Story by Kalan on SoFurry
Ty/Marza is mine.
Gold… Ty swallowed around the nervous flutter in his stomach, his body nearly shaking as he reached out and touched the massive platter that was set against the pile of gold. This is all gold… silver… gods…
There were jewels and gold as far as the eyes could see, and the grey fox was standing just on the edge of it with his eyes as wide as they could possibly go. There was no where he could look that he wasn't the treasure piled up against the sides of the cage, stacked around towering bits of rock and boulders. The entire underground complex was filled with it, coins and platters, necklaces and gems, silver and even bronze. There were chunks of raw gems and metals mingled with finely detailed and finished pieces that should have been securely seated in a museum, not lying in the dust and dirt in the half forgotten cave. He could barely believe what he was looking at, and at the same time, he couldn't deny the reality in his paws as he picked up the platter and felt the weight of it, the metal so pure that it nearly dented at the tips of his claws.
There were hundreds of spots in the mountains that hadn't been explored thoroughly, most of them tucked away against valleys that experienced far too much snowfall to allow for anyone to safely make their way through it and get out again. He had already been on mountains that had been dared, claimed and conquered a hundred times, he had come here for a chance to be one of the first in designing a path that would lead its way through the mountainous passages and valleys to the peak of one of the harshest mountain ranges in the world. He forgot about the flags that marked is path just a few dozen feet from the cave opening, he forgot the roiling storm and cold, he forgot it all as he carefully put the platter down and beheld the wealth of a hundred kings and all of it was his own. The gray fox flicked his tongue out, running it along his lips before daring to move through the wealth. He paused only to turn on the electric lantern to bring light even to the darkest corners.
There was no life here, not even a scurry of insect life that might make him wonder who else called his place home, it was cold and dead feeling as if it had stood here for centuries without a single mortal eye glancing over it. His tail flicked behind him, stirring up dust that filled the air and fogged the light, his eyes not sure where to look next. He had no idea what had brought the gold here, what had lured past men to bury their treasure into the side of a mountain. Was it left over from a rebellion? A retreat from some wealthy city? A noble who cached it or from a war where soldiers stole precious goods for their own means? As he reached down and picked up a glittering silver strand of chain he dismissed his questions, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was the one to find it, he was the one who had braved the snow and mountain to set foot where no one else had dared tread. It was his, all his, every coin and every jewel belonged to him and him alone.
“Mine.." he whispered softly and flung the silver chain around his neck recklessly. He had hoped to have a mountain pass bear his name, but now… Now every news outlet in the country would show his face, they would all gaze in wonder at the wealth he had claimed.
Ty had started out wary and curious, disbelieving in his good luck, but it rapidly melted away with each piece of gold and silver he touched. Every ruby he picked up and weighed and every emerald made him feel a heady recklessness that was entirely uncommon for him. The cold of the blizzard still raged outside of the cave, he could hear it faintly, he should have been feeling the kiss of the cold against his fur and clothes, but he felt nothing but warmth. The flush of exultation grew by the moment as he stripped off his hat and peeled off the thick heavy gloves to cast to the wayside. The cavern wasn't tall, but it was long, sinuous and curving, stretching far out into the darkness as he worked his way backwards step by slow step. Everywhere he look he saw more riches, avarice and something akin to lust rising as he shed his coat entirely, throwing it to one side so he could wiggle through a narrow opening towards a more promising part of the cave.
As he moved, his claws caught against some of the large chunks of raw gold, making him scrabble against it, the soft metal chipped off and coated the tips of his claws strangely as he pushed his way free. He very nearly dismissed it, the fox's mind on other things entirely as he wiggled and arched slightly, but as he dropped his paws down he saw a deeper flash of gold. His fingers pushed against a pile of coins with the metallic sheen on something more than simply the hard claw, it seemed to coat around his finger tips strangely making him pull his ears back in a slight frown. He wiggled and twisted in place, but the movement popped him out too fast from the narrow opening and into the larger inner sanctum. With a yelp he went sliding down the piled coins with a rattle of them falling down around him until he crashed against something large and hard. Gold. More gold… A hunk of it carved out of what looked dark rock. He saw this all vaguely, a distant glimpse before he realized that his hand paws were blending into the rock.
