Current Track: Blabb

A Few Days Later

The bright sunshine was being blocked by the tree outside the wall of rock, shrouding my furred, bandaged form underneath in shadow. My tail whacked the ground while I was laying a bit on my side. Ignoring all the members of the pride outside with me nearby, my eager, anticipated eyes were watching out for the arrival of my new two legged friend. My thoughts wandered off about him as well, and they almost had me get up off the ground to leave and look for him. What's taking him so long? He should be here by now...

It's been probably about a couple days and nights already since I was rescued by Ryan that one night by that psychotic, horny rogue. And still grateful for it. I would have left home by now to head off on my lone hunt, or even go look for that human for that matter, but just like as of late, I was staying put RIGHT HERE and waiting for him. 

Well, I WAS supposed to stay inside that wall of rock since I'm not really supposed to be laying out here in the open, but I was tired of laying around in there. I was bored, have been while those days were passing by me, and I wanted to find a new spot to lay around...Which was under this tree of course. Sure it wasn't a NEW spot, I've laid here before as you already know that by now, but it's just new to me at this moment. It's not the exact same spot.

Before today, I was totally sore and in bit of pain, mostly at my shoulder, the same one that was hurt a couple days prior. This was worse than getting kicked by a zebra, and that's saying A LOT coming out of my muzzle. Almost makes me feel like I wanna go looking for that crazy lone lion and rip his throat out, as way of revenge. But I knew better than to leave in my condition, and so did my family. They were definitely another reason why I never left home to go hunting or anything. My mom and dad made me promise NEVER to wander off to Makena's home or anywhere till I was feeling better from my injuries. I didn't argue with them, I was in far worse condition than before. 

What sucks really is one, other than feeling a bunch of soreness and pain, I was feeling FUCKING itchy by these damn bandages which were driving me crazy. I wanted to rip these things off SO badly on multiple occasions, but Ryan's words kept ringing in my head to NEVER have my teeth or paws touch them. Cause of that I always resisted the urge...Even though it was harder than you think. And secondly, while dang bored out of my gourd, I was stuck here while everyone else gets to leave and do what they want, and also have everyone treating me like a cub. I'm thankful for the food that's brought home by the pride members and my family, but it almost feels a little humiliating the more I thought about it. And it was also annoying when my mother and father check on me constantly to make sure I was okay. 

But hey, at least I haven't been mocked for getting hurt again by anyone else in the pride, especially by Dahlia's bitch ass friends. I was so not in the mood for that.

Memories of that human's caring nature flowed through my mind, and they were having me form a smile, and huff out a calm sigh off my chest. But all that waiting will be worth it...Hopefully soon. As Ryan had said since that night, for the past couple days, he had came all the way here each time, each day, one time from where he lived to tend to my injuries. Mostly he was making sure they weren't infected every time he pulled off the old bandages and replaced them with new ones, like the ones I'm wearing now. I WAS super grateful each time he helped me out that he didn't use those alcohol wipes or whatever the heck they were called to wipe them away again...I hated that horrible stinging! I even asked him about it just to make sure he wouldn't use them on me! See how nervous I was?

Despite that though, he was very good at his job. He didn't exactly stick around to chat with me for long. Only for a little bit. Each time he came here he seemed to be kind of in a rush to finish his job and get back to where he lived. Part of me was thinking he was hiding his friendship with me from his kind, his own family, just like I had done with the pride and my family.

Go figure.

I do imagine my presence with his family probably wouldn't be as welcoming, like the crazy humans living in that other two legger home. I didn't try to stop him from leaving me after being here for such a short amount of time. I was pretty much being respectful...I don't think I could keep him here if I wanted too, no matter how interesting he is. 

Although, like I had sometimes felt about that crazy two legger home I've seen before I was near his, curiosity about his kind flew around me like a fly when I see him. I had so many questions to ask him, including about his family, what they were like and all, and why his kind is staying in these lands in the first place. That'd be a 'neat' topic to discuss. But...I suppose I'll probably have enough time to ask him about all that...If he sticks around when I'm totally healed from my injuries. Dad did say that he would come see me while I was injured just to help me, maybe that was another reason why Ryan was so eager to get out here, just to not get on my father's angry side...But will my dad let the two legger keep visiting me after I recover? He didn't say anything much about that during that night...Or even after.

I hope he does, I hope he can see Ryan is not as bad as he thinks...I don't want him to go. I did before, but now this was different. We've now started to become friends.

I rolled my shoulder a bit, testing it out. Speaking of that, I think all his efforts were doing me a bunch of wonders. I didn't feel as bad as before, and I didn't feel so limpy like before then when I wandered out of the cave to eat earlier and then lay out here either. That meant I was feeling ton more better. I was still itchy and wanted to take those things off my body already, but no, I was holding back my teeth and holding down my paws. I felt better, but I wanted to have Ryan's input just to make sure...Even though I was kinda running out of patience because of my boredom and wondering what's taking him so long.

It was the middle of the day and not morning anymore from what I can tell. I've been laying out here for a little while, but it still feels like it's been a whole day. I think he has came here only twice in the mornings, late morning just to keep in mind, but he is a bit rather late...I think.

What's going on with him? What's taking him so long? Something hold him back or...Something? A bit of worriness crept up in my chest, with a few thoughts rushing through my head. I hope he's alright... I shook my own head at the thought. Course he's alright, Sayde! He's a two legger! Or, uh, human. He's got that stick thingy of his and he seems to always carry it with him now. He's carried it here when he visited you!

He's fine...What could happen?

I heard some footsteps on the grass a moment later, and they had my eyes snapping towards them. My dad had came back home from wherever since he wasn't around when I emerged out of the cave, and he had come up to see me with a little smile on his muzzle. He greeted, "Hello, Sayde."

I returned the smile with mine. I responded, "Hi, dad."

His paws took a few more steps toward me as he spoke, "Now I've just come home from good ole Makena and I am catching you disobeying me again. When will you learn?"

I knew he was KINDA joking, and that got me uttering a bit playfully, "I ain't disobeying you."

