Current Track: Blabb


This is a story i made about my secondary fursona wohack. It contains scenes that may be unapropiate for some people. This is my first try for a story so i hope you like it.


Chapter 1


The Unfortunate Day


            A small black with white stripes marking in his face wolf dog cub was sleeping in his bed his name was Wohack. His parents were a beautiful husky named  Luna and his father was a black wolf named wolack . He opened his eyes when suddenly he heard a sound downstairs and move to the door with slow movement and opened it. The dark hall scared him he didn't know what to do so he walked to his parents room without hesitation. He lure himself in to the room and said “Mom, Dad?” his voice was sounded in the dark room but only silent existed  and the room was empty.

            Then another sudden sound filled the silent house. A sound so scary that only a lighting strike could create but  it wasn't raining or anything outside he thought to himself. The kid was really scared now but he found the strength to move his foot downstairs to see the origin of the unfamiliar sound. He pass his room though the empty hall and turn right in the corner where there was a stair case that leads down stairs.  The cub move slowly down the stairs holding with of his  paw in the wall so he don't fall down. Downstairs was the dinning room which was dark and looked empty in the cubs eyes. He slowly lean left to the living room , what he saw made him froze and stare with his both of his eyes wide open. His heart was beating like crazy and tears of fear started fall from his scared eyes.

            A scary man appeared in front of him he couldn’t see his face which was covered with a hood. The small cub couldn’t recognize that strange man but he looked very scary in his small eyes.  The person he looked like some kind of a dog species which he never seen before and he had a black nose and small black tail which you couldn’t really see it in the dark. He parents were sitting in the living room at the sofa really scared. A small noise escapes the cubs nose , a sound that kids make when they are scared and crying, which got the attention of the thief and his parents. Imminently his parents orders the kid to run away , to save him self and do not look behind. The voice of his parents were very strange , he never heard them talk like that before. He imminently run away upstairs, his parents  knew that the cub had found s place where he could hide which was extremely hard for someone who didn't know to find him.

            He run as fast as he could up the stair case through the hall and into his room.  When he was younger he discovered a small hatch in his wardrobe. The old owner used to hide his old luggage but he used it for hiding place when they were playing hid and sick with his friends.  He run into his room and open the wardrobe as fast as he could. He open the small hatch and enter locking him self in there.

            After a couple of minutes he heard noises outside. Footsteps which he knew that it was that bad man coming for him. He heard sounds of stuff falling on the ground and some whispers coming from that that person mouth. Some words he didn't understand , he could hear some words that some older children used to tell in school and when he asked his parents to tell him they said no to use them again. The cub who was sitting in there ready to cry out loud but he strangle to be stay there silently. After couple of minutes silent fall again in the room. He didn't move a muscle and waited there alone and scared , waiting for this nightmare to end. He almost jump out of his place when he heard his wardrobe doors open and stuff thrown out of it in to the floor but thankfully the thief didn't see the small hatch in the corner because the darkness made it impossible to see it. The dog left, leaving the cub alone again. He didn't remember him self scared that much and he always had his parents close to him when he had bad dreams but this is different. It felt different.

            Minutes past since he heard something but suddenly he could hear more yelling and shouting from downstairs and then again two loud gun shots which sounded and a door closing fast when again silent. The two sounds made the cub to jump out of his place twice , tears started to come out of his now scared eyes. He didn't leave that place , he stayed there , he was frozen in place. He stayed there for couple of minutes till finally he found the strength. He open the hatch slowly and after he cleared his eyes of tears and his heart was beating like never been before. His room was a mess , everything was destroyed or thrown in to the floor.

            He moved in to the silent house , he tried to listen to something, anything that could tell whats was going on, but the only thing he could hear was his heart and his nose. When he entered  the living room. He was walking slowly and silently, he lean he head into the living room to see if that bad person was there. No one was in the room only a strange smell and he decide to enter the room to look for his parents and what he saw he couldn’t comprehend.

            In the sofa his parents were sitting there , like they were in a deep sleep covered in blood, The cub move slowly try to call them to wake them up and poke them and move there hands but nothing happen. Then he cried as loud as he never did before. Crying out of his fear.

            Imminently after that he heard sirens of police car sounded and some people with blue uniform entered the house and took him away from his parents.

            That’s what he remembered from that unfortunate day , that small scared cub now is a matured wolf dog  and he is now a proud police man he got raised by his ant after that incident which she was very sweet and  very kind. He raised him well and although he had a lot of issues when he was a child , he was a strong character and that helped him get over it very fast. He dream now was clear he wanted to become a policeman and fight for justice. Thats what make him wake up in the morning. He was very happy when they accepted him in the police academy and he was very good at it. That’s because he loved it and he gave all the attention to what he had to do. He was really good that he finished the academy 

            He will never forget the first time they gave him his badge and gun and the uniform. It was one of the best times in his life.


Thanks for reading more might come ^_^
