Current Track: Blabb

Trenina took a deep breath as she walked down the hall, her kimono seemed to weigh heavily as her light footsteps registered on the wooden floor. Her lord had summoned her before him alone; she stepped before the sliding door and lightly knocked on the wood. “Come in.” A deep voice rang out through the door; she slid the door open and as she stepped in her black hair was blown back by a sudden gust of wind.

                She blinked as she saw her lord standing at an open window, “My lord Hersona, I’ve come as you’ve request.” Trenina spoke softly in the room; her lord looked out at the world through the open window which expanded in a flowery world of pink as the cherry blossoms fluttered past his face.

                “Trenina I have a mission for you.” He spoke after a moment of silence; Trenina didn’t say anything as she waited for her lord to speak. Drapier Hersona turned around showing off his large stature as the sun surrounded his form; his face was set in a grim look as he gazed upon her. “The enemy clan has attempted to kill me Trenina.”

                Trenina stepped forward in surprise, “How so my lord?!” Drapier threw her a small dart which she expertly caught; she tightly touched the tip of the dart being careful not to puncture her skin with it and tasted the minute amount of liquid that had come off onto her finger. She immediately spat it onto the ground and grimaced, “This is an extremely powerful poison…”

                Drapier nodded and pointed to a withered bonsai tree on his desk, “My poor bonsai learned of that the hard way, I was standing up as I had heard a small blowing noise and looked down to see that my little bonsai had withered away. It wasn’t even a minute before my tree had died.” The man had a sad look on his face for a moment as he gazed at the tree before turning serious and looking at Trenina, “You are to go and kill the leader of the Duharan clan, do you understand?”

                Trenina hesitated, “How do you know that it was their clan my lord, if you’ll pardon my asking.” The lord turned his back to her and picked up a small tube off of his desk and presented it to her, “I found this pipe outside of my window after the attempt on my life.”

                Trenina picked up the pipe out of her lord’s hand and turned it in her hand and found incriminating evidence, there on the side of the pipe was the symbol of the Duharan clan. Her mouth set in a thin line and she looked up at Drapier, “When shall I leave my lord?” The clan leader looked up into the sky.

                “Immediately.” Trenina nodded and bowed and quickly left the room, as she walked quickly down the hall her mind was already going over the plans of the Duharan clan’s home that she had memorized.


                The crickets sang their song of the night as the moon hung up high in the sky, the trees swayed quietly as the shadows of night grew large under the watchful gaze of the moon. Guards stood in front of a large pair of doors which when opened would lead into the Duharan’s clan home, “It’s as if the world is waiting for something, don’t you agree Norimosa?” The larger of the two guards asked his friend.

                Norimosa sighed quietly, “Yes, but if you fill the air with words then what’s the point of waiting if you’re just going to blast the silence with your noise Dormen?” Dormen opened his mouth to answer but realized that his friend had told him to shut up and quieted himself once more. While the pair stood there still as unmoving sentinels a small shadow passed at the edges of their vision unnoticed, Trenina quietly slipped into an open window and dropped into a small deserted room.

                The ninja slid a door open and peeked out through the crack, the hallways were deserted except for a few mice which skittered across the floor holding their precious rice that they had recently looted from the kitchen. Trenina slipped out into the hall and ran down the hall with her hair flowing behind her in its tied tail as if a horse’s tail, she slipped in and out of shadows as she ran past doors.

                She froze for a moment in a shadow as a door slid open; she slipped a knife out prepared to kill as she waited for whoever had opened the door to come out. Trenina relaxed as she saw that it was a servant girl, she was more than prepared to kill guards but she tried her best to not kill innocents like servants. The servant nodded respectfully to whoever was in the room, “Have a good night lord Dresna.” A drunken slur came through the door telling her to close the door, she gently slid the door closed and walked right past the ninja without noticing her.

                Trenina slipped past the closed door and further into the clan’s home, as she ran past the doors of the sleeping mansion she froze a few times as guards patrolled the area. As she drew close to the top of the tower she noticed that there were two heavily armored guards in front of the leader’s door, “Damn… looks like this won’t be as easy as I thought it’d be…” Trenina muttered to herself quietly as she slid seamlessly into the shadows of a door, as the best ninja in the Hersona clan it was her duty to assassinate high priority targets.

