Current Track: Blabb


Three hours down. 

Three hours and fifty-five seconds. 

Three hours and … 

… nineteen to go?

At least nineteen hours ‘til the tempest passed, with the possibility that it might change speed and direction at any given time (based on the prevailing solar winds in the snow rabbit system). Space was so big that these storms rarely hit populated areas. So, its arrival had caught everyone off-guard. (Didn’t help that they were somewhat invisible to sensors until close range.) The effects on sentient life hadn’t been properly studied. Not until now … 

Their quarters were dark, lit only by the weak, red ‘emergency’ lights situated in the far corners of each room. They were casting heavy shadows. Secondary power, basically. Ion storms (or whatever ‘official’ classification this was; it wasn’t a typical ion storm, that was for sure) traditionally responded badly to matter/anti-matter reactions. And since that’s what powered the engines, and the engines powered all major systems? The crew had to idle the ship. It was the only way to prevent system-wide overloads. Which meant that the hull plating had to be depolarized, too, which meant no shielding. A whole chain reaction. Radiation exposure was unavoidable. 

It was seeping, invisibly, through the hull, into the air. Their bodies. Their brains. Affecting them all. Everyone in a different way, depending on species. Kody had given fairly strong hypo shots to the entire crew in order to prevent long-term damage (to the best of his knowledge), but it wasn’t enough to suppress the temporary symptoms. 

A low, lingering rumble rattled the ship’s hull, without warning. Sending vibrations through everything. Including them. But the two rodents, a mesh of rich brown fur, walnut and mahogany, were taking less and less notice of the turbulence. Every storm had a cadence, after all. A natural rhythm. This one was no different, right? The mature thing to do was let it go. Let it happen. Wait it out. Yeah. Ride it out … 

… or each other, even. In bed.

Hyper as hell.  

His bushy, luxurious tail was raised, quivering in the air behind him. Hers (even more luxurious, arguably) was pinned beneath her writhing back. Both having worked their bodies into an incredibly agile position. 

  Furs were incredibly sensual creatures. Competition for partners was intense. Each species, therefore, seemed to have (either with one gender or with both) at least one distinct characteristic to help it compete for, attract, pleasure, and retain potential mates. It wasn’t always visibly or immediately obvious. But there was normally something. Felines had barbs, dogs had knots. Bats had their telepathy, rabbits had heightened virility, mouses had cuteness, and so on, so forth. Squirrels, coming from a long line of aerial, arboreal acrobats, just so happened to be very, uh … 

… extremely flexible. 

And maybe Wren and Rella didn’t utilize that flexibility as often as they could. But they had plenty of downtime, right now, and the radiation from the storm was making them feel incredibly amped. Their hearts were racing. They couldn’t slow down. They were pressing their bodies together like contortionists. 

Wren, specifically, was sitting upright, furry rump squared on the sheets, legs extended flatly in front of him, while Rella had crawled up on her knees. Straddling him. Once lowered onto his handsomely erect ‘squirrel-hood’ (she made a good show of that, by the way, eliciting a few gasps from him), she did a back-bend, resting her head on the sheets between his legs. Grabbing at his ankles with her blunt-clawed, padded paws. Her breasts were heaving and the nipples, like plump peaks, hardened. 

Wren then leaned ever so slightly forward, giving frantic, little thrusts. Simple and direct. As best he could. It was hard to move his hips while sitting like this, but he was close to a hilt without moving, anyway. He didn’t have too far to go. Two inches, at most. It was an intensely intimate position to be in. 

Their figures were cast in silhouette for a few seconds. 


As a bolt of blue flashed outside the window, forking diagonally a few miles away. Or was it closer? Distance was so hard to gage in a void. And, again, the ship pitched (in a different direction this time). Tethered to one of Orbital 9's upper docking pylons, it bobbed in the eddies of the event. As did the station. You could even see the surface of the snow rabbit Home-world, too, through the storm’s purple-red haze. Everything was still there. Shrouded but beautiful as ever. But beauty could be appreciated another time. (And who was to say this wasn’t beautiful? One plus one making … well, one?) 

Huff, huff. 


Losing all track of time. 

Wren gently bucking forward, rump bouncing on the mattress. That tail. Always, that tail. Pride and joy, arching handsomely at the tip. Fluffy and unfurling like a flag. So much body language. So much unsaid. 

Rella's head did a tiny turn, muzzle hanging open. Breathing, breathing so raggedly. 

His paws ran up and down her sides, through her fur. Warm, soft, reddish-brown, caressing her, lightly. She’s all mine. Mine. And he pulled his hips back a few inches, exposing the bottom half of his shaft to the bedroom air. The rigid flesh glistened, a vein visible on the side. All of it disappearing again as he gave a piston-like thrust into her sopping-hot honey-pot. A squelching noise from the friction. And then repeat. Repeat. Rhythmically, with no aim of stopping. 

She sucked air, still holding to his ankles. Her grip was solid. If he had no intention of slowing? She had no intention of letting his legs go. Even if she felt like she was floating in some tantric way. 

His paws and arms wormed beneath her, firmly supporting and hugging her lower back. And he slowly leaned forward and down, inch by inch. Careful. Don’t misjudge your own limberness. He groped her backside, just above her attractive rump. Touching near her tail-base. Pulling. Everything happening in fragmented time. In flashes. All at once. 

She pushed herself back against him. More friction. More. 

And his lips, as her belly arched, met one of those mounds. Her breasts. Success! Yes. He suckled, tongue taking a swipe at the nipple above her heart. 

Rella trembled. Flinched, was more like it. They were so erotically entangled, it felt like they were one entity. Intercourse was always like that. (It always should be, anyway. Ideally. It should be cataclysmic, like the meeting of auras, like robbing life from the jaws of death. Creation! Celebration!) But this was even more intense than usual. She was getting to the point where she was afraid to move another inch. Afraid to take a breath. 

Neon-blue glow filling the room, in a flash. 

Another lightning bolt!

The ship creaked under strain.

Desire coursed through them. It kept everything going. Desire did. Desire was. It was motivation. It was inspiration. But even desire needed to be sated and subdued (else it couldn’t be born anew).  

