Current Track: Blabb

It is one thing to be in a land full of dangerous predators. It is another still to be knee-high to a mouse and needing to fear the tread of creatures chasing prey many times your size.

Every trip out of your lair - a small alcove in a towering cypress tree - is fraught with dangers. The tall grasses obscure your view, most of the time, leaving you to rely on your other senses for safety. You have to feel the footsteps of running creatures and react immediately to them. The sounds of various steps - of hooves, mammalian paws, reptilian feet, and others - all are well trained in your mind. Even before the sound of steps, you may hear other cries from these animals. Otherwise, you could rely on shifts in air pressure as a final warning of an impending impact.

For some, “Don’t tread on me” is a political statement. For a micro such as yourself, it is truly a matter of life and death. Tread carefully as you head out to seek another day’s food. And watch the steps of others. That first one is a doozy.