Current Track: Blabb

Holycraptwoinaweek! I have no idea what it is, but something clicked. I can write again. It makes me happy. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Chapter 5 sees some revisions to ideas presented in the original, an earlier reveal of an important detail about Tiera, and a hint at a plot element revision.. :)

Tiera paused in her doorway and glanced back at Nathan,
still fast asleep on her couch, it seemed at least the nightmares had
stopped for now. She realized just how vulnerable he really was, he
was smaller, weaker and slower than just about everyone else on the
station, and unlike the rest of them he wasn't built to be a weapon.

She checked the time as she stepped out the door, which
hissed shut behind her. 05:16, she had 45 minutes to get ready and be
at combat drills. She sighed, tapping her wrist to activate her suits
computer and dictated a report to send to Kilin as she jogged towards
the armory. She hated to admit it, but her conversation with Nathan
had been partially driven by a need for information, though she still
enjoyed talking about Earth with him.

After a quick stop in the armory to get her combat
gear, a few pieces of heavier armor to go over her uniform, a bolt
rifle and two stun-knives, she broke in to a flat run towards the
abandoned section of the station, where her team would be waiting.

“Thought we were going to have to declare you the
first casualty," Aerix chuckled when Tiera reached the staging
room, “really wouldn't look good for us to proceed without our

“Hush." Tiera grinned, catching her breath, “I
have two minutes to spare."

She surveyed her team, Aerix, on heavy weapons, was
checking over his rail gun while a percussion cannon hung from his
back, for anyone else either of those weapons would be too much to
handle without a hard mount. Kasa, a black wolf a little younger than
Tiera wore minimal armor, though Tiera knew she had a camouflage
device, as she systematically assembled her rifle. Kit, a two-tailed
fox with dark tan fur, sat cross legged working on three different
computers at once. Ajax and Sophie, twin tigers equipped much like
Tiera was, were bickering about something- they always did. Last,
there was Ghost. A panther who wore no armor beyond his uniform and
carried no weapons, he leaned against one wall, eyes closed, a
picture of serenity.

“You're the one who always says we
should be early," Kasa replied absently, “be ready to fight. Be
free of distractions. But, I suppose you did have quite a distraction
in your quarters this morning, eh boss?"

“Yes, I did have a conversation with Nathan this
morning." Tiera rolled her eyes. “It is, in fact, part of my job
to get to know him and verify his story."

“I'm sure you want to get to know him..." Kasa
smirked, her comment earning chuckles from a couple of the team.

“Hardly an appropriate topic for the moment." Tiera
replied, before adding “Besides, do you really think you have room
to judge?"

Any response Kasa might have had was cut off by Tiera's
comm chirping, the team's orders rolling in. Tiera read over them,
relaying to her team as she did. “We've got a 4-way Capture the
Flag match this time. If a team's flag is in an enemy bade for more
than 5 minutes, that team is eliminated, victory goes to the last
team standing or whichever team has the most flags in their base at
the end of one hour. Doors open in 2.

“Kasa, find a defensive position with a clear line
to our flag. Kit, work your magic and get us eyes. Ghost, scout and
help Kit. Sophie, Ajax, fortifications and then defend the flag.
Aerix, you're with me on assault." Her orders were met with a round
of confirmations and the sound of gear being readied. She knew and
trusted her team, they had never let her down- at least, not in
training exercises.

* * *

The com chirped in Kilin's office, he opened one eye to
see that it was from Command and growled, kicking his secretary away
from her duty beneath his desk. “Always the worst time. Get out."
The command was followed up by a growl as she reached for her
discarded uniform, which sent her scurrying back to her desk

“Fleshraker," Admiral Darkmoon spoke as the
connection was established, the mouse looked irritated and tired, “I
have some concerns regarding the reports on the human. They indicate
that it is completely authentic?"

“So my expert tells
me." Kilin nodded.

“You need to inform your expert that
she is mistaken." The mouse's voice betrayed the rehersed lie, “The
human is a dangerous spy with a very elaborate cover. She is to
provide us with another report indicating this after the human
departs for Lunar Prime."

“Sir," Kilin barely kept a growl out of his voice,
“I do not think my expert will accept such orders, and why would
the human be departing for Lunar Prime?"

“I have made arrangements for a job offer to reach
the human, from an establishment here on Lunar Prime. Considering
it's antiquated skills and physical inferiority I am sure it will not
have many other job opportunities." The mouse paused. “Regarding
your expert, will she at least accept our truth, or be silent about
not believing it?"

“I do not believe so." Kilin shook his head,
starting to figure out what the Admiral's game was.

