Current Track: Blabb

Mike had gotten into a battling mindset.  With Felix, his totodile; and Ace, his spearow; and his two pokemorphs -- the collared Kelly and Naryawen, who wore a choker on the battlefield; he felt ready to take on Team Xaos.  But Team Xaos stood there ready to fight and looked pretty confident.  Mike was sure that Carrie and Wyatt had been following them.

“I know you two, you were at Viridian City and the Poke Mart at Pewter City!” said Mike.

Wyatt, the male goon, said, “Indeed we were!  And you are a credit to all humans in Pokéland!”

“How is that?” said Mike through his teeth.

“You own two pokemorphs as pets, their God given role,” said Carrie.  “It’s the destiny of all pokémorphs to be slaves.”

That last bit got Mike certainly angry.  He growled and commanded, “Naryawen and Kelly, show them that you became my pets by your own free will!”  Growling and with irises blazing, Kelly ran and jumped.  While Naryawen did flips.  Both of them used Flamethrower.  Naryawen spat fire at the Grimer, while Kelly formed a tai-chi flame ball between his hands and fired the flame at Mr. Honda, who was forced to jump.

“Felix, water gun!” Mike said.  And the totodile shot a gout of water at the growlith.  Mike then commanded, “Ace, aerial ace!”  Ace fired itself at the other spearow, who also missiled itself.  The two struck each other and deflected off one another.  Ace and the spearow flew around the gym trying to get a better angle off each other.

The grimer got burned, forcing it to retreat while Naryawen did acrobatic flips and tackled Honda in the face, freeing Lieutenant Bolt.   Naryawen and Honda rolled on the floor, stopping at the wall with Naryawen on top.  She began to scratch at his face.

“That’s not enough, boy!”

Lieutenant bolt gritted her teeth and said, “Electabuzz, THUNDERSHOCK!”

“ELECTABUZZ!” said the Elctabuzz, and it released a barrage of thunderous electricity.   Everyone was getting zapped except Mike and the others in the gym.  However, the bulbasaur had the houndour morph wrapped in it’s vines.  A grunt sent out a pokeball and it hit the houndour, catching it all but it’s clothes.  His military fatigues fell to the ground in a heap.

Kelly then tackled one of the grunts as he barked an order.  “Jolteon, pin missile!”

The Jolteon fired pins of it’s fur at the Electabuzz, who tried to avoid it.  Honda then picked up Naryawen, and in a typical wrestling move, threw her down with great force.  Kelly bit the grunt, this time on the shoulder while Jolteon avoided a powerful thundershock from the Electabuzz. 

Eevee bounded into battle, and touched Felix’s tail.  And suddenly, his watergun was more powerful than before.  “Helping hand,” said Mike.  “Okay, Felix, BITE!”

“Totodile!” and Felix bit on Honda’s hand.  “OUCH!” said Honda.

While Honda was trying to get Felix off, Mike spotted that Honda was wearing a peace of gear around his right ear.  It didn’t seem natural on Zigzagoons or their morphs.  But there it was, a plastic earpiece that wrapped around the ear and entered the ear canal.

“Ace, get that ear piece around Honda’s head!” said Mike.  Ace said, “Spearrrrow!”  And dived straight for Honda. It connected, and removed the earpiece from Honda, who now looked dazed.

“What is going on here?” said Honda.  “Why am I doing here?”

Wyatt said, “Carrie, it’s time to release our secret weapon.”

“You’re quite right, Wyatt,” said Carrie.  Grabbing a pokeball, she said; “It’s time for you to come out, CHARIZARD!”

The Pokéball opened and it released a big, black Charizard with reddened wings.  It roared so loud that it caused all the remaining windows in the gym to shatter.  Covered in black scales from head to toe, having a dragon head, a dragon tail ending in a flame, and dragon arms and legs, it was ready to do some damage.  Naryawen was awed by the power of the Charizard, what she could possibly become.  The charizard blew fire in order to intimidate everyone.  This was the power of the shiny black charizard. 




Mike looked at the Charizard and gritted his teeth.  He didn’t know what to do.  At any time that charizard could attack.  At anytime he wouldn’t know how to defend against it.  He tried to think, Felix might be too weak to handle such a powerful pokémon. His duster flared in the roar that had caused all the windows in the gym to shatter.  Naryawen was overcome with fear, the charmeleon morph was frozen in fright and awe.  Kelly retreated to his side.  Lieutenant bolt came at his side and said, “What do we do now, brave one!”

“I’m trying to think through all of this awesome Dragon Fear,” said Mike.  “Give me a chance!” 

Lieutenant Bolt then said, “While you think of a strategy, Genius, I’m going to send out my electabuzz!  Electabuzz, attack with Electroball!”

The Electabuzz formed a ball of blazing lighting at it’s tail ran and jumped even as the charizard was ordered by Carrie to release a flamethrower.  Overcome by the flames, the electabuzz fell down and rolled to the back of the gym.  Its hair singed.

“Electabuzz!” said Lieutenant Bolt as she ran to help the electabuzz.  When she got there, she held it and said, “Electabuzz, are you okay?”

