I declared while I stood in the middle of the office, "I am telling you he is abusing his power as handler over your tiger! He's been outright abusing her for a long time!"
Earl on the other hand was shaking his head solemnly at that while sitting behind his desk, "Gilbert has been animal handler for years and is the best there is. He knows what he's doing. You've been one for mere days."
A small amount of time has passed after this certain event that has transpired. I was with Prem after Gilbert left us most of the time, comforting her and telling her everything was going to be ok. It was earlier after I came back to the habitat dome that I realized something was going on, when I was done eating lunch that I've seen that she was plain missing and nowhere to be found. Prem wouldn't have ran off like that, not with the doors to the dome closed. And my suspicions were correct.
I was glad I had came across that horrific ordeal when I left the dome and was out searching for her, upon hearing her screams out in the hall. I recalled the time when Prem was screaming for help the day after I began living here, but her cries were different. She wasn't crying wolf that time. And after finding Gilbert whipping her and abusing her behind my back and stopping him from doing further, I was so upset for her that I was so ready to get rid of him once and for all. I even promised Prem that I would after she finally stopped shedding tears on me. I swore by it. She didn't exactly believe that though, but I've thought differently. I KNOW I can put a stop to this. This all has to end.
I was thinking about leaving and heading over here when my dad came, apparently already knowing about this, and wanting to take me to this office. I told the female tiger to stay put in the cage room while all this was going on, knowing that I have to do this myself. Out in the hall before we entered that room, Gilbert was waiting around with his arms crossed, apparently already finished what he was doing, telling Earl everything he needed to know, and waiting around to see what happens next. We found Earl in his office waiting for us. He dismissed my father and told him he'd talk with him in a bit when he was done with me, and here I was all alone with the government official. Earl demanded my story, and that was when I began telling it, finally getting all the things about Gilbert off my chest.
But, seemingly while telling him everything, Earl doesn't seem to be listening to me. It's like he's wanting to throw everything underneath the rug. I had faith in him before that he'd listen to me over Gilbert and see through whatever crappy lie he was spitting right in that man's face before I came, but now it was all beginning to crumble. I was so close to desperately shaking this guy to death, BEGGING him to listen and believe me!
He's acting like he doesn't care!
I argued, "Sir, that doesn't matter. Two of your scientists and a cook have probably reported to you before about him, as I'm doing now. That's FOUR of us telling the same story! Why aren't you taking action?"
The old government citizen answered, "There's never been a record of him ever committing such heinous acts. He doesn't abuse animals, he is following his own tactics."
I shouted, "What more do you want?!"
Earl shot up off his chair and slammed his hands down on his desk, shooting back, "I need evidence, young Taylor, not boundless claims from people that are overly attached to the thing and never had experience as handlers like him!"
I pressed angrily, "So you're willing to throw everything I was telling you out the window and look the other way?"
"No." He told me, reverting back to his calm demeanor, "I am NOT looking the other way. I just can't take words from other people. Look, Gilbert has the right to use that whip on Prem however he deems necessary. If the tiger bites, he bites back. She was born and living in the wild for a long time, she's probably still not ENTIRELY domesticated. She is not ENTIRELY safe."
I was still holding a narrowed look when I brought up, "Or maybe you're believing more of Gilbert's lies. She's perfectly safe for me to be around."
Earl denied that fact, "I don't believe that. And I most certainly believe that the tiger has indeed attacked him without ever being provoked, and you're defending her for it."
"That's horseshit!" I fought back against the claim, "She was trying to protect me! She didn't attack him first, he attacked her before I showed up!"
Earl nodded a bit, seemingly not believing me, "My thoughts exactly."
Then I suggested when I actually came up with an idea, "The cage room has a camera, right? Why don't we just go to the security room and take a look at the footage together, and you'll see what really happened!"
"Already did." He countered, "Me, Gilbert and your dad already went to the security room, but there's nothing to show."
What? I quirked a confused brow, "Wh-What are you talking about?"
He explained, "Somebody had the bright idea of turning the camera to that area off. There's clearly no evidence of what you said taking place. Apparently now it's Gilbert's word against yours." My eyes widened up. Son of a bitch! HE must have turned the camera off! He did that to cover up what he was doing! I'm guessing Greg the day shift guard must not have been around when it happened. Or maybe he was involved in this. I don't know which. Earl then changed his look to sheer suspicion now, "I'm taking a stab that it's not a coincidence. They don't shut off by themselves. You know what I think? Since YOU were the one that showed up last...I think you turned it off."
