Good Sissies Don’t Cum
By Horatio Husky
Featuring Gabe, the Sissy Bitch Bunny
The brown rabbit smiled, adjusting one of his floppy ears as yet another axe landed directly on the bullseye.
The axe throwing job he had picked just a few months ago had now become a routine that he found himself genuinely enjoying.
Not only did he often times get generous tips, but in the time off while there were no parties or anything going on he had plenty of opportunity to hone his axe throwing skills.
At first it had been a little awkward, occasionally missing the target entirely causing his boss, a burly badger fur with a quick grin and witty sense of humor, to snicker and comment on how he could correct himself.
Soon enough he had gone from amateur to adept, and now he was able to throw not just one, but multiple axes with surprising accuracy.
His confidence and ease at which he conducted himself at his job practically oozed from his seams, until one customer caught him off guard.
The party consisted of several women furs, a bovine, a leopard, an owl, and a lynx had decided to spend their afternoon learning how to throw axes themselves.
The leopard had walked up to the front desk, asking for a single lane party for the next few hours, which the bunny had cheerfully obliged.
“Follow me ladies, time to show you how to make that target regret the minute you walked in here!”
They had all chuckled at his humor, except for the cow, who merely smiled serenely. Gabriel thought to himself that he’d have to work a little harder to get her to chuckle.
He briefly made eye contact with, feeling as if the breath was drawn right out of him when he connected with her soft, brown eyes.
His mind seemed to blank, and he had to shook his head softly, his ears flopping around in order to regain his concentration.
He didn’t quite understand why the lady was having such an effect on him, but he couldn’t dwell on it for long. After all, he had a job to do.
He returned his attention to the target, and began his safety speech in a brisk, but informative voice. He had recited it many times, and found it to be a rather tedious ordeal.
Still, for some reason he couldn’t get the motherly looking bovine’s gaze out of his head. It seemed to set him off his stride, and he glanced sideways at her while the other ladies were distracted with examining the axes.
She cooly returned her gaze, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as if the two of them were appreciating some sort of silent joke.
Gabriel found himself struggling to find his words at times, but for the rest of the party he continued to be seemingly unable to crack a joke that would get the bovine to do anything else other than smile mysteriously at him.
The other ladies did not seem to be heeding her any mind, and continued to laugh and enjoy themselves, the owl finding herself quite adept at throwing the axes from the beginning.
Gabriel smiled at her and called her a natural, he showed her a few tricks, all the while the bovine continued to sit and silently observe.
Gabriel looked up at her, deciding that the tension between them had to meet an end one way or another.
The bunny cocked his eyebrows, brushing his floppy ears behind his shoulders he hefted and axe, holding it handle side towards the cow.
She gazed back at him cooly.
“Would you like to try, m’am?”
He inquired politely, his gaze meeting hers. The bovine slowly stood up, and strode over to him while the other ladies continued to chat amongst themselves.
She stood next to him, an odd sense of intimidation and excitement built up in Gabriel’s stomach. He couldn’t figure out why this lady was having such a strong effect on him.
The lady cow hefted an axe, gazing at the target with serious intent. She drew her arm back, and expertly hurled the axe at the target.
With a loud ‘THWACK!” sound the axe sunk into the wood, dead straight on the bullseye.
The other ladies applauded, praising their fellow companion as Gabriel stared slack jawed at the axe sunk in the wood, marveling at how it could have been possible for the cow to pull off such a beautiful throw on her first attempt.
The bovine leaned over, and whispered to Gabriel as he stood, causing his cheeks to blush and lips pull into a tight expression of surprise and embarrassment.
“How was that for a throw, baby princess?”
Just as quickly as his face reddened it paled, and he met her gaze feeling more self-conscious than he ever had before.
Did she know? Was she just being sweet? Is it that obvious that I’m wearing a diaper right now? Is she just the really motherly type? But why would she have said that if she didn’t know, it’s not like she was acting normal this entire time… What’s her deal?
Before his mind became an uncontrollable whirlwind of questions he managed to recover, forcing a broad, toothy smile to spread across his face as he grinned up at her.
“Well done m’am! That was an expert throw, care to learn any tricks?”
He waited with bated breath, expecting the cow to laugh or outright reject his offer, along the lines that there was nothing that he knew that she did not already know.
To his relief, she did nothing of the sort and nodded once. Gabriel drew in a mental breath, and then proceeded to politely guide her through the motions, mentioning small suggestions such as posture and arm movement as he showed her how to throw multiple axes at once with accuracy.
She listened silently through the entire process while the other ladies entertained themselves, chatting and occasionally throwing a few trick shots along with Gabriel as he continued to instruct the bovine on how to throw an axe between her legs.
At last, the two hours allocated to the party had been already passed, and Gabriel found himself feeling oddly torn at seeing the bovine go. He did not quite understand the effect she was having on him.
As he walked past the ladies, moving to pick up a few axes left on the table he felt something firm pat him on the bottom.