“Electa-buzz,” it said, weakly.

“Hahahaha!” said Carrie.  “Nothing can stop our Charizard.  Charizard, flamethrow the little kid.”  The Charizard followed it’s command and let loose a gout of flame at Mike.  Mik e braced for impact and becoming a toasted marshmellow when he heard . . . “Eevai!”  And the flame stopped one foot short.  Mike looked up and saw the eevee projecting a psychokinetic field of multicolored iridescent force.

“That’s protect,” said Mike.  The flamethrower stopped.  “I don’t know if I can stop such a beast,” mentioned Kelly.

Mike said, “Kelly, you have too, Naryawen is too paralyzed to help.  Can you use Illusion again?”

“I’ll try,” said Kelly.  He stood a far off, and with eyes blazing yellow, he pushed out his hands, creating an illusion for the Charizard.  The Charizard responded by chaotically blowing fire all about the gym.  It roared, setting the gym on fire.

“What did you create for it?” said Mike.

“A snowstorm,” said Kelly.  He let his concentration relax as the charizard flew around the gym making the fire bigger.  This forced everyone outside the gym.   Including Lieutenant Bolt.   The gym was ablaze as the charizard broke free from the roof and roared in freedom.

Lieutenant Bolt cried, “My Gymnasium!”

“Dragon Wing, Charizard,” said Carrie.  The shiny charizard’s wings glowed as it was preparing to swoop the group again.  Eevee had thrown up it’s protect field again, which the wing made a glancing blow.  Holding Naryawen, Mike was running out of options.  There was hardly anything they had that go up against a charizard on the rampage.

“Naryawen, you have to do it!” Mike said.

“The size of that thing, the size, the beauty, the majesty . . .” she said.

“You’re the only being with the power to stand up to that charizard!” said Mike.  “You have to do it!  You have to evolve!”  Again, another flamethrower and eevee had put up the protection screen.  It was trying so hard to maintain the screen.  But the flame of the charizard was straining it.

Naryawen hid her eyes.  “I can’t do it, Master!” said Naryawen.  “I can’t do it!”

Honda lept into the sky to try to tackle the charizard, but only caught its neck.  His tackle didn’t work, and he had to hang on with his dear life.  The charizard tried to do aerial acrobatics to try to force the Zigzagoon morph off him.  Meanwhile, the Military came, firing a tank to force Charizard down.  But they were missing.  The Charizard took a shot, and with one hit of his flamethrower caused a tank to explode.  Ka-BOOOM!

“Sir, Team Xaos has caused a charizard to go on a rampage!” said the Captain.  “You have to send some fighters to take him down.  What?  What do you mean stop fighting Team Xaos, they are causing havoc!  Sir, those are illegal orders!”

The captain turned to his unit.  “Alright men, put that Charizard down by whatever means necessary and take Team Xaos into custody,” ordered the Captain.

“Yes, yes sir!” said the men, and they fired at it.  Of course they were missing it, and they only enraged it further.  By using it’s flamethrower, it blew up two more APCs as it circled the unit.  Finally it bucked off Honda and he landed into the military.  Two military men were dazed as they were both hit by his testicles.



Naryawen was watching everything, including the feral Charizard wreaking havoc at Team Xaos orders.   She got up and said, “Enough!” 

Mike looked on as Naryawen began to glow.  Her clothes were ripping as she grew in size.  Her sports bra came apart at the back as her new wings came out of the back, unfolding into majestic bat-like dragon wings.  Her muscles became thicker and more defined, her hips widened and thickened into an even more feminine shape.   Her horn split into two.  When she was complete in her evolution of change, she became a fierce looking charizard pokemorph.  Her full breasts sat a top a well defined six pack.  Naryawen roared a dragon’s roar, and launched into the air.  Orange all over, she flew at the rampaging charizard.  Sensing the smaller, female anthropomorphic charizard after him.

The people could only see the two of them, fight at aerial acrobatics; trying blow fire at each other.   The first charizard was having a harder time at it, since Naryawen was more agile due to being overall lighter and more agile in the air.  Finally, she was able get on his back, and bite his neck.  the shiny charizard’s blood sprayed from the neck and it roared in pain.  She held on tightly as it tried to buck her off.

Both were tied in aerial acrobatics until Carrie said, “Use seismic toss!”  The charizard tried to gain altitude so it can toss it’s burden to the ground.  However, it wasn’t enough.  The charizard blanked out, and both of them fell to the earth.  Naryawen released her mouth and slowly let the charizard down in the gym parking lot, and then landed by Mike.  Leaving many of their men and abandoning their charizard, Carrie and Wyatt got aboard their helicopter and managed to escape.  “We’ll be back, little man!”




Within time, the members of Team Xaos were handcuffed and placed in a military truck.   The Charizard was rushed to the pokemon center.  The captain turned to the Lieutenant and Mike.  “Well, the city of Vermillion owes you, your pokemon, and your pokemorphs a debt of gratitude, young man,” said the Captain.