I denied with a quick shake of my head, "No I didn't."
He continued with his accusation, "Because maybe you were probably thinking about doing something crazy...Like maybe have her TALK to those new guests that we have in the building, Tina and Sylvester, giving you guys a chance to break this cardinal rule Temra has about unsuspecting visitors without getting caught. I figured bringing them here would be a bad idea."
I cried, "I never planned anything like that! Neither of us did!"
But Earl ignored me and went on, "But you didn't count on Gilbert showing up and that was when she attacked him first for whatever reason. Must be great timing...If he was dead, then this would've been a murder scene where you'd cover up everything...Perhaps for starters hide the body under the blankets on the tiger's bed and mop up the blood."
What?!! I retorted, "I would never cover up a murder! That is so beyond fucked up!"
Earl shot back, crossing his arms across his chest, "Then why was the camera offline, huh? You're seriously telling me you didn't sneak into the security room and turn it off yourself? Give me an explanation."
I voiced my accusation, "Gilbert must have turned it off! Or perhaps he had Greg the day security guard do it for him! When would I have time to do that? I didn't do anything wrong! Think, man, just because I was the last to show up at the cage room doesn't mean I did it!"
"You expect me to believe that?"
God this is frustrating. Then I took a deep breath and lowered my tone, softening up my expression on my face a little bit, "Earl...I do not want him dead, even after what he has done to her. I don't think even Prem herself wants him dead after all the abuse he's thrown at her. We both just want him gone, away from this place. All I am wanting out of this conversation is for her to live happily for the rest of her life here. She's suffered a lot of pain. She can't go back home and misses it and resents you for it."
Earl responded quickly to that, "I don't care how she feels about me. She can like me or hate me, it's up to her. But she is the product of a successful experiment and me and the government are not letting that go."
Then I went on after that statement, "But on top of that, I think she's very lonely in this place cause there aren't other tigers to keep her company. She has been stuck here for three years and you seemingly cannot be bothered to bring in another one. Maybe she wouldn't have felt so attached to protect me from Gilbert if Temra brought in a second tiger." I shrugged with my hands, "Why not? You guys made one tiger talk, why not go further and make another speak like us? I think that would be interesting to see two tigers chat to each other in a casual conversation. Might be good for my dad and his buddies for a decent hypothesis. Why is that, Earl, why won't you have somebody go to the jungle and have them bring it here? Prem would be a lot more happier if she didn't only have us humans to talk to."
The man in front of me stared at me for a long time before he pointing it out, "Your father asked the same question a long time ago...We can't bring in another tiger."
Same words...Exactly like Prem said. I narrowed my eyes at him, questioning him further, "I noticed...But can't you be a bit more specific?"
He clarified, "Because we don't have room to have another here. And dealing with one is obviously hard enough as it is. And we can't waste any more resources on the same experiment for the same type of animal. It costs a lot of money. We have to move forward with newer things."
I stated in disbelief, "You can't be serious! Is money all you care about? And you're also excusing all this for excluding her tiger company by saying because dealing with one is difficult for you and there is not enough room? Prem is not THAT hard to put up with. And have you ever LOOKED at her cage other than holding up in here all day? It's big enough for two for crying out loud! Or better yet, what about the freakin habitat dome?! There is PLENTY of room in that area! A ZOO could practically fit in there since you brought up newer things. I've thought of that maybe fifty times by now! You don't have to put someone in a cage when they're living here, old AND new! I bet animals other than a tiger when they're stuck together in there can speak to each other without getting TOO hostile. Misery loves company. Instead of keeping Prem in a cage how bout keep her in there since you're so concerned about SPACE!"
Earl argued, his heated tone returned, "You are in no position to be giving demands, young Taylor."
"Of course I am!" I stated adamantly, "I am your animal handler! I AM DOING MY JOB!"
"YOU HAVEN'T BEEN DOING YOUR JOB!" He protested, "I know full well, mostly thanks to your handling partner that you seem to deeply despise, that you're literally not following the rules as animal handler! For starters, I know full well that you and the tiger went to the cafeteria few nights ago and ate there with nobody around!"
