Current Track: Blabb

Lykos Redemption

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Act IV/////

Ch 2: Eulogy of the Damned

Coulter DarkClaw

“Brothers…Sisters…Zeus has yet again slighted us. He has shown what sort of deity he is and we shall not answer to him. Our Path, the path of us over humanity; of me on the thrown has always been the correct path. Let us take this new found power of ours and show humanity what really lurks in the shadows.” Demeas spoke and now his followers listened. They hated Zeus for this atrocity he’d committed and they believed Demeas would allow them the best means to make good of this new ailment from which they were all afflicted, “Say goodbye to your old life. Say goodbye to poverty, to being downtrodden, to being less than what you are capable of. Today I welcome you to the new era. The era of man below his wild counterparts. Welcome to the position of Royalty, my comrades!”

The crowd cheered. They howled and clapped and gave themselves pats on the back. They thought that this atrocity could become a good thing. Their thoughts were mixed up from their deaths. They thought they were saved. That they had been given a good thing, but the truth was much darker. Their souls were forfeit. They were solely bodies with corrupted minds, which thought that they could rule the world. These thoughts would spell their end. Their dreamed greatness, their dreamed strength were only in part the truth. They were now stronger than their lighter brothers, but they were out of control when they were in their transformed state. The other set of wolves were always aware of themselves and could control their thoughts while transformed. It was still difficult, but it was easier for Melaeneus’ wolves than it was for Demeas’ followers.

“We shall never let Zeus or any of the other twelve control our lives again. The old forms we knew. The form of my brother’s pack shall no longer be a form we can obtain. We are a form more fitting of the strength we now contain. We shall fight our brothers, fang and claw until we stand atop a mound of their shredded bodies. Do not forget why I chose you, my children. Forget your old lives, they no longer exist. You are no longer human, you are my children. And WE ARE FANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The crowd shouted Demeas’ name over and over again whilst pumping their fists in the air. Demeas looked to his brothers, to those he had transformed and he gained a tear in his eye, He’d finally done what he had always wanted to do: gain the power to rule and rule with an iron fist. He heard them chant his name and it echoed through the cavern they now called home. He smiled darkly knowing what was coming; knowing the fate of him and his followers, but he cared not. This next battle would spell many of Melaeneus’ wolves’ ends and he knew that his pack would suffer as well. Again he cared not. He would be happy to slight his brother whom he blamed more than Zeus for this atrocity from which he and his followers were forevermore afflicted. “Hades damn you, Melaeneus. You are no longer a brother of mine. I shall fight you again. This time I will win. I have the upper hand, the strength to destroy you. And destroy you I shall.”