“Soooo...” Electra said as she looked at us, frowning. “Now what?”
“Well I don't know...” I said as I looked at Bolt. “Is that all we had to do? Touch our tails?”
“Not quite...” He said as he chuckled, taking my paw. “Give me your paw... Um...”
“Electra.” She said as she grabbed his paw.
“Oh, um... I kind of need my paws...” He said as he wiggled them out of our grips. “Sorry, I Forgot... Um... Grab my tail of something...” He said as he looked down, frowning as he took his right paw and drew a circle in the palm of it with his left paw, stopping as he looked at Electra, then me.
“Um... Take my tail...” He said as he raised his tail.
“Oh, yeah.” I said as I grabbed it, and so did Electra.
“Good.” He said as he drew another circle in his paw with a claw on his other paw, smiling as he drew an “X” in the center. All of a sudden, everything felt all tingly, and I heard this slight humming noise. I looked at Electra, who made a face at me, before I looked around us. Everything was all blurry, I couldn't make out a thing. About ten seconds later, it all stopped, and we were in a fancy looking building.
“How... Did we get here?” I asked as I tilted my head.
“Well here's something you have to know about Team Rocket...” Bolt said as he grinned. “We have far more advanced technology than Team Onyx will EVER have.” he said as he grinned. “I'll explain what I did later, when you're registered. Because I might not be able to tell you unless you're officially with us, and if I tell you, and I wasn't supposed to, I'll be in deep shit...” He said as he sighed. “So... Let's go.” He smiled as he led us to an elevator.
“Just like at our nest...” Electra giggled as she jumped up and pushed the button.
“You know how to use it?” Bolt asked as he looked at us, smiling.
“Well we have one in our human nest!” Electra giggled.
“Rich folk...” Bolt said as he gtinned.
“What?” I asked, frowning.
“Nothing.” Bolt laughed as the doors opened. When we all stepped inside, I was surprised to see that this elevator was a LOT bigger than the one back at the human nest, AND it had a door on each side!
“Wow...” Electra said as she looked at the wall of buttons. “There's a lot more buttons in here!” She laughed.
“Yup, and our button is over here.” He said as he pointed to the opposite side of the elevator.
“WOW! Every wall is covered in button!” Electra squeaked as she jumped up and down, causing the elevator to shake a little. “That's so awesome!”
“What the hell...?” Bolt mumbled as he looked at Electra, tilting his head. “It's... Shaking from her jumping...”
When Electra stopped jumping, Bolt frowned, then looked up. “Um...” He said as he scratched his right arm.
“That's odd...” He mumbled as he jumped up and down.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I tilted my head to the right.
“Nevermind...” He said as he sighed. “How did she shake it? We're both the same weight...”
“Huh?” Electra asked as she walked over to him. “You spoke so softly I didn't even hear!” She laughed.
“Oh! I said our button is over here.” He said as he looked at the wall, then turned around. “No, I mean here.” He said as he hopped up onto the railing and leaned against the wall, hopping off of the railing and pressing a button that was really high up. “There we go, D630.” He said as he landed softly on the floor, smiling.
“WHOA!” Electra yelled as she raised her arms to the sides, laughing. “We're going so fast! It's like, squishing me to the floor!”
“Yeah, it's pretty fast...” I said as I frowned.
“Yeah, it almost feels like you're being crushed. Hehe, you should see how it feels when you go DOWN!” Bolt laughed as he wagged his tail. “It feels like you're flying!”
“I bet it does!” Electra laughed as she flopped onto her back. “Haha, I don't think I'll be able to get up until it stops!” She laughed.
“We're here.” Bolt said as he wagged his tail. “The boss' room...”
“Well how come it didn't open yet?” Electra asked as she got to her feet, giggling.
“Well because only a Team Rocket member can open it. For security.” He said as he waved his right paw, the same one he drew on, in front of a panel on the elevator wall. I watched at it glowed a bright green, and the door opened.
“YAY!” Electra giggled as she ran out.
“NO!” Bolt yelled as he grabbed her tail, falling forward from the force of her weight running in the other direction.
“Ow...” He mumbled as he got to his feet. “If you notice, all four doors are open... Get back in here.” He said as he sighed.
Frowning, Electra turned around and walked back into the elevator.
“For added security, there are three traps... And THIS one is the right one. Door C” he said as he walked out the door to the left. I frowned as I followed him, and Electra followed me.