I sucked in a breath. Oh...Shit.
He ranted, "You think I wouldn't find that out? There are cameras in there too. You were not supposed to be there at night. The tiger especially was supposed to be asleep by nine. Not to mention you ate all that food and possibly cost this building a bunch of money."
I tried to speak, "But I was only-"
But he interjected, "And that's not the only thing I found out you guys did. According to Gilbert, you have not only slept in the cage with her, but also let her spend the night in YOUR room! Prior to the kids arriving, you have done the last bit with her THREE nights in a row. Are you shitting me?!"
I managed to let out, "But she didn't-"
But he cut me off once more, "I don't care what your excuse is. The tiger belongs in the cage, not in an actual bedroom! That is beyond risky, she could have escaped out into the world because of that! That would mean the secret of Temra would have gone out! Gilbert did warn you about it, but you chose to ignore him and kept up your shenanigan without considering the consequences! Have you forgotten all the risks of what would happen if it did get out?!"
I lowered my head and let out a whine. No...I just...Didn't care.
I was being her...Friend.
I was helping her. I was just being there for her.
Those were all the sentences I wanted that were trapped in my lungs and wanting to come out, but they never formed in my lips. I was defeated and silent now.
Earl walked around the desk and stood right in front of me. He spoke on about this, "I would've given you a chance after sleeping by her one time in the cage, but what you've done with her afterwards is too much. And none of that doesn't compare to what happened today." He pointed a finger at my chest, "YOU are the one who is abusing the power here. You are deliberately enabling her, and letting her manipulate you, causing her to become more entitled. She may be at fault, but YOU are guilty as charged also as handler. You couldn't handle HER. You couldn't grow a pair and stood up in your position." He lowered his limb, "And the thought of you possibly breaking that rule by having her talk to two kids that aren't possibly capable of keeping the secret about a talking animal scares me. Everything has gotten out of control...And it's all because of you."
He let out a sigh, "I thought I was making a mistake about letting you work here...And I'm seeing I was right." The boss of this building wandered past my form for the door. He announced, "I'm going to have a chat with Gilbert and your father and see how to deal with you. I'll be back in a few minutes." He went out and closed the door.
I was just standing in the middle of the room, still staring at the floor after he left, sighing. Everything had literally fallen apart. Prem and Elsa were right. Nothing would change. They were right about everything. Earl would take Gilbert's side, and would never have listened to me, no matter what I told him. What's more, Gilbert had MORE evidence against ME than what I originally thought. Turning that camera off at the right moment. And everything I did for Prem was also used against me.
I knew I was taking risks of having her sleep by me in my room more than once, not to mention have her eat with me in the cafeteria that one night, but I thought Earl would have understood. That maybe it was the right thing for an animal handler to do...But guess not. He still didn't wanna take chances of her doing something stupid like escaping this place. He didn't trust her as much as I have. And he possibly didn't care about her as much as I have...Maybe not too concerned either.
He's just seeing her as a tiger, with a beyond break of evolution. Not much as a friend.
I should have known this would happen. I should have listened. I probably should have stayed focused on the rules of this place instead of trying to change them.
And now I'm probably going to get fired from this place, if not worse. And Gilbert will be left in the clear...With no one stopping him.
I heard the sound of a beep coming off Earl's desk. That raised my attention to it. I figured it came from his computer. I frowned in thought. It sounded like he had received a message of sorts on it. I blinked at it a couple times...And then, my feet suddenly moved me around the desk to stand beside the seat. I was staring at the computer screen from afar in curiosity. I knew this would get me in more trouble than I already were. I didn't know why I was right here...But something was telling me to look at his message.
My hand hovered over the mouse beside the keyboard. I was about to lower my limb to click it, but I jerked it back. Jason, this could be a message full of top-secret stuff from The White House or something! You can't look at them! Do you REALLY want to go to prison for the rest of your life?! I furrowed my brow in determination. Oh screw it...I'll just take a quick peek before Earl comes back.
