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Toon Reserved Rodent (TFF 2015 Badge by Ryuuie)
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made this badge for me for TFF 2015, which was all about toons.
Luckily, I didn't have an anvil hit my head or any problems with wandering off cliffs. We did leave a day earlier than originally planned because of the winter storm that hit the Dallas area with ice.
We had a 12ish hour drive, and managed to avoid the rain turning to ice in Dallas, though we did see a little sleet at our first rest stop. Luckily, it wasn't too bad yet and we quickly got ahead of the bad weather again. If we would have delayed, chances are we'd have not made it out for a few days. Certainly not as easily.
In any case, I was glad to have the badge and think I look much better not frozen in a toon ice block.
Luckily, I didn't have an anvil hit my head or any problems with wandering off cliffs. We did leave a day earlier than originally planned because of the winter storm that hit the Dallas area with ice.
We had a 12ish hour drive, and managed to avoid the rain turning to ice in Dallas, though we did see a little sleet at our first rest stop. Luckily, it wasn't too bad yet and we quickly got ahead of the bad weather again. If we would have delayed, chances are we'd have not made it out for a few days. Certainly not as easily.
In any case, I was glad to have the badge and think I look much better not frozen in a toon ice block.
9 years ago
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