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Job Search Tip 11 Remix: Receiving Feedback
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It is more helpful to feedback from folks within the industry than the companies you are applying to. They just aren't going to say anything.
Check out my panel at MFF:
Jobsearching 101
12.07 @ 4:30pm
Free job coaching during MFF. Message me to schedule. See you there!
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Edwin, an anthropomorphic jackrabbit, is wearing a business casual outfit and has a grumpy expression on his face. He gives job searching tips by speaking directly to the reader using a dialogue bubble. Edwin says,
"Companies will never give feedback as to why you were rejected for a job, in most industries. This has everything to do with legal liability, nothing to do with you. Take a moment to collect yourself, consider what could be learned from the experience, and reenter the fray as soon as possible."
Check out my panel at MFF:
Jobsearching 101
12.07 @ 4:30pm
Free job coaching during MFF. Message me to schedule. See you there!
alt text:
Edwin, an anthropomorphic jackrabbit, is wearing a business casual outfit and has a grumpy expression on his face. He gives job searching tips by speaking directly to the reader using a dialogue bubble. Edwin says,
"Companies will never give feedback as to why you were rejected for a job, in most industries. This has everything to do with legal liability, nothing to do with you. Take a moment to collect yourself, consider what could be learned from the experience, and reenter the fray as soon as possible."
4 days ago
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