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Agatha's Weakness(main)
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Oh, Gods!
Recently Agatha came to me in tears and told me sad story which happend to her.
She fell in love with a beautiful and gracious gladiator Ursus (I asked some friends of mine later and they told me Ursus is an ugly man with scars and has very cruel individuality). But after she gave him what he wanted he told her she is stupid little prostitute.
Honestly I am frustrated for Agatha, but how even possible to fall in love with such an ugly brutal animal!?
I was trying to comforting Agatha but she is still sad. What should I tell her?
I depicted this little scene. Just to show it to her when she will fall in love with new gladiator in hope she will stop making the same mistakes again and again. But something is whispering me she will never stop.
Recently Agatha came to me in tears and told me sad story which happend to her.
She fell in love with a beautiful and gracious gladiator Ursus (I asked some friends of mine later and they told me Ursus is an ugly man with scars and has very cruel individuality). But after she gave him what he wanted he told her she is stupid little prostitute.
Honestly I am frustrated for Agatha, but how even possible to fall in love with such an ugly brutal animal!?
I was trying to comforting Agatha but she is still sad. What should I tell her?
I depicted this little scene. Just to show it to her when she will fall in love with new gladiator in hope she will stop making the same mistakes again and again. But something is whispering me she will never stop.
3 years ago
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