I grabbed the mouse and clicked a button, turning on the computer screen since it was in idle mode. I brought my face right at the small screen, squinting hard at it. Apparently he was still logged into his account, of a site I never heard of, and he was on this message forum of sorts. There were several exchanged messages between Earl, going by his last name on the site, 'Hargrove', and this guy he has been talking to. I never heard of them. This person was only named 'Miguel'. My eyes scanned some of the messages. None had made sense to me at first...But the several last of them caught my attention. They said:
Hargrove: Don't get cheap with me. I hate when people cheap me out.
Miguel: But you haven't given me proof! I've dealt with scams before, do I look like a fool to you? How do I know YOU won't get cheap with me?
Hargrove: Trust me, good sir, if I wasn't scamming, and I am not, I would have ratted you out by now and you would have ended up in a life sentence. I've heard you have LOTS of enemies waiting to have your guts in prison.
I reared back my head in shock. Jesus...What is going on here? I continued to read them:
Miguel: I do not like to be threatened...And I do not like my time to be wasted.
Hargrove: Fine. But let me tell you something, I am getting tired of having a debate with you. You are missing out. If you don't have it soon, someone else will. There are others like you. Believe me, I've been at this for a while. Now, what do you say? Do we have a deal or not?
Miguel: ...All right. But share me clear evidence that the animal is real and it can actually TALK.
I frowned at that part. Wait...Is Earl sharing the secret about Prem with somebody outside the government? It looks like it. He's not supposed to do that. What is going on here? My eyes continued to scan the further ones on the screen:
Hargrove: I can't. You'll just have to take my word for it. Look, just get your ass to the airport in my area and wait for me there, and I will bring the tiger in a cage straight to you. No scams, no back stabs. Got it?
Miguel: Okay, okay...I'll be there in a few days.
Hargrove: That's a good man.
Miguel: I can't wait to meet this talking tiger...And have her all to myself.
Hargrove: Yes, yes, and I can't wait for her to have a new home while I get rich. You make sure to bring my twenty-five million in cash. Understand? I'm warning you when someone gets cheap.
Miguel: I swear, you will not be disappointed.
I let out a slight gasp right when I read the last message. I then exited the page on impulse. I quickly paced around the desk and got back to the spot I was standing at before. My face had already went pale upon learning what this was all about. Oh my god...
Earl is...Is...Trying to sell Prem!
He's selling her to some rich fellow for over twenty million dollars!
My teeth grounded in my mouth as anger grew inside me, my hands balling into fists. Now there was another thing that I was totally wrong about him. Prem said he was evil, even though she didn't know how evil he was, and I was just defending him, thinking he wasn't that bad of a guy.
I was dead wrong about that too.
He is evil. About as evil as Gilbert. No wonder he doesn't want her to go home. He's trying to get rid of her in a different way....All so he could get rich.
Then suddenly a bunch of pieces started fitting together in my brain. I think this explains a lot now. I am certain this rule has been around from the beginning, but now, for who knows how long when all this started, Earl wanted her to be kept away from me and everyone during the night so that way he'd be ready to take her away from Temra and hand her over to the buyer. No wonder he was worked up and didn't want to listen. This was way more than keeping secrets from the world. He doesn't actually care about that! And I believe the real reason why Temra didn't have another tiger to stay with Prem is because Earl was probably afraid if that other big cat found out what was going on, why Prem suddenly disappeared and have known he did it, it would've squealed the truth to someone not involved, and the top official would've been screwed.
It's possible. Unless somebody was willing to pay top-dollar for TWO talking tigers. But who knows if someone was willing to pay double?
I groaned quietly. Damn! I will be gone, and Prem will be next in a few days!
Wait...Chase may be around at night, won't he stop this if he notices something's going on one night?
Yeah! He may be a former surfer dude, but he's gotta be good at his job. He might...
...Unless Earl removes him from duty for one night. Shit! That's probably what he'll do! He'll give Chase a night off, maybe he'll leave this place in his van to celebrate in a nearby town for that night off, and then Prem will disappear without a trace.
I'm sure with neither of us around...Things will be a whole lot smoother for him.
I can picture Earl shooting a tranquilizer at Prem, as she lays in her cage, very sad about my absence, and he, along with some help probably, drags her out of there and puts her in a mobile cage and takes her to an airport. Poor Prem...I have to do something. I have to stop this from happening.
A small idea popped up in my head. As much as I don't like him now, I have to talk to dad about what I learned. He can probably do something.
