Current Track: Blabb

 As the newest caste of our society, I face unique challenges. I write this in the hopes that other soulless will benefit from my experience. My name is Johanne Thim, of the Graceful Folk clan. My lineage descends from the red fox. I have worked many professions in my life, and I will now share how I have fared.

Born to two, kind and wonderful, and souled, parents, I was given a soul gem with their combined imprints moments after birth. They have told me, once I was old enough to understand, that their neighbors were concerned that I would somehow cause soullessness in their own children. This is, of course, impossible. It does explain why my childhood friends consisted of three other soulless of our village, and only one souled. I would eventually life bond with that souled friend, but that is another tale.

Schooling is different for a soulless. We learn rapidly, but only with the help of a soul gem filled with the knowledge we want to learn, and only for as long as we continue wearing that gem. Learning without a soul gem feels irritatingly slow in comparison. Souled children, who will never know the delight of it, think we are spoiled and stupid. Spoiled, there may be truth in that, but not dull witted. In any event, the Creator's Church has created an ensorclement that allows them to fill an 'empty' soul gem gradually with basic information. The gem of my parents was filled with math and writing, geography, history, and religion. As I learned with the others, they gave us more to learn about. By the time we were mature of body, we had outstripped any child's book the village could offer.

It is normal that a child undergo a period of apprenticeship in their chosen profession. Of us three, only one of us was certain what he wanted to be. Robert was certain of his conviction to join the army and combat the shadows. He left us on the day of his maturing, and died bravely in service of Sweetwater. I will speak of his journey later. For us two that remained, we took up jobs as they were available, trying to sample the world. Employers were not always comfortable with us. Our bright soul gems and pendants made us look wealthier than we were. Our advanced education made us sound too 'refined'. They treated us as elite snobs even as we cleaned up stalls and swept floors.

Though you, educated reader, likely know. Maturation is also when a child must decide on a clan and prove themselves worthy of joining it. In this, all children are equal. The tests are decided at the start of each year, and a child passes, or does not, without consideration of their social, economic, or souled status. I am a proud member of the Graceful Folk, as I mentioned before. My remaining friend, Tim, was of the Heavy Folk. A natural choice for one descended from the badgers.

After two years of unsatisfying apprenticeships, Tim and I decided that our small village simply could not provide what we needed. Samantha, our childhood friend from earlier, insisted on accompanying us. She threw aside her apprenticeship with the village weaver and took to the road with us. We arrived in Firmament a few weeks later.

The city was a bedazzling jewel of opportunity for us. There were many more soulless there as well. We did not stand out as sorely, as even the souled wore jewelry in the city. It was a place of relative prosperity compared to our humble village. After some asking around, we were directed to the Free Swords.

The Free Swords is a guild designed for the unique needs, talents, and services of the soulless. Despite the name, the Free Swords offer all manner of services. Scribes, magicians, even housekeepers can be found for hire there. They don't get as much fame as those who do battle. Adventurers that explore heavily shadow tainted areas, battling them and recovering soul gems and fragments of Raquestia. The fragments are worth more than sentimental value for our shattered moon. Fashioned with skilled hands, they can be carved into 'chakra stones'. Like soul gems, they imbue the soulless with knowledge, but are much more specific. Each stone gives a particular ability, rarely two. On the other hand, they work quite well with a soul gem, and you can use several of them, one for every chakra of the being body: Head, arms, torso, back, and legs.

The Creator's Church is also a place of respite for the soulless. The creator's message was clear to their creation. We are built differently so we may rise, as a people, to face any challenge. There is no bad form for life to take, just another challenge waiting for them. We were welcomed within its halls, and religion was a comfort from the thorns and challenges of the day.

I have found that the higher one elevates themselves from the common worker, the more understanding, and desirous, soulless tend to be. Guilds will court unemployed soulless, and the Good King has soulless for his personal guard. The army actively encourages soulless beings for their effectiveness against the shadow. This is not to say that life is easy, or fair. Those most eager to hire the soulless are also most willing to barter and second change in negotiation. There is no easy and simple life to be had for us. If you are a soulless reading this and dream to live humbly, you will face many challenges.

Let us speak of Robert. Though I summarized his life so briefly before, his was a long and decorated career. He rose through the ranks, becoming an officer who's direct battle prowess was matched with a keen eye for a rapidly changing battlefield. Those who served under him were grateful for his excellent track record, though intimidated by his nature. He was treated like a god, who could turn great wrath on them at the moment of misstep. Despite this, he loved his subordinates dearly, and did not sacrifice them lightly to the gears of war. His death was a combination of factors. His superiors, impressed with his ability, had bought into the idea of his invincibility. He and his men were sent to reclaim the lost city of Mossy Stone. The shadow were present in terrifying numbers. Many of his men fled at first sight of them, but he led onwards. The scholar, who I believe is now in employ of the Good King, remained at their side and chronicled the battle.

The battle began well. Under Robert's guidance, his men managed a defensible position and drew the shadows to dash themselves on a unified front. There seemed no end of them, however, and as day turned to night, they were tired and worn. The shadows were still coming, and the situation seemed most dire. Robert told his men, and the scholar, that the battle was over. They would flee at his mark, and he would open the way for them. Unsure how he would perform this, they prepared regardless, thankful for the faint possibility that they may see the next dawn.

Robert exchanged soul gems, and his body glew. With all the brilliance of the noon sun, he strode free of his men and began to cut the shadows down. They fled before the painful light as if it burned them, and each slice felled another. With a sweep of a hand, a dazzling display of light launched into the air. His men fled, and Robert was never seen again. He was posthumously awarded the medal of Creator's Spirit and his name was added to the wall of highest honors that resides in the center of Firmament.