10. His head in the clouds
Faced with this curious spectacle, Cyrus was impressed, and somewhat amused. Impressed because, even if the lion wasn’t very big, the punch he put on this poor bird was powerful. And amused, because it was obvious that after regurgitating on this feline, this one wasn’t going to wipe the slate clean so easily.
From then on, some guests came to provide assistance to the dove, others continued the party as if nothing had happened, and some began to leave. Basically, the party was near the end.
In all this commotion, the mouflon hardly reacted. It must be said that alcohol was beginning to take effect. Thus, he no longer heard the words of the guests clearly, the noises became faint, and as for his vision, it became blurred: apart from his glass and the counter, the guests turned into bodies without heads.
During this stunning moment, Cyrus couldn’t help thinking of this lion. Apart from the chaos he caused, he looked like some kind of guest, with no history, but he had something in him that was... intriguing. Threatening. Seductive, even? But immediately he got this thought out of his mind.
“Wow, it was… weird what just happened. Well, I’d better go to sleep, getting my head straight.” He thought, still giddy.
Thus, he went to the guest room to rest, and above all, to avoid thinking about this feline. He doesn't know his name, or his age, and it was better that way.
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Chimera - Chapter 10
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[i]The party is over...
Background Music: https://youtu.be/7t_Q3Eii1-o[/i]
Characters and story © Me
All comments are welcome.
Background Music: https://youtu.be/7t_Q3Eii1-o[/i]
Characters and story © Me
All comments are welcome.
4 years ago
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