The door opened. I snapped my eyes and saw Earl has finally returned. He closed the door behind him, waltzed up to stand in front of my form. He finally spoke to me with a serious frown, "Alright...Judgement has been made. You won't be going to prison...But I'll have to let you go."
I uttered, "Is that all?"
"Yes. You're fired. Your father is gonna call your mother and have her pick you up tomorrow. You got all day to say your goodbyes to everyone and all night to get some shut eye. You getting all this? There'd better not be any trouble in the mean time, and I better not see you again after tomorrow. And you just remember to keep this secret about the tiger to your grave." He motioned his hand at the door, "Now get out of my office. I've had enough stress for one day."
I bet you have...You two faced bastard. I turned and took a few slow steps to the door. Then I stopped and gave that man a glare. I said, "You know...A pal of mine was right about guys like you."
Earl raised his brows in question, "Oh yeah? What would that be?"
I heatedly remarked, "All you government people...You're all just a bunch of frauds."
Shortly, after staring at me a moment, Earl let out a soft sigh in response, "...I'm sorry you feel this way...Life's not always fair." Then he nodded at me in respect, "But...Good luck on your future endeavors."
I muttered without melting off the angered look, "...Yeah." I hurried myself out of the office, hoping internally he wouldn't notice I was snooping on his computer. I just emerged in the hallway when I found Chase was out there too with dad and Gilbert. Upon seeing him, I realized I totally forgot that I left him with Tina and Sylvester in the dome when I went to look for Prem. I thought it wouldn't take me long to come back with our four legged friend, but I'm sure you know how everything ended up.
Looks like Chase has shown up and was apparently concerned, questioning where I was and what was going on I bet. Dad and Gilbert had their attentions placed on Chase when he said, "So what am I supposed to tell them?"
I figured right away he already has the answers he was looking for, and was now talking about the visitors of this place. They must be waiting in the dome still while he went searching for me and Prem. And now he's in this dilemma about what to do with the kids. Gilbert, who was disgruntled, probably irritated by the arrival of the night security guard, responded, "Look, Chip-"
Chase formed a offended look on his face as he corrected, "It's CHASE, old timer."
"Whatever!" He barked, "I don't care what you do with the damn kids, they are not my priority! Just tell them that miss kitty got in trouble for attacking me and she is grounded for the rest of the day and can't see them. If they cry cause their playmate was taken away, then give them an oversized, stuffed tiger toy to quell their sadness. If that doesn't work then I don't give a shit. Alright?" He shoved his limb down the corridor, "Get going." Chase glanced at me for a moment when he saw I was watching them argue, then went on his way down the hallway.
Crap...The day is pretty much ruined for everybody. My thoughts were on Tina mostly. Poor Tina...She was so excited to be around Prem again after lunch but now she can't be near her. I feel bad for the kid.
Not as much as I feel bad for the poor animal if I don't do something soon to help her.
Gilbert turned to me, and was showing me a grin. It was like a smug grin of a victor, knowing he has finally won this bitter battle between us. I knew that grin from anybody, every time when my skating rival has beaten me after we competed. He has accomplished getting rid of me and was happy about it. I wanted to knock that right off his face. I focused on dad now. I better talk to him on what I've learned in the office now before I'm permanently gone from this place. Our friend needs our help and fast.
My former handling partner spoke smugly to me as I moved closer to my parent, "Well, well...I did warn you, didn't I, kid?"
Dad shot him a glare. He said, "Please, don't rub it in my son's face. He's already had enough."
But he ignored him and went on after I formed a glare of my own, "I told you you didn't know what you started. You screwed up. You chose to let the animal go wild and not be more assertive. You should've listened to me...We could've still be pals."
I replied with heat in my voice, "We were never pals." Then I gazed at dad and demanded, "Dad, we need to talk. Right now."
Dad nodded in agreement, pushing up his glasses, "Yes, of course, champ."
Listening to him calling me champ again got on my nerves more than Gilbert, but now was not the time for family drama. I brushed that little bit of animosity aside and suggested, shooting my limb down the path Chase went down at, "Outside, at the front of the building." He nodded once more and the two of us started strolling away from Gilbert and the office.
But then the bastard taunted before I could walk further down the hall, "Yeah, go cry to your daddy, skater punk."