Her raw-pink tunnel quivered. 

He was leaking pre, profusely, coating her walls in a slick, clear film, making this all that much sloppier.  

The wave had built enough momentum. 

It had to crest. 

How long had they been doing this? Was the storm enhancing their stamina? (It must be.) It was like an endless poem, a play. And pantomiming it left them out of breath. All that was left was the applause.  

Just a few. More. Seconds. 

It was so … so … 

… intense.

The friction. 

Their pounding, pounding hearts. 

Paws clutching fur. 

Uncontrollable chitters.  

Loins aching, throbbing. 

The ship shook for the hundredth time.

They shook with it.

And both of them, finally, at long last, hit their marks. Reached the precipice and tumbled right off. Dizzy and dazed, melting into the sheets (and each other). In a gurgling, crying, twisted heap. 

Her tunnel undulated, fluttering wildly. Spasms. Spasms! Oh, orgasm. A quick, gushing release of clear nectar. A little earthquake. Le petit mort. Pleasure curling her toes, wilting her whiskers. “ … ah-h … ah-g. G-guh!” The only expressions raw enough. She had to let go of his ankles, because her arms began to flail. Her paws opening and closing. Sweaty paw-pads slipping, gripping the sheets. “ … mm-h!” Eyes watering beneath the lids. “Mm. M … m-h ... ”

His essence, at the force (and feel!) of her release, tingled electrically, ‘til it became unbearable. Fuse lit, firework, there it goes. A jerk and a jump, twitching, fully loaded, firing ...

… her groin flush against his own. 

He gripped her hips, ensuring it stayed that way. Their genitals looking as if they’d been fused together. 

His maw unable to close, the male squirrel moaned through his climax. “Oh … h … h-nh. Uh … ” Each ejaculation was a liquid jolt to his consciousness. Painting her womb white. His fur stood on end, and pleasure shot through every nerve. He tensed, tensed, and … deep! Breath! “Ah-h! H … huh … ” His chest puffed out. Head rolled aside. Then the whole thing began to taper. She’d milked him dry. “Oh … ”

Animal instinct, in those precious seconds, had been sated. 

Giving way to afterglow. 

A flushed, warm feeling of dreamy satisfaction.

Rella took a shaky breath. Her fur matted with sweat. “ … d-damn.”

“D-ditto … ” He tried to nod. It didn’t quite happen. He finally closed his mouth.  

 “Funny thing, too?” Panting. “I’m … n-not tired at all. I feel like I could go again. That’s insane, right?” Her head rolled to the side. She closed her eyes and muttered, “That was the most intense experience of my life … oh, gosh. Wren.”

“ … I know.” He blinked, trying to clear the water and fog from his eyes. “I know. Love.” What words could do this justice? “I’ve never felt so close to you. I’ve never known you so fully.”

She sniffled, emotionally, at this. “I love you … ”

“Rella,” he breathed, passionately. He cupped her breasts. Supported them, tenderly.

“I wanna do it again. Now,” she insisted. “Don’t make me beg.” 

“ … me, too. But the, uh … it’s the radiation,” Wren finally said, rubbing his mate’s belly. “You realize that, right? It’s spiking our energy levels? I don’t think this is normal.” They’d been sated for, like, thirty seconds. The desire had already recharged. He’d never rebounded so quickly …

“Maybe this is what heaven feels like … ”

A chuckle. 

 “If this is the radiation? Then we better enjoy it while we can.” Not that breeding wasn’t great, normally. But, still. She extended her arms to him. “Help me up? I wanna change positions.” 

He nodded, stretching, shifting his hips. Falling out of her in the process. A little river of fluid (hers and his) flowed down to her thigh-fur. As well as the sheets. “We should drink something. Uh, water.” It was the sensible thing to do. They were dangerously close to being dehydrated. His throat was so dry. He hadn’t realized how thirsty he was. He pulled her up, and her arms swung around his neck. She straddled him, mouthing his forehead. 

“Your ‘thing’ fell out … ” Nosing his chin, affectionately.

“I know. On purpose.”

“Maybe you just need a few minutes? Then we can … you know. Cause. I … I can’t stop. I can’t … ”

“ … we need to eat, too.”

“Eat me,” she suggested, impetuously. 

“I just might,” he whispered. He felt as out of control as she did. But he was the captain, right? I’m supposed to be responsible. Yeah. Responsible … 

“I feel like I have so much energy! The storm is making us invincible.”

“It only feels like that,” Wren insisted, again. And he thought for a moment. “We’re probably gonna have the hangover to end all hangovers when this storm is over … ” Feeling this high? They were bound to crash when the stimulant left their systems. That wasn’t going to be fun.  

Licking his whiskers, she mumbled, “Maybe … who cares. It’s worth it.”

He lifted his head, dumbly. “ … ah-h. We, uh … ” 

“ … what?” Her bushy tail was flittering behind her, wildly. It was audible as it swished through the bedroom air. 

“We need to … I’m serious. Really, uh, t-take a … ”

She pushed him onto his back, hotly. And managed, “You’re going to do the major bending this time. I’ll do the thrusting. Got it?”

“Uh … ” An eager nod. Yes, please. “ … okay.” He couldn’t say no to that. He could barely concentrate. His heart had been beating above normal for so long, now. It felt like it was actually skipping beats. This couldn’t be good for his health. He was so thirsty! His mind was racing. He’d never felt so hyper before. It was almost scary. Adrenaline began to mix with the endorphins. Everything was moving in circles. “ … Rella. We … ”

“ … I’m d-dizzy,” she mumbled, suddenly. Worriedly. “W-where’d that come from … ”

“Alright. We … we’re gonna take a rest. Get a drink.” Haven’t I said that, like, five times? 

“I want … mm-h. I, uh … ” 

“I k-know. I know. Me, too. Just … the storm isn’t close to being over. We have to find a way to pace ourselves, or we’re gonna fuck each other to death.” Was that even possible? That would be slightly embarrassing. 

“I can think of worse ways to go,” she insisted, quietly.

“True … ” A sweaty, whisker-wilted smile. “Still, I’d rather it be when we’re eighty. And not twenty-six.”

