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Infinite Barbell Curls (2014 B-Day Gift #1 for Immy)
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So once again it's 's birthday today, so it's time once again for my traditional birthday art gift for him!
Usually when I draw Immy's birthday gift, I tend to use a subject he seems to at the time really be into, but this year I (at first) couldn't really think of something super-specific like a fat Gus in 2010 or muscle-y hypnosis in 2012. So instead I decided I would deviate a little by making a very simple 2-frame animation!
So here we have Immyraptor doing infinite barbell curls to pump himself bigger, all while a equally-muscley Quetza cheers him on, possibly for all eternity judging from the endless loop.
Usually when I draw Immy's birthday gift, I tend to use a subject he seems to at the time really be into, but this year I (at first) couldn't really think of something super-specific like a fat Gus in 2010 or muscle-y hypnosis in 2012. So instead I decided I would deviate a little by making a very simple 2-frame animation!
So here we have Immyraptor doing infinite barbell curls to pump himself bigger, all while a equally-muscley Quetza cheers him on, possibly for all eternity judging from the endless loop.
10 years ago
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