That set me off. I fiercely whirled around and came back to retort, "I don't cry! Let me tell you something I don't cry!"
Dad called behind me, "Jason!"
I was right up that guy's face, like literally mere inches, while I ranted on, "We're walking away from here cuz I'm pissed, and I might knock you on your ass!"
Gilbert dared me up close, with what seemed to be a very devious looking smirk rising across his lips, "Then what are you waiting for. Go ahead."
Dad was beside me now, urging me with his hand on my shoulder, "Jason, let's go."
I so wanted to punch Gilbert's lights out right then and there, pretty much obviously for a variety of reasons, including one that was newly added. Him calling me 'skater punk'. Like how I hated mom and dad for seeing skateboarding as a dumb hobby and a waste of time, I do hate the stereotype that people see that skaters are just punks and nothing more. They were not. Some probably are, but I clearly aren't. What did he know? Instead of slugging him, I merely just stared at him, breathing heavily through my nose. I can tell this was a tactic to get me to try something just to make things worse on myself. I wasn't gonna take the bait whatsoever. I spun and quickly paced away from this prick with my father. And I wasn't going to stand here and take any more of his bullcrap.
I had my head down the whole way when we both went through the building. I was thinking up of what I was going to say. How to start our conversation. Me and dad soon got outside after going through the lobby, being greeted by the strong desert heat. Right when we stepped near the parking lot, I immediately claimed, "Earl's selling Prem."
I can tell behind his glasses that a frown was made. His lips threw out a question, "What?"
I repeated, more clearly, "Earl...He is secretly selling Prem to some guy for millions of dollars." I changed my look to worry, "He's going to take her away from here in a few days."
He was flabbergasted at this accusation I'm throwing out here. He asked, "How do you know this?"
I answered, "I found it out on his computer while he was talking to you guys in the hall. Dad, please, we have to talk to someone. We have to talk to the cops."
"The cops?" He stated, "You already got in trouble, Earl cut you a huge break, and now you're asking to get in much bigger trouble. Do you have an idea what your mother might do if she finds out you went to jail for doing something terribly outrageous?"
I fought against his words, "Haven't you heard a word I said? He is going to take her away from here without anyone knowing. He's going to tranq her and take her to an airport to the guy that's buying her. Don't you get it, that's why he never wanted another tiger in this place, or another animal for that matter, while SHE was around. Just so that his scheme would end only with her and no one else will know. We have to talk to someone! We have to put a stop to this!"
But dad deflected, "Jason. I know you just lost your job and this is probably driving you nuts, but you can't possibly believe any of this, do you?"
Is he serious?! I pressed with a shocked face, "You don't believe me?"
Dad stated factly, "Look...I do have some issues with him. I hate that he doesn't do more and lets Gilbert get away with stuff. I do, I always despise that." Then he cried out in denial, "But come on, he is a government official! He wouldn't let the secret of this place out in the world for greed! That is absurd!"
I pointed out, "But I SAW it on his computer! What more proof do you need?"
He shot back his head and his hands in the air, "And you went through his privacy too!" He placed his fingers against his forehead, sighing, "Going through it like you were in some spy show, give me a break. This must be a misunderstanding. Maybe you read the computer wrong."
I defended, "I have not! It was clear as day! I know what I saw, I'm not blind and wear glasses like you, dad! I'm telling the truth!"
But dad said after his hand flew down, "Jason, enough! I do believe that Gilbert attacked Prem and laid his hands on you. I know as well as you what he is capable of. I believe you that she did what she did to protect you. She wouldn't attack for no reason. I know she isn't that kind of animal anymore. I'm not denying that one bit."
I narrowed my eyes. I angrily said, "You're not denying that, but you're denying the facts about Earl."
He cried in disbelief, "Yes, because the rest is practically insane! This is way bigger than what we've already went through! Earl can't be planning something like that! I cannot lose my career over this blind accusation!"
"I can't believe this!" I said, "You're throwing everything under the rug like everyone else, throwing away my concerns for Prem, the one thing that cares about you! I don't even know you anymore!"
He flat out told me, "Jason, I am sorry you got fired, but lying about someone is not going to help you! It'll only make things worse. I'm disappointed in you for even suggesting such a thing. I want to help you out more, I want to keep you around, but what happened today has my hands tied. I wish you have the right to stick around, for your mother's sake, and Prem's too cause she likes being around you, but I have no choice. I have to call your mother. I'm sorry."