“Eighty … alright. Well, on our eightieth birthdays, we’ll fly into an ion storm and end it.” A grin. Her tail wrapped around his back. “It’ll be so cute.” 

Chuckling. “Rella … ” He sat up. Whoa. Almost fell back down, again. Woozy. He took a moment or two before getting out of bed. 

“I can’t stand up, either,” Rella insisted, sprawling lazily. She hadn’t really tried. But she suspected it wouldn’t end well. “You go.” 

“I am.”


 “Just, uh … I’ll … ” Holding up a paw. A finger. “ … be right back.” With water and snacks. 

She giggle-squeaked and nakedly rolled onto her back, bending her knees and staring at the ceiling. “Look at the shadows. Reminds me of cloud-watching … ” Hugging her tail to her bare breasts, rolling her head. Looking out the window. Maw open. The storm was swirling. You could make out plum-colored currents within the magenta body. Flashes. Shockwaves. The ship bobbed, again. “I used to love storms when I was a kid, you know? Back home?”

“What?” Wren called, from the living room.

“I used to love storms,” she yelled.

“You don’t anymore?”

“I prefer blue skies.”

“I know what you mean ... ” The food processor was down. He had to break into the ration kit. Water packets. Dried food reserves. But Luminous did have a hydroponics bay that grew fresh fruits and vegetables, so they had some … “ … apples or pears?”

“Um … ” Decisions, decisions. “ … what kind of apples?” She rolled onto her belly, reaching for a pillow. Flopping her chin into its cushy middle. 

“Honeycrisp? I think. The tart-sweet ones.”


Two apples, then. He didn’t have any pockets to stuff them in, since he wasn’t wearing anything. He’d been naked for the past three hours. He had to awkwardly ‘juggle’ it all, arms full. Padding back into the bedroom and dumping his stash on the sheets. “We need a shower, too. I bet that would calm us down.”

“Are they even working?”

“The plumbing is tied to life support, which operates on both primary and secondary systems. ‘Secondaries’ are online. So, it’s still up.”

“You know everything.” A giggle. Adding, “Sir.” She even batted her eyes.

“Don’t you start on that … ” 

“Is that an order, sir?” Cheeky grin. “Is ‘rank-play’ even a thing?” Rella’s buckteeth bit, crisply, into one of the apples. Chew-chew. Sugary juice trickling down a whisker. “ … mm … well. Anyway.” Chew-chew. Chew. Ooh, granola. She shoved some of that into her muzzle, too. Crunch! “A hot shower’s not gonna calm us down, I bet.” She swallowed. 

“How ‘bout a cold one, then?” Wren joked, flopping down beside her. Tearing open a water packet with his teeth. Squirting the fluid into his maw. He drank, greedily. Goodness. Gulping so fast that little rivulets ran down his whiskers and chin. A heavy sigh, passing the rest over to his mate. “Wow,” he went. Water. Was awesome. 

She polished the fluid off, tossing the packet aside. Grabbing for another one. Drinking half of that. Then back to Wren, who downed that, too, between bites of food. He casually tossed all the empty ration packets into the dark, to the carpet somewhere. They were normally fairly tidy. Rodents tended to be. (Mouses most of all.) But with the storm having removed their inhibitions … 

“ … I still feel like I could scamper up a wall,” she confessed.

“I thought you said you couldn’t stand up?”

“Well, more like I just didn’t want to,” Rella insisted. 

Wren chuckled. “Scamper up a wall? I’d like to see that.” 

“You know what I mean.” She bit into her apple again, temptingly. “Wanna bite?” She extended it to him. 

“I have my own.” He tossed it up and caught it, for show.

“Yeah, but my saliva’s mixed in with the juices on this one.” Pushing it against his chest-fur. “It’ll be like kissing me. Sorta.” 

Chuckling. “You know, I’ve never seen you act so seductive … ”

“Well, you’re the captain, and I’m in your pants, so … ” She playfully let that hang in the air. Tapping a finger against his chest. “ … I’m the power behind the throne, right? Clearly, I seduced you months ago. You’re only now just realizing it.” Still holding the apple. “Go on. Bite.” 

A sly smile. “Only if you bite mine. And that is,” he emphasized, “an order.”

“That’s fair.” A wink. She took his apple.

He took hers.

And they both took healthy bites. Mm-h … fruit.  

A lighting bolt grazed the hull just as he bit, making the room glow once more. Like so many times before. The ship pitched quickly one way, and then the other, and they wound up side by side. In the middle of the bed. The half-eaten apples tumbling to the carpet. 

“Oops … ”

“ … clumsy-paws,” he muttered, nosing her nose. 

“Blame the storm.”

“The storm? Thought you liked a good storm?” he teased. 

"No, I used to.” A baited breath. “But, you know … actually? I’m begging to like them all over again," was Rella's eventual response. And, filled with an indescribable, impossible amount of energy (despite a meager meal of water, granola, and apples), they lost control. The storm was winning. Matter over mind. It won every time, in the end. There was no disputing that. But if they truly couldn’t fight it? If they were going to get swept away? It was going to be in each other’s arms. 

After all, that’s what mates were for. 






The grey-furred, red-eyed wolf stared out the oval-shaped window. As a former captain (in the Uncharted Territories, no less), he’d seen his share of natural phenomenon. Hadn’t gone looking for it, necessarily. He’d never been a scientist. But he’d seen it. Nebulas. Comets. And, unfortunately, stars going nova. He’d never seen anything like this, though. The ion storm had such a fierce electrical presence. It made the fur on his neck stand on end. (Or was that his imagination?) And it was messing with his sensitive eyes. He was seeing shadows, ghosts. Echoes. It was starting to creep him out. Like, really. This is creeping me out. He’d gotten so distracted that he hadn’t realized Soldotna was still talking to him … 

“ … I’m just really glad you’re here. That you wanted to wait this thing out with me.” Wringing her padded paws together. Forgetting all about the board game they were playing. “That means a lot. I mean, uh, what I’m saying is … I think I’m … ” The chipmunk swiped at her own whiskers, shyly. Held her breath. Say it. Say it … “ … I think I’m ready.”

