Current Track: Blabb

The ant startled at the old buzzer's ring, jumping to their feet, and

hurrying up to the floor from the chair they'd been pacing on for

longer than they could tell.

Benny raced to the door, unsure how they'd open it. As soon as they got

to it however, the slap of metal suddenly slid back before dropping

down into the floor. Nervous, the bug swallowed and walked forth into

the hallway.

What would be just a minute walk for anyone was quite the expedition

for one so small. Benny had plenty time for their mind to rush through

the possibilities of what was to come, it wasn't every day you were

called in by someone who could change your life or end it on a whim.

Alas, arriving to the final door at the end of the hall, it opened just

as the first. Coming into the room, everything was bathed in darkness,

even the dim light of the hallway seemed to stop right at the door.

Benny called out, uncertain if it would be best to be in company of

someone, or alone in this place. “Um… Hello? I'm here? You wanted to

see me?"

The door suddenly closed back up in a shriek of metal rubbing against

metal, the ant jumped back, stumbling, and falling down. They held

their breath, now entirely lost in inky blackness.

That is until they noticed the dim glow of an old monitor waving around

in the distance, then followed by the sight of a sharp Cheshire grin

seemingly floating up, topped by two silver irises faintly shining

through the room.

They tried to speak up but could only manage to squeak a panicked

breath before everything turned bight as heaven in a flash. With their

eyes struggling to adjust to the sudden brightness, the ant didn't even

notice the rhythmic thumping until, just as they could finally open

their eyes fully again, a mass of black and white crashed right before


Benny gulped, millimeters away from having ended up beneath the dark

padding of a white furred toe, staring up, past the immense, sharp claw

looming over them, barely making out the distant grinning face of their


“Marvelous, I feared you wouldn't make it alive, even on a slow day

there can be quite the busy staff roaming around the public areas!" The

grin seemed to grow even wider somehow on the feline's face, their

sharp pupils locked onto the bug.

Benny remained speechless, getting back up to their feet, that deep

voice still resonating in their skull.

“Now, now, no need to fret, I didn't call you here for a split second

of amusement, you're my guest, you'll have a few hours before that can

happen! Why don't you climb along Benny? I called you here because I

need some help to relax while I work! Your resume was most… Adequate

for this position."

The ant looked back to the digit, even standing up, the bug was barely

standing as high as the soft looking fur reached down. They knew best

than to wait though, and made their way to climb up the toe, getting in

between two of them to get a better grip. Soon they made it up to the

top, holding onto the snow bright fluff.

“Er… Thank you Noma… Sir… What did you want me to do, exactly?" trying

to keep up a dignified stance, the bug queried, struggling to keep from

squealing nervously with each word.

“Simple, really." Noma replied, crouching down to have a closer face to

face with their little new employee. “You will be right around where

you are, for the rest of my shift, just make sure to wriggle your way

around to rub and massage! If you survive, you'll be out for the night,

before your next shift. You'll get your own… Quarters, you'll know when

work begins and ends!"

Benny tensed, it's not like they really had a choice, they'd already

signed up the paper, uncertain whether they regretted it or if it was

the best decision of their life. The bug acquiesced, getting right to


“Glad to see your enthusiasm, I'll get you to your office right away!"

Before Benny could squeak a confused word, the titan began to walk back

to their chair. The ant held on for their life, knowing how swift an

end it would be to drop onto the floor now. Though even as the raccynx

sat down, the rocky ride wasn't over yet.

Benny watched as Noma lifted their foot up and brought the dreaded

office, an old leather boot, the kind worn by construction workers more

than a company lead, though nobody would dare judge the choice of

someone who loomed over even tall folks.

“Just don't hold your breath, you'll get used to the warmth and all,

believe me, this way I'm sure I won't lose you, too, just avoid… The

insole. Your… Former workforce didn't and it's a nightmare to clean


Unceremoniously, the footpaw slid into the boot with ease, basked in

darkness once more, the ant did their best to keep on breathing as

calmly as they could, whimpering as the toeclaws hit the steel toe of

the boot, and a distant thump signaled the heel's landing.

It would be a long shift, Benny started to work on helping their boss

relax, occasionally able to make out the shapes of those who failed

their duty way down between the toes they worked on. Shivering at the

curiosity nibbling at them, just how many had been hired before? How

long did they usually last?

Benny feared about finding this out the hard way, reminded to not let

their attention drift too far when the digits flexed to get them back

to work, threatening to shove them off down to the insole for


After the first hour, getting used to the damp conditions, the ant just

shoved those questions to the back of their mind. Despite all, Benny

did want to make a good impression on their first, and hopefully far

from last day…