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It Will Rain For A Million Years
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Get used to this. Every Linton submission has a Porcupine Tree/Steven Wilson song title (unless is a ref sheet of course) because taht is precisely who he is inspired by. Or rather, he's inspird by how the lyrics make me feel.
This is a vignette from a story I started but got stuck in the middle of. The setting was a reality bending and very diferent North America where huge beartaurs wored the oil rigs, dragons made of blood roosted in the mountains and in one part I remember most, a reality where time bent in every which way and Linton was an interloper to be chased off.
This was inspired by two songs. The first was It Will Rain For A Million Years and the other was one that sounded strikingly like Hawkwind's Magnu. Not calling out for plaigiarism here, because there were divergences but still, it only hit me recently. The music helped to give a closure to the scene but I'm afraid I have no idea what prompted it, why he was escaping, or why he was even there. Either way, it's probably one of the best distorted views I've done. Who knows, it's Linton. He's Chaos. he can go where he likes.
This is a vignette from a story I started but got stuck in the middle of. The setting was a reality bending and very diferent North America where huge beartaurs wored the oil rigs, dragons made of blood roosted in the mountains and in one part I remember most, a reality where time bent in every which way and Linton was an interloper to be chased off.
This was inspired by two songs. The first was It Will Rain For A Million Years and the other was one that sounded strikingly like Hawkwind's Magnu. Not calling out for plaigiarism here, because there were divergences but still, it only hit me recently. The music helped to give a closure to the scene but I'm afraid I have no idea what prompted it, why he was escaping, or why he was even there. Either way, it's probably one of the best distorted views I've done. Who knows, it's Linton. He's Chaos. he can go where he likes.
1 year ago
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