The wolf blinked. That got his attention. “What?”

“I think I’m ready,” she repeated, quietly. Looking directly at him. They were at her kitchen table. Though, technically, the kitchen wasn’t a separate room. It was just one ‘side’ of the living room. 

“Oh.” Ready? For sex? Yes! A slow inhale, nodding thoughtfully. Keep cool, Pyro. Play it nonchalant. You got this. “Well … ” A warm sigh. “ … you know, if you’re sure.” He wanted the chipmunk. Badly. Furry mate-ships were notorious for their animal-like speed. Field and Adelaide, for instance, had mated less than twenty-fours after meeting. And that wasn’t unusual. Most other couples on the ship had taken about a week or less. So, two weeks for him and Dotna? Nothing but friendly flirting? It was like an eternity.

“I’m sure,” she breathed. She hadn’t meant to string Pyro along. It was just that, well … he was a predator. And predator/prey relationships didn’t have a good success rate. The two sides were ‘wired’ so differently. The majority of them failed within a month. And, as a security officer, she’d fought predators before (even fellow Federation officers). They had aggressive tendencies. 

She’d also never been one to breed lightly. She was twenty-six, but she’d only been with two furs before. Both back during her Academy days. Upper-class furs. Both of them had graduated before her and gotten their assignments. Been shipped to far away places. No messy breakups. Just life. Duty and distance. Since then, she’d spent a lot of time with her paws. And holo-suite programs. (No one honestly used the holo-suites for anything other than sports or sex. If they said they were, they were lying.)    

Pyro rubbed the side of his head, absently. Looking out the window again. You couldn’t see past the storm. Was it getting bigger? It went on forever, like an ocean. So suffocating. 

“ … you alright?”

“Mm?” A sudden nod. Gaze returning to her. “Yeah. Just … my eyes are really bothering me.” He rubbed at them. “ … must be sensitive to the radiation. This ion deal, I guess.” Mumble. “Something.” He looked at her, intently. Those eyes? Pulsing, glowing red? It was really quite striking. And mysterious, too. Maybe that was part of his appeal to Dotna. He had a slight ‘bad boy’ image. Maybe she didn’t entirely trust predators, but maybe that ‘edge’ turned her on, somehow, and she hadn’t realized it until Pyro came along. Some females liked a little ‘rough and tumble’ … 

“I think I’m gonna go change,” the chipmunk offered, slowly, “into something more comfortable.”

Pyro, leaning back, quirked a brow. “Oh, really?” 

A shy smile as the chipmunk stood, her striped tail flittering like a banner. She backed away. Almost tripping over a chair. She was a little nervous. (She’d never taken a knot before, not even with holograms. She was convinced it was going to hurt. A good hurt, maybe, but … still.) “ … I’ll be … I’ll be right back.” She turned. Stopped. And looked over her shoulder. “I love you.” 

Pyro smiled, handsomely. “I love you, too, hun,” he replied, smoothly. And he did. It’d been a long time since he’d felt this way about anyone. Love always hit you when you least expected it. 

She beamed. And then bounded into her bedroom. 

The wolf let out a deep breath. Well! Tail wagging with excitement, left to right. Whish-whish. He began to ache. Salivate, even. Too long without real companionship. He hadn’t been emotionally close to anyone since before he’d become a captain. Which had been a few years. Dotna was really sweet, but she was also strong. And he hadn’t realized how cute chipmunks were until he’d met her. Really cute. Really, really … cute … 

… mm-h. Yeah. Also. Uh, should I be changing into something more comfortable, myself?

I can’t. Cause I didn’t bring any spare clothes, so … 

… wait. 

What was that? 

His head whipped. Red eyes pulsed and narrowed. His nape-fur tingled, and his adrenaline began to flow. He tried to tell himself it was just the storm. There was nothing here. No one. Except him and Dotna. No threats, no … 

… shadows!

He stood up, now, powerful nose jutting forward. Again, no alien scents. But he saw it! Er, uh … something, anyway. I saw something. It was moving. Maybe it’s the wasps. They don’t like being bested. They’ve come to settle the score with me, once and for all. Well, I’m a pure-bred wolf. I can fight them. Fucking insects. Destroying my planet! My ship! My life! 

The shadows intensified. 

Pyro advanced upon them, like a true hunter, not realizing that they were just radiation plumes. Or were they? Whatever they were, his special eyes were able to see them, somehow. But they were affecting him more than he knew. Much more. 

He had to get out of here. Protect Dotna. If the wasps want me, they’re going to have to hunt me down. I won’t make it easy for them …






“ … I know I’m being a tease, but I just want to savor our first … time … ” Dotna trailed, looking around. “Pyro?” Her ears cocked atop her head. Whiskers twitching, beginning to droop. She sniffed the air, lamely. “ … Pyro?” 






The grey wolf spun. He’d been stalking the corridors, trying to lead the enemy into a tight space. Maybe trap them. Yeah. Or maybe he should just attack them directly? Might be better. He could almost sense … 

… nothing.

Missed them, again!

Where’d they go?

How do they keep evading me? My senses are foolproof. (Aren’t they?) 

The wolf's heart hammered. Shake it off, Pyro. Come on. He slowly resumed his ‘prowl,’ taking several steps before pausing to sniff the air again. There were no windows here. This section was in the middle of the ship. The storm. He couldn’t see it, but he felt it. It was there. Suffocating. Walls closing in on him. Sudden claustrophobia. He needed … needed, uh, someplace. Bigger. More air. More … um …

… he slumped against a bulkhead. 



Yeah. Of course. 

It was making him see things. His eyes, right? He’d mentioned it to Dotna. Oh, no, Dotna! I left her. He put his face in his paws, groaning. I’m such a moron. You gotta go back. 

But I can’t focus. 

He couldn't think about any one thing before his mind was latching to a passing thought. He needed to get off this deck. Off. Off ... off this deck? Attention deficit! What? Shouldn't have wandered this far down. Get back to the living section and ... ooh, what’s that? Shiny! 

