Johnathan awoke in his dorm room groggy. The prior day had exhausted him in ways he didn't know existed. From sneaking into the archives, to learning all he had. Johnathan was extremely tired. And that was all without mentioning his new guest.
Looking to his side, he was greeted by them.
Having gotten past the initial shock, Johnathan got a better look at the entity before him. At that moment in time, they were crouched at his side, staring at him as he rose from his rest. Or more accurately from passing out. He remembered the previous night and how he ended up in his dorm. After this entity touched him, he screamed. Screamed in nothing short of primal uncontrollably fear of what was before him. And before long he passed out, only waking briefly to see something carrying him to his dorm.
He knew it was them.
It just had to be. But he had no idea what it was. At a glance, it seemed to be a Nightmare like Roy. Just without his condition. Though it was definitely not the same type as Roy. He was part jackalope, hence his appearance as a hare. But this thing looked like a ghoul. Long, almost skeletal limbs. An almost withered physique over all. And extremely tall, almost certainly taller than Roy. Yet just like a Nightmare, its skin was pitch black and eyes nearly pure white. With no visible mouth to speak of. Johnathan could never understand why people found Roy to be unsettling until then. The vagueness of the entity in front of him to a different creature was unnerving. Its unblinking stare only added to that unnerving feeling.
Sitting up, Johnathan felt a lump in the back of his throat. He wanted to speak but terror was still baked deep into his core. He felt so close to passing out again when he heard something. The entity spoke once again.
"You needn't be afraid, my pure heart. I pose no threat to you."
Johnathan seemed flabbergasted at that. Not because of what was said, but because it genuinely did calm him down. This being's voice. As before, it was neither male or female, yet somehow both at the same time. It was like hearing two people speak at once. Yet the tone was far from harsh. Even and soft, the entity truly didn't bare him any ill will. But Johnathan still needed answers as to what it was. Though he had a feeling he knew. A feeling he very desperately wanted to be wrong…
Johnathan needed to take time to question this thing near him. So a few calls later, and he was out "sick" for those days classes. He could easily get the notes later. This could not wait in his mind. Getting out of bed, Johnathan went to his desk chair and turned it around. Looking at the entity, he was clearly serious. Though it didn't seem fazed.
Clapping his hands together, Johnathan began to speak. "Alright so. I'm not entirely sure what you are. Something strong if I had to guess though. You were using some kind of spatial distortion magic last night. So strong it isolated us both outside of it. You're clearly not a regular Nightmare…So what are you exactly?"
The being said nothing at first, merely watching Johnathan as he spoke. As he finished, it stood and pointed at him. " I am a being made from you. You and all mortals who live in this reality. A being made of the misdeeds and misgivings the living beings on this planet produce. The worst of you all. I've been here since before any of you could speak. And I shall remain after many more of you pass away. I have been through many names but most recently, I believe I've been called the Sins of Man."
Johnathan felt his stomach flip. His hunch was spot on. He assumed he looked too deep into things involving the Sins, and now they were here to terrorize him. He had no way of contacting Roy either. So he had no help. The Sins seemed docile at the moment though. And they said they weren't gonna harm him. So steeling his nerves, Johnathan prepared to ask his next question.
"Okay. So you're the Sins of Man. Wonderful. That explains a lot... Like the extremely strong magic you used. So what are you doing here? With me…" His voice waved a bit. He prayed. He prayed with every fiber of his being that it wouldn't say what was next.
"...You are likely already aware of the reason for my presence. I sense you want affirmation of it however. While I do feel for your dilemma, please do not harbor any hate towards me. It is my nature to seek those whose hearts are pure. I am here…because you will be serving as my new host." The Sins sounded remorseful. For the first time in their conversation, they had averted their gaze from Johnathan. An expression of regret, and melancholy etched into its face.
Johnathan felt dizzy. He felt nauseous. He tried to lean back in his chair but he only felt sicker. He lurched and eventually, he threw up. Luckily a trash can was near his desk but it only offered slight comfort from the realization before him.
His stomach lurched again. The thought of what that revelation meant made him sick. His best friend. The person he grew up with. The thought of him having to kill him. Or vice versa. Johnathan couldn't handle it. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. But all his body could do is clutch onto the trashcan in his hands as his body shuddered in shock.
The entity felt deep guilt for having to tell him. No one wants to hear that they are the one that will bear such darkness. It reached for him. It wanted to comfort him. But it drew its hand back before touching Johnathan. All it could do is wait for him to compose himself.
Johnathan,still clutching the trash can, was breathing heavily. He was racking his brain for what he could do. What he should do. As far as he could think there was nothing. What else was there? Best he could do is continue to help Roy. Give him the edge for their eventual clash. Then something popped into his mind.
His research.
The Sins words. Even its presence was a contradiction. At least in his mind. He couldn't lay down and accept this. Not then at least. There was more to this. Johnathan could tell. He knew there was more. There had to be more. He couldn't accept this was the path Roy and himself were on. Not in any way. He took time to compose himself. Wiping his mouth, he stood up and took a few deep breaths. Johnathan didn't have all the answers yet. So he'd simply have to find one that could change things. Starting here, he'd change his path.