“Very well," The mouse frowned, “a shame, she has
a good record. Order her transfer to Phobos, there will be a terrible
tragedy on her transport, but she will die a hero."

“I am sorry sir," Kilin reminded himself to be
polite, the runt was his superior and could order him to Phobos, “but
this is not a good idea. Do you know who she is?"

“No?" To his credit, the mouse would usually listen
to reason.

“Tiera Gainsborough." Kilin replied, “Her mother
has paid a substantial sum of money to keep her safe."

“Ah. This is a problem." The mouse nodded. “As
the heir to Stellar being in the PDD is one of the few reasons we can
be sure of Stellar being on our side when things get violent with

Kilin smiled, that was the last piece of the puzzle.
Civil war, the mouse was playing a dangerous game, one he could take
advantage of. “I take it you plan to incite said violence on our
schedule, rather than theirs? … and, I would hazard a guess the
human plays an integral part in said inciting?"

“Very perceptive, admiral." The mouse nodded.

“I think.. I have a solution." Kilin smiled,
outlining a plan to accomplish several goals with one well placed

“I like it. Make it happen." The mouse nodded
before the screen went blank.

As the call closed, Kilin rose from his desk and
stalked out to his secretary and grabbed her by the scruff of the
neck to throw her back in to his office. There were calls to make,
but first there was some unfinished business, and this time the
bitch's mouth just wouldn't be enough.

* * *

Tiera sat in silence in the armory office, after
finishing the morning's exercise she had to report to armory duty,
which basically meant making sure no one took something they weren't
authorized to, a job mostly handled by the computer anyways. So she
found herself going over the reports from the exercise, again.

They had scored the quickest win on record, less than
20 minutes, but she had lost two men in the process. Ghost went down
to a sniper he had missed, which would be a surprise except that it
was Marko, the fox was the station's best sniper and could find nooks
and crannies almost no one ever saw. Ajax went down near the end of
the bout, when two teams allied to assault their base to reclaim
their flags- Ajax's loss opened up a shot for Kasa to take down the
heavy weapons officer on the assault, which turned the tide of the

“Can't save everyone, dear." Kasa leaned over the
counter, “Casualties are a fact of combat."

“Mrf. Not an acceptable one." Tiera grumbled, “....
what makes you sure that's what I'm looking at though?"

“Because I know you. I know how you think, you're
more concerned about your pack than you are yourself." Kasa
replied, grinning. “It's not a bad thing, although it leads to you
taking risks you shouldn't like that move against Talia... it was
impressive, but you should have let Aerix take the risk of taking her

“Calculated risk." Tiera replied, “She couldn't
aim and fire the rail gun fast enough to hit a small moving target,
but it would have gone right through Aerix's armor. So, Percussion
cannon to throw her off balance and deal with the footman next to
her, followed up by a close charge, blade in to the neck joint of her

“Yeah, paid off this time." Kasa shook her head.
“What if they had a sniper? Probably would have taken you out by
the time Talia dropped."

“Ghost took care of their sniper early on."

“Still, shouldn't open yourself up like that." Kasa
keyed in returning her rifle on the console, she had gone to range
practice after the exercise. “Team needs a leader."

“I really don't think you guys do." Tiera smiled,
“You work well together."

We work well together, Tiera." Kasa
corrected, “That includes you, and you are a large part of the
reason we work so well together. You remember what the team was like
when you got us?"

“Yeah," Tiera laughed, “You were a smartassed
little shit who let her amazing marksmanship scores go to her head
and wouldn't work with anyone. Kit was so unsure of himself and
terrified of messing up. Sophie and Ajax had eachother's back, but no
one else mattered. Ghost refused to take orders at all. I was a young
idealist who hadn't yet realized my position was bought and paid for
by my mother.... and Aerix, probably the only worth while one on the
team after a sudden transfer. Probably also bought and paid for by
Stellar Industries."

“They gave you a team they didn't want to send in to
combat. Most of us knew it, you didn't catch one because you were
such an idealist." Kasa shrugged slightly, “I'm still not sure
how you did it, but you turned us in to a top performing team...
which means they're probably going to transfer us to someone else,
and give you another shit team."

“Wouldn't surprise me." Tiera laughed, “No good
deed goes unpunished."

“Exactly." Kasa smirked. “By the way, how is

“Nothing's broken except his pride." Tiera replied,
“Banged up a bit, his leg will be sore for a while, but when you
consider the speed he was moving when the bolt hit him right in the
leg.. Marko swears he tumbled 15 meters."