He reached for a silvery tool. A coil spanner? Bleh. He threw it away, turning back. Bare foot-paws padding audibly as he walked in the very dim, very empty corridor. Turning a corner. Stopping. Tail flagging. Ears pinning back. There it was again! That feeling. He was being watched. His red, red eyes scanned the dark. Almost glowing. Nose poised and at the ready. 

He cautiously went for the nearest lift, and cursed when he realized they weren't working. That was stupid. Movement about the ship should be a top priority. Those should be operable on back-ups. I’m going to have a word with Juneau when this is all over. How’d I get down here, anyway? The access tubes, right? Right. Only … no, that wasn’t right. Yeah. Ladders. You didn't ... ladders? 



He went for the nearest access tube, now. Crawled inside. Then backed out, whimpering. Wow. Claustrophobia. He blew out a deep breath, rubbing his forehead.  

Maybe I’m going crazy.

Or maybe …

... he bumped into someone, without warning. Falling backward. “Mmf!” Breath knocked out of him. The ceiling wobbled, and little wood ducks flew in starry circles before fading away. 

Chitters of alarm from above him.

The wolf propped himself up with his elbows, squinting. A squirrel. "Ketchy? The hell … you scared me!" His eyes were accusing. Wait. I got scared? I don’t normally get scared. Not by squirrels.

"I'm sorry," was the communication officer’s twitchy response, clutching at her own tail. “I’m so sorry. Uh. Sorry.”

"What are you doing here?" he demanded.

"My quarters are on this deck. I, uh … I can’t keep still.” She bobbed up and down on her bare foot-paws, nodding frantically. Hugging her bushy tail to her chest. Her fur was a plain, nutty brown. “I needed some space. I’ve been scampering up walls."

“For real?” Pyro eyes widened. If so, that was cool.

“No. Figuratively.”

"Oh." The wolf, on his rump, frowned.

“I should’ve stayed put, but I couldn’t. I had to move. I had to do something.” Panting. She was so horny. Like, it was unreal. But she didn’t say that out loud. I can’t say that, can I? “What are you doing here?” she countered, challengingly. Blabber-squeaking. Bending over and touching her toes and then popping back up with a squeak.

Giving her an odd look. “ … uh, I kinda don’t remember.” A sheepish pause, wracking his mind. “I … I think I needed more space, too? I saw something. Had to protect Dotna. Yeah.” A pause, eying her up and down. “You’re pretty bendable, by the way … ”

“Most squirrels are.”

“ … uh-huh.” A huff as he stood back up. Eyes on that tail. It was pretty hard to miss.  

“Listen, the hydroponics bay is on this deck. It’s pretty big. Plants and stuff.” Speaking so quickly. “Wanna go there? We should go there. Let’s go!”

“Sure, uh … ” 

“ … let’s go!” she said, again, as she scampered past him and into the dark, in a split.  

“Not so fast, though!” Pyro called, dizzily lunging after her. It was a good thing he had good ‘night vision’. “Ketchy!” 






Kody’s cheeks were burning beneath his off-white fur as he rounded a corner, peering into the dark. Red lights. Glowing. Nothing to be scared of. You know, except everything. But prey instincts were no match for his sudden inhibition. He advanced into it, hopping lazily. Hazily. 

He’d told the crew no house-calls. No personal visits. Medical emergencies only. The radiation was going to affect everyone. Just stay put. You’re less likely to cause trouble that way. He’d even announced it over the comm! But Dotna had been insistent. Had been paging him every two minutes until he’d finally agreed to see her. Reaching her door, he tapped the ‘enter’ button. It chimed. What could possibly have her so flustered. Why was she so … 

… worked.


That’s the direction his rabbit-hood sprung. The scent hitting him like a ton of bricks. Whoa. Shaking his head, he backed up. Swallowed audibly. What … 

“ … doctor?” the chipmunk called, from her doorway. Dressed in a very slinky outfit, by the way. Spaghetti straps and all. And it ended midway down her thighs. Or a few inches above. Since he was a positive fur (half glass full), Kody decided she was definitely half-undressed. 

“Uh … listen. Dotna.” He looked away. I’m the ship’s health authority, and this is a time of crisis. I have to stay clear of ‘trouble.’ “Unless this is an emergency … ”

“ … Pyro’s gone.” She almost sobbed it. “H-he … he got all weird, and then he left. And, then,” she rattled, “about fifteen minutes ago, I started to get really flushed. And this ache? This funny feeling. And … ”

“ … you smell incredible,” the rabbit blurted, dumbly, as he looked back to her. He had to say it. He was thinking it. It was true. 

“What?” A confused blink. The dark stripes running down the middle of her head seemed more pronounced than usual. Maybe it was the low lighting. “I don’t smell anything.” She moved her sniffy nose about, frantically. No. No smell. What’s he talking about? 

“Yeah. That’s, uh … females can’t normally smell it. That’s what’s so diabolical about it … ”

“About what?”

“Nature. How it lures us into … doing its bidding. We’re helpless. We have to … ” Alright, Kody. You’re not making sense. Take hold of the reigns. Deep breath. No, wait! Too late, though. He’d taken the breath, and her scent filled his nose and lungs. His eyes dilated, fully. Throat dry. A deep sigh. “You’re in heat,” he mumbled, reverently. “Soldotna.” 

“No. Not possible.” Nervous twitching. Thinking about it, though … the ache? The warmth? The flustered, needy emotion? “But my cycle’s not due for another week!”

“Maybe that’s what, uh … ” He blanked out for a moment. Swallowed, again. Bunny nose moving up an down. Ears twiddling, absently. “ … it’s been affecting all of us differently. It must be making you ovulate.”

“Is that why Pyro went crazy?” 

A serious head-shake. “I don’t think he’s ovulating.” 

“No, no … I meant the radiation. The effects. That’s why?” He has such a good nose, though. Did he know I was coming into heat, and decided he didn’t want any part of that? Any part of me … 

The white rabbit nodded. Didn’t know what he was nodding to, but did it, anyway. 

“Well, can you stop it?”

“Stop what?”

“My condition!” She didn’t normally yell.