Father stated with a knowing look, "Oh really? You're not resting in the cave."


"So, you're supposed to be in the cave. Did anyone tell you to come out here and risk your life while you are injured? I sure didn't."

I SORTA joked a bit, "Good question, but no. But the cave ITSELF was telling me to get the heck out of there before I go stir crazy." I shot my head to the right when I shrugged, "And when you hear something telling you to get out there while you are alone in there, that means you're going crazy. And it beats going crazy."

His chest let out a few chuckles, "Ha ha ha...But the cave is supposed to protect you. It's not supposed to make you feel crazy."

I let out a playful sigh, "Why am I not surprised when it's coming from you?"

"Because I am used to it." He winked.

I shook my head at that with a smirk still on my face. I told him, "I doubt you are THAT used to it, daddy. You haven't been very used to it yet, LIKE ME." He giggled, then I added, "Look, I got bored laying in it, alright? You don't need to sound like a broken record. I already got that from mom."

"Glad I'm not the only one who thought of this." He complimented, his head shooting towards the rest of the pride, "Least you're not all alone and the pride is with you."

I simply stated, "Yeah, well, I'm feeling better anyways. No need to worry about me anymore."

Then he put on a serious frown, "I wouldn't say that yet, till your two legger shows up and says so."

I shot back, "Which he MIGHT."

Then he showed a grin, "And I'm your father, I'm supposed to worry about you."

I moaned, being dismissive, "Well enough already...Your concern is already driving me nuts like the cave."

My father laughed a little. Then he gave in, holding his head up with his eyes shut, "Ok, fine..." But then he cracked them open a bit and added with a claw up, "But only for a little while." I rolled up mine in response to that. Darn it, dad. He chuckled deeply before he asked a simple question, "So, you're feeling better, eh?" He looked me over a bit, "I guess I oughta be impressed. Your two legger must be doing great for you."

I gave him another smile filled with agreement, "He is. I never felt more better than anything..." I whined when I felt another itch on my body, then I had my head gesturing a bit at it, "Well, except I'm still itchy."

He focused his gaze back on my face, "He still hasn't came here?"

I reported while resisting the urge to scratch it, "Not yet. He's late for some reason."

Dad wrinkled his brow suspiciously, "Late huh?" He looked off towards the savannah, "Sounds like something's happening on his end..."

Uh oh...He's going at it again. I shook my head, "I doubt it. He can be late if he wants. I don't think he's THAT perfect that he has to appear anywhere at the right time every time."

But dad still didn't let up on his suspicions, "Maybe...But still..."

I waved my forepaw dismissively and it had him staring back at me now, "Stop doing that, dad, relax. He hasn't done anything bad to us for the past couple days and he's not planning on it. Can't you at least see that?"

Dad responded, "I'll admit, he's as calm and collected like I am."

I gave him a knowing look, teasing him a bit, "Yeah right."

But he wasn't taking the joke, "But he can still screw up in the meantime, and when he does...I will make sure he won't EVER do that again."

I insisted, "And HE WON'T. I promise you at the bottom of my heart."

Dad stared at me for a bit, before he warned with his tail swinging behind him, "Don't make promises you can't keep, Sayde...Two leggers are unpredictable."

I flat out corrected him, "HUMAN, dad."

"Well WHATEVER he is, they are unpredictable..." He turned his body a bit to the pride while keeping his eyes locked on me, "And if I were you...I'd be VERY careful. I don't want to lose you like I almost did before..." After that, he padded towards the other pride members, with mom in the middle of talking with one of them. I gave him a glare as he padded away from me. Come on, dad...You think I don't know how to be careful with his kind?

Besides, he's not doing anything wrong to ME or to YOU so stop worrying!

I gazed towards the landscape away from home, and I can see a distant figure on two legs coming. I sucked in a exciting breath. There he is! Finally!

Ryan strode directly to the tree when he had caught sight of me. He threw me a greeting smile while carrying his gun and the things he needed to patch me up. He said as he got close and kneeled down near me, "Hey, Sayde. How you doing today?"

I replied, "Pretty good. Just freakin bored and itchy."

He giggled, laying his gun on the ground, "That's what you said yesterday."

I replied again, this time with tiny bit of impatience in my voice, "That's because that hasn't changed."

His paw gestured at the cave entrance from the distance, "No wonder you're not inside there."

I let out a annoyed sigh, "Yes, and I've already dealt with my parents about this, I don't really need a lecture from the likes of you."

He waved me off, "Sorry. I hear ya."

"Anyways, are we even about done with this? I'm really feeling a lot better today than yesterday I think just to tell you something." I shifted a bit on the ground still trying not to scratch myself, "Can I stop wearing these fucking bandages so I can live my life in peace?"

The human shrugged his paws and proceeded to reach out to the white patches on me, "Let's find out." I sighed impatiently while I was just laying there waiting for him. I watched him out the corner of my eye pulling off the bandage on my shoulder, and seen him inspect the wound. He hummed to himself before he said, "Well...It's actually looking a lot better."

"See? Told you."

Ryan replied, dropping the used bandage on the ground, "Well, I guess that means your wounds are as good as they can be now. That's very good. I don't think I need to do any more work on you."

I let out a relieved breath as I slowly got up on my fours, "That's great." I gave him a stern look of urgency before I ordered, "Now take the rest of this crap off me."

Ryan laughed, reaching out and doing what I told him, "Now I know how lions feel when they're patched up."

I stated while he was busy taking everything off me, "Well, better them than me. And I hope it ain't going to be me again any time soon."

"Hope not either, lady." Shortly, all bandages were taken off. He looked over me, apparently to make sure the other injuries were okay. He then confirmed, nodding at my eyes, "All done."

I whined, "Bout time...Thought they'd NEVER come off." I sat down on my haunches and used my back paw to scratch at this particular spot where one of those bandages were. I was feeling so relieved when one of those itches finally gone away. Ohhhh...That feels better. Ryan was giggling at me a bit while he watched me mess around with my scratching. I let out a good, relaxed sigh then stood forth again, heading away from the tree and home with no limps at all, "That's it, I'm taking a walk. I'm stretching my legs a bit." I stopped to glance back at him and ask, "You coming, Ryan?"

