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Varik & Calvin (2015 B-Day Gift for Immy)
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It's (was) immelmann's birthday again, so here's my gift to him. This year I went with his two characters from the Pathfinder game we've been doing together for, like, a year.
The dour, tired-looking secretary bird gryphon on the left is Varik, a Rogue/Fighter archer build that has an obsession with cleanliness (and other things that are less open for public discussion). The cheerier-looking crocodile on the right is Calvin, a former pirate Monk that likes to hit things and also cook. Both fun and interesting characters that I've enjoyed and will continue to enjoy as time goes on.
Happy 28th, Immy! :B
The dour, tired-looking secretary bird gryphon on the left is Varik, a Rogue/Fighter archer build that has an obsession with cleanliness (and other things that are less open for public discussion). The cheerier-looking crocodile on the right is Calvin, a former pirate Monk that likes to hit things and also cook. Both fun and interesting characters that I've enjoyed and will continue to enjoy as time goes on.
Happy 28th, Immy! :B
9 years ago
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