“Look, I announced all this to the crew before this started. Doesn’t anyone listen to me?” He was beginning to feel like no one did. His bobtail flickered with agitation. 

An apologetic look.

“I gave us shots to prevent permanent damage, but I can’t stop the current side-effects.” Don’t ask him why that was. He was too ‘out of it’ to remember. “We all have to grin and bear it. Ride it out.” Ride. Grin … bare? Oh, boy … “ … uh … I should go. Really. This isn’t an emergency.” He backed up, reluctantly. Very reluctantly. Bumping into the wall with a weak mew. He was trying so hard to be responsible, here. But his instincts were flaring. I have to get away from her. I have to …

“You look feverish.”

“I’m f-fine … ”

She looked down. There was a bulge in his pants. It’d been there for several minutes, of course, ever since he’d first scented her. But she was just now noticing. “Um … ”

He blushed. The storm had him so horny, it almost hurt. Rabbits were virile creatures in the first place. That was obvious. They had reputations. But, now, he felt twice as virile as normal. Dangerously potent. He was panting heavily, cursing the universe. He didn’t have a mate (or even a casual partner, at this point) and the holo-suites were offline. Every fur aboard the ship he’d fallen for (Field, Assumpta) had ended up with someone else. And, now, he was standing before a female in random, raging heat? And that female was being courted by a big, bad wolf who could tear his limbs apart? I can’t catch a break!

Dotna licked her lips. Knowing that he was erect introduced an element of animal lust into her thoughts. Big mistake. As soon as she let it in, it took over. Soon, she struggled think of anything else. “ … uh … I’m sorry to ... ” She didn’t even know what she was saying, anymore. “ … call you. Make you. Come over here.” Sentences broken into breathless fragments. She hadn’t had bred (in real life) in a while. Too long. That only made this worse. She’d been so, so close to ending that drought before Pyro flipped out. This was such incredibly bad timing …

“ … maybe you should call Pyro. On the … ” Licking his lips. The rabbit searched for the word. “ … comm?” Yeah. That was it.

“Yeah. Uh, but … my badge is in the, uh … ”

“ … mm?”

“ … by the bed. With my uniform.”

“Well, maybe we should go get it.” Whispering it, like uttering the words of a spell. “Or, uh, wait. I have one. We can use mine,” he suggested. The smart thing to do. Don’t go into her bedroom, Kody. Cause you won’t come out. 

“Yours? Maybe … ” Quivering. “You’re right. Call him … ”

Kody tried.


“Maybe his badge got damaged, or he took it off. Or … ”

“ … can you find him for me? Please?” she asked. “Just … ”

“ … sure. I will … ” Pointing down the hall. Moving off. Stopping. Spinning around. “I will go this way. I’ll be in touch.”

A distracted nod as she watched him hop off. The way he moved? Nice. Very, very nice …   






“Fucking hell … Pyro? Respond, please,” Kody barked, at the comm. He’d gone down a deck. Still nothing. “I really don’t want to search the whole ship. We’re supposed to be under lockdown.” 

“Eh, sorry. I couldn’t reach my badge,” came the static-laced reply. Finally. 

“What happened? Are you okay?” 

“I … I got a problem. Actually.”

“You’re not the only one,” Kody muttered, stopping in the middle of the darkened, abandoned corridor. “What is it?”

“You gotta get me away from Ketchy. We’re in the hydroponics bay. And … and we’re gonna … ” Kissing noises. “ … I can’t focus, you know? I’m so out of it. And she has too much energy. It’s overwhelming. I can’t fight her off.”

The rabbit’s mind whirled. He was formulating a solution. “ … you should get back to Dotna.” And, then, you know … Ketchy and I are both mate-less, right? If she’s really that horny, I could take Pyro’s place! Everyone is happy! Maybe the universe doesn’t hate me, after all. 

“I would if I could,” was the frustrated half-moan. “H-hurry … ”

“Alright. I’ll be right there. Just don’t penetrate,” was the best advice he could offer. Wow, that sounded so awkward. He cut the channel and hopped as fast as he could ... bumping into a wall. “Ouch!” He rubbed his leg. Grumbling. But kept going … 






A comm call to Dotna, telling her to wait a few more minutes. Problem almost solved. Dropping down access tubes. Hopping to the hydroponics bay. When he got there, the doors were half-open. He wriggled through, skidding to a bare foot-pawed halt, eyes bulging. On the other side of the bay, on a grassy, flower-rimmed mound … 

… Ketchy was spread-legged. And Pyro’s naked rump, tail flagging, was rocking back and forth. They were grinding together like tectonic plates. 

Too late, Kody realized.

Way, way too late.  

The rabbit backed away, slowly, holding his breath. They were so frenzied, they didn’t notice he’d even been there … 






… back through the corridors like a zombie, up the ladders in the access tubes. Crawling. Hopping. Out of breath and back to Dotna. What am I going to tell her? No way am I telling her the truth. But by the time he reached her doorway, though, and she was standing there, giving off pheromones like that? He completely forgot everything. And Dotna, her heat raging (this was so much worse than it normally was; the storm was like gasoline to the fire), didn’t think to ask any questions, where Pyro was, or what was going on, and … 

… she just acted.

And the rabbit reacted.

They did what nature wanted them to do. 

It dangled the carrot.

They went for it.

They came together like a flame, his lips open. All over hers. Sucking, hotly. Breaths came fast and furious. He pushed her back into her quarters. The door remained open. He … dammit. He pulled away to slide it shut. And then the ‘doctor’ part of him sent him a friendly reminder: mind the egg. 

  “ … egg? Oh. Oh, no … no … you’re in heat, aren’t you?” Duh, Kody. Why do you think you’re acting like this in the first place? “We can’t. I mean … you haven’t taken an injection.” He should know, because he administered all of them. Rabbits and rodents were maybe fifty percent compatible. It wouldn’t be a certainty, but the odds of impregnating her were good enough to scare him. Trying to make babies was all well and good. But actually succeeding? He wasn’t ready to be a father …  

“Then get me one!” was her needy reply. With a surprising amount of force. 