Ryan looked at me for a little bit, then shrugged in reply, "Sure. I guess you can really walk now."

I told him, "Trust me, I think I can. And I don't want to stay here a bit longer than I should. C'mon." He picked up his gun, then we strolled together away from the pride and home. I didn't care if anyone like my mom and dad saw me trying to leave and tried to stop me. I seriously wanted to get the heck out of there already. Being stuck in that cave was long enough, but laying underneath that tree and doing nothing but wait around for Ryan felt much longer. 

Besides...This is my first, and hopefully not the ONLY walk I'm gonna be having with him. This might be fun...Least it'll finally give me something to do with him other than just to let him help me. About for a little bit we were silent. I think Ryan was just letting me enjoy this walk without trying to put any pressures on me or at least interrupt me with his talk. But I don't mind talking to him...Just don't make me stop for nothing.

I looked toward him, and apologized with that look on my face, "Hey, Ryan...I'm sorry I was being rude to you. You have no idea how long I've waited to get away from home a bit and take those itchy things off."

Ryan said and waved me off, "No big deal. I don't think I can stand it as much as you."

"Well with the way you act when you helped me...You make it look so easy." I giggled deeply, throwing a playful question at him, "Perhaps you've got in a scrap or two like me?"

He replied, "No, not really. I hardly ever get in a fight...I don't even know how to fight."

I rolled my eyes at the statement, "Well, wonderful."

"Hey." His lips formed a smirk, "I don't like to lose in a fight like you do."

I groaned when he brought that up, "Oh, don't remind me, you bastard." He laughed at my reaction. I said, staring ahead with a vengeful expression shone in my eyes, "I still have a grudge against that guy for putting me through it. One day he'll get his..." I threw my questionable gaze towards the human, "Which by the way I thought that was what's been happening to you. What took you so long? You were a bit late today."

Ryan answered, his chin down as he continued to walk beside me, "Yeah, uh...I kinda got held up at home."

I quirked a brow, "Anything I need to know?"

He gazed toward me and replied, "No. Nothing. Just needless stuff holding me back."

I threw this statement at him, "And I thought maybe my dad scared you off without me knowing."

The two legged creature asked, "He still doesn't trust me?"

I answered, "Not really still. I think my mother does though...Not too sure about the whole pride..." I looked down a bit, "I'm sorry. I don't think that's what you wanna hear."

Ryan said, "Nah don't worry about it. I knew it'll probably take more than me helping you. Things like this take time."

I giggled, looking back at him, "Not so much with me."

"Hey, one day your dad and everyone in the pride will totally like me. It'll take time."

I stated with bit of concern in my tone, "Well, I am wondering if dad will let you visit me more after you helped me heal. What if he doesn't?"

He told me with such assurance, "He will. I don't think he has much of a choice. Your mother might kick his butt if he doesn't."

I let out a tiny laugh, "Probably." Then I mentioned with a thoughtful look when a idea came out of nowhere, "Hey, you know, maybe if he doesn't, maybe I can just come to where you sleep at day or night and visit you there."

Ryan said with a shake of his head, his eyes showing off caution, "That's not a good idea."

I inquired, "Why not? I got near your home before so what's the problem? I am pretty curious about your kind. I think you oughta let me go inside your house, introduce me to any humans that are with you, and show me-"

Ryan and I both stopped so he can say this with a serious face, "It's REALLY not a good idea." I cocked my head, then watched him take a deep breath and explain, "I'm sorry...I don't think that's an option. See, I'm the only one who knows about you." He stumbled a bit before correcting himself, "Well...What I mean is...I'm the only human who is your friend. My family and a friend of mine, Gabe...They don't really know that I'm talking with you. I'm wandering in your home and speaking to you behind their backs."

I've given him a smirk, "Like I was with you?"

Despite his feelings, a chuckle escaped his lips, "...Yeah." He nodded before he went on, "They're not exactly like me. No one in my kind is. They wouldn't take you lightly, I don't think...Especially my mom and dad. They would not trust you without batting an eye. They would totally freak out, and so would Gabe, and...Who knows what would happen. Having you try to talk to them like you are with me is purely dangerous. When you were first brought there, they didn't see you as a threat. When I brought you back a second time, that's a completely different story. I brought you there again cause it was night and everyone was asleep. I never told anyone about you...And it's probably a good thing."

Then I came up with another idea, "Well, maybe I can just...See you at night, not during the day. I can pretend I'm out hunting so no one would get worried and-"

"No." He was shaking his head and waved that away, "It still isn't worth taking a chance. Sayde, I'm asking you as a friend...Do not come over to my home...You hear me? I'm begging you. It's too dangerous to go there. Ok? Promise me."

Well, he really is worried. But, I guess his family and this...Gabe, are like the two leggers I've encountered days ago. Maybe it is a good idea not to go over there... I slowly nodded, accepting it, promising like I already did with my dad, "Alright...I won't go over there. I promise at the bottom of my heart."

Ryan finally formed a smile. He said, "Thank you, Sayde."

I made a grin, "No problem...Wouldn't want to get you in trouble like you did with me when you first came to my home."

Ryan laughed, then somewhat warned, "I'll put it this way...I ain't gonna get in trouble...Only YOU will be."

I frowned, "Gee...That ain't fair."

He just shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry. My parents aren't like yours."

I rolled my eyes, "Well terrific." Come on, you know about me, why can't you end up in trouble like me!? That's wildebeest shit!

I guess not every parent is alike.

He giggled. Then his paw beckoned me to follow, "Let's go. Unless you want to head back now."

I shook my head with a reformed smile, "Nope. I'm not done yet. Let's keep going." Me and him resumed our trek through the savannah without much talk or issue. We paced a bit longer than we thought before we decided to head back. All that energy spent really felt great for my limbs, and my sanity. It felt good to just get out and walk again instead of being cooped up at the cave. I might as well get myself a lone hunt and then I won't feel like a cub again. I'll be doing that later.

