Current Track: Blabb

“You can now say your vows."

Kyra couldn't believe her luck after finally lifting's Kaitlin's hood of her mesmerizing, pearly white wedding dress. Even if they were dating for years and she was a fiance for additional ones, seeing her alluring face only filled her with love even further.

Kyra herself chose the black tuxedo, being a more confident and 'taller' woman of the two, not feeling comfortable in any dresses.  The towering female glanced at the others for split second, thanking silently for all of them to come.

Tygra, Kaitlin's mentor, was in their eyes the finest choice to lead this ceremony. The incredibly busty and powerful woman, even in her current human form spread an incredible aura of her inner beast. Of all of their friends, Tygra was the best in suppressing her transformation, long enough to get a job done. 

And then there was the rest of the bunch, all seated in the hall of the old, abandoned house in the woods, away from society. Fitting, since all these people were the outcasts as well, looking humane only on the outside, with the beating hearts of the beasts in their chests.

James, the jacked, dark-colored male, sat at the edge of the long, tigerwood bench, filled with joy that Kaitlin finally found someone who will successfully tame her beast with pure love and understanding. He tried to ignore the three friends who were impatient and fidgeting in their seats. Drake, Ambrose, and Marius, rather slim humans where the last one looked like stereotypical surfers, just waited to finally transform into either winged or finned monstrosities, so they could feel a breeze of fresh air outside.

Jessie, Jun, and Mason looked like a typical, Caucasian and happy family, although the bearded male's face was covered with rather nasty scars as he got hit by an entire claw. Only he couldn't suppress his eyes from watering, overfilled with pride and happiness, staring at the soon-to-be newlyweds.

Last, there was Narcenia. If anyone here would be called an outcast, it would be her. Pointy ear, tanned and strong built. Not only she wore nothing appropriate for the wedding, choosing a short top and shredded pants along with tall army boots, but she was also the only one standing against the wall with arms crossed. Even if looked like she didn't want to be here, Narcenia showed her affection and joy in her way.

Kyra kept looking at the love of her life, thinking about what to say, since she didn't even prepare her speech, preferring to just wing it. She grasped Kaitlin's hands and raised them, looking deeply into her eyes.

“You know that I'm not the best one at choosing the right words, so I'll just say this. I'm lucky to have you, making me smile each day when you're waking up in my arms. You're encouraging me to grow, strengthening me. And fill me with love for you, for all these years we're together." Kyra was talking from the top of her head and straight from the heart, successfully not making it raunchy.

When Kyra's grip tightened, Kaitlin noticed something happening. Her blood rushed faster through her veins, making the muscles bulge out. The tuxedo felt tight around her already broad shoulders, luckily not ripping apart just yet. She hoped it will not take too long, not wanting to finish this ceremony naked. Although some guests would probably love it. 

Kaitlin felt that as well, her calves getting thicker, growing out a patch of green fur along it. She tried her best not to ruin this wedding, saying her vows quickly enough while not forgetting a single word she prepared beforehand. She tried to make it just perfect.

“Your love and trust make me a better person each following day. We have mutual understanding and ever-growing feelings toward each other. You're my greatest challenge and a friend. In your arms and by your side, I believe I can do anything. And it fills me with pride, to call myself your wife."

Even without looking over, Kyra knew other guests were as just moved as herself, especially after hearing Mason blowing his nose audibly. She kept a tight grip on Kaitlin's hands, feeling the powerful beats of her massive heart. Tygra felt something is going on, trying to quickly finish the ceremony.

“You may now kiss the bride." She said towards the tuxedo-wearing female.

Kaitlin jumped into the arms of the love of her life, passionately wrapping her lips around hers, kissing Kaitlin deeply, sliding her tongue's tip as well, even after telling herself not to act 'thirsty' at her wedding. The guests started clapping, all standing up while cheering loudly.

Suddenly, sews that connected the sleeves to the vest blew out, ripping the material apart, while the buttons shot one by one, turning into small projectiles. More and more bare flesh was visible when the bulging body created more tears in the expensive fabric. The dark fur grew rapidly on her stomach, slowly covering the rest of the skin with each passing second.

Kaitlyn's body convulsed, kneeling before her partner, wheezing and unable to calm down. It was already too late to suppress it, but Tygra embraced her green-furred student, knowing it will not stop the transformation, but at least it will make it less painful.

The guests watched with looks of concern on their faces, while others stared with anticipation and excitement, finally seeing something more interesting during a rather dull ceremony in their opinion. 

Shreds of lovers' clothing flew around along the sounds of destroyed fabric, further revealing their naked bodies, although now covered with thick fur. Wanting to save Kaitlin the embarrassment, Kyra swiftly wrapped her massive arms around her wife's already massive body, running off the stage towards the exit and not being stopped by anyone while carrying her all that time. They let them leave, seeing the rapidly growing transformation, turning them into a green canine beast and a black-furred, gigantic bear. 

The room was silent, and few of the people barely could stiff their laughter at this whole ridiculous situation. They didn't see the lover's full transformation when they finally embraced each other in their true, naked forms. James eventually sat down, chuckling to himself.

“Now that's what I call a wedding."

To emphasize his statement, they could hear blaring roars outside, vanishing into the dark forest.