                She took a quiet breath and glanced around her room, she could easily take out the two guards but she didn’t want to kill without having to. As Trenina glanced around the small room she noticed an open window, she slid her sword onto her back and slipped out the window and gripped on the edge of the roof and shimmied along the roof. She paced her breath as she clung tightly to the edge of the slanted roof; she smiled to herself as she reached the edge of the lord’s window.

                The ninja climbed up into the lord’s room and gazed upon the dark room, she quickly picked out the sleeping lord’s bed in the darkness. Trenina quickly slipped over to the sleeping lord and looked down on the rival lord’s face, his hair hung braided around his eyes. She set her hand heavily over his mouth as she slid out her sword, the lord’s eyes opened wide in terror as he felt the hand. He tried to scream but she was far too quick for him as she slit his throat and crimson red slid out from the wound, his eyes widened in pain and then slid back as the ambrosia of his body leaked out.

                Trenina’s nose wrinkled in disgust as the iron smell of blood leaked into her nose; even after years of killing people for her lord she still hated the smell of blood. She grabbed the lord’s blanket which was quickly being coated in blood and wiped the crimson ichor off of her sword and turned to leave when she heard a voice echo out from the corner of the luxurious room, “Help… me…” The ninja turned in fear to see a face far fairer than she had ever seen before in her life sitting in the corner of the room, his lips moved fluidly as he spoke. “Please… help me…”

                Trenina’s duty was already done and she had no reason to help this beautiful man but she found herself walking over to him, the man’s body was not clothed at all as if to show off all of the wounds that had been inflicted on him. His pristine white skin had deep purple markings on them, and around his wrists and neck were odd chains that seemed to glow with an orange magic. “Why are you chained here?” She whispered her question to him, he looked up at her and she gasped lightly as she saw that his eyes were a light crimson color.

                “He has imprisoned me here as he believed that I would keep him immortal.” The man whispered to her, Trenina’s first instinct was to run from the obviously enchanted man but something held her there. He held up the chains in the moonlight, “These keep me chained here, will you please cut me free?” The ninja knew that this man could actually be an evil entity but against her better judgment she slid her sword from its sheath once more and cut through the chains, albeit with a bit of resistance from the chains.

                As her sword broke the chains the glow that had covered the chains disappeared, the man glowed for one moment as brightly as a sun and the chains that remained on his wrists and neck melted away. Trenina looked suspiciously at him, “What are you?” She asked, he looked up at her and she shivered once more as his eyes glowed with crimson light.

                “I am a Kitsune my dear maiden, my name is Theratus and I would like to thank you profoundly for your help.” Now that he was free Theratus’s voice now rang with a melodic hum, all of the wounds that had been on his body now disappeared as if wiped away by a washcloth against muddied skin. As he stood up tails seemed to sprout from behind him and covered his manhood, “Now that you’ve saved me, I would suggest that you leave now my dear lady. I’m quite angry at the men of this place and I wouldn’t want you to get caught up in my anger.”

                As Theratus started towards the door an orange glow appeared on his skin which seemed to sear the very air around his body, Trenina blinked as she realized what he was about to do and ran up to him now throwing caution to the wind and grabbed his arm wincing as she did so. “Please don’t kill the servants, they’ve done nothing!” Theratus looked at her with an odd glance for a moment before nodding.

                “Alright my lady, I shall do so.” As the pair spoke at an elevated tone the guards having heard them opened the door in a panic and gasped as they saw their dead lord covered in blood.

                “Intruders! Intruders have killed our lord!” They screamed out to the building, in response they all heard the stomping of guards running up the stairs.

                Theratus suddenly grabbed Trenina and threw her over his shoulder, he rushed over to the window she had come in and set her on the roof, Trenina understood what he wanted her to do and she started to climb down the shingles and as she was about to slip over the side of the roof the Kitsune called out to her. “What is your name?” Trenina froze as she looked up to see that he was being surrounded by guards with spears, even so he didn’t look concerned about them.

                “My name is Trenina!” She hissed up before dropping off of the side and jumping into a tree, Theratus smiled as he heard her name and then his face turned far angrier as he turned to face the guards and his skin started to glow an extremely bright orange and heat started to permeate the air.

                As the ninja silently ran towards her lord’s home she glanced back and gaped as she saw that the Duharan clan’s home was burning, the silent night was now full of the screams of the nearby village as they watched the tall building burn. Trenina’s mouth set into a thin line as she watched the building burn but it loosed as she noticed servants running out of the building unharmed, her mind called back to the words that the guard had spoken earlier.