Ryan and I made our way back to the wall of rock. Among the pride still chatting and laying outside, I noticed dad was gone again. I frowned at the realization. Where'd he run off to? Guess he was angry and suspicious of Ryan being here and didn't want to see him.


Mother was the one who came when she saw us return. She greeted the human beside me with a smile on her muzzle, "Good evening, Ryan."

Ryan frowned upon her arrival, "...Your majesty?" I shot my gaze confusingly at him. What's his deal? Doesn't he know that's my mother? He should've recognized her by now.

My mom replied, "Yes, it is I." Then she giggled, "And please, call me Nailah. I would gladly appreciate it."

He nodded, forming a smile, "Ok."

She eyed me first then back to him, "I see my daughter is healed. Well done."

Ryan remarked with a look of modesty, "Eh, it's the least I could do for the princess."

She praised him, "Well, me and Jabari appreciate it. Couldn't have done it without you."

I doubt he's as appreciative as you are, mom. Ignoring that thought, I asked her this, "Speaking of dad...Where is he? I thought maybe he'd be here to do the same thing as you are...I guess."

Mom answered, "He had to go do something. A bird came and told him something serious in the kingdom was going on. He took off not too long ago." She waved me off with a paw, "It's nothing to worry about. Your father can handle it."

I nodded at her slowly while curiosity scratched my brain, "Okay." Wonder what was so urgent that he had to leave? Hope it wasn't too bad...

Mom looked towards Ryan and said, "And speaking of that...Since you've done so well with my daughter...I thought of maybe giving you a proposal, Ryan."

Ryan wrinkled his brow, "A proposal?"

"Yes." She went on, "Jabari and I have talked about it. Of course, he doesn't totally agree with the decision. And since he isn't around, I thought I bring it up to you myself. It's mostly my idea if I'm being honest. You still have the right to stay in these lands, and you can still come and visit Sayde..."

I gasped quietly with a lot of happiness. Yay! He can still visit me!

Then mom finished, "Provided that you guard her with your life. Follow her wherever she goes, keep an eye on her, and protect her from anything. She does seem to have a habit of wandering into trouble lately."

Ryan asked this weird question, "You mean...Like a bodyguard?"

Mom was confused by the term, and frankly so was I. I was giving him that look. Bodyguard? I never heard of that before. She didn't ask questions and just accepted that with a nod, "If that is what you want to call it, then yes. That is the most suitable decision we, mostly I, can think of. Makes you more useful for your visits here. So...Do you accept?"

Ryan smiled and said, "I...Think I planned to do that anyways. Sure, I'll do it."

She beamed, "Splendid!" Then she looked toward me with a raised brow and her tail flicked behind her, "And would you mind if he guarded you when he does come back here?"

I happily replied, "I wouldn't have it another way. Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome." She gazed at the two legger once more, "I see true potential in him. I know I shall not regret it. Now, if you'll excuse me, this conversation is over. If that's alright, Ryan?"

Ryan nodded, "Of course."

"Have a nice day." She whirled around and wandered off.

I looked at him after she left and said, "Okay...You were right."

Ryan chuckled deeply when he faced me, making a compliment, "Don't think I was wrong yet." He glanced to his left, then back to me. He said, "Look, uh...I think I'm going to head back home now."

My eyes held plea, "Oh, please don't leave yet." I know I didn't try to stop him from leaving me before, but all those curious questions I had about him and his kind were really getting to me this time. So much so that I couldn't help myself. I went on, "We still haven't talked a lot about your kind. Seriously I am freakin curious."

Ryan assured, "Don't worry, we'll do that later. Maybe tomorrow. I really need to get going. Ok?"

I looked down to let out a tiny whine, "Okay..." I shot up a smile for him, "I'll be here if you change your mind."

He nodded, "Sure. See you around, Sayde." At first he went for that tree I was laying under, apparently picking up the things he was going to patch me up with off the ground, then he went off to the direction to his home waving me goodbye. I watched him leave till he was halfway far away from here. I turned my attention away from him towards the wall of rock, and then I noticed a few members of the pride that were laying around on the ground on their stomachs staring at me.

They showed some suspicion in their eyes before seemingly whispering to each other.

I made a frown staring at them. My entire pride does know about my friendship with the human, probably thanks to word being thrown around by my mother and father, and obviously with Ryan's visits here. I was pretty certain Makena and Aren knew about it by now too. Heck, I wouldn't be too surprised if everyone living in these lands have heard about it. Maybe everyone did, I don't know. But...I now know for a fact that not everyone in the pride is gonna be like mom. Some were probably going to be like dad. Not everyone is going to agree with the decision to let a human stay in these lands to be with me. And I bet some were thinking that I am an idiot for trusting someone like Ryan.

They can call me that all they want. One day...They'll be wrong about him.

Maybe when I'm queen...I'll teach them a lesson for trying to disrespect my relationship with the human.

Heh...If only I could do that now...


I headed back to where I live across the savannah after my new visit at Sayde's home. The rifle in my hand and the bandages in the other both swung back and forth in different directions with all the strides I was making. Smiling, I was still mulling over that certain conversation I had with the queen. Man...

I can't believe that the queen has made me her daughter's bodyguard. I know I was expecting to be with Sayde for every second when I visit her, but be her bodyguard...That sounds...Cool.

I never been a bodyguard before...

I sighed pleasantly under the blazing sun. I never expected something like this to happen. Then again I never thought I would have became friends with Sayde so quickly few nights earlier. I was happy that she accepted me to be around her and not be so anxious and suspicious about me anymore. Bit sooner than I planned, but fate really had us meet again in a different circumstance. I can see that fateful night every time I sleep in bed now. Finding her in a fight, firing off a warning shot, helping her, saving her...I never saved anyone before to be quite honest. I never had a chance in life to save a person, or maybe an animal from a burning car or building, or save them from being abused. I don't think I could forget that moment. Felt kinda heroic in a way.