“Team Onyx only has one floor... But it's underground and their place is huuuuuge... And their doors are hidden in the walls.” I said as I frowned.
“They stole that Idea from us... All our IMPORTANT doors are hidden in the walls... The less important ones are normal doors. No one will suspect a hidden door if there are normal doors in the hallway. Whereas with Team Onyx, ALL their doors are hidden, so anyone that gets in is going to check EVERYWHERE for hidden doors, and they'll find every room.” Bolt said as he smiled.
“And here, they'll only check the ones they can see and figure that that's everything that's here and not bother looking for hidden doors because they don't know they're there because you have normal ones.” Electra said as she smiled.
“Exactly.” Bolt said as he smiled. “Team Onyx thought it was a good idea to steal our idea and use it for ALL of their doors. You see, a while back, one of our members quit and joined Team Onyx because they thought they were going to defeat us with their stupid Mew THREE plan... So they told them about the hidden doors and Team Onyx jumped ALL over THAT idea...” He said as he rolled his eyes. “Luckily we were able to um, get rid of them, before they gave anything else away...” Bolt said as he jumped up and grabbed the knob of one of the doors. We were about halfway down the hall now, and I took note of this as Bolt opened the door.
“An empty room...” Electra sighed as she walked inside. “Why'd you open it?”
“Because it's not empty.” Bolt said as he walked past Electra and pushed against the wall, grinning as the panel moved aside and revealed another hallway.
“Smart...” She said as she walked inside, followed by Bolt, and then me.
“Yup.” He said as we rounded the corner of the dark hallway. I frowned as we came out in a big room, and I looked around. The air kind of smelled like Skitty, and I frowned as I looked around for the Skitty.
“Um...” Bolt said as he scratched the back of his head.
“What is it Bolt?” Someone from behind a big desk asked. I found it pretty rude that he had his back turned, and I guess so did Electra, because she made a face at me.
“Well... I would like to recruit two new members... If that's okay with you...” He said as he frowned.
“How does he understand?” Electra asked.
“He has this thingy in his ear that translates our language.” Bolt said, smiling.
“New members? What did I tell you about that?” The man behind the desk said as he sighed. “The answer is no. We don't need any Team Onyx spies snooping around the building... And besides, we have all we need to take down mewthree if it ever comes...” He said in a deep voice.
“No we don't...” Bolt said as he sighed. “Trust me, we don't...”
“Trust you? Why would I, the boss, trust YOU?” He asked as he chuckled. “That'll be the day!”
“Wow, he's a jerk...” Electra mumbled as she looked down. “Why don't you turn around and face us? You're so rude...”
“Yeah well you should see Team Onyx's boss...” Bolt laughed.
“We used to live with him...” Electra growled. “He was our master... But we didn't know...”
“Shut UP!” Bolt growled under his breath.
“Oh? So you DID bring me two Onyxes huh...” The guy behind the desk said as he laughed. “Well then, I'll just have to take care of this myself... I knew you were planning something against us Bolt... And I have no idea why, but like I said, the answer is no.” he chuckled as he turned around and pressed a button on his desk. I frowned as I heard a low rumbling sound from above, and then all of a sudden, a cage fell from the ceiling, and a huge square of the floor, mainly the part we were standing on, rose up to meet it. I squeaked as the floor underneath us parted, and was replaced by metal, as the rest of the cage from the ceiling locked into place with the now metal floor.
“What the hell...” Electra growled as she grabbed the bars. “I will NOT stand here and be fucking caught AGAIN!” She yelled as sparks flew off of her cheeks.
“Go ahead, thunderbolt me. That cage has a forcefield around it, your attacks are just going to bounce off, even if they make it between the bars, which are metal and conduct electricity.” He laughed as he folded his hands on the desk. “Now, I'm going to do what I do to all Team Onyx members that come in here... I'm going to get rid of you for good.” He laughed as he pressed another button.
“You Onyxes never learn...” he laughed as a hose fell from the ceiling and landed ontop of the cage.
“Like I said, that forcefield keeps everything inside... It doesn't however, keep anything out.” He laughed as he pushed the button again, and water began pouring into the cage. I looked down, frowning as the water did indeed stay inside the cage, despite there being spaces between the bars.
“You have GOT to be kidding me...” Bolt growled as he grabbed the bars. “We are NOT Team Onyx members!”
“Yeah right.” The man laughed as he sat back in his chair, grinning as he put his feet on the desk. “I'll enjoy watching this... Oh, and the forcefield also prevents YOU from breaking out.” He laughed. “So iron tail isn't going to get you out of this one.”
