of the room. We raised our heads
towards the other end; spotting the basement doors that Kyro was talking about
beforehand. We stared at it for a moment before Kyro stepped forth towards the
basement door and lowered his eyes glancing at his claw for something. Me and
Takakri followed behind him as he raised his claw and placed the key into the
hole, above the knobs. He stepped back when the door glowed; but became
disappointed when the doors did not opened at all. That was when Takakri
stepped to take his place. Kyro stepped back when Takakri now stands in front
of the basement doors; repeating the same as Kryo. He raises his claws into the
surfaces of the doors. Placing each of the three buttons upon it. Yet nothing
had happened at all to which he frowned suddenly and shake his head. But I
called out towards him, pointing to the three holes at the side of the
elevator. Turning to it, he nodded his head acknowledging me and stepped to the
side. Placing each of the three buttons into their respective holes.


For they suddenly glowed
white; then that faded. Exposing three black letters. “M, L, B." We all stared
at it for a moment before I shook my head at the most ridiculous letter
combination I could think of. This had caused the other two to shift their attention
towards me before shortly giving the three letters their attention. They have
decided to hardcode it instead of just figuring it out. Pressing random buttons
which glowed upon their touch while Takakri jolts down each combination in his
claw, nodding his head to Kyro as he does so. For the conversation was a while
till the doors opened and the three buttons started flashing white. Then, the
three popped out of their sockets. Sizzling while settled upon the flooring
below Kyro's and Takaki's feet whom had reeled back in response, wondering if
it was all part of the plan. Yet I just shake my head and turned towards the
door automatically opening before my eyes. For I entered with Takakri and Kyro
following behind me into the pitch dark room in front of us.


Three steps inward and
the light had showed itself. Exposing the small room for everything that it had
while ourselves were surprise and shocked by what was surrounding us. Piles of
golden dragon coins and currency surrounded us. There were even some counterfeit
money located here too. Chest, treasure chest were also found. But were off
towards the side; hiding behind some 'wall' however. Despite Kyro and Takaki's
eyes sparkling, I waved a claw at their faces. Snapping their attention away
from the greed and back towards the case we were to attend. As they nodded
their heads, they followed me down a few short steps forward. Down towards
where the most money had been. “Lets dig this up." I spoke without hesitation
while the pair of dragons nodded behind me, comes up froth and starts digging
their claws inside. Piles of coins hit the wall, my chest and stomach and the
flooring surrounding me. The number of coins decreased, creating a mess
therein. Below the piles of coins was a small frame. Something that Kyro had
picked up suddenly and handed it to me. I stared at it for a moment while the
pair of dragons continued their digging. Till they hit something there.


The picture in question
was a vixen. Someone that was awfully remembered somehow. But I never knew who
or how. She was beautiful in the picture; the waves were behind her, high that
it had covered the entire background with nothing but blueness. A corner sun
was off towards the side, though hard to see due to the waters somehow. The
vixen in question was wearing pure white dress and a huge hat that covered her
entire head. Casting shadows down upon her slim body whereas only her tail was
the thing left outdoors. Staring at the picture left me with two thoughts: one,
was this vixen in relation with the king we are currently investigating or with
someone else that he had napped from a home? Two, how did he manage to get this
much gold? But my thoughts ended there when my ears flickered upon my name
being called. That I raised my head, glancing ahead where Kyro and Takakri were
standing underneath a small square that had creaked and snapped somehow.


Casting the picture to
the side, I nodded to the two dragons who stepped to the side and I stepped
forth to replace them. Thus, hanging my head, I gaze at the small square in
silence. Kneeling down and grabbed onto the edges of the square, I suddenly ripped
it from its spot. A loud sound erupted the silence surrounding us while Kyro
and Takari held their ears momentarily. Finally ripping off a piece of wood, my
eyes grew wide in surprise while I stand there motionless. The other two
stepped forth close to me and they too held their eyes opened and wide. For the
picture that I am standing underneath was a canine. More importantly, a wolf.