Much more heroic than when me and Tony rescued Sayde from those poachers. It was like a different kind of heroic. It was a literal life or death situation that time.

I was glad I was there to save her. In the end, it was worth it. Totally worth it.

I almost gave up on being friends with Sayde...But I didn't, and now I am friends with her.

I glanced at the white clouds in the sky for a moment when I thought of this certain little cat. Gypsy would have been proud. I remembered her words and they've really helped me through that struggle.

I couldn't thank her more...For believing in me.

I looked straight ahead as I placed more steps on the dirt. I recalled that night again. When I saved Sayde's life, and after we both had that confrontation with her family about what happened to her...I was a bit stunned, and happy at the same time that things didn't go totally south. I always thought it was pretty much thank goodness that I never shot anybody in self defense before all that tension settled. I remember barely pulling that trigger when Jabari was coming closer to me. I never did want to hurt any of the lions...Even when I didn't have a choice. I was even shocked that Sayde's mom had convinced the king to let me see Sayde and continue to help her with her injuries. At least I wasn't met with any more hostility since that night and I never had to raise my gun towards anyone again. So far anyway.

Each day since then, I was eager to get out and meet Sayde and help her with her injuries without fear. Well, I did have some sort of nervousness in my chest when I arrive at the pride's home. I think I was a bit afraid that I might accidentally cause some trouble in the pride despite I was welcomed to visit. But, glad I didn't. I hardly spoke a word to the other lions, except maybe a bit just to Nailah and Jabari, and Sayde's sister, Dahlia. I just went to meet Sayde and then go on my merry way without trouble.

Of course I didn't want to visit her for too long, otherwise I was afraid I'd might draw some suspicion from my parents. Like I told Sayde, I never told them what happened that night. Least they were both asleep that night when I went out for that walk and then brought Sayde back to the house to help her out. They, and also Gabe, still hadn't suspected a thing, especially when I go and meet the lioness for a short period of time. I kept up the pretense that I wasn't hiding something, I was already good at that. I always told my parents that I was going out for a walk, while also making sure they didn't see me carrying these bandages with me. That would definitely make them question me what I was up to. Luckily I was good at hiding those too, lately.

Only today was a bit of a hassle to get away from them. I never told Sayde this when she asked earlier, but let's just say I didn't have a lot of breathing room to sneak out the house with the bandages. My mom and dad were out in the open for them to catch me in the act most of the time. I had to wait for a long time before I found my opening. I didn't exactly yell that I was going for a walk that time, I just got out of there as soon as I grabbed the bandages and my rifle. I didn't want to waste any more time just staying at the guest house.

I'm happy I've got my next visit in instead of being cooped up like poor Sayde was. I'd probably act a bit like her.

I was gazing down at the ground while strolling, thinking about her mother, the queen. The thought was making me giggle in amusement. I remember her face when we first met, remembering the fact that she understandably did not like me at all. Even threaten to kill me like Sayde would before. Like mother, like daughter. It's almost surprising that she has become this nice to me like her daughter very quickly, and then suddenly make me her bodyguard. Tells me a lot that she has now put a whole lot of trust in me to protect her daughter. I'm flattered that she supported my friendship with Sayde.

Too bad her dad probably didn't. 

Now the king was on my mind. I wasn't surprised at all when Sayde told me her father still didn't trust me. Before today I always see him giving me these stares when I show up at his homestead to help his daughter heal. They were the look of pure distrust. Heck, looking back on it, now thanks to Sayde's words from earlier, now I'm kinda afraid he might find me and run me out of here. But I knew his...WIFE wouldn't let him do that. She would get very angry if he tried.

I was internally a bit disappointed he didn't like me very much still. Almost as disappointed as not saying goodbye to him today...Even though I don't think he'd care and just want me out of his sight...And away from his daughter. But I knew in my heart that he'd warm up to me one day. I knew I couldn't rush it...Or else I might cause trouble between us. Things like this take time. 

I hope I do become friends with her father one day. I don't want any issues to stay between us. I even hope I become friends with the entire lion pride for that matter. 

One day I will. What's more awesome than being friends with two lions? That'd be amazing. Probably the most amazing thing I'd ever done. 

Now Sayde was the sole focus. My brow furrowed up in curiosity upon the image of that lioness. I was glad she wasn't in serious pain anymore. And I was also a bit excited to see her again tomorrow since I have planned on it. But, when I think about her...I did seem to notice something about her. She does seem...Different than her family. For some reason, I can tell she was a bit of a polar opposite than them. Maybe she was also different than the other lions. When I'm really thinking about it, she hadn't really talked with the other members of her pride before I'd shown up. She was alone under that tree when I found her today.

If she was bored like she said, she probably could've talked to the other lions before I arrived, but she didn't for some reason. Maybe she didn't want to be bothered because she was itchy thanks to the bandages, but I didn't believe that. I think it was something else. I could be wrong, but I don't think I was.

I haven't talked to her much every time I visited her lately, but I have grown curious about her...Like she was very curious about me.

What's her story...How come she doesn't seem like everyone else in the pride? I shot my head to a direction. Oh well...I think I'll just ask her that tomorrow. After all...I am her bodyguard now. I chuckled out loud to myself. Oh geez, Ryan. Don't let it go to your head.

A little while later I finally made it back to Gabe's place and the guest house. I gave a momentarily glance at the animal pen before I went up closer to the house I'm living in. I went inside, the satisfying A/C air greeting me and cooling me down from all that heat outside. I let out a whoosh of air when I paced a few steps in. I didn't see anyone when I came in, so I hurried along to put the medical supplies I had in my hand away in the bathroom. When I closed the medicine cabinet, I came out the room and hollered, my voice carried all over the house, "Mom, dad, I'm back!"

There wasn't a reply. I tilted my head. They were here when I left. Did they go off somewhere? Or are they at Gabe's place next door? I strolled through the house into my room, laying the long barreled weapon against the wall, and then heading for the front door. I'll just see if they're chatting with Gabe again. Gotta least let them know I'm back from my walk.

