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Super Sumo Fighter
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Or How to Decide What's for Dinner.
This is a commission for Rocko Gorilla featuring a battle with me on the age old concept of what's for Dinner... Tacos or Pasta. The back ground was inspired from the E. Honda stage of Super Street Fighter II.
Rocko Gorilla is battling for tacos, I am staunch in my belief in pasta, and poor Kanan is stuck being a referee in all of this, and wishing we all had pants on.
Coloured using my box set of PrismaColor markers and a box of Prang Pencil Crayons.. (I love Prang, and need to find more at a store sometime.)
This is a commission for Rocko Gorilla featuring a battle with me on the age old concept of what's for Dinner... Tacos or Pasta. The back ground was inspired from the E. Honda stage of Super Street Fighter II.
Rocko Gorilla is battling for tacos, I am staunch in my belief in pasta, and poor Kanan is stuck being a referee in all of this, and wishing we all had pants on.
Coloured using my box set of PrismaColor markers and a box of Prang Pencil Crayons.. (I love Prang, and need to find more at a store sometime.)
8 years ago
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