“It’s nothing,” said Mike. “Any average trainer would have stood up to Team Xaos if they had a chance.” 

“I’ll see to it you get an award for bravery and honor,” said the Captain. “As for your pokemorphs, they will get a reward as well.”

Lieutenant Bolt then said, “Wait a moment, captain.  My gym is still in shambles, but he still has to earn a Thunder badge.”

“Where do you suggest?” asked Mike.

Lt. Bolt thought about it, and said, “The Pokemon Center playground is perfect to have an official match.  I’ll see you there about three days.” 

Mike answered, “Three days it is!”  Mike then turned to Naryawen.  “How do you feel, Naryawen?”

Naryawen answered, “Me?  Like a million bucks!”  She breathed fire as the trio went ahead and walked to the Pokémon Center.   Both the Captain and Lt. Bolt looked on smiling as the group walked on with eevee beside them.  “That boy has a great future ahead of him,” said the Captain.

“Yes,” Lt. Bolt said.  “Yes, he does.” 




Three days afterword Lt. Bolt was waiting at the Pokemon Center’s playground.  She was right, it had all the acounterments of a gym.  The ground had the requisite field painted on asphalt black top.  A cool, november breeze rustled through the town as she wore her army jacket.  The sky was clear, as it had rained the past night.  She looked up at the sky.  The clouds gathered around the sun in a ring, providing the light for the battle.

Mike arrived later.  Running with Kelly and Naryawen -- now a charizard morph -- behind him, he was huffing and a puffing.  “Nice to see you made it on time,” said Lt. Bolt.

“Are you kidding?” he asked.  “I wouldn’t miss our match for the world!”

“Okay, Mike, the rules are simple.  It’s a one on one match,” she said.  “We continue until one or the other is unable to battle.  Pikachu, go!”   She threw a pokeball until it released a slim and fierce pikachu.  The electric rat was yellow, but it also had a stripped pattern like Lt. Bolt’s electabuzz.  “PIKA-CHU!”

“Then I choose my eevee!” said Mike.  He released a pokeball and it revealed his eevee.  The little pokemon that looked like a fennec fox; except it was brown all over.  The eevee looked much more healthy and had a shiny coat of fur.  “Evai!” it said.  One Lt. Bolt’s men was standing at the side judging the battle.

“Ready mike,” asked Lt. Bolt.  “Pikachu quick attack!”

The small electric rat started running and charging the eevee.  “Eevee, protect!” said Mike.  And soon the field of psychokinetic force appeared and the pikachu rammed into it, getting slightly dazed.

“Pikachu, get it together and use Thundershock!” said Lt. Bolt.  “Pika, Pikachu!”  And an amazing shock of energy struck at eevee, but it couldn’t get past the protection field.  Mike turned to Eevee and ordered, “tackle, Eevee!”

“Evai!” as the eevee charged at the pikachu, and caused it to lose its balance and force it to the ground.  The pikachu shrugged it off and was ready again.

“Good, pikachu, thundershock!” said Lt. Bolt.  The pikachu yelled, “Pikachuuuu!” as it released a thunder shock.  Eevee was forced down. 

Mike said, “Eevee, you’ve got to get up and help me win this.”

“Eeeevee!” said eevee as it got up.   It took an aggressive stance, and it was ready once again.  “Eevee!”

“Okay, Eevee, show them how resilient you are, tail whip!” said Mike.  “Eevai!” As it ran and whipped it’s tail across the fierce pikachu.  The pikachu was unbalanced and it fell to the side.  It seemed to be enough to get it down.

“Get up, pikachu,” said Lt. Bolt.  “Pika-cha . . .” said the pikachu as it fell down again, apparently unconscious.

“Pikachu is unable to battle, the match goes to Eevee and Mike of Viridian City,” said the private.  Mike held Eevee and said, “yay!  We did it!”

Lt. Bolt came to him and said, “Congratulations, Mike, you’ve earned this.”  She held out a thunder badge.  She also smiled.  Mike took the badge and held it aloft.  “I’ve earned a thunderbadge!”

"And you also earned this," Lt. Bolt said, handing him the thunderstone.  Mike looked at the Thunderstone.  It was a quartz crystal with a lightning bolt trapped inside it.  Like a Lichtenberg figure.  He turned it around and around to try and make sense of it.  "You can use it to turn your eevee into a Jolteon."

"Thank you, Lieutenant Bolt," said Mike. "But this is a little extravagant." 

His two pokemorph pets clapped for him.  “Enjoy your journey to Celadon City.  Oh, and give my regards to the trainer there,” said Lt. Bolt.  “She makes great perfume.” 

“I will,” said Mike.  Soon, he and the trio left the pokemon center, waving to Lt. Bolt and her soldiers; who also waved back.  



On a boat to Celadon City, the machoke was sparring with another fighting type.  He was wearing still a makeshift loin cloth, while his partner was a sawk.  Both specialized in martial arts.  The machoke paid for its passage by doing heavy work for the ship.  But it knew it would be in Celadon City before the trio, where it can train and become stronger and finally achieve his dream of defeating Kelly.