I pulled the door open in bit of a rush, and came to a halt when I found a person standing right outside.

To my surprise...Jen, the lead ranger's daughter, was here.

She apparently was about to grab hold the knob too before I opened up. Her hand froze in mid air, with her brows stuck being raised. A moment later, she was grinning and saying with a modest wave, "Hi, Ryan."

I laughed a bit, then made a bit of a stammered response, "Jen...What are you doing here?"

Jen answered, "I came to see you. I saw you come back from your walk and wanted to say hello."

I frowned quizzically, "You came all the way here by yourself just to do that?"

"You mean did I walk all the way here from where I'm staying just to meet you?" She giggled, shaking her head, "No way. I hate walking that far."

"Oh." I said with a smirk on my face, "I guess your dad's here too."

She replied, having the mixture of playfulness and seriousness in her eyes, "Yeah...My dad would not agree letting me walk this far alone."

I remarked in amusement, "I didn't think so. He always seems to keep his word to keep people safe."

"Yeah, well, it kinda gets annoying too." Her chest let out a sigh, then Jen asked, "So...How are you doing?"

I nodded, "I've been doing pretty good. Still love this country to death."

Jen remarked with a teasing expression, "Probably won't if you live long here."

I stated, "I doubt it. So far I don't feel totally bored...I think I'll still feel the same by the time summer's over."

The ranger's daughter said, "Whatever you say."

"Heh heh..." Then I asked, motioning my hand towards her, "I suppose you're getting bored here already?"

She chuckled, then shook her head, "Not likely. I feel fine."

I offered, "You sure? Hey, I'm just saying if you were I could take you out for a walk." I lowered my voice down to a cheeky whisper, "Don't worry, I'll protect you from hungry predators. I've got a trusty rifle now."

Jen rolled her eyes after giggling at that, "Wow...That's reassuring."

I insisted, "No I'm serious. If it makes you feel better, Gabe taught me how to use it. No joke, he said I'm almost as great as a ranger."

"Awesome." She declined in a polite way, "Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

I shrugged my shoulders with a nod, "Ok...But the offer still stands if you change your mind."

She gaped at me for a long time with a smile. Then she said, "I'll keep that in mind."

I looked over her shoulder, try to see Gabe's place, "What are you and Theodore doing here? Just came to visit?"

Jen replied, gazing back at Gabe's house, "Actually my dad is here on business. He came with the big cheese of the company he works for. They're talking with Gabe about stuff."

My brows were raised, "Really?" Huh...Must be something serious.

She brought her eyes back on me, "Yeah. As for me, well...I just tagged along and just visiting with your folks and...Hoping to see you. Your parents are nice by the way."

"Thanks." I pushed myself out the door, standing beside Jen and closing it behind me. I asked, only focusing on the other house nearby, "So what's the deal? Do you know?"

Jen frowned a bit before answering, "I think it has something to do with that poacher Tony arrested a few days ago."

So that's what it's about... Without speaking to her more, I had curiosity drove me further away the house I was in and up towards the other. Jen didn't stop me, only followed behind me. I haven't thought about the poacher since the night Tony and I arrested him...And killed his partner. I figured he wouldn't be around here any more, and probably still scared out of his mind that he kept quiet most of the time. 

Probably should of thought of doing something different before poaching.

I needed to ask Theodore or Gabe and know if anything came out of that guy within custody. Like if him and that asshole were acting alone or if there were more of them. Since I was now friends with the lioness I so wanted to be buddies with, I want to know if there was still any danger present in her lands. One of us has gotta be prepared for what's out here.

I came around the corner along with the ranger's daughter, and froze to see from a short distance. I see Theodore's car parked near Gabe's, and a white limousine parked behind them. I took a quick guess that that vehicle belonged to the big cheese Jen was talking about. Seeing that at first did make me question why in the world that was in Africa. I didn't think limos were great cars for African terrain. It wasn't like he was driving around in a city. Apparently he was crazy enough to drive that in these parts. Then I trailed off all the transportation that was here a bit and saw Gabe and Theodore talking to an older man in a bit of a circle, with mom and dad watching too from a distance in front of the house.

I definitely assumed the older man was the big cheese. It definitely showed when he had short white hair and wore sunglasses on his face, along with a black suit and a red tie. Now THAT really made me question his mentality. First he was driving a limo through the African savannah, and now he was wearing something black in this kind of weather. I wouldn't be surprised if the man had suffered a heat stroke. Speaking of health, from here I think I can hear his voice making raspy statements. I think he must've smoked a lot too. If it wasn't dying from heat, then it probably would've been lung cancer to do him in.

But what did I know? I just met him.

Without taking my eyes off everyone, I whispered to Jen who stood beside me, "Gosh, this guy must be loaded."

She remarked, watching with me and leaning her head a bit to mine, "You think? That's what Sebastian Zimmerman usually is. That is his name by the way. Every time he visits dad he comes in with that limo of his. Try to imagine if it got stuck in the mud from a big rainstorm."

I agreed with a sure nod, "Yeah good point."

Then she added with her shoulders shrugging, "But then again, maybe he'll just pay someone with a crap load of money to help him get out of it."

Wouldn't be too hard to find decent help around here. I said, forming a frown, "I wonder if this guy is like Justin..."

Jen snickered, "I heard you've met the moron." She solemnly shook her head, "I've seen him before, but I seriously don't think he's anything like Justin. He doesn't seem...Vain."

My eyes rolled to her, "Don't you mean narcssistic?"

Jen looked toward me with a knowing expression, "Same thing." I chuckled. Then she added with sincerity, "Don't worry, he seems cool. I don't know him all that well, but I guess he's not THAT bad."

"Oh good." Well, least I don't have to deal with another narcissist. Thanks to Justin, I thought all rich people were like that!

The older man appeared to have caught sight of me and Jen standing around watching them talk. He interrupted the conversation he had going on with the game warden and the ranger by pointing at me. I heard him ask if that's me or something, and then I heard Gabe confirm it. With that, they all took long strides to meet me and Jen. My eyes widened up a bit. Dang, I guess the big cheese wants to talk to me. After their short journey, they all stopped in front of me and Jen. 

