Current Track: Blabb



\n To the Edge and Back




\n Author Note:


\n Hey people, this is my first ever story, not just about furs but in general so please, give me criticism so I can learn how to improve from here so, without any a due let's begin.




\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




\n I felt a blinding light shining upon me and, in a disoriented state, wondered where I was. Then as things came into focus, I realised where I was and why I was there. I was in the hospital, I remembered that I'd just come out to my parents and then the sourness of the memory returned to me, my mother looked at me coldly, disowning me as her son. My father, well, his reaction was more painful. I remembered him pinning me against the wall, insulting me and beating me until I was bleeding on the floor where he wanted me to die.




\n Thankfully, my neighbours heard what was happening and called the police and the ambulance. My father was taken away and I was taken here, to be treated for my broken ribs and my internal bleeding. I felt, lonely. My parents hadn't been supportive in the first place but, I knew that somewhere deep down they loved me. Now, I couldn't even feel that.




\n About myself, my name is Mark Duskfen, I am an 18 year old wolf who was pretty much normal looking, 6''5, grey body fur, white chest fur but, my defining feature was that my facial fur was completely white, an oddity around where I lived. I had just finished college and came out with respectable results in the end but, never enough to please. With a pang in my chest, I suddenly realised the consequences of my actions. I had no home, hardly any money and no friends. I had been a loner at heart in college, just keeping to myself and concentrating on work. I'd realised I was gay a couple of months ago, when I was looking at porn and found myself enjoying the male more than the female. I was still a virgin and hadn't been in a relationship. I was, alone in the world.




\n Two weeks passed since my stint inside the hospital and I was walking through Eidra, my home city, trying to find anything to take my mind off the pain. I had turned to alcohol to numb the pain I felt, both physical and emotional, spending most of my time in a stupor, disconnected from the world.




\n I was walking across one of the many bridges in the city, looking at the drop below when I realised, if I just jumped right now, no-one would miss me, I'd be another faceless teenager, just another count to the city morgue. The rocks below seemed almost inviting. With a sigh, I started walking up to the edge, to savour my final moments of life when I heard a distant voice shouting for me.




\n 'Hey, you're Mark Duskfen, right!?'




\n I cringed at the sound of my last name, not wanting to be associated with them, and turned to face the one calling me. I saw a wolf, similar build to me, just without the white face fur, jogging up to me and stopping, quite out of breath.




\n 'Please, don't use my last name, it just makes me hurt even more' I replied, wondering what this wolf wanted.




\n 'S-S-Sorry' He panted. He composed himself then started speaking again. 'I was, in your art class in college, remember? My name is Tyler Caltose.'




\n I did seem to remember him, he seemed to always look at me and as soon as I turned around he glanced away, as if feeling guilty.




\n 'I was just wondering, are you actually, you know, gay?'




\n Suddenly, I felt the emotional wounds I sustained open up again from the mentioning of what caused me to be in this situation, and I decided that I didn't want to feel this pain any more, even if it did traumatize this guy.




\n 'I'm sorry mate, this may be painful for you to see but I really don't want to continue like this.' I walked up to the barrier to take my last look at this life when I heard him shout for me to stop. I paused for a moment but then kept going, starting to climb over the barrier when he grabbed me and did something I never imagined he would do.




\n He kissed me.




\n I felt his tongue tie around mine, the hot air from his mouth like a breath of fresh air as I decided to not back away from him. Soon, he pulled back, panting, with me doing the same.




\n 'Sorry it's just, I-I wanted you to realise' He panted apologetically.




\n 'Realise what?' I responded, feeling something different inside me, something I hadn't ever felt before.




\n 'That life is worth living if someone still loves you' His words suddenly made me feel nearly full but I wanted to make sure that I knew what he meant before I lost my current will to live. 'Do you love me?' I asked gingerly.




\n 'Yes' He responded. I could see within his beautiful, crystal eyes that he was telling me the truth. I suddenly felt like I had been lifted up by an angel to a place of joy and happiness. I started crying but, for once in my life, they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy.




\n I walked up to him and hugged him tight to make sure that he was real and not just an apparition. 'I love you too!' I cried.




\n He held me within his arms for what seemed like forever then let go. 'Want to come to my place, I heard that you had nowhere to go'




\n No response was necessary. I just followed him home, to escape the dread I had felt for the past two weeks and to open up a new path for me to take.




\n His house was on the east side of the city, far away from where I had lived my past eighteen years, allowing me to keep my distance from the memories it brought up in me. As soon as we got in he started preparing a meal for us both and from the smells in the kitchen, it would be better than what I had lived on in my time of hell.




\n Soon, we were both eating a meal of smoked salmon with ricotta cheese, one of my favourite dishes. He obviously had knowledge of what I liked for which I was grateful for. We both talked over the dinner, talking about what we planned to do with our lives. We both had no idea of what we were going to do with our lives so we just talked about things we were good at and suggested possible options for each other, both serious and not.




\n As I was talking to him I started noticing other details about him that I didn't notice on the bridge. He had a piercing in his right ear and a tattoo on his right shoulder of Lyrascope, my favourite band. I also started noticing his unique smell. It reminded me of the sea, fresh and awakening. We both looked in each other's eyes for just a moment and just had to end the moment with a deep satisfying kiss, as romantic as the literally life-saving one he gave me on the bridge.




\n He invited me up to his room and just before we went in, he stopped and started telling me something.




\n 'This may seem weird to you but please don't freak out'




\n I was worried. What deep dark secret did he hold in the room? Was he secretly a serial killer and used his room as a dumping ground? Did he have multiple men in there already?




\n No, nothing sinister at all. In fact, it made me love him even more.




\n There were tons, and I mean TONS, of pictures, both drawings and photographs, of me. All had writing detailing the date and place of them. I gasped extremely loudly and told him 'Why would I freak out? All this shows is that you have loved me for a long time now. In fact, I think you're even more perfect now!' He seemed to relax a bit and I took advantage of this by nuzzling up to him. He felt so warm next to me, his fur feeling so soft against my head.




\n 'Thank you so much for saving me from what I was about to do. You made me realise that life is so much better.' He smiled at me when I said it and just wrapped his arm around me. We looked at the time and, realising it was late, started to undress, both of us ending up in our boxers.




\n 'Do you want to have sex now or later?' He asked me.




\n 'Hmm.' I thought about it. I did want him to do that but, not right now, it would be too much of a shock to me, progressing so far in a day. I told him and he understood.




\n 'Okay, maybe tomorrow, but anyway, let's get some sleep. I think you'll need it' He smiled at me, making my heart melt from the love I felt from it, and we just laid in bed next to one another, staring and smiling at each other until we went to sleep and as I was about to fall into the grasps of unconsciousness, I smiled to myself and thought 'I've finally experienced the thing I craved most. Love'


\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


\n Well, that's my first story for all of you guys here. Tell me what you thought and how I could improve it. I am planning on writing a part two once I have enough feedback. It WILL contain yiff in it so stay tuned for more from me.




\n Peace out.