As he watched, the cold began to make its way up along the back of his paws and ran higher towards his wrists, but it wasn't gold dust or flecks of it, but his fur was hardening and flattening down against his hot feeling hide. Ty let out a hiss and jerked away from the rock, pulling his hand paws back, but he only felt a wave of dizzy heat running over him so that he swayed in place. His breath caught in his throat as he felt the heat running over him, pouring down the line of his spine in such a way that it drew a cry from his throat. The gold on his hands was spreading, melting to him, hardening his fur as he reached down and tried to pry it off, he dug in with his gold nails, raking against the scales, but they solidified by the moment. His breathing came out, trembling in a rush before he leapt up and felt a spasm rock through his stomach.
The light from the lantern cast shadows over him, but he could feel his body shifting strangely in a ripple effect that made the world sway. The gold was moving over him, splashes of it in the lamplight that appeared as he looked down along his arms, but the changes beneath his clothes were happening rapidly. His shirt had already been tight before due to his winter coat, and now it was tearing right along the spread of his chest. He fell back on his rump with an inarticulate cry as the buttons popped free and he saw a flash of what looked like liquid gold running over him. No, not liquid gold, scales, scales so fine they were like velvet as they appeared over his fur and rushed downwards. His arms changed, not that different from his current shape, but they were softer up towards his upper arms where his shirt was spread open.
The real change was to his torso, he could feel the pressure of the shirt and the fox clawed at the material roughly, ripping and tearing it away to relieve the way it was hugging around him. As it ripped off his shoulders he cried out, his back bowing as something caught on the edges of the shirt, two somethings. They were pushing from his back and out into the air as he wrapped his scaled arms around his changing torso. His stomach felt softer, more delicate as it swept downwards towards his loins, but that was nothing compared to the softness of his chest. His hidden nipples were soon pushed into view as the scaling over his chest and slipped right over his pectoral muscles. They weren't hard and muscled, they were softening as the heat grew right along his nipples and they tightened almost painfully, making his breath catch in his throat.
The small nubs stiffened up against his chest, perking and turning darker burnished gold as his jaws opened up wider to let out a short noise, tongue curling strangely. His chest felt warm and swollen, the scales tender and soft as they rose up around the thickening nipples and perked up higher in the air. He was trembling, panting and squirming as he reached a hand paw up and let out a hiss when his fingers brushed right under the teat and sent an unwilling shudder of delight through his body. He couldn't stop himself, it wasn't painful at all, it made a soft sigh spill past his lips as the softness pushed outwards against the underside of his hand. The scales felt almost hot to the touch as he ran his fingers along the edges, tracing towards the tip of the nipples with a groan as his lips pulled back further. He felt a tightening along his muzzle, dimly he realized that things were changing beyond his chest, but at the moment all he could concentrate on was the soft feel of breasts against the palm of his hands.
It felt good that touch, it warmed parts of his belly that delighted and terrified him both as the muscles tensed and relaxed. His soft rumble came out almost as purr as he traced his fingers lightly right along the apex of his breasts and felt the nipples being teased right along the tips. He knew that his head was changing, he felt his ears losing mobility and something heavier pushing backwards as his nostrils flared wide and he gulped down a breath. The scales felt so warm, his body was pulsing and pounding in time with his heartbeat, hammering roughly in a pantomime of pleasure that dulled some of the fear. The warmth slipped lower on his body in a place that made him flush hotly and writhe, feeling the length of his cock begin to push out from its sheath, sliding up along the ridge of his belly smoothly.
The weight began to drag heavier on his back as he rolled backwards, the two growing things stubbing painfully on the lump of gold so he hissed out in shock and there was a ripping sound along the curve of his rump. The seams of his pants began to tear right along his hips as they began to spread open wider and the base of his thin tail grew heavier. The weight of it drooped down to the ground as Ty began to pant shallowly, his jaws open wide, tongue flicking out while the appendage grew longer and thinner by the moment. It extended out from his jaws and split at the tip as his entire vision blurred, his head felt warm as he writhed in place, twisting in the grip of the change tearing down his body. His fur was gone, he felt hard scales scraping along the ground with every turn as his tail grew longer and his sense of it increased. It was resting against the ground, twisting and lashing strangely, as agile as a cat while he blindly tried to stand up.