“I can’t. Computer’s offline. I need it to synthesize … wait, wait. I think … yes!” He fumbled in his pocket. Muzzle lighting up. “Hah! I always keep one of these. Just in case.” What a smart fur you are, Kody. A condom. Penis type: lapine. 

“Wait? Just how many females have you bred?” She blinked. 

“I’m a rabbit,” was his non-answer. In other words: a number big enough to be distracting if you think about it. So, let’s not. 

Let’s …  just, uh …

… do this.


A minute passed, and they tumbled into bed. 

Her bed. 

His naked body.

His shaft now covered in that clear ‘artificial sheath.’ No holding back, now. He gripped her hips, mounting her from behind. Like a dog. Just like that. Literally speared her vagina in one thrust. Hilting for a brief second before plowing her again, deeply. Making her writhe and gape like a fish on the line. Her pussy was divine. Just the temperature and texture? Perfect. If only he could feel the wetness against his bare flesh. I wish! But, hey, he couldn’t really complain. Just pounded her excitedly, impatiently.

‘Chip, chip, chip!’ 

His long, slender ears stood to attention. So, that’s why they’re called chipmunks …

… short breath. ‘Chip, chip, chip!’ The sound filled the room. She needed this as much as him. Her clitoris sung (not literally, but almost) to the rest of her body, buzzing, making her whiskers to stiffen. 

Within five minutes, the chipmunk’s lower half was rippling. Undulating. Those males she’d been with before? None of them had brought her to climax this quickly. She was floored. Her lower half sank down. She went from paws to elbows, drooling on the sheets.  

And the rabbit was whimpering across her back, his semen pooling at the tip of the condom. Spurt after spurt. Spurt. Baited breath. Spurt …






… Ketchy squirmed beneath him, energetically, not able to disengage from the wolf. Mumbling, “ … P-pyro … I’m stuck … ” She wasn’t used to this kind of ‘pressure.’ It throbbed. It was tight. Erotic, but strange. She’d only felt this once before. But she’d been drunk at the time, if she recalled correctly. 

A heavy sigh. He was still seeing strange shadows. The radiation was making him paranoid. “ … yeah. About that … we’re both stuck, obviously. It’s, uh, gonna be a while.”

A restless squeak. “How long?”

“ … mm … ten, twenty minutes? On average. Longest I’ve ever been ‘tied’ was fifty. But that’s pretty extreme.” It depended on how good it had been. And he hated to admit it, but … 

“ … oh,” Ketchy breathed. 

“You know, we probably shouldn’t have … ” Light growl, as her walls clamped down on his shaft. “ … done this,” he sighed, deeply. Probably? How about absolutely? “It’s a good thing you’re not in heat … ”






“ … it’s a good thing you’re in heat,” Kody mumbled, still mounted from behind.

“Why’s that?” Soldotna breathed, hazily, awash in afterglow.

The ship rattled, lightly. 

The bed rocked. 

The rabbit eventually replied, “Cause I’m a doctor. And I know how to give my patients the best relief.” A silly bucktoothed grin. “Ask around, if you want … ” His ears twiddled. He massaged her brown-furred sides and licked each of the stripes on the back of her head. One stripe, two stripe … three stripe … they ran all the way down her back. To her tail. So damn cute. 

“ … I don’t think I have to, now,” she whispered.






“ … I have so much energy. Im sorry, I just … I can’t keep still.”

“Ah-h … K-Ketchy, hey. Hey,” Pyro panted, pinning her in place (beneath him). “I’m kinda sensitive right now. So … yeah. Careful with the movements.”

“I’ve never bred with a wolf … ” Sounding sheepish. Still on her back in the cool grass. He vulva was red and pouting, stretched to its limit by his smooth, capillary-laced knot. 

“I know. I’ve never had a squirrel.”

“We’ve never even talked, have we?”

“Uh.” He had to think for a moment. “Well. There was that one time … ”

“ … when?”

“Eh. I don’t know. On the bridge or something.” He cleared his throat, awkwardly. 

“I love this room. All the plants. It’s where I come to think, but … I feel kinda … right now, it’s not working. I’m never been this flustered. It’s the storm,” Ketchy panted. “That’s all this is. This whole thing.”

Pyro closed his eyes, lazily. “I don’t know about that.”

She held to his back. “What do you mean?” Whiskers twitching at a comical speed. 

A shrug. “I was horny. It happens. I don’t think it was just the radiation … ”

Heavy breathing. “But without the storm, we wouldn’t have, uh … you know. Together.” A pause. “Cause you have Dotna.”

“Hopefully, yeah … ” A twinge in his voice. 

  “I’m kinda lonely, you know. Everyone else? In their quarters?”

“You got jealous.”

“Uh-huh,” she blurted.

“I’ve been there,” he murmured, burying his nose in her neck-fur. “Listen … um … ”

“ … you wanna keep this a secret.”

“Yeah. No offense. I mean, you’re great and all. This was awesome. But I need Dotna,” he stressed. His voice took on an emotional weight. “She can’t know about this.” Really, all that he’d lost in the past few months? He couldn’t lose her, too. Especially when he hadn’t even ‘had’ her yet. 

A quiet nod. Repeating, for what seemed like the fifth time, “I have so much energy, though. I can’t … I don’t have anyone to use it on.” She wouldn’t have said this if she hadn’t been so uninhibited, but, “Stay with me. Please. We can make love again … ”

“I shouldn’t.” He was speaking so gently. Trying not to hurt her feelings. Ketchy had a reputation for being clingy. “We’ll find someone for you. How about, uh … Kody, for instance?” Pyro suggested, brightly, trying to pull out. A grunt. No luck. He panted. “He’s single. And a rabbit. If he can’t meet your needs, no one can.”

“He’s also bred with about a hundred different furs.”

“So? He’s a doctor. I’m sure he’s safe.”

“That’s not what I meant. He can’t commit,” she insisted.

“Well, I can’t, either ... ” 

“I know. But I don’t want you to go … ” Her voice trembled. “I’m so lonely.”

“Ketchy. Listen.” He grabbed hold of her wrists. Pinning her arms to the grass, dominantly. His red eyes glowing (though only half-open, from afterglow). Very beast-like.  