“Marko is also prone to exaggeration." Kasa said,
“But I know from experience how much the practice rounds hurt,
Ghost is lucky his leg wasn't broken."

“I think Marko is the lucky on in that regard."
Tiera smiled. “And.. thanks."

“..For?" Kasa tilted her head.

“Reminding me of what I do, and why I do it." Tiera
grinned, throwing and exercise ball from the desk at Kasa, “And
embarrassing me in front of the team this morning, twit."

“Not like everyone else hasn't figure it out
already," Kasa laughed, snatching the ball from the air, “doesn't
exactly take a genius to tell your fascination extends a little
deeper than the history and culture."

“Still, wasn't nice." Tiera grumbled.

“So, how is he?"

“He's .." She paused a moment, “adjusting. I
think. A lot has changed for him."

“Well, that's good, I guess." Kasa smirked. “But
I what I meant was … how
is he?"

“Wha-.." It took Tiera a moment too long to get
what Kasa meant and shook her head, grumbling. “It's been a day.
Humans aren't like that."

“All that media you're so fond of, that you love
making me watch with you..."

“Hey, you enjoy it too!"

“Sometimes, but that's irrelevant." Kasa shook her
head. “All that, and you really don't think that a human male wants
to stick his penis in everything he meets with 2 legs and a vagina?"

“That's different." Tiera realized she sounded more
like she was trying to convince herself. “That stuff isn't real,
it's for entertainment.."

“It's a fantasy, Tiera. Something for people to live
vicariously through- or so you always tell me. Doesn't that mean that
humans wanted to have sex with everything in sight?"

“Maybe things that look human." Tiera shrugged,
“Most wouldn't be interested in a creature that looks more like an
animal to them."

“Well, true." Kasa nodded, pondering for a moment,
“Didn't humans have a saying though 'any port in a storm'?"

Tiera shook her head, trying to decide if she was
annoyed or amused, but settled on at least presenting annoyed. “Kasa,
you've turned in your rifle, stop interrupting my duties, please."

“Yes, sir!" Kasa laughed as she sauntered out of
the armory.

Tiera shrugged and closed the report, opening a novel
on the tablet instead. She wasn't technically allowed to read while
on guard duty, but, her connections had their perks. So, she spent
her shift in the city of Chicago at the beginning of the 21
century in the company of a professional wizard.

* * *

Nathan yawned and scratched the the stubble of not
shaving for a few days as he put on the last of his clean clothes,
idly realizing there were a few simple things he was now completely
clueless on. He needed a shower, a shave, maybe a haircut, to do
laundry... and really he needed some new clothes, the ones he'd taken
with him were showing their effective age, if not their actual age.
All things to talk to Tiera about, he supposed.

“Hal, any progress on the logs?" He asked the
computer as he flopped back on to the couch.

“Not yet." Hal replied, “I am currently
attempting to locate software designed to interface with this file
type, so I can determine the extent of the corruption."

“Cool." Nathan nodded, pondering. “Hal, what
level of access to do I have?"

“Define 'level of access'?"

“What limitations are on my interaction with you?"
Nathan clarified.

“You are given civilian level access to the Net."
The computer answered, his smooth voice was almost unnerving, “You
will be unable to access any classified information, such as PDD
records or logs. I am required to immediately notify Tiera if you
attempt to access anything classified, and contact station security
should you attempt to bypass my lockouts on said information.
Further, I am also required to log and report all interaction. You
also have limited access to Tiera's personal media collection, and I
have been directed to inform you that there are additional media
archives available on the Net."

“Makes sense." Nathan nodded, “Basically, don't
try to find out how to take down the government, and don't look for

“I am not required to block your access to
pornographic materials."

“That's good to know." Nathan laughed, “How much
Earth history survived?"

“Nearly all recorded information from prior to World
War 3 and the extinction of humans is still preserved and

“Cool." Nathan nodded, “What about individuals?"

“It depends on the individual and the era." The
computer replied, “I can find more information on famous figures,
and individuals from the 21
st and 22nd
centuries. State the name and date of birth and I will search for

“Patricia Jackson, born January 13
2036." Nathan replied. “Name was legally changed to Patricia
Ericson January 17
th, 2054"

“You are an individual of enough note that you could
have just asked me to search for your wife." The computer replied
as the screen came on, with her history and family tree.

“No one likes a smartass, Hal." Nathan chuckled and
rose to walk over to the desk, reading to see what had become of his
wife and children, and grand children apparently. He had a bitter
smile, wondering how many people outlived their
great-great-great-great-grand children, becoming so engrossed in the
history he failed to notice the passage of time, or the door opening.