He moved out and grabbed the gold in the middle of the room, but as he stood his pants tore and fell away from him in strips. His legs felt fuller and larger, heavier along the hips as he strained forward and let out a short hiss of shock. It sounded strange coming from his throat, his head was being weighed down just as his back was by the two things hanging from his back. He opened his eyes slowly, a splash of gold obscuring his vision briefly from his muzzle and he realized what he felt on his back as he swayed back and forth. Wings, magnificently large and showing sails that were stretching out from the bone and running along the line of his back, straining open through the long fingers that spread wide. He watched them flex, the muscle and bone growing more defined along his back as a cold curl of fear ran through his stomach.
“No…" He whispered and the word made him freeze up. It wasn't his normal voice, not the slightly deep masculine tone, but something softer and lighter.
The high pitched voice that spilled out was distinctly feminine and his eyes slipped down to the full breasts on his chest, the thick nipples standing out stiffly to attention as he swayed back and used his newly elongated tail as a prop. He didn't want to look, he was scared to look, the dragon was nearly sick as he moved his hands down to slide past his breasts and felt the trim belly scales with the tips of his fingers and reached for the familiar swell of his sheath nestled between his legs. He didn't find it. He ran his fingers out and let out a shocked noise as the fingers ran lower and along his navel and suddenly brushed downwards to find the glistening tip of his cock low down on his body. With a rough noise he leaned back against the gold and turned his head down, his lips still open as he saw what nestled between his… her legs. She could no longer consider her body female, anymore than she could consider herself a fox.
The dragoness saw the glistening red length that was half it's normal size it should have been and drawing back rapidly. She reached down with her hand, brushing right along the tip and then cried out softly as she felt the nerves being caressed in a way that had her arching her back from the ground. Her wings spread wide behind her, the weight of them strange and familiar all at once as she stroked along the tip and felt the wetness webbing between the edges of the digits messily. The scent on the air was faintly sweet as the shaft drew backwards and she felt her stomach muscles rippling as it trailed along her belly scales. Her fear was being pushed aside, slipping away rapidly as she dropped her free hand back to grab at the raw gold behind her. Her eyes squeezed shut, not sure if she was closing them so as not to watch or savor the feel of the changing in her loins.
Thick soft lips formed against her finger tips, a vent that was being brushed along the outer edges, she felt it with her finger tips in a gentle stroke that pushed forward against what had been her cock. It didn't feel right, it was too thin, too small, but so much more sensitive at this moment that she let out a trilling little cry. The sound of it echoed in the cavern as the soft vent lips pursed together and pressed against the tips of her fingers when they glided downwards and felt the inner lining. It was smooth and sleek feeling, warm, almost hot, to the touch as the vulpine cock disappeared and nestled between the newly forming folds. It was slipped so far down that it tucked behind them, her thumb grazing over the spot with a gentle stroke that made internal muscles she had never possessed start to clench down around nothing. Every part of her tense with a strange feel of expectation and need that made her tail lash and smack out against the gold behind her.
As the tip cracked against the rock there was the sound of a faint hiss that made her eyes snap open and focus on the gold and silver covered cavern. The hiss was coming from behind her, rising up in volume to a near whistle, like a kettle on the boil. She swung around with a wild look, backing away and nearly tripping over her tail as the raw gold began to glow in the darkness. It rapidly outstripped the lantern she had brought with her, bright enough to cast the warmth of the sun against her as it was joined with other caches of raw gold stored throughout the complex. Each one lit up brightly enough that she saw even the darkest recesses of the underground lair, shadows chased away as gold veins in the ceiling were called to light and Ty was left standing in the heart of it.
The gold dragoness swallowed, her slender tongue brushing the roof of her mouth as she turned around, her wings bumping against the rock behind her strangely causing her to yelp out in shock. She saw riches beyond counting waiting her, stirring a warm feeling low in her chest, bestial lust that made her close her eyes in an attempt to brace herself. The cavern was warming around her, the glowing gold as lovely as a summer sun to her newly made scales, welcoming and enchanting as she took a swaying step forward deeper into the cave. No..not the cave. Her cave. She opened her eyes and looked at the glowing veins of raw gold and a slight smile curled her delicate muzzle, the lust and passion for the hard metal rising up in her chest.
“My cave.." She purred out possessively and Ty licked her lips before shaking out her wings and moving deeper into the mountain. The gold would lead to a private room that would be warmed to greet her, a soft pile of the purest gold and silver to curl herself into so she might sleep. “My treasure.."
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A New Home
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Ty, a part-time treasure hunter, finds an abandoned hoard, and more...
9 years ago
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