Patrick Altair
Species: Gene modded human (Red tailed hawk anthro)
Significant abilities: Desolidification, Degree Control, Animal
Occupation: IT technician
Age: variable in 25-35 range
Hailing from the Winds of Change setting, Pat is what might be called
a "self insert" character. That is to say, other than his world
being different, he's basically me, with certain levels of wish
fulfillment and desires added in, as well as exploration of certain
events that I didn't do as we diverged. He works in IT where he can,
but he's also had other jobs as a messenger, spice shop proprietor,
and even occasionally a combatant when necessary, though he prefers
not to dirty his hands. Perhaps his biggest divergence is the fact
that he met The One For Him, Cassandra Delarose, and after a few years
of dating, eventually proposed to her in a way that was accepted.
This was not without risk, due to them being from two different
realities, but they and their friends were able to figure out a way to
make it work that his nanites would not badly affect her or others,
including potential children.
Species: Asari
Significant abilities: Martial arts capacity, ki energy attacks and
powers, natural healing.
Occupation: eastern inspired monk and soldier for Hashinshira
Age: Variable in 19-50s depending on canon point
Hailing from a smaller Thordani village which no longer exists,
Kawheek was hatched to an Asari leatherworker and priestess. His
father did not live long into his life, given the nasty combat he was
exposed to, and he was raised primarily by his mother. As he grew,
he was taught the ways of Faenya and of basic combat, as well as
general skills to work around the community. His life took a
different turn from being a cleric when, on a hunting mission one day
when he was young, he found an injured human monk. After consulting
with others in the village, Roganas, as his name was, was given
shelter in the village in exchange for labor. He also openly taught
martial arts to some of the youth there, a skill which Kawheek took up
and excelled at. While a former member of the Scarlet Brotherhood,
Roganas hid his specism, if it existed, well. Had he alternative
motives for teaching, however, he was never able to realize them as
Kawheek's village was wiped out shortly after Kawheek's 18th solstice
by an attack of fire giants. Both Kawheek's mother and Roganas were
killed, and the few survivors, realizing they could not fend off a
second offensive, shortly relocated to Hashinshira, a larger Thordani
anchor settlement in the Hellfurnace mountains. Once there, Kawheek
joined the guard and worked hard to protect his adopted home,
eventually becoming friends with others. During a day of hunting, he
was captured by slavers in the mountains and taken into the Underdark
with others from the village. Sidkah, a ranger and outdoorsman,
Astrid, a cleric, and Tseerik, a sorcerer. Not trusting the last at
first, he nonetheless worked with all three to escape the captors and
move on to escape. On the escape, in order to aid the kobold Liatris
in retrieving her queen's crown from the escaped red dragon whelp
Duritax, they provided a distraction. This was the wrong course of
action, which later resulted in Duritax attacking Hashinshira and
slaying many, including Skekris, the aging Heliospix (High Priestess).
Afterwards the four made it worse by leaving Hashinshira to check on
the kobolds and collect Duritax's hoard. Liatris was the only survivor
of the kobolds, and on returning, they were exiled from the village
for somewhat over a year to atone for their misdeeds and lack of
foresight. Taking shelter at Kawheek's old hometown for a brief
period, they ended up being defeated and surrendering to a gryphon,
and then had to leave further afield to human lands. Once there,
they were attacked for the treasure they carried, and lost some.
They also were mistaken for demons in the first village, similar to
vrocks, which gained them ill repute and respect despite it. Being
hired by a deposed ruler, Lord Drax, they were commissioned to help
him regain his throne from Roostam, a barbarian who had taken it in
his stead. The campaign to do so lasted half a year with fits and
starts, before it was revealed that Roostam was being manipulated by
his close advisor (who had been replaced by a Toschar monster).
Eventually the party convinced him to abdicate peacefully after
slaying the toschar and went off on further adventures, before
returning to Hashinshira later on the appointed date to re-assimilate
into their hometown, though never fully fitting in again after having
tasted the adventurer's life. Still, they could be counted to appear
and help the village when the call to arms was sounded.
