Current Track: Blabb
Following the previous scene, I say myself we could've stopped here. But Lucas insisted to go for a walk.

“At least, I will have a little company." He said to me. While he aroused my curiosity, I followed him without making a fuss.

This day, we were lucky, the weather was mild, rare event to underline

Although we're again embarrassed after our little quarrel, we quickly broke the ice. We especially talked about work: if he, already works in a company, me, I was in one's school days (and, I still am.)

“And where do you study exactly?"

“To the École des Beaux-Arts of Paris."

Whistle… Then, well done Akio, you impress me."

“Pff, it's not much."

“Not much?"

“Meh, let's just say I was lucky."

“Ooh, you're too modest."

Roughly, it makes two years I follow lectures; I'm not the studious-type, but I turn out well, I improve my fingering technique. I don't know why, but I'm always embarrassed when we're broaching about this subject. So, I hastened to asking him if he had hobbies.

He simply told me he played various instruments, and he was mad about video games (AH! At least, we shared one common feature.)

Then, we stopped near the Pont-Neuf. Personally, there's nothing more soothing that watching the Seine flow.

“It's beautiful, eh?"

“Yeah, it's… it's nice."

“And then, it's not only the Seine, there are boats, surroundings…"

“Well, people see that they want to see."

Silence before I ask him: “Lucas?"

“Yes Akio?"

“Are you still mad at me about earlier?"

“No, never mind, that's ancient history."

“Anyway, you have to know that I never did this before; unless it was someone really special."

“Don't worry, it pleases me that somebody thinks I'm special."

Ah, I was quite right: he was really an unhappy person. By reassuring him, I take his paw: “Lucas, you really seem like a good man, so don't be so tough on yourself. Alright?"

“Alright. Thank you, Akio, I'm very touched what you say."

“However, do you think we will again one of these days?"

“I hope so, you're really a nice guy."

“Thanks for the compliment."

On this, we turned over towards the river without a word. My hand was always on his, but it didn't seem to disturb him. So much the better, the sensation was great.

Afternoon came to his end and we had to go soon in different directions. Right before, he exchanged our numbers, just to keep contact. And then, our paths diverged, but it was only temporary.

This night, I had problems sleeping. I was again moved by the evening's events which had a deep impression on me. Though Lucas seemed well-built, he had to feel hurt before.

It's sad for him, but one thing is certain, I will help him. Because, for me, it's nothing worse than suffering about something without have someone to support us.