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IAM bonus panel: Sunsetting
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Title can't be empty.
I can finally give a tiny bit of context to why the last page was so difficult to write now. ^^'
Alright, the original next page of IAM was going to be very different to the one you'll now see, I... had to make the very hard decision to cut it and simply skip to the one after. Couple of reasons but the main one is that it would've gone into detail about what was mentioned in the last two panels of the last page. Too much detail. Far too much. Far too early. It felt to me like it was simply killing the flow and unpacking it all at once and you know... I called the comic "It's a mystery" for a reason. Gotta keep some of that mystery alive throughout.
So I rewrote a lot of those last few panels on the previous page to be more of a mutual understanding between Head and Tail that "we cool." I won't leave it hanging, it is something I'll explain properly later, and will reuse a lot of what was on that cut page. ..
But there was one panel that I don't know if I can reuse later. And I really wanted to draw it. Just any excuse to draw it. ^^'
I know my continuity has been pretty all over the place with this but I wanted at least one panel to cut back around to show the sun is setting, time is passing. I don't imagine there'll be any shortage of sunsets I'm drawing in this comic, but this is their first. I didn't want to rob them of the special occasion. ^^
Alright, the original next page of IAM was going to be very different to the one you'll now see, I... had to make the very hard decision to cut it and simply skip to the one after. Couple of reasons but the main one is that it would've gone into detail about what was mentioned in the last two panels of the last page. Too much detail. Far too much. Far too early. It felt to me like it was simply killing the flow and unpacking it all at once and you know... I called the comic "It's a mystery" for a reason. Gotta keep some of that mystery alive throughout.
So I rewrote a lot of those last few panels on the previous page to be more of a mutual understanding between Head and Tail that "we cool." I won't leave it hanging, it is something I'll explain properly later, and will reuse a lot of what was on that cut page. ..
But there was one panel that I don't know if I can reuse later. And I really wanted to draw it. Just any excuse to draw it. ^^'
I know my continuity has been pretty all over the place with this but I wanted at least one panel to cut back around to show the sun is setting, time is passing. I don't imagine there'll be any shortage of sunsets I'm drawing in this comic, but this is their first. I didn't want to rob them of the special occasion. ^^
7 months ago
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