“Something fascinating, Nathan?" A male voice made
Nathan jump, and nearly fall off the chair.

“Er. Just family history.." Nathan turned to the
speaker, the giant minotaur he had met the day before. He was just as
big and intimidating as he had been. “Hi.. uh.. Aerix? Tiera isn't

“I know." Aerix nodded, “She asked me to stop in
and make sure you hadn't turned in to a pumpkin."

“Turned in to a pumpkin?" Nathan raised and

“Her words, I figured you would know what she meant."
Aerix laughed, “I gave up on figuring out her odd references a few
years ago."

“She is a little strange, isn't she?"

“She is, it's part of her charm." The minotaur
agreed, seating himself on the couch, which remarkably did not
protest under the weight. “I also wanted to give you a piece of
advice, Nathan. Get off the station as soon as possible."

“.. Alright?" Nathan tried to decide if that was a
threat, or just advice. “Why?"

“You're in a lot of danger here." Aerix was
obviously trying to be unthreatening, which did not work very well.
“A lot of people want you dead, including a large chunk of the high
ranking individuals in the PDD. Right now, they have a plan for you,
I don't know what that plan is, but I am certain they wouldn't be
welcoming you with open arms if they didn't have a concealed knife to
stab you in the back.

“Once you have served your purpose, if you're still
on this station, you are as good as dead." The minotaur frowned.
“Tiera has some pull, she can protect you some.. but she will
realize that you're bad for her career. She's a sweet woman, but she
has aspirations... and I am sure whatever their plans for you are,
siding against the PDD would be career suicide."

“I see.." Nathan frowned, he knew Aerix was right.
Hearing it, however, was a whole different matter.

“Don't get me wrong Nathan," Aerix said, “she
likes you, turning against you would probably break her heart. Right
now, you align with her goals, and I think she's too excited to see
past the short term."

“Any advice for where to go?" Nathan asked, “How
to get there? What to do when I do?"

“I don't know." Aerix shook his head, “If I were
in your position I would start by trying to get down to Lunar One,
there's an old orphanage there and I think Mother would welcome you.
You might have some luck finding employment from Ion-Tech. There's
also always Freelancers looking for an extra set of hands, you might
be able to find one that wasn't picky about the species of their


“Traders." The minotaur laughed, “At least,
that's what they tell people, usually they are smugglers, pirates,
mercenaries, bounty hunters.. basically, small groups of individuals
who own a ship and don't like to follow societies rules, so they
spend most of their time in the vastness of space where they can be

“I can see the appeal." Nathan nodded. “Thanks
for the advice."

“You're welcome." Aeirx rose to leave the
apartment. “Though I am primarily looking out for Tiera."

“Figured." Nathan chuckled bitterly as the minotaur
left. “Hal. You mentioned media, how much music do you have access

“How do you wish that answer provided?" The
computer replied, “Number of songs, total bytes of data, linear
time to play?"

“Do you have access to Kings of Rage?" Nathan
sighed, he supposed that the computer taking him literally was
something he should expect.

“I will assume you mean the thrash metal band which
was active from 2045 to 2075." Hal replied, “I have access to
their entire discography, as well as two unreleased singles..
additionally I can access the music from the bands which members
moved to or came from."

“That's the band I'm looking for." Nathan nodded.
“Play their discography, 110 decibels or the loudest you can
without disturbing the neighbors, whichever is lower.. then show me
information on Ion-Tech."

“Fetching Kings of Rage. Define parameters of search
on Ion-Tech?" The computer asked, before filling the apartment with
the cry of an electric guitar, and a drummer who couldn't have been

“Metal never dies!" Nathan laughed, for a moment
losing himself in the beat of a long dead band reminiscent of
Megadeath and Slayer. “Hal, give me a breakdown of what Ion-Tech
does, for now."

The screen changed to a list of projects, as well as
limited details on those projects. Ion-Tech, it seemed, was a
multifaceted company whose work predominantly fells in to one of
three categories; arms manufacturing, cyborg prosthetics, or domestic
equipment. From there he began finding specifications and, where
possible, schematics for their products and lost himself in the
music, familiarizing himself with the technology of the day.

He preferred to tinker and work with physical pieces of
machinery, but a 3-dimensional hologram he could manipulate and
expand by hand was still good enough to let him become engrossed in
the puzzle, studying a prototype stage armor suit Ion-Tech had
scrapped and not bothered to secure the data from. As he was prone to
do when working on a puzzle, he lost all track of time, and
unimportant things like eating.

