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Girafarig Tail Transformation Spectrum
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I don’t normally do template stuff, same as I really don’t jump on meme bandwagons anymore unless I really feel it. Done enough chasing that algorithm for one lifetime. But I did stumble across this “transformation spectrum” thing from one Calliecho on weasyl and thought I’d try my hand at it. Ended up putting way more effort into it then I thought I would. XD
To elaborate a tiny bit, this isn’t 100% accurate. It can change in other circumstances or, you know, introduce kinky stuff into the mix and I’m way more inclined to branch out and experiment. But when it comes to more serious, self enclosed things or just me trying to tell a funny story with TF involved, these are usually the directions I take it every time I try. We can come back and see how many I keep my promise on for IAM in the future and laugh. XD
To elaborate a tiny bit, this isn’t 100% accurate. It can change in other circumstances or, you know, introduce kinky stuff into the mix and I’m way more inclined to branch out and experiment. But when it comes to more serious, self enclosed things or just me trying to tell a funny story with TF involved, these are usually the directions I take it every time I try. We can come back and see how many I keep my promise on for IAM in the future and laugh. XD
3 months ago
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