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Save Net Neutrality
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Think this picture looks shitty? Imagine the whole internet being like that unless you, or the content provider(or quite possibly both) have to pay extra to get high speeds and good resolutions for their files.
That's what Net Neutrality is about. The idea that the people who own the lines on which the internet runs(which were mostly paid for with public, taxpayer dollars) cannot discriminate on what content it is, whether its theirs or someone else's, or a political viewpoint they do or don't disagree with.
So if you like the internet the way it is, support Net Neutrality.
A good version will be uploaded, tomorrow.
Drawn by Jakkal, but intentionally mangled by me.
That's what Net Neutrality is about. The idea that the people who own the lines on which the internet runs(which were mostly paid for with public, taxpayer dollars) cannot discriminate on what content it is, whether its theirs or someone else's, or a political viewpoint they do or don't disagree with.
So if you like the internet the way it is, support Net Neutrality.
A good version will be uploaded, tomorrow.
Drawn by Jakkal, but intentionally mangled by me.
7 years ago
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