Or Roy's if he had to.
Sitting back in his chair, Johnathan looked back at the Sins across from him. They had been watching him patiently the whole time. They seemed concerned, yet made no moves towards him at that time. Clearly giving him his own time to process things on his own.
"Sorry. Sorry..I just needed a second." Johnathan took another deep breath. It was clear as day to him that the Sins were not evil. At least in the traditional sense. Everything from their body language, to the way they spoke screamed with compassion. Before he could do anything for himself or Roy, he needed to learn about this being in front of him.
"Okay. Okay. Let's back up a bit, shall we? You're supposed to be the Sins of Man? But you act so…nice? I'm sorry this is a lot to take in. You just don't seem like the embodiment of all corruption and malice in the world." Johnathan rubbed his temples a bit.
"I can understand your rather…guttural reaction to my presence. However, my demeanor is the same as it has been for eons. I am merely a natural part of this world. Something that is created, destroyed, and created anew again. I may be the result of what is ultimately negative energy, but I do not bear that malice as if it were my own. I am made of it, yes. But I am not seduced by it. It is not me." The Sins responded. They may be born of negative things but they, themself, were not. Johnathan somewhat understood. Though made up of negative or evil energy, the Sins very much had their own mind. Their own personality. That was interesting to Johnathan. It made him wonder how that could possibly happen. But that was a different question for a different time.
"Hm alright. Next question, why do you look like that? I'm not saying it's ugly or anything but it is somewhat of an odd choice. I mean you look like a Ghoul and a Nightmare. That seems rather specific." Johnathan stated.
"This form is based on my host. Changed to be the most comfortable for them, and made by thoughts within their minds. The image that brings you the most comfort is that of a Nightmare. Someone whom you hold great care and love for. To prevent any discomfort, I simply made this form look different from their own."
Johnathan cleared his throat a bit and looked away. The hint of a blush on his face. "That's…fair. I guess I can get used to the look." He sighed as he began to think of more to ask the entity.
"If I may, may I say something more? " The Sins spoke out, catching Johnathan's attention. '' Oh um, yes. Go ahead."
"I desire nothing more than to help you with your current aspirations. I sense a great deal weighing on your heart and mind. However, we are bound to this fate. This path. And at the end awaits either our destruction or triumph. It is how this happens…" The Sins stared at Johnathan as they spoke. Their face told him so much without him having to question it. They'd seen this so many times. Been through it for longer than he's ever lived. The tired way they spoke only amplified things. They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have to. Yet they do have to.
"...Has anyone ever tried to change it though?" Johnathan mused to the being. It looked at him perplexed. Like he had truly stunned the entity. "You're saying we're locked onto this path, but is that true? I know they say fate is decided in advance but I can't accept that in this instance. Maybe the end result can't change, but the context to that end perhaps can. We could…alter this path. Take it down a different road to the same destination."
"I fail to see how that could be possible. How can you be so sure it is?" The Sins were sceptical, yet it did little to shake Johnathan's resolve.
"Things don't make sense though! There's a possibility that things could be changed."
"What, pray tell, seems to escape your grasp? The facts are as they are."
"What about the pure heart thing? From what I've read you can only manifest in beings that are pure of heart. I'm not a saint though. Just yesterday I did things that are far from pure in nature."
"Your texts are flawed. That or not fully formed. No being that exists is pure of heart. You all to some degree have darkness embedded deep within. As such I am made manifest in those who are closest to a particular side of that spectrum of light and dark. You are the closest to the side of light. Not fully pure, though the closest in existence. Even your actions from the previous day confirm this. While not necessarily the morally good things to do, they were done in the name of aiding another. As is your argument now. Constructed merely as a way to prevent the worst for others, rather than yourself."
Johnathan was a bit stumped from that. He never figured he was that nice or selfless. He groaned a bit as he thought of a memory of his childhood. How Roy used to call him a goody two shoes. Regardless, he had to believe the entity at their word. Still he wasn't finished.
"What about the time frame then huh? If this is supposed to happen every 100 years, why are you showing up now?"
"It has been 100 years."
"No. No it hasn't been. When was the last time you remember being around? What was it like in the world?"
"It was the beginning of peace after a long war. If my memory serves, the weapons of my destruction had been assembled during the war and I was dispelled sometime after it finished. "
"That wasn't 100 years ago. That was only a little over 20 years ago. People from that war work at my school! What was the technology like when you were last around?"
"...Moving in a more modern direction I suppose. Much removed from the attempts that were being made with steam powered contraptions. The planes and such were much more stable. Buildings were much taller."
"That definitely sounds like the 40s. We're in the 80s now. The tail end of them actually. Here look." Johnathan grabs the calendar from his desk and walks to the entity with vigor. There was something wrong.
Staring at the calendar, the Sins were genuinely surprised. Their face said it all. Johnathan's logic was becoming more sound.