                The night had indeed been waiting for something to happen, and what had happened was far more vicious than anything that she could’ve planned. As Trenina stood on a hill overlooking the fire some villagers nearby swore they saw the silhouette of a devil standing on a hill.


                Trenina awoke early the next morning to a servant standing at her door silently with a small smile, “Mistress Trenina, when you’re able the lord would like to see you.” Trenina smiled and nodded at the servant girl who then quickly walked away, when they said “when you’re able” they mean that the lord wanted to see you immediately. She stood up and quickly put her Kimono on; as she stepped out into the hall she closed her eye and took a deep breath.

                Even though she had accomplished her job something about the whole thing was making her nervous, she opened her eyes and put on a smile as she walked quickly and quietly through the hallway. As she strode down the hall the other members of the clan smiled at her as she passed by, the news of what had transpired must’ve already passed around. As she walked up to the door of her lord she closed her eyes as she knocked on the wood, “Come in.” The familiar voice once more rang through the door; she slid the door open and walked in with her head held high.

                “Take a seat Trenina.” Drapier spoke as he watered a new bonsai that sat upon on his desk, Trenina obliged understanding that it was not a question but a command. She sat upon on her knees as he finished watering the small plant, after a moment of silence Drapier spoke. “You have done your job well Trenina, though I have to say burning down the building was not what I asked you to do. You realize by doing this that you’ve endangered our clan by doing his.”

                Trenina thought about updating her lord on the whole situating but thought against it and shut her mouth and nodded, Drapier nodded and closed his eyes and his mouth turned into a thin line. “Then I’m sorry to do this, but you are to be executed tonight in front of all of the clans after I explain the situation.”  Trenina was shocked but didn’t show it, her body had frozen in a cold sweat. Her lord was looking at her with sadness on his face, “This is the very last resort that I could think of Trenina, I couldn’t risk having our clan being put out into danger with what has happened. I’m so sorry… men please come in and lead Trenina out.”

                Two ninjas that Trenina herself had trained came in and lightly grabbed her by the arms; she stood up and started towards the door with no resistance. As she walked out the door she froze for a brief moment and looked back with a sad look on her face, “I’m so sorry that I’ve disgraced the clan… father.” She walked out with her head hung low as the ninjas led her away to a cage.


                Trenina sat on a small pile of hay as she awaited her execution, as a proud member of the clan she wouldn’t sully the name of her father by running away. As she sat silently contemplating what would happen to her a sudden warm breeze flowed past her which blew her hair back, Trenina opened her eyes to see a golden foxlike creature sitting before her surrounded by multiple tails. She took in the creature with her eyes revealing nothing, “Are you the demon that will accompany me to my death?” She asked simply, the creature studied her quietly.

                After a moment the fox started to glow a brilliant orange forcing Trenina to shut her eyes as the fox exploded in a flash of light, as she opened her eyes her mouth dropped slightly as she found herself gazing upon the familiar face of Theratus. “Hello once more Trenina.” He spoke quietly his voice seemed to fill the air like the warmth of spring, she was speechless as she gazed once more upon his flawless skin which seemed even more so now than the night prior.

                Trenina quickly reigned in her emotions, “What are you doing here?” Theratus sat next to her as his tails flowed around him to form a cloak of sorts.

                “I’m here to save you from my mistake.” He spoke lightly, Trenina shook her head sadly.

                “I don’t need you to save me, I’m going to stay and wait out my death. If I were to run now my father’s name would be sullied and he might lose his stance as the clan leader.”

                Theratus looked at her quietly and reached over and brushed her hair over her ear to reveal her eyes which he hadn’t seen due to the hair, the pair was quiet as he admired her. Trenina’s eyes widened in surprise as he suddenly leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, the kiss was extremely brief but just the simple act of being kissed sent a wave of warmth through her body.

                Theratus then stood up before she could say anything and smiled down at her before turning into his vulpine form and slipped out, Trenina brought her hand up to her lips in a stunned gesture until the ninjas from earlier returned and bowed their heads respectfully. “We’re extremely sorry for this Hersona-Sensei but it’s time…” Trenina looked up and nodded and let them lead her away to her execution.


                Trenina was strapped to a wooden log and watched as they piled kindling at her feet and around the wooden log, it was obvious to anyone that she was going to be burned to death. She looked out sadly at all of her clan and other clans, the people from her clan looked very morose while the ones from other clans looked very excited at the prospect of her being burnt to death. Her reputation obviously proceeded her, her father finally finished explaining what had happened and walked over to her slowly seeming to dread every step that he took until he stood before her.

