Current Track: Blabb

Without Your Grace,
the vacant becomes empty,
the quiet is silent,
the cool is cold,
the shades are shadows
and the peace is dreary.

And when You're not watching,
our strength decays,
our voices hoarsen,
our stance wilts,
our will falters
and our spirits dim.

But when You stand at our Front,
The water is silver,
the grass is emerald,
the sunshine is gold,
the sky is saphire
and the stars are diamonds.

You are the wind
that raises the flags;
You are the blaze
that warms up the night;
You are the stones
that hold up the castle;
You are the steel
that constitutes armors;
and You are the Reason
that drives the kingdom.

So may Your steps
always be steady,
may Your sight
be ever clearer,
may Your grasp
forever stay firm,
may Your sword
never grow dull,
and may Your shout
raise our virtues to our glory.

For Yours is the Crown.
Yours is the throne.
Yours is the castle.
Yours is the ruling.
Yours is our loyalty.

For Battle!
For Glory!
For Victory!
For You!
For The King!