"Let me ask, is it possible that negativity was so high that you spawned early?"
"Impossible. No amount of corruption or sin within the world would force me to appear before my time. I am bound to my timeframe."
"Then it means there's some kind of external factor at play. Can you think of anything that could change your appearance?"
"Nothing to my knowledge. My fate, the fate of this world. It is set strictly with that 100 year span. Never once has it changed, and I have no knowledge of how it could."
Johnathan seemed somewhat disheartened by that statement. They existed this long but couldn't think of anything? His brow frowned as he began to think. There wasn't much his brain was latching onto. But he knew he had the entity hooked now. So he decided to double down on his proposal.
"Look, I know you have your duty. And whether or not I like it, I'm now a part of it too. But look at the facts here. Clearly something is wrong. And I refuse to accept that there's no way of finding out what's going on and setting things right. All I'm asking is that you help me find out." Johnathan pleaded to the Sins. His face was one of determination and a hint of desperation. He didn't want to end up coming to blows with Roy. He didn't want to have the fate of the world on his shoulders. He just wanted to continue down the route he had painstakingly made for himself. One where he could look into the mysteries of the past with vigor and passion. Not fear and uncertainty.
The Sins paused in thought for some time. They weren't totally convinced by what Johnathan had said. That there could be a way of changing their fate. Yet still, they couldn't deny the temptation to try. For so long they had merely been an evil shadow, lurking and waiting to cause issues in the world. They didn't want that anymore. Even if it meant possibly not existing anymore. Something told them that Johnathan perhaps was the key to get there. Perhaps they could at least see this through.
"I am willing to see where you lead this, my pure heart. But be aware that my nature and duty still hold the forefront of our journey. No matter what happens, if we cannot produce a change…we will stick to the fate outlined to us." The Sins spoke and approached Johnathan. Looking him in the eyes as to see how far his resolve went.
"Then we're in business. I'm not sure what's happening, but I think we're more than capable of figuring it out." Johnathan looked back at them with a smile on his face. He didn't know whether he was right. Whether they could defy fate in some way. But there was no harm in trying. No longer fearful of the entity, he held his smile firm. Determined to figure out everything he could.
A soft chuckle filled the room after that declaration. The Sins truly could see that Johnathan was indeed the closest thing to pure the planet could muster. Who else could so easily smile after being so deep in despair only a few moments ago. It brought a certain level of hope to the entity. Something they rarely, if ever, felt.
"So what should I call you anyway?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Your name. I know you're called the Sins of Man, but considering how you act? You have way too much personality to not have an actual name. Plus it'll make communication between us easier."
"In truth, I have never been asked for a name before. There was never any need… However, I've always enjoyed the name Ebda. Dark beauty is the meaning…" The entity answered, almost embarrassed.
"Then Ebda it is." Johnathan nodded as he held their hand. He continued to offer them a smile to assure them that he meant well, despite their initial interactions.
Edba seemed to relax a bit. They hadn't been treated this nicely before. Never been able to have more of an identity before. They found themself hoping Johnathan was right about his hunch more and more.
"Well then, now that we have the matter settled, what do you have planned exactly? I doubt you would have been so adamant about my cooperation if you didn't have something more planned." Edba asked, squatting next to him at his desk.
"Well I've done as much research as I can from my school. So when the weekend hits I'm gonna head up-state to a grand temple. I figure they'll likely have some info the school doesn't. Considering the connections I've found to Genesis and all." Johnathan spoke as he shifted through his wallet to make sure he had change for the tolls. He'd have to make change it seemed…
"Genesis…That is a name I know."
"Know personally or know of? A lot of people, even some angels, don't think she's real. Are you saying she is?"
"All I am aware of is that I did not spawn from nothing. Someone created me. However I cannot say for certain that it was a being of that caliber who created me."
"Figured I'd ask. Well I think for now I'm gonna get some more sleep." Johnathan yawned as he stood from his desk and stretched. He was still tired from the previous night and the events of the morning only made him more exhausted. There wasn't much to do until the weekend at any rate.
Edba picked the tired man up with very minimal effort. A great surprise to the very tired college student. "Edba what are you..?" He was abruptly cut off by them setting him in bed and tucking him in. A gesture that only further confused him. He looked towards the entity before him, flabbergasted.
"Regardless of the current circumstances, you are my host. As such I seek nothing more than to ensure that you are comfortable and taken care of until we are no longer bound. So please rest well now, my pure heart." They spoke in the very calming and caring tone they seemed to have. Their expression was soft and full of nothing less than genuine care and warmth. Johnathan couldn't help but smile at them. To think a being like this was the embodiment of negativity and corruption…He sighed. Maybe during their journey, he could find a way to free them. By some means. They didn't feel as though they deserved the fate laid out for them. Much like Roy in his mind…
"...Alright Edba. I'll see you when I wake up. " Johnathan closed his eyes as he began to steel his resolve. He'd figure out the many problems presenting themselves to him. And he'd find some way to prevent the clash between himself and Roy. For Roy's sake.
And for Edba too.
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