                Drapier looked sadly at his daughter and Trenina was awestruck to see that her usually stoic father was crying, he leaned forward to seemingly brush her hair back to show the terror in her face as she burnt but as he did so he whispered into her ear. “I’m so sorry Trenina, if I could do anything in the world to protect our clan I would. I truly love you my daughter, please know that.”

                Trenina’s eyes filled up with tears and she quickly whispered to him before he turned away, “I know father, I love you too.” Drapier quickly brushed away the tears disguising the look to appear as if he were scratching his nose, he then reached forward and took a torch from a ninja from his clan and turned back to her.

                “Since Trenina burned the Duharan clan to the ground, we shall burn her until she is dead.” Shouts of agreement rang through the crowd from other clans but from the Hersona clan there were only sobs to be heard, the beloved princess of their clan was about to be burnt to death. Drapier closed his eyes and clenched his left hand as he let go of the torch from his right, he then turned away and walked off of the stage as the fire quickly traveled from the torch and started towards Trenina.

                She closed her eyes as the fire reached her bare feet, she waited for the pain of burning to overtake her but was confused as only a warm feeling tingled her feet. Trenina looked down to see the fire climbing over her body but felt nothing but a warm feeling, in fact the fire felt good. The people were at first cheering as the fire overtook her body but quickly quieted as they realized that the woman wasn’t screaming, murmurs of confusion came from the crowd as the fire grew sky high but still no shrieks of pain split the air.

                Trenina actually started to giggle as the fire tickled her skin which wasn’t affected at all by the fire, her clothes had long burnt off but her skin instead of cooking started to actually take on a flawless look to it. People started to become scared as her giggle turned into bouts of laughter, the fire that surrounded her started to change as well. It started to rush around her became nine moving tails made of fire, the ropes that had held her in place snapped as her skin glowed a bright orange.

                People started to panic and grab weapons and ran onto the burning platform, “She’s a devil!” One of the ninjas screamed before rushing her, as his blade came close to her a pillar of fire fried him. They all looked to see a fox burning bright with fire surrounding his tails; the ninjas all panicked and ran away.

                Trenina gasped as she looked down to see her hand becoming coated in a pristine white fur, her body started to grow smaller as her tails became less flame like and more like actual fox tails. She winced as her eyes changed from water like blue and became an amber color, her ears then moved up to rest on the top of her ears in a more canine like fashion. She fell forward as her back legs could no longer support her on their own and she landed on her hands which had become paws, Theratus ran forward and helped her stay up as her center of balance changed. She blinked a few times as her face pushed out painfully into a muzzle, she took a deep breath as her sense of smell became far better and it allowed her to pick out the scent of human sweat and fear.

                Trenina’s body finished transforming as the stage suddenly cracked as the fire blackened it, Theratus nuzzled her and she understood to follow him and the pair ran off of the stage and into the forest leaving a trail of fiery paw prints in the grass in their wake. None of the humans were around to see the human’s amazing transformation into a Kitsune except for one man; Drapier had watched his beautiful daughter turn into a gorgeous female Kitsune. A tear leaked out of his eyes as he smiled and bowed his head, “Thank you spirits… you saved my daughter…”


                Three children played in a small clearing their skin glowing with an inhuman glow, behind them trailed small foxy tails. As they played a Kitsune came into the clearing with a deer clutched in his jaw, the three children gasped in excitement as he came in. “Daddy!” They all cheered and jumped onto his back; he dropped the deer and chuckled deeply.

                A woman’s voice rang out from a small cottage, “Children please leave your father alone, he just got home.” They all moaned in disappointment but quickly jumped off, the Kitsune changed back into his human form. Theratus smiled at Trenina who chuckled, “Honey your tails are still on fire.”

                Theratus looked back in surprise and blushed in moderate embarrassment, “Sorry honey, looks like even an old dog like me makes mistakes.” The couple laughed and kissed, as they sat down to relax with their children the footsteps of a human filled the air and Theratus tensed up but unfroze as a familiar scent filled the air. “Looks like an uninvited guest came again Trenina.”

                They smiled as Drapier walked into the clearing with a smile on his face as his grandchildren surrounded him, “Looks like I’m just in time for dinner.” He joked as he saw the deer; the family chuckled as they all walked into the cottage to cook up the deer.