Melody Nicole Shebesta
Species: Wildtouched (Great Horned Owl)
Significant abilities: Perfect healing, shapeshifting (great horned
owl anthro and feral only)
Occupation: Multiproficient professional artist
Age: 25
Born of two humans, Melody was raised in a conservative christian home
to be a proper WASP housewife upon becoming an adult. However, this
did not happen as when she was in her teenage years, she started
shapeshifting as per her Wildtouched heritage. Her parents saw this
as a sign of demonic possession, and this began a strong conflict
between them, eventually culminating in a contested, and somewhat
abusive, relationship between the three, which ultimately saw her
evicted from their home on her eighteenth birthday, and disowned
shortly after that. Having expected and prepared for this, Melody
landed on her feet, going to college and earning a degree instead, a
process which itself had some bumps and bruises along the way, and
becoming a strong independent woman. She spent some time on her own
(possible branch point), renounced her religion, and became
politically active whilst working as a freelance artist. Eventually
she was hired on as animator at a firm.
Richard Peter Gallian
Species: Wildtouched (red tailed hawk)
Significant abilities: Perfect healing, shapeshifting (red tailed hawk
anthro and feral only)
Occupation: Student, EMT
Age: variable in early to mid 20s
Born of two humans, the son of an ER doctor and his love, Richard had
a more relaxed childhood than Melody. The first of three children,
he grew up in central Maine, with his needs mostly provided for.
This isn't to say there wasn't conflict, as he had issues with
dictates about sports and extracirriculars laid down to prevent his
injury by his parents. His own awakening occurred in his teenage
years as well, but he was lucky enough to manage to keep it secret.
He moved out at the first opportunity, claiming he needed some space
to study for college, and his parents supported him in the endeavor.
A parkour/freerunning practicioner, he found great joy in flying and
being on his own, and also met other wildtouched in his area; a
raccoon, two grizzly bears, a cougar, and a few others. This friend
circle was not to last, however, as attempts to infiltrate it by
outside forces for negative reasons scattered them all, and resulted
in Richard going to ground for nearly a year across the USA, aided by
his Wildtouched nature. He eventually returned and found safety to
finish his degree, but was again alone. He finished his degree and
works out trying to keep his secret while also having fun with it and
figure out more details behind why he exists as a Wildtouched... not
realizing that if he gets an answer, he may not enjoy what he finds.
Thenyr Nontdargo II
Species: Thordani
Significant abilities: Combat training, divine powers granted by his
goddess Faenya
Occupation: Priest, cleric, warrior
Age: Variable, mid to late 20s.
Hatched in Hashinshira proper, Thenyr grew up as an orphan in the
temple after his parents were killed before he was old enough to form
strong memories of them. He was raised as a acolyte of Faenya and
trained in her wisdom, as a sort of child-of-the-community along with
several other youngsters who had been orphaned in the same attack.
Expecting to simply walk the same path, things changed when he was in
his teenage years when Kawheek came to the village to select a student
to train. Impressed with the youth, Thenyr was selected as his
student and trained with Kawheek for several years, in the hopes of
succeeding Garv, the current Heliospix, when he passed or retired.
While neither has come to pass yet, Thenyr has become well trained, if
unconfident in his ability to lead the village, enough so that a
secondary leader (Sheryd) was selected in case he was unable to
perform the task satisfactorily. Following that, he simply is
waiting in the wings and is well liked by his people as his chance to
shine or fall approaches.
