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Mockup: "Mentions" page Part 1
Title can't be empty.
Title can't be empty.
"Mentions" page, in which content from throughout the site which is tagged by their users can automatically show up in this section of your profile. This can be public view or private view, and a tagged user, by default, can approve or reject tagged content (or choose who can tag one's profile, including friends, or ban certain other users from tagging one's profile) before it shows up in Mentions.
This will be useful for seeing any content which is:
* gifted to or from another user
* commissioned to or from another user
* promote content which involves another user
All that one has to do is use + Autocomplete or the BBCode syntax when linking to another profile in a submission blurb.
This will be useful for seeing any content which is:
* gifted to or from another user
* commissioned to or from another user
* promote content which involves another user
All that one has to do is use + Autocomplete or the BBCode syntax when linking to another profile in a submission blurb.
12 years ago
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