Current Track: Blabb
Mastering the Craft

By Evan Drake

© 2019 Evan Drake All Rights Reserved

Charlie inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of his surroundings. The smell of cat partially hidden by the scented plug-in mingled with the natural scent of the house's occupant. He wondered how many people were aware of their natural scent. They likely didn't even know it because they were around themselves twenty-four-seven.

He heard a noise at the front door. Carefully, he peeked through the curtain by the front door, watching a lynx anthro deliver the mail. His green cat-like irises scanned the address on each letter, ensuring it went to the recipient's home. Not once did he look up and notice the human mere inches away, separated by a thin plane of glass. Charlie waited until the mailman went to the neighbor's house before abandoning the mail on the floor and resumed his tour of the house.

It wasn't easy, being invisible. To sit amongst a crowd of people and have everyone look through him, beyond him. Some people had the gift. The losers stuck in the lower dredges of society and forced to live in obscurity.

He had a choice. He was handsome, but not enough to be considered drop-dead gorgeous. He was successful, but not enough to be considered rich. He had charisma, but not enough to be considered a charmer. He didn't have to be  invisible. No, he lived in obscurity, ignored and avoided by the masses, because that was where he wanted to be. He didn't have to be alone. He had the natural charisma to talk to others, to make friends, be noticed, but what was the point?

Everyone talked about being invisible as if it were a curse, but Charlie knew better. Always being in the spotlight, the fear of ridicule and humiliation; he rather remain in the shadows. Stay isolated from the world where he could screw up and no one would care. Where he could be himself without judgment.

Like anything, it had to be worked at. He even dared to call it an artform. To stand in a spotlight but remain shrouded in shadow. A mastery of body language and wordless communication. His skills would put a ninja to shame. He also knew better than to mention it to anyone. No one would understand. They would call him terrible names if they knew. Stupid voyeurs ruined it for everyone.

Charlie looked at the picture of his co-worker Scarlett hanging on the wall. She was the loveliest tuatara he had ever seen. Actually he didn't know many anthros except for Jeffrey the kangaroo whom he hated. Jeffery didn't know how to mind his business.

But Scarlett he liked. She had the loveliest grey scales, making her look like a figure crafted from ashes. Black eyes like charcoal or a cursed soul. A lithe form that almost resembled a marionette dangling from string.

How long Charlie wanted to speak to her. To tell her how he felt and ask her out. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't dare spoil this beautiful creature. He could talk to others when he had to, but with Scarlett, he just couldn't find the words. It was his greatest flaw. So he watched her from a distance. Here, he had to put his skills at remaining invisible to the test. To keep a watch on her without anyone noticing his presence was the hardest thing he had ever done. If she learned he was watching her, she would go away and he could never see her again. 

Jeffery always said Charlie could do better, but what did he know? Jeffery was on his second divorce and couldn't keep it in his pants if his life depended on it. But not Scarlett. She knew how to keep it in her pants. Over the last three years, she went on five dates, two progressed into a steady relationship that ultimately failed, but she only slept with one of them.

Charlie entered the kitchen. He wondered what was Scarlett was going to make for dinner tonight. No doubt she would share it with her overweight cat, Maxwell. He remembered the day she brought him home from the pet store. She had such a big smile on her face. For weeks her social media profile was filled with nothing but pictures of her and her cat. It was just the thing she needed after her aunt's death.

He glanced at his watch. The face read 5:17 PM. She would be home soon. Today was Thursday, so she got home early.

Three minutes later, Charlie heard the unmistakable click of a lock being turned and the front door opened.

Scarlett walked through the front door, carrying her jacket in her arms. “Max! I'm home!" She called. She never looked his way. Charlie stood tucked away in the corner. She never noticed him inside her home.

Maxwell didn't respond. He never did. At this time he was lounging upstairs, sleeping in his favorite spot on top of the dresser. Scarlett shrugged and headed upstairs, unbuttoning her top as she did so. Charlie remained where he was. He didn't want to watch her undress; it would be rude of him.

A few minutes later, she returned in sweats and loose-fitting t-shirt, carrying a very fat tabby in her arms. She again ignored Charlie standing just a few feet away.

Charlie took several deep breaths to calm his nerves. His heart ran a mile a minute. He was inside Scarlett's home, and she was still in it! He had never done anything like this before. 

But he needed to see it through. This was the ultimate test of his skill, his ability to remain unnoticed. If he could pull this off, he would have truly mastered the art of being invisible.

Scarlett ordered pizza for dinner. It had ham and pineapple toppings; her favorite. Maxwell ate the crusts. She ate four slices, watched her favorite sci-fi movie The Fifth Element, then went upstairs to bed.

Charlie remained where he was until he was certain Scarlett had fallen asleep then headed to the kitchen. He ate a slice of cold pizza crust while watching The Fifth Element with the volume down. After the move, he headed upstairs. He was certain to avoid the third step from the top because it creaked.

He peeked through her half-open bedroom door. Scarlett was already asleep, her snores filling the room.

He carefully opened the door and approached the bed, kicking off his shoes. Very slowly, he climbed into the bed next to her and lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Scarlett stirred but didn't wake.

“Good night, Scarlett," he said.

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