I pressed him a serious question, "Suppose I'm not lying, what would Prem think when she realizes you knew what was going on and did nothing to prevent it, huh? What would she think of you as her friend?"
He yelled, seeing he really had enough of this, waving a dismissive arm, "I said that's enough! It's done, it is over, there is nothing I nor anybody can do to change the outcome. I am so sorry you two will be separated, but that's the way things are now. And nothing's going to happen to her, that's it, and I am sick of your story now drop it."
Then I fired back, "You know what, ROY? I'm sick and tired of you and this place! All everyone here cares about is their careers, their money, and nothing else! Prem has always been different than everybody and that's why I like her so much. What's there to like about you? You don't care about her, you just care about your scientific accomplishment and your job! That's all you think about, like everyone else! You and the others don't care about her as much as I do!"
Dad protested, shaking his skull, the seeming truth flared behind his glasses, "That's not true! I always cared for Prem, me and everyone else always cared about Prem! We're friends! You know that! I would do anything for her!"
I responded to those claims, "Yeah sure, you have talked to her plenty of times and played with her a bunch. I'll give you that. But that isn't enough for you to sleep by her for one damn night? Not enough for you to feed her extra meat yourself? Not enough for you to stand up against Gilbert for how he is treating her? You haven't done much since I got here. None of you did. I have always been there for her, hell, I've actually stood up to that prick because I was willing to protect her when no one else could. I DID ALL THE WORK AROUND HERE! What's your excuse, ROY? I know Leslie has grandchildren to take care of, and with Elsa she's married, but what is your excuse exactly? I don't see you taking care of anyone. You could've just killed a few more hours of your life with Prem, maybe one whole night, but you didn't. I did that for you. You've let her down a lot."
He said, lowering his gaze out of apparent guilt, "I did my best..."
I snapped, "Well that's not good enough! You did not do a whole lot for YOUR FRIEND, and you're certainly not doing a lot now! I swear to god, you're smart enough to be a scientist, but you're not smart enough to do anything else. I know how to stand up to Prem's abuser, but you're too stupid to even do that! No wonder he likes to get away with hurting her! You always hide behind your work! It's just like with me. You always do small things with me but you won't do something else bigger. That's the same thing with the tiger. You're a joke! As her so called 'friend', you're a literal joke."
Dad started, "But I-"
I groaned, turning my body so that my side was facing him, "I don't care anymore. I give up. You don't want to listen to me just like before, and that's fine. I am DONE with you. I am DONE with THIS. You thought of me as a disgrace as your son before, well I still think you're a disgrace as my father. After I leave here, you can expect not to hear a word from me ever again. And Prem's going to be gone too, so that means you lost BOTH of us, so congrats. I tried to warn you, but I guess you still don't care enough to believe, do you? I'm done talking to you, have a great fucking life...Cause you always seem to have one when no one that you supposedly care about is near you. Enjoy the rest of your day without me, because I won't be saying ANY goodbyes to you." I started walking to the entrance of the building. Then the last bittered words I had for him flew past my shoulders, "Take care."
I shoved through the entrance doors and came back into the lobby. My conversation with dad still ran through my head. God damn it! I can't fucking believe he would not listen to me! He thinks I'm making what I've learned up! It's just exactly like how he feels about my skating.
He never listens to me!
I let out a trembling breath. There's nothing I can do. I can't do anything to stop Prem from being sold off to a weird, rich dude.
I've failed.
I'm...I'm sorry, Prem.
Not too long later, I calmed down a little, and ended up back at the cage room where Prem was waiting. I didn't care she was in trouble and visitors are probably not allowed to see her at the moment. I wanted to see her again, comfort her some more. Besides, I know the kids can't see her right now, but Earl did say I have all day to say my goodbyes to everyone...Until I have to leave tomorrow. He didn't say I couldn't talk to her again before then, so I think that means I'm good. Don't think Gilbert would agree to this, but screw him. I slightly pushed the door to peek in. I saw she was still inside the cage where I left her with the gate closed, looking down. I pushed the frame all the way open and came inside. The striped animal lifted her eyes to see it was me for a second before she drifted them back down. I opened up the gate with the key, then sat down and joined her on her blanket filled mattress.
