Current Track: Blabb

I looked at my watch for the
seventh time as I hurried down the street, the merciless metal hands
mocking me for my lateness. I cursed softly to myself, pushing
through the faceless early night crowd. The urging pressure of time
was the only thing that kept me from panicking as the walls of flesh
closed around me. The strong smell of sweat and cheap perfumes
invading my nose, robbing me of air. Hateful elbows dug into my
flesh, relentless bodies pushed against mine, snide remarks were
thrown my way and a few even called me names when I went pass them,
apologies reflexively leaving my lips.

I couldn't leave the crowd
fast enough, the oppressing heat of the crowd quickly replaced by the
cool air of the night. A gasp left my lips when I spotted the
restaurant in the distance, warmth yellow light escaping through its
glass doors. Only then, did the full weight of the situation land of
my shoulders. My hands trembled the whole way, cold sweat ran down my
spine and yet, my legs walked resolutely towards the building.

“You just need to show up,
nothing more, I'll handle everything else," rang Maritza's
excited voice
in my mind, just as it had done a few
days earlier, “I'm sure you'll hit it off, he's totally your
type dear."

“But I haven't even seen
him, or met him, what if he hates me? or if he's disappointed?" I
murmured to myself, rubbing my cold hands for warmth. Doubt coiled
around my heart, squeezing the hope out of it with relentless might.

Acid churned in my gut when my
feet came to a stop before the glass doors. Their polished surface
reflecting my poor appearance. My dark blue suit was too tight,
clinging to my slim body. My light blue shirt was wrinkled and I was
sure the dirt of the city already hung to its edges. My hair was a
mess of black curls that no amount of brushing could tame, but
nothing as bad as the thick framed glasses I had been forced to wear
since I had memory. Goosebumps ran down my spine, the cold air of the
night tempting me to leave at once, to run away, go back to the
warmth and safety of my apartment, where no one would have to bear
with me. I had only taken a single step back, when my traitorous mind
conjured the disappointed Maritza's, herangry
judging eyes when she found out I hadn't even met the guy. The cold
treatment that would take weeks to heal. It tore my heart apart.

I gulped loudly, my heart
beating hard against my chest
as my trembling hand opened the door. A wave of warm
air blasted against my face when I opened the door, the soothing
smell of cinnamon and sandalwood filling my nose. A small hallway
opened before me, light yellow walls decorated with modern looking
paintings led to a noble stair case at the end. I bit my lip, the
extravagance of the place made my stomach burn harder but I couldn't
turn back, not yet at least. I meticulously cleaned my shoes on the
rug by the door and internally grimaced with every step I took on the
shining wooden floor.

The clinking of cups and the
murmur of conversations were the first things to reach my ears before
I reached the first floor. The smell of fresh bread and delicious
meat came next, making my starving stomach rumble with need. A wide
black desk laid in wait at the end of the stairs with a young
waitress behind it, blocking the access to the cozy restaurant behind
her. The human gave me a polite smile, a pen flashing in her hands.

“Good evening sir and
welcome to La Sala Real. Under what name is your reservation?" said
the waitress with a cheery tone.

“Ah, uhm, Mrs. Terán. It
should be a table for two." The waitress eyes flashed with
mischief, her smile growing wider before she answered me.

“Ah, yes, your partner has
already arrived. He's waiting at the table. Please follow me."

The words rooted me in place,
a sour taste raising to my mouth. I forced a smile and a nod while
that tiny voice at the back of my mind berated me for my lateness.
The waitress didn't comment a thing if she noticed, instead she
guided me through the seat of tables to the farthest end of the room.
Half lit lights gave the area an air of intimacy and privacy, which
was further added to by the presence of only two elegant chairs per
table. Without breaking her pace, the waitress took me to one of such
tables where a giant
man sat.

He was a broad orc, almost
twice as much as me, with royal blue skin. A mane of matte black hair
held closely to his head and went all the way down until it hid
beneath his silver suit jacket. My stomach churned with fire when a
pair of dark brown eyes looked up at me, nervous but relieved. His
pair of large tusks framed a brilliant smile. He rose up at once, his
thick muscles threatening to break his three piece suit and the white
shirt underneath. Meaty blue hands took mine in his, shaking it with
vigor and obvious strength. My mind came to a halt, the words fleeing
my mouth as I stared at the big orc before me. I could only nod as
the rumble of his words washed over me, his voice husky and deep. He
helped me towards my own chair with surprising gentleness before he
sat again across me. Concern flashed across brown eyes, his thick
brows furrowing as he told something to the waitress.

All the while, my hands clung
to the chair's arms, the revelation of my date leaving my body like
a puppet without strings. My mind rushes through the last
conversations between me and Maritza,
searching for anything she had said about this, any clue that I had
missed but I came up blank. Fear crushed my heart, the doubts of
before coming back in full force, turning my blood to ice while my
mouth became a desert.

A rumble brought me out of my
thoughts, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding. Brown
orbs were fixed on me, a resigned smile on his face. His hand rose to
rub the back of his neck, his voice, deep like thunder, ran through
my body but was drowned by the pounding of my heart in my ears.

“I'm sorry, could you
repeat that?" I forced myself to say, my body trembling like a leaf
in the wind.

“Is this your first time
seeing an orc?" He said with an uncertain tone, pain flashing in
his eyes.

“Ah, well, no but, it is my
first time going to a date with one and--"

“It is not what you
expected." he finished for me, erasing the smile from his face. He
let out a deep sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

I looked away from the big
orc, a sour taste spreading through my mouth. “I, I really didn't
know what to expect. My friend didn't tell me anything."

“I see, I'm sorry for
ruining your night."

My heart fell to my feet,
guilt burning in my stomach. The words left my mouth before I could
think them through “You haven't ruined my night. It was just, I'm
not good with surprises. I, I freeze under pressure, that's all."

The orc's eyes widened, a
sliver of smile returning to his face.

“I run my mouth when I'm
nervous, got myself into a lot of trouble for that." A soft laugh
left his lips, the table flowers shaking under the sound as he leaned
back into his seat. “What do you say we start over again? Forget
all this awkwardness?"

His big brown eyes drew me in,
the rumble of his voice cooling my burning stomach. I returned his
shy smile with one of my own and his face lit up.

love that. I'm Carlos." I said, offering my hand to the large
orc. His smile grew wider and his blue hand trapped mine in a warm
and soft cocoon.

“Azok. A pleasure to meet
you Carlos."

“The pleasure is mine,