Theodore said to me with a smile, "Hey, Ryan. Good to see you again."

I replied without taking my gaze off the big cheese, "Yeah...I think I missed the start of the show."

Sebastian Zimmerman took off his sunglasses, just to see if he can get a good look at me I guess. His face sorta reminded me of Michael Douglas for some reason. I thought that was kinda weird. But then again, maybe it was no wonder he wore a suit in hot weather. Gordon Gecko could probably wear a suit no matter where he went...Maybe even during a shower....Or maybe even in space. He was greeting me with a crooked grin, and spoke in that raspy voice of his, "I don't think you were missing much, Mr. Kennedy. Just us adults having a conversation."

While my mom and dad joined the group shortly after, I nodded as I brought it up, "Probably about me for one thing."

Gabe chuckled nearby while the old man hummed deeply, "So you are the kid that was involved." He held out his hand. I shot a glance down at it in confusion, then brought it back up to his face. The Michael Douglas look alike then suddenly apologized, "I am deeply sorry."

"For what?"

"For you having to be involved in something that was terribly dangerous." He lowered his limb as he went on, "No tourist should ever be in that type of situation. Usually that doesn't happen. If you need some compensation for all that trouble-"

Whoa, whoa! Dang, really getting all chummy with me! I was smirking and shaking my head with my hands waving as I declined, "No, no, I'm actually doing fine." I dropped them both down when I continued, "I'm not totally traumatized."

He nodded, his head motioned to my parents, "Yes, your family did mention that to me. But...I wanted to make sure out of you yourself. Things could change. Wouldn't exactly want a lawsuit on my company."

I simply remarked, "I don't know any lawyers."

The boss chuckled in amusement, "You tell jokes...That reassures me that you are alright. I'm glad."

I brought it up, "Hey, it wasn't so bad. I was just nearby watching the whole scene like it was an action movie or something." My hand gestured at Theordore, "Besides, one of his rangers didn't do too bad at his job. He protected me."

Sebastian nodded once more, "Yes...Tony Cramer." He eyed towards the African ranger and said, "Which again, Theo, don't forget to make sure that young man gets the title of Employee of the Month. He's done a great job."

Theodore nodded, "Will do." I was smirking at the conversation. Employee of the Month. He's one lucky guy.

Sebastian said after he focused back on me, "Well, just for the record, for your sensibilities, you probably don't have anything to worry about anymore, if you already were."

I formed a quizzical frown, "Why's that?"

He explained, "Because I believe you and Mr. Cramer had put an end to the poaching problem that was ongoing around here." 

I asked in bit of disbelief, "We did?"

But then I noticed by the look on Gabe's face that he wanted to counter that claim. He tried with a finger raised, "But, with all due respect, sir, that probably doesn't-"

Sebastian turned to him, "Mr. Dotson, you already know that your concern is noted. But from what it looks like, they were just two fellows working at it alone. There is no reason for us to believe that there may be more of them."

Gabe wanted to respond to that, "But sir-"

"But nothing." He put his sunglasses back on and said, "The conversation is over. I've got to get going. I've already got what I wanted, and as far as I'm concerned, you and the rangers did too. Alright?" Gabe just stared at him for a long time, taking a deep breath through his nose. Then he made a tiny nod. Sebastian nodded back, "Ok." Then he turned to face me, and held out his hand again with a chummy grin, "You take care, kid. Hope you'll stay out of trouble from now on."

I shook hands with the old man, "I hope so too."

When he let go my hand, he added, "You and your family enjoy your stay here. I'm sure you won't be frightened ever again." He thumbed at Gabe beside him, "You've got the best game warden Kenya has ever known." Then he went up to my parents and said to them, "You two take care and have a pleasant vacation."

They both accepted it with nods. Dad said, "Yeah, thanks for taking care of that guy. My wife and I still appreciate it."

Sebastian mentioned, "Poachers are scum...It's what we do." He laid eyes on Theodore now, "You and your daughter take care yourself. Remember...Give that ranger nothing but best regards from me. Alright?" Theodore nodded, then Sebastian went on his way back to the limo. Very soon the car door slammed, the engine kicked on, and he backed up on the driveway and watched him drive off, his tires leaving behind some dust.

Theodore made a bit of a bold statement, "What WE do huh? Heh...I don't see him doing much with us."

My dad chimed in, "He probably got bigger things to do."

The African ranger let out a breath, nodding at that, "Yeah, yeah, I know." He gazed at him now, "I'm just stating the obvious."

I went up a bit and asked both Gabe and Theodore, "So, what happened with the guy? The poacher?"

Theodore responded, "Well, all we know is the two men you and Tony caught are both Australian. The guy who was left alive never spoken a word." His lips were forming a smile now, "Not too surprising. He's guilty as charged. And we can only assume now that he and his friend were at it by themselves. So he's been taken away by the huge authorities and pretty much sitting in a cell now, awaiting trial...Probably won't take long to prosecute his Aussie ass." Then he eyed at his daughter with me and held an apologetic expression, "Er, sorry for the language, honey."

Jen waved him off, "Whatever." My lips smirked at her response.

Gabe, who still looked concerned, said with his head down, "It may look over...But still..." 

Theodore came up and patted the guy on the shoulder, "Hey, don't sweat about it, Gabe. Maybe Sebastian is right. It was probably just those two that were behind it. I think things may stay normal now."

"Yeah..." Gabe looked right at the man's face to reply, his eyes flashing warning, "You're probably right." I frowned at his behavior. Gosh...He doesn't seem to be letting that go. Wonder what's making him think all this?

Theodore sighed pleasantly, then said to me, "Well, it was nice seeing you again, Ryan, but me and Jen have to get going."

I was smirking at him, "Gee, I just got back from my walk and you're already leaving me."

Theodore laughed out loud, "Well, I just have things to do back at the station, and I don't want to leave Jen alone since she doesn't have a car."

Jen suggested, "I could let Gabe drive me back to the station."