Prem didn't pay too much attention to me, her head was still down. A lot of sadness has spread across her face. I can tell she still hadn't felt better about things. I moved my hand to begin stroking her back. I asked in a quiet voice, "You okay, girl?"
I watched her ears twitch at the question, then flatten back. She let out a deep sigh. She finally replied quietly, somberly, "...No." The feline finally gazed at me. She pressed, "Everything go ok?"
I wanted to tell her that everything was NOT ok. I wanted to tell her that I wasn't going to be living in this place anymore, that today would be my last day here, that I was going to say goodbye to her, and tomorrow I'll be gone...Out of her life. I also wanted to tell her that she was going to be going away soon as well, without saying goodbye to all the friends she has here. That she was going to be taken away to some guy she never met, and to some place she has never been to, to be somebody's pet. I immediately wanted to tell her all that, but I held back. I couldn't tell her anything.
I said, speaking only the half truth, "Well...A lot of drama happened. You can say...Not everything went as planned. We're both in trouble." I paused for a moment, before I mentioned, "I hate to admit this but...Gilbert's not going away. He's still your handler. And I...I think everything's going back to the way things were, even after Tina and Sylvester are gone. They're not supposed to see you either cause you're in trouble. And even I believe they won't be coming back to this place again...Not after what happened."
The tiger sniffed, then wiped her nose with the back of her forepaw. She finally spoke, "That's what I figured." Her chest let out a trembling breath, "Why do I even bother? Nothing ever changes. And I guess I was a fool to believe it." She shifted around a bit on the bed, the underside of her chin laying atop my lap. Her eyes trailed up to meet mine. I can see she had more tears that were about to come out. Prem said, "Oh Jason...I was so happy for a long time. I was so happy today at first. But now, I..." She trailed off, her sobs threatening to break out of her maw. Then her voice regained some bit of strength to speak some more, "But for what? It's all for nothing. I wish I wasn't here. I'm so tired of everything. I hate this life. I...I...I wish I was home!"
Then she buried her face into my leg, sobbing once more. I was petting her softly, trying to soothe away her pain and despair. It was all making me feel so sad watching her cry the second time today. Oh, Prem...I'm sorry...
I'm so, so sorry...
Then, I honestly felt so conflicted about everything while I continued to comfort her. On one part, I was happy that I'm getting out of this place so I can go back to Dogtown, be with my girlfriend again, and resume my trek to have a skateboarding career. But on another...I was sad and scared for Prem, and I didn't want to leave...Didn't want to leave her.
God...What am I going to do?
I can't help her now, and I can't stay here anymore. Mom will come and pick me up tomorrow, and I'll never see Prem again.
What's the use now? I do have a future to think about here! If I try to stay in this place without permission, or if I try to tell anyone outside Temra what's going on inside this place, just to try to prevent Prem from being taken away from here, my dream to be a pro skateboarder may not happen. If I get sent to prison for the rest of my life, I'm fucked! My life will be over!
But...I can't just leave her. I'm fired, but I can't go. Not while she's in a position like this...Not while that son of a bitch is around...Not while she's going to be secretly sold to some weird asshole for millions of dollars.
Then a thought came to me. Oh, so what, Jason? What can you do? You're fired, that's the way it is! There's nothing you can do about it. Besides, you have an excuse to get away from this place now! You never wanted to be here anyways, remember?! You just wait for momma to come get you and you'll be back on track to have a skateboarding career.
Let this go, Jason...It's not worth it anymore.
Forget about her....She's beyond your help now.
Then a conflicting thought argued with the other one. NO! You can't! You have a friend that needs you! Screw your future, think about HERS! Her life is worth helping still! You have to do something!
Don't be like your father and abandon her!
You HAVE to do something!
You HAVE to do something SOON!
You HAVE to do something NOW!
Then slowly, my face made determined eyes. That's right...I have to do something.
I don't care anymore. She needs me now more than ever.
I told Prem I wouldn't leave her alone like I did that day ever again, and I ain't leaving her now.
I told her I would protect her any way I can...I will make certain that I do.
I won't let anything bad happen to her again.
While she was still close to me, with my hand still petting her, the other gripped a blanket so tightly, the knuckles on it turned white. And I think I have a plan to help her.
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