Of course, this feeling was dampened by the thick, princess pink diapers that he had taped onto himself before his shift started that day.
In addition to being clad in a large pair of adult diapers, during his shift he had allowed himself to wet the front of it, so he turned around to see the bovine smiling serenely as she gently groped his soggy padding, Gabriel found himself unable to react other than staring with mild fear in his eyes at the cow.
He glanced around, and to his relief he saw that nobody had noticed the spectacle just yet.
Before he had a chance to speak, the cow spoke up, her voice low but clear as she kept her hand on his diaper bottom, pushing the diaper up slightly against him.
“Looks like somebody had a little accident while they were throwing axes, weren’t they? Good thing little helpless babies like you are kept in diapers, huh? Otherwise you’d have to mop up your own little bunny puddles after work.”
Gabriel’s cheeks were on fire and he felt as if his brain was short circuiting. He knew from glancing at his bottom in the mirror before heading to work that it was almost impossible to tell that he was wearing a diaper, not to mention the fact that most people do not go looking for such a thing when examining a furson anyway.
No, there was something unusual about the bovine that was still resting her hand firmly on the seat of his diaper. Just as he was about to formulate a response, the bovine continued.
“Well, I think it’s time now I join the rest of the ladies. If you find yourself in need of a change however, I might be of some assistance.”
Casually she retracted her hand from his diapered bottom and reached into her large bosom, and retrieved a small card with a phone number and name printed on it. She handed it over to Gabriel, who meekly accepted it and looked down to reach what was written on it.
Antoinette Kuhe
Experimental Behavioral Therapist
1-300-555-8468 (call or text)
Gabriel stared dumbly at the card, processing in his mind that this lady, who must have been at least a decade or so older than him, had just given him her card and offered him a diaper change.
He looked at her, feeling rather dumbfounded as he felt the passion in the front of his diapers growing larger and larger as he came to understand the situation he was coming in.
The cow winked, adding as she walked past him.
“And don’t worry dearest, I know how to take good care of helpless little babies that don’t know any better.”
With that, she paid off the party fee and walked out with the rest of the ladies, jumping into lively conversation with them as they filed out of the axe throwing range.
Gabriel stood there, dumbfoundedly staring at the card that had been handed to him.
~ ~ ~
Later that evening, Gabriel shut the door to his car and glanced around the neighborhood nervously. He had texted the number, wondering what exactly the bovine lady had in mind.
She had replied shortly, that if he really needed that diaper change that he was to show up at her door later that evening, with a bag packed with basic toiletries and any ‘toys’ he might want to bring along.
She had also added that he need not bring a pair of clothes, not even pajamas.
He had brought a few of those items she mentioned, as well as some choice stuffed animals.
He looked around nervously, noticing that the neighborhood Antoinette lived in seemed to be quiet and serene.
At least I don’t have to worry about my car getting broken into…
He walked up to the front door, still holding his backpack in his paws nervously as he padded up. He was still wearing the same diaper he had on when Antoinette had sauntered up to him for the impromptu check.
He had flooded it even more since then, and it was now heavily soaked and hugging his midsection, bulging out slightly at the seam of his sweatpants.
He glanced down, knowing full well that once he knocked on that there that there was probably no turning back. Whatever the bovine wanted from him, he had a feeling she would get.
He had spent more than a few minutes admiring the strong, resilient body that Antoinette confidently showed off while she threw axes earlier that day.
He drew in a breath, gathering the courage he needed. Holding it in, he raised a shaky paw and knocked on the door.
“One moment please!”
He heard shuffling behind the front door, and within a few seconds the door opened wide.
In the doorway stood Antoinette, and Gabriel’s jaw dropped as he beheld what she was wearing.
Dress in a quaint, early 20th century motherly gown and apron, Antoinette raised an eyebrow appraisingly as she looked her charge up and down.
“My my.” she said, her voice holding a tone of command that made Gabriel’s ears droop instinctively in submission.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a giant baby on our hands.”
Reaching forward, she drew forward the waistband of the rabbit’s sweatpants, reaching down with other paw to grope the front of his padding, which elicited a loud squish.
“And you’re absolutely soaked, good thing you came to me when you did! Otherwise you’d be standing in a little baby bunny puddle, wouldn’t you Gabriel?”
His cheeks had now reddened completely, and he felt his passion growing inside of his soggy diapers as he realized the bovine was pushing his buttons much harder and quickly than he anticipated.
Before he knew what was happening, Antoinette had grabbed his paw and pulled him inside the house, shutting the door behind him and locking it.
Taking his hand once again, she cooed and began to pull him behind, speaking as she did.
“No this won’t do at all! Come with me darling, I’ll get you nice and changed and into something a little bit more appropriate.”
Gabriel was only able to catch a glimpse of the living, and then the kitchen. Antoinette piped up.
“Oh, we're going to have so much fun, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to do the things I have planned with you.”
As he was pulled upstairs, he gulped. Realizing that perhaps he had just bit off a little bit more than he could chew, as the sight of an oversized nursery met his wide eyed stare.
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