“Dallas I can't move them!” Electra growled as she pushed and pulled on the bars, whining. “Help me! I can't even get my fingers outside! I can't grip them!”
When Electra said my name, I saw the man's grin fade, and he raised one of his eyebrows.
“Electra... Stand back...” I said as I sighed, looking down at the water, which was now up to my belly.
“Okay...” She nodded as she grabbed Bolt and dashed to the back of the cage.
“Iron tail won't work, huh?” I said as I dropped down onto all fours, quickly standing back up as the water went over my head. Annoyed now, I growled as my tail began to glow a bright silver behind me, brighter than I've ever even seen it get before. I growled as I took a couple steps back, before dashing up to the bars and spinning around with all my might as I swung my tail at the bars. There was a massive explosion as my tail slammed into the bars, and they flew off of the cage. The forcefield around the cage exploded, almost knocking me back, but I was able to withstand it, and so was Electra because of her weight. Bolt however, was thrown to the back of the room as it exploded, and the cage fell apart. All the water spilled out onto the ground as I dropped down onto all fours, grinning as the walls of the cage fell to the sides, making a “+” in the middle of the floor as the water poured out around me.
“Iron tail DOES work.” I said as I stared at him, grinning.
“You asshole...” Electra mumbled under her breath as Bolt made his way back toward us, his tail dragging as he sighed.
“Relax Electra, it was a misunderstanding...” I said as I grinned at the man behind the desk, who was staring at me with wide eyes.
“Y-you're...” He stuttered as he pointed at me. “A-a-and y-y-you...” He said as he pointed to Electra. 'B-broke my cage... With iron tail...” he mumbled as he stood up.
“You're Dallas! As in THEE Dallas! The one that Team Onyx has been trying to capture for months!” He said as he walked over to me The water on the floor ran into a drain in the center of the floor, and after a couple of seconds, there wasn't much water left. I watched as he ran to his desk and pushed the button, turning off the hose as he dashed back over to me.
“Wow, he NEVER runs...” Bolt chuckled.
I sighed as I shook myself off and stood up.
“You took down the six Ivysaur at the Pokemon Center... And you escaped in another body!” He said as he reached down and picked me up, holding me in the air as he stared into my eyes. “The Dallas that defeated the leader of Team Onyx's Pikachu colony and took it over... The Dallas that broke into Team Onyx's base undetected and stole his mate back!” He said as he hugged me against him.
“Yep, that's me...” I said as I wiggles around In his arms.
“Awwww shit!! I'm so sorry about the cage thing! I thought that when you said you lived with the l-”
“I know...” I interrupted as I wiggled a bit harder.
“Wow, I just can't believe the real Dallas is right here in this room!” He said as he placed me down on his desk.
“Wow, if I interrupted him, OR got up onto his desk, he would have stabbed me six times and threw me out the window... And we're on the... I don't know, hiiiigh floor... Why the heck is Dallas allowed to do it?” Bolt asked as he growled.
Ignoring him, the man turned to Electra.
“And you! You're his mate! The one that eats everything!” He said as he reached down to pick her up, frowning as he tugged on her.
“Oh yeah...” He said as he placed his hands underneath her arms and lifted her up, grunting as he struggled to get her across the room to his desk, taking short baby steps as he strained.
Electra sighed as she hopped out of his arms and up onto his desk.
“Wow...” She said as she looked at him, making a face.
“Holy fuck you're heavy...” He laughed as he scratched his head. “I forgot about that! I heard you devoured some of Team Onyx's greatest members, including some humans!” He said as he patted her head.
“Yup! That's me! I eat a lot!” Electra laughed as she folded her arms.
“Wow... I can't believe you two are actually in here...” He said as he laughed.
“A-hem...” Bolt said as he walked up to the desk. “I brought them here...”
“Oh yeah, I'll reward you later Bolt.” He said as he waved his hand at him. “Now Dallas... I take it you hate Team Onyx, no?” he asked as he reached out and patted my head.
“Yup, they stole my mate and make a ridiculously powerful Pokemon that almost killed us...” I said as I sighed. “And much more... Ugh they're all stupid...” I said as I looked down.
“Um... Well what about you Electra?” He asked as he gently stroked her back.
She smiled as she nuzzled his arm.
“They're a bunch of yummy snacks!” She said as she wagged her tail.
