\n We got to the school and pulled up to the pick up area. The other parents started pulling away as their kids came. I faintly heard a crowd chanting something.
\n\n "Jake, something is happening over there." I pointed near the mobiles. He glanced over.
\n\n "Just a fight, you know how kids are." He said nonchalantly. He was right... but it just didn't sit well with me. Sophie came running up to the car.
\n\n "Brent!" She said distressed. I got out of the car quickly.
\n\n "What is it?" I walked over to her.
\n\n "They're gonna kill him."
\n\n "Sophie, you're overreacting."
\n\n "No I'm not! I heard them talking about it before." I heard the door open and Jake was stepping out.
\n\n "Where?" He said with determination. Sophie pointed to the mobiles. He took off running there.
\n\n "Sophie, stay with the car." I took off after Jake. When we got there, there was a ring of people surrounding three people. One was a wolf I recognized, his name was Andy, and he was on all fours, teeth bared. The other two were human, and one had a knife pulled. Jake pushed his way through the crowd and tackled the human with the knife. He pinned him to the ground. The other human was moving toward Jake and I saw him reach into his pocket. I leaped into the fight, and pinned him to the ground.
\n\n "What the hell is wrong with you?" I heard Jake scream.
\n\n "I didn't do anything!" The kid with under him screamed.
\n\n "You pulled a knife!"
\n\n "That wasn't anything." He said, trying to get out of the situation he was in.
\n\n "You were trying to kill him!" Jake was livid right now. That was one thing he never could stand, was hate crimes. And he was not wanting this to become one. Jake grabbed the knife from the student and pocketed it.
\n\n "What were you reaching for?" I asked the one under me
\n\n ."N-Nothing." He stammered.
\n\n "Right." I felt a very particular shape in his pocket. "Why is there a gun in your pocket?"
\n\n "There isn't." I sighed.
\n\n "Right. Well. I wasn't going to call the police before, but it looks like I have no choice." I growled menacingly. He headbutted me right in my snout and stood, pushing Jake off his buddy. They took off, running as fast as they could. I rubbed my poor snout with agitation. I helped Jake up and Andy came rushing over to us. He hugged us both.
\n\n "Thank you." He whispered. Andy was always a nice kid, he tutored Sophie before, so we knew each other a little bit.
\n\n "No problem, now get home." I said. He let us go, and took off.
\n\n There were a number of ice cream places in our town, but our favorite was a place that was right next to a big grassy area. We each got some ice cream and went to sit down under the shadow of the trees that were in the area. Jake ate his really fast, and started shaking. Sophie started to laugh and imitate him. He tackled her and started to tickle her. She squealed and her legs were kicking at the air in delight. I smiled a little.
\n\n "Knock it off you two." I said, kicking Jake's ass lightly. Jake smiled and got off her.
\n\n "You're just jealous that I don't do it to you." He said lightheartedly. I paused and then laughed.
\n\n "Right... Let's go with that." I licked my spoon to get off the last bit of ice cream. Out of nowhere, Sophie yelled.
\n\n "Get him!" She tackled me, and the Brent piled on top of her. My bruised ribs were screaming but I was having too much fun. I played along and started to fight back and flail about. All I knew was, I loved times like this.
\n\n We pulled into the driveway and got out. Jake and I went directly into my room to hang out and maybe do a little homework... Or play some video games. We were into our 20th round of deathmatch, and he was up by one. I crouched behind a wall when I saw him. I heard his footsteps in the speakers. I turned my character around and switched to my throwing knife. He turned the corner and I hit the trigger on the controller. He went flying, face pinned to the wall behind him.
\n\n "Have I mentioned that I hate you?" He said simply.
\n\n "You may have said something like that, once or twice." I picked up his golden AK and went down the stairs.
\n\n "C'mon you two! It's time for dinner!" Mom yelled.
\n\n "Alright, we'll be there in a second." I yelled back.
\n\n "I got an idea, shootout to the death." Jake said.
\n\n "Middle of the street?"
\n\n "Yup. Pistols only."
\n\n "You're on." I switched to my pistol and walked into the middle of the street. Jake had his M-16 still. "Drop it!" I said, like he was a dog. He threw it on the ground and switched to his sidearm. It was a RPG. "What the hell Jake?"
\n\n "Say hello to my little friend!" He screamed, firing. I moved my character out of the way, and turned him, lining up a headshot with my pistol. I sent one bullet into his head and that was that.
\n\n "Oh! Oh! Who won? I won!" Jake threw a pillow at me.
\n\n "Let's get some grub." He said moving to the stairs.
\n\n After dinner Jake had to get home too. He said goodbye, and started walking. It was about a half hour walk, but he liked walking. It was good for him... or so he said. He liked being alone with his thought I though, which was understandable. I walked downstairs and into my room. I decided to check my email. When the computer finally got around to booting up, I signed in to my account. Someone had sent me an email.
\n From: Chase.Patterson@gmail.com
\n Subject: Good job.
\n The email contained a link to an article. The article said:
\n\n Are our children safe from furs?
\n\n It was a picture of me on top of the human from today.
\n "Son-of-a-bitch." I said to myself.
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