“Hal," Tiera's voice barely cut through the music,
what seemed like only a few minutes later, “reduce volume to 60

“Er, sorry Tiera." Nathan turned from his work to
see Tiera standing in the doorway, her ears flat. “Hal, end

“It's fine," Tiera nodded, flopping over on her
couch, “you didn't have to turn it off, was just too loud."

“You still didn't seem too keen on it."

“It really isn't my style." Tiera touched two
points on the neck of her suit, causing the front to come open and
the rest of it to loosen. “I tend towards a bit mellower."


“Hal, play Origa." Tiera replied, the room filling
with soft, almost haunting Russian vocals.

“Hm.." Nathan listened for a moment, “Sounds like
something Trish would have listened to."

“Then she had better taste than you." Tiera
grinned. “So, what's with the armor?"

“Yes, but her taste in men was terrible." Nathan
smirked, turning his attention back to the hologram briefly. “It
was a project Ion-Tech had been working on and scrapped, leaving all
their work on the Net. I stumbled across it and, well.. I can't pass
up a puzzle. Besides, familiarity with their projects could help if I
go to them seeking employment."

“It probably would help, especially in demonstrating
an ability to grasp modern technology." Tiera nodded, “They would
probably be a good place for you, they're the least likely to have
issues with you being a human."

“According to some of what I saw as well, the PDD
doesn't hold much sway over them?"

“True." Tiera paused a moment, “I suppose it is
too optimistic to think the PDD is playing nice because they've
actually gotten beyond petty hatred."

“Hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Nathan
shrugged, “I'd rather be off this station before they change their
minds, too. That happens, this place becomes a vipers nest."

“It already is," Tiera sighed, “it's just hiding
it at the moment."

“Yeah, kinda gotten that feeling." Nathan nodded,
and found himself being reminded that he hadn't eaten anything yet.
“So, subject change.. adapting to new technology is no big deal..
but what about more domestic and mundane things like food? Plus, I
could really use a shower and a shave.. and to do laundry. Some new
clothes, maybe..."

“I … really didn't think about things like that."
Tiera laughed, “Food's easy, the mess is close by, I can go get
food at any time. You probably can, too, but I really don't know how
far the hospitality is extended... or if you would want to open
yourself up like that quite yet."

“.. not alone, that's for sure." Nathan shook his

“As for the other things.." Tiera pondered, “I
can probably get you a razor for shaving from medical, while we don't
shave like humans.. fur can get in the way of tending injuries.
Showers are limited use, generally for decontamination, medical,
things like that... I'll talk to Kilin tomorrow and see if I can make
arrangements for you, hopefully he'll understand humans have
different hygiene needs. Laundry, I don't think your clothes would
survive how we clean our uniforms... and new clothes are going to be

“... and I have no money." Nathan grumbled. “I
thought I had escaped being too broke to even buy new clothes...
Thank you though, for the rest."

“I'll see what I can do." Tiera smiled, “For the
moment, that's going to be going and getting food. At least, I assume
the sounds your body is making is an indication of hunger."

“Yeah. That would be awesome." Nathan nodded as
Tiera left the apartment. The music changing caught his attention and
he recognized the song as one from an animated show that Trish had
loved, a sad smile crossing his face for a moment he could hear her
singing along, butchering the Russian parts. Then it hit him, she was
gone, he didn't just miss most of her life; there would be no
catching up, no stories of alien worlds traded for stories of kids
and grand kids. For the first time since the day he departed earth,
he let himself cry.

As he sat there listening to the music, tears rolling
down his cheeks, the single realization opened the gates and the
flood of emotion struck, almost physically. Everyone, everything...
it was gone. Not just Trish, his mother, his sons, his mentor- the
closest to a father he ever had, Kelsey, his friends who would give
him no end of shit if they saw him crying, his truck, even his ship
was little more than a scrap heap now. Everything that had ever meant
anything; gone.

“Hal, play Bloodlust by Hellbinder. 110 decibels,
then resume current playlist." Nathan said as the song following
Rise ended. He took a deep breath and composed himself, burying the
pain and letting the music clear his mind. He may well be physically
weaker than anyone else on the station, but he was not about to show
emotional weakness on top of it.

By the time Tiera returned, he was focused on a
different piece of Ion-Tech technology, a prosthetic spine. Half of
it he didn't understand at all, but it was still a fascinating piece
of equipment. The remainder of the night passed with nothing more
eventful than a meal of bland nutritionally balanced bars, and idle
conversation about Earth, Ion-Tech, mundane issues of modern life,
mundane issues of life on Earth.