“Heheh...” He laughed as he patted her head.
“Well since you two are against Team Onyx, and so are we, how about we join forces? You can join Team Rocket and we'll provide you with the tools you need to take them down, and you can provide us with your power.” he said as he held out his hand.
“Well I don't see why not...” I said as I smiled. “Sure!” I said as I turned sideways and presented him with my tail.
“Err...” He said as he grabbed it and shook it. “Deal. And what about you?” He asked as he turned to Electra, smiling as he reached over and rubbed her belly. “And I'll tell ya what... We here at Team Rocket have as much food as you could possible eat.” He said as he smiled.
“The WORLD doesn't even have that much...” I said as I chuckled.
“Dallas is right.” Electra giggled. “And besides, a ton of food means an immediate deal.” She laughed as she held out her paw, smiling as she shook his finger. “Deal. Now feed me.” She chuckled as she folded her arms.
“How come you shook my finger and Dallas gave me his tail?” He asked as he frowned.
“Because Dallas doesn't know much about human stuff.” Electra said as she smiled. “I'm teaching him some stuff I guess...”
“Well anyway, let's get you started.” He said as he pointed to his shoulder. “Dallas, Electra, come on.” He smiled.
“Oh yeah, let THEM ride you... But I can't... Wonderful.” Bolt said as he grabbed his ears and pulled on them.
“Shush.” The man said as he nudged Bolt with his foot, just as Electra hopped onto his shoulder.
“OH, HELL NO!” He yelled as he pressed against Electra. “OW! Off!”
“Ugh...” She growled as she hopped onto the floor. “Whatever...”
“I'm sorry, you kinda hurt me there.” He said as he smiled. “Didn't mean to be rude or anything...”
“I said what EVER...” Electra growled.
“Um... Well anyway come here.” He said as he walked to the other side of the room.
“Wow, he even APOLOGIZED to you...” Bolt growled.
“Okay, um... Dallas you first.” he said as he pointed to the little desk. “Up.”
I nodded as I hopped up onto it, and he placed a little glass jar over me.
“Okay, now keep as still as you can.” He said as he latched it closed, smiling as he turned it on.
As soon as it came on, the inside began glowing with a weird green light, and I frowned as I began to feel tingly.
“You see, we have the technology, unlike Team Onyx, to infuse psychic abilities to our most powerful Pokemon, because only the most powerful will be able to handle them.” He said as he smiled. “Right now, I'm giving you the ability to teleport, and use psychic attacks... So I'm basically making the strongest Pikachu in the world unstoppable.” He chuckled. “And plus, you're going to need it if you want to defeat mewthree!” He laughed as the light inside turned purple.
Bolt made a face as he hopped up onto the table. “Did you just do what I think you did? You just gave him adm-”
“Shut up.” the man said as he pushed him off of the table. “And with this, comes the knowledge to use it. You won't have to learn any of it. I mean, the psychic attacks you'll have to learn, but stuff like the emergency teleport, you'll know how to do when I let you out.” He said as he smiled.
I waited about another minute before the tingling went away, and the random lights that changed colors stopped glowing. Then, the glass dome popped open and I stepped out. But I felt... Better... More energetic... Different...
“Wow, you're hot...” He said as he stroked my back, smiling. “Abnormally hot...”
“Well that's my power... All the Pokemon feel it as power... I don't know why humans feel heat...” I frowned. “It was there before I went into that bottle...” I said as I smiled. “But now... I feel... Stronger...”
“What did you do? Did you weaken him?” Electra asked.
“Why would I weaken our only hope of defeating Mewthree?” he asked as he frowned.
“Humans are weird.” Electra shrugged. “Why do you throw away food? That's weird.”
“Um... Your turn...” He said as he ignored her question. “You're just getting the normal stuff. The emergency teleport, a few other things, you'll see.” He said as he patted her back. “Go on...”
“Ugh...” Electra said as she stepped onto the little pad, making a face at me as the little glass dome closed over her.
“Hold still.” He said as he turned it on. Instead of glowing green, it glowed red for a few seconds, and then it was over, and then it popped open.
“Well that was quick...” I said, frowning.
“Well she only got the basic things. And besides, she's classified as a heavyweight Pokemon, despite being a Pikachu. So she has power, and the weight to go with that power.” He said as he shrugged. “Nevermind... Anyhow, you two are all set. You've been registered with us and it'll show up on your Pokemon Center profile in a couple of minutes. Heheh, don't worry, it's not a bad thing. We're not known for out mischief like Team Onyx, we're more known for our technology, and our strange experiments. You won't be treated any differently for being with us.” He smiled.