Nathan Scott Renfrew
Species: Human
Significant abilities: Expert marksman, Athenian Devout
Occupation: Realmwalker
Age: 22 to 30
Born a few years before realmfall, Nathan spent a significant amount
of his childhood obsessed with the realms, and training to be a
realmwalker, regardless of how many people told him it wasn't a real
job or that he wouldn't make it. Due to his dedication, he did,
graduating from a US satellite of Lecci Realmwalkers University in
2019 and being picked up by Realmwalkers Incorporated shortly
thereafter. Moving to Lecci and beginning to work as a junior
realmwalker, he showed a strong aptitude for the work, and made a few
good impressions with superiors, including saving his boss's life on a
botched run. Eventually he started to move into his own, independent
runs, and made many friends, both human and not, including Dawn, a
harpy whom he grew to love and care for. Following a massive
expedition helping a group rescue their friend, he spent several
months in realm as a teacher of native realmies, teaching them about
the Scientific Realm, and by his mid 20s, married Dawn in a small
ceremony, despite his parents' disapproval. The honeymoon went
poorly, with Dawn kidnapped and held hostage in a war Nathan wanted no
part in, but with aid from the temple of Athene, to which he is sworn
as a devout, he was able to rescue her and many others. He then
transferred to the Norse realm, just in time to be turned into a
werewolf by a power play by Fenrir. He rather botched his response
to this event, costing Athene a subgod and a significant power source,
in his shortsighted haste to get himself fixed. Following this he
was condemned to spend several months as a nonanthro owl and to be
completely honest about why this was to all inquiries, a rather
humbling and grounding experience for him to have to endure.
Following his return to human form, he was immediately caught up again
in an attempt to rescue the subgod, who instead of wanting to be
rescued had instead summoned him as a trap to take her own revenge on
him. He accepted this further punishment with grace, having had his
mark changed to another god and his gender swapped, but he was able to
cure it after some time and questing. Following the cure, he became
embroiled in an attempt to infect all svartskoll, including Dawn, with
a tailored virus to kill them. He was able to save their lives by
working with his enemy Fenris yet again and then moving on to have the
virus modified by Athene. Following this, Dawn became pregnant, and
they moved on to a new phase in their life together.
Lt. Arrow Quincy Vershaft
Species: Mod-Buteo
Significant abilities:
Age: 22-30
Born, or rather hatched, on Terra Buteo, Arrow had a hard time with
the accelerated education common to his planet, as well as the
constant jockeying for position amongst the other chicks. He wasn't
bad at his studies, just bad with the politics. Nevertheless, he
passed, and became somewhat of a burnout right off the bat. His
parents, worried about the honor of the family lineages, sent him to
the Advanced Gmelin Academic and Technical Education Program, or
AGATE, hosted on Gmelin, a largely uninhabitable moon of the planet.
Here, Arrow flourished, finally finding the tools and support he
needed to succeed. Following a few years on AGATE, he returned to
the surface of Terra Buteo, and landed a job initially on Ring-Seven,
an orbital shipyard and spacedock, working as a repair technician and
systems engineer. Once finished with his education there, he moved
on to the HMS Solsbury, which was a posting of endurance as he rankled
at the rules placed on him and the strict discipline on the ship.
When a friend left the Solsbury to take a ship that his father had
bequeathed him, Arrow jumped at the chance to join a more relaxed,
less hostile crew, and was rewarded with a Lieutenant rank and
position as the the systems officer of The Cause, an aging cruiser
with a mixed race crew. This became his true family and friends, and
was where he found himself most at home for several years.
Species: Goddess (normally perfected Thordani or avariel)
Significant abilities: Weather control, solar deity, healing,
god-level powers
Age: Eternal
The patron deity of the Thordani and Asari, Faenya shepherds them
through difficult times and seeks to improve their lot. They
venerate her as their sole deity and her powers are accessible to
their priests for the purposes of controlling air and sky, the sun,
healing, and improving the world in various ways. Her long term
goals are to see the Thordani and Asari survive, and eventually be
brought to par with the other civilized races of the world.
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A listing of my various established OCs, and some info about them. Might update this later as I develop them more, or break it out into individual pieces about specific OCs if people want to see.
3 years ago
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