He eyed his daughter in a serious manner, "I'm sure he's got things to do as well." He beckoned her, "Come on, honey...You'll see Ryan again later."

I could tell there was a bit of disappointment shone within her eyes, but she didn't fight about it. She just went up to him and sighed in bit of annoyance, "Alright, fine." She said to my folks nearby, "Nice meeting you guys."

Mom replied fondly as she wrapped an arm around dad, "It's good to meet you too, Jen. Glad Ryan has some other friends other than Gabe to meet." I mentally chuckled at mom's words. It ain't just her and the rangers, mom. You have no idea...

"Yeah..." Jen stated, looking toward me with a tiny smile on her face, "He isn't too bad." I smiled back.

Theodore said to me, "Well, hope we get to see you again. You know where the station is at. Stop on by whenever you can."

I nodded, "I will. See you guys later."

"Yeah, later, everyone." Both he and Jen waved at all of us when they both turned and went for their car. We all did as well. They soon got in and left in the same manner as Sebastian did with tires leaving behind a cloud of dust.

Dad sucked in a gulp of air, then turned and asked me, "So...How was today's walk, Ryan?" Mom stared at me too, waiting for my answer.

I looked at them and lied again like I had done before, "Pretty uneventful...As usual." I wiped my brow with my forearm, "Anyways, I'm going inside now. I'm hot."

Gabe, who had seemingly brushed off that feeling he was having now, put on a smile and said this, "Yeah, let's go now. This is done and over with."

Mom whined a bit as we all went ahead to the guest house, "Finally. If we'd stood out here any longer, we'd probably melt like snowmen." Dad chuckled and just kissed her cheek, while I just rolled my eyes at that. You could have just went inside while everyone was talking, MOTHER. Sheesh.

I was just strolling back to the wooden structure with them in silence, kinda thinking about Gabe's behavior a minute ago. What has gotten into him? I'm not worried. I think the big cheese and Theodore were right...These guys me and Tony found were acting like they were alone in all that stuff. I think it's probably over...Which means Sayde and the pride are safe as well.

I think everyone can live with that.


King Jabari's large maned form padded in fast strides over the tall grass. His yellow eyes glanced up so he can see the bird that flew to his home, that was apparently worried, and asked him to follow him. Shortly, the king of the lands he walks on emerged out of the grass as he put in some thoughts. He didn't know what it was about, that bird was rushing him away from home to come see what he wanted to show him. But he can see that it was very urgent. Something very bad. That was why he wasn't at home right now. 

He had been king for a long time now, and haven't had something urgent happening in his kingdom since forever. A deep growl welled in his throat as he continued to follow the bird above. In the back of his mind, he thought it had something to do with two leggers. He was suspicious of the one who is now a friend of one of his daughters...Even thinking about that fact grew a sour taste in his big mouth. 

He KNEW it was a bad idea to let him be around his pride, he KNEW that two legger should have stayed away from them, and now he was suspecting that something was going on thanks to him. The young two legger was late to see his daughter today. Were his suspicions coming true? Did this Ryan talk to his fellow two leggers to plot something big and bad against his entire pride? Hopefully it wasn't the case...

But if it was...He'll not reserve his judgement anymore. That two legger will be outcasted from his pride...And then he'll do something about him...And it'll be personal. For lying and deceiving him and his family.

If only his mate and queen, and his daughter had listened to him...

Jabari held in a breath and let it out. Part of him calmed down a bit, but it didn't make his angry thoughts wash away like rain. They were still hard as rock. He probably shouldn't be jumping to conclusions yet. He does know better than that. It's something he'd learned from Makena back then before he was king. But it's the two legger he was thinking about! Why should he put so much trust in that creature, since the very beginning of time his kind had trespassed every bit and corner of his lands, taken over some of them, and done outlandish things to his kind and all the herds living in them? One of the three things were possible to his pride. Either drive his pride away, kill the entire pride, or capture and take them all away from here. Any of them could happen to him, his family, and the pride if the two legger was involved.

He didn't want to fear the worst...But how could he not?

The bird flapped its wings and hollered down below, "It's just ahead your majesty!" Jabari gazed up again, feeling the suspense already killing him. What is this all about? Two leggers? Or something else? He had to know what was going on that was so urgent.

When Jabari's paws carried him up top a hill, he stopped...And let out a sharp gasp.

He overlooked a dozen antelope, about nine, scattered at different spots down below. He can see all the bloody marks on the bodies.

They were all dead.

The king's eyes trailed from one stiff, unblinking form to the next as he marched down the hill. He strode among the dead, shocked at the sight he's seeing. He stopped near one, inspecting closer to the deceased. They weren't attacked by two leggers. They were attacked by another animal, a different one with huge claw and teeth marks.

They were all attacked...And not eaten. They were left like this.

The bird finally came down from the sky and landed at a spot on the grass near him. Jabari drew his focus on the little creature and asked him, "What happened here?"

The bird said, flapping its beak, apparently mortified at the corpses around him, "I am not sure, sire. I was going to land in a tree for my flight break, and then I found this. Apparently the attack already happened before I arrived. Nobody was eating them...They were just...Left here. I thought it was probably your pride but...Don't you always eat?"

The king replied, bringing his serious eyes back on the body, his mind already coming to a simple conclusion, "We do." He knew what this was all about. It had happened before. He has seen something like this before a long while back, somebody breaking one part of the cycle everyone living in these lands has. But it wasn't just that. This was a threat...A message...To him, and the pride. Mostly to him.

He knows what did this...

It's been a long time...But Jabari knew HE would show his presence again...

The male lion commanded, "Listen...I want you to find your friends and have all of you warn the herds in the lands about what's going on here. This is not my pride's doing. Warn as much as you can come across that if they see something like this happen again...They come find me and the pride. Be on alert for a while. Understand?"

The tiny feathered creature nodded, "Yes, at once." He flapped his wings and took off the ground to the skies. Jabari gazed directly toward the dead body again, and growled with teeth shown, and fire in his eyes.

HE has returned...

Well...The king will be ready for him.