“Well okay...” I said as I hopped down with Electra. “Is that it?”
“Yep! Your psychic power have already kicked in, now it's just a matter of learning things.” He said as he walked back over to his desk.
“Oh, and Dallas, Electra, you can now use your paws to operate anything in the building. I've given you full authority and administrative privileges, which grants you access to anything in the building, and then some. You're our more valued members, and I h-”
“WHAAAAAT!?!?!?!? Bolt yelled as he threw his paws into the air. “YOU SAID YOU ONLY GIVE ADMINISTRATOR TO TRUSTED MEMBERS THAT HAVE BEEN WITH US FOR YEARS!” He shouted.
“I'm not listening to you...” He said calmly as he sat back in his chair.
“Oh, and Dallas.”
“Yeah?” I asked as I turned around.
“That colony that you're the leader of... It'd be great if you... You know...” he said as he smiled.
“Made them a part of the team? Right, I know. Rice did that to them and I don't think I want to. Almost all of them disliked it. But since this is the Team Onyx resistance team, maybe they'll accept it.” I said as I frowned. “I don't know...”
“Maybe.” He said as he smiled. “See you later!”
“Seeya when I need ya!” I said as I waved, before dashing out into the hallway and turning the corner with Electra.
“So, where to we go?” She asked as we pushed through the wall.
“Back to the thingy.” I said as I pointed to the elevator at the other side of the hallway.
“Oh yeah, and we go all the way down.” She said as she dashed ahead. “Yay!”
“Yep.” I said as I ran alongside her, smiling.
When we got there, I let her push the button. I perked my ears up as I heard it ascending in the shaft, and I looked at Electra, who giggled. When it opened, we both dashed inside, and just like at home, I pushed the “1.” It was a bit hard to find since all four walls were covered in buttons. But it was the bottommost button so it was kind of easy.
“Here we go...” Electra giggled as the doors closed. Then we suddenly dropped.
“AAAAAAHHHHH!” Electra yelled as she grabbed me and shook me. “We're falling and it feels so exciting!!! WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!”
“AAH!” I yelled as she let me go, and I actually floated in the air.
“Dallas we're falling so fast you're floating!” She laughed as she jumped into the air. “How come I can't do it?”
“Well I'm lighter.” I frowned.
“WOOOO!!!” I yelled as I spread my arms and legs, pretending I was flying. “WHEEEE I learned fly! I'm a flying Pikachu!!!!” I laughed.
“YAY! I knew they existed!” Electra said as she jumped on me, laughing.
“Um...” She said as she frowned.
“What?” I asked as I laughed, wagging my tail.
“We stopped... And you're still floating...” She frowned.
“Oh... Right... What the heck...” I said as I made a face, frowning as I flailed around in the air.
“Maybe you really DID learn fly!” She laughed as she hopped down off of me.
“Well I think so!” I said as I looked down at the floor. “Um... Drop... Um... Go down, land, stop floating...” I said as I flailed again. “How do I get down?”
“Think about walking, I don't know!” She laughed.
“I'll try...” I said as I concentrated, picturing myself walking on the ground.
“Oof!” I grunted as I fell flat on my face. “Ugh... I guess since I thought about flying while we were going down that's what I did... This is weird!” I said as I stood up. “Let's go before anything else happens...”
“Right!” Electra said as she dashed out of the only open door. I ran right behind her, and I frowned as we wound up at a dead end.
“Hidden doors?” She asked as she frowned, looking around the short hallway.
“Nope, no lines in the walls...” I said, frowning. “Dead end...”
“Maybe we're in a massive underground building, only accessible by teleport.” Electra suggested.
“I don't know. Hehe, let's wait for Bolt. I can tell he's coming, I feel it.” I said as I frowned.
“Me too.” She laughed. “I just hope he knows how to get us out!”
“Of course he does, he's a member too.” I laughed.
“Well... How about we do something fun while we wait?” she asked as she licked my cheek. “Private plate for private fun!” She laughed as she tackled me down and kissed my mouth.
“So you want to mate huh? Well I'm fine with that!” I said as I pulled her down against me, laughing.
“Let's just hope he takes his time...” She said, grinning as she reached down with her left paw and rubbed over my sheath.
--END Chapter Seven.--
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Chapter Seven - Initiation
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