Her eyes went wide. His show of force was really turning her on. Insanely so …  

… and Pyro lowered his head, breathing through his powerful nose. Every scent. The shampoo she used. What she’d eaten during her last meal. The arousal. He detected it all, licking his lips with that broad, sloppy tongue. And, then, suddenly, he was licking at hers, too. He couldn’t help himself. His tongue slid into her maw, and a low growl escaped his throat, and he …






… mumbled against her cheek. They were side by side, now.

The chipmunk, legs entwined with his, tracing invisible patterns on his chest with a blunt-clawed finger. Smiling, shyly. Kody had insane lower body strength. Those hopping legs? Big bare foot-paws? They were to swoon for …

He leaned in, without a word, and began sucking on her neck.

  She tossed her head back. “K-kody … ”

“ … yeah?”

“This is maybe the best thing I’ve … ever felt,” she panted.

He smiled, happily.

  “I mean it.”

“I’m glad I could give that to you.” He was never happy unless he’d made his partner happy. The mark of a true lover. 

“But,” she added. Letting it hang.

“ … but you still ‘got it bad’ for Pyro,” he guessed, very quietly. “He can make you feel even better.” Figures. 

A hazy nod. Maybe it didn’t make sense. But she did. Yeah. It made her eyes water. “I, uh … I … ”

“ … I know.” Pause. Lips gently mouthing beneath her eyes. “Don’t cry. I’m sure he’s fine. He can take care of himself.” He trailed. And then smiled, in spite of himself. “Though you kinda pounced me, there.”

“I thought you were the one who pounced me … ” He was incorrigible, wasn’t he? Typical rabbit.

“Debatable,” he whispered.

“I guess it was half-and-half,” she said, after a moment. 

“Mm-h.” Caressing her curves, thoughtfully.

“I’m surprised no one’s tried to mate you. You’re a sensitive lover.”

“I am?”

She just smiled, refusing to feed his ego anymore than was healthy.

“Well, Field tried … ”

“ … I think I knew about that one.” She’d heard rumors. But never the entire story. She didn’t press him, though, as she could hear the catch in his voice. 

“He wound up with someone better. More reliable. He always leaned toward females, anyway.” Well, it was true, wasn’t it? “I guess I like to hop around.” Even though he’d been having doubts about that, lately. 

“Ketchy’s single.”

“I guess so.” Me and Ketchy? Really? The thought had never occurred to him. No way. “We don’t have anything in common. I don’t know if I could commit to her … ” And she’d want that, no doubt. 

“Then talk to her. Come up with a compromise. That’s what relationships are built upon, right? Two sides making compromises to form as cohesive a whole as possible?” A tiny chitter. She went quite for a moment. Her adrenaline flowing. She didn’t want to bring this up. But she had to, eventually. “Um, by the way … ”

“ … I won’t tell Pyro,” he guessed. How ironic was this? Dotna’s suggesting I hookup with Ketchy, and Pyro’s with her right now. And I’m with Dotna. This was messed up.

“No, that’s the thing: you won’t have to. His nose is so powerful. He’ll find out the moment he walks in the door.” Her whiskers twitched. “Wolves were very territorial. And he’s come to view me as his territory.”

“Oh. Boy.” Oops. 

“But, you know, if you could back me up. Hysterical heat, right? I’m out of my mind.” Or body. Or both. 

“Mm. Yes. Well, I think there’s enough evidence to suggest as much. Besides, I have a feeling he’ll be very understanding.” A secretive chuckle. This should all cancel each other out, right? No one could feel too betrayed when everyone was involved. Still, the next few days were going to be a little awkward to navigate.

“What do you mean?” 

“Mm, nothing.” He didn’t want to ruin such a lovely night. “Back to the matter at paw: I know how ‘heat’ works. You’re in the eye of the storm, now … ” He chuckled at this. “ … but in another hour, you’re gonna be burning up bad. If Pyro’s not coming back … ” He was offering his continued services. 

“ … um. Well.” She swallowed. Nodding. “I guess … I mean, unless you have something else to do.”

“Other plans?” A chuckle. “I’ll cancel ‘em.” 


“Don’t mention it,” he cooed, against her cheek. Their whiskers tangling. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” she replied, lightly.  






“Look, if there’s someone you want me to ask out for you, I’ll do it. If you’re too afraid … ” He was still trying to keep her from emotionally ‘clinging’ to him. Trying to reassure her. Cause I’m a nice guy, after all.  

They were still tied. 

And it was gonna leave one big puddle when he pulled out. Which, hopefully, would be soon. But he couldn’t go back to Dotna, now. Not smelling of squirrel. He didn’t know what he was gonna do. 

“I don’t know who would want me.”

“You need to stop it with the self-depravation, firstly. Someone will. You’re a good fur. You just need some self-confidence,” Pyro posed, nosing her cheek. “Don’t have a ‘downer’ attitude. It’s contagious, and it makes others uncomfortable.”

“I know.” A sigh. “I know that. I mean, I’ve been getting better, lately. Kinda.” She liked to think so, anyway. A pause. “You’ll really say something to Kody?” 

“If I get a chance,” he muttered. Truthfully? He actually hated having conversations after sex. He’d rather nuzzle or fall asleep. This was too much talking. “Give me a moment, will you … ”






Adelaide flopped back onto the pillows and sheets, making the mattress bounce. Her breasts, too. A goofy, eyes-closed grin plastered on her watermelon-pink maw. She was panting heavily. Fangs showing, glinting. Almost glowing. “Ah-h. H-h … uh … ” Her thighs were being held apart, knees bent. She was so close. So … “ … oh-h.” Her head rolled aside. An echo-burst! And another! Leaving her moist maw and bouncing around, around … 

… around. The room. And back to her sweeping ears. 

“Oh.” A contented smile. A few more huffs. Laying still for a bit, and then reaching down with her winged arms, those unique bat-paws picking up the hem of their big, downy comforter. It had been covering her up to her curvy hips. 

And below? 

Well, a big, big bulge. Golden-furred mouse beneath the covers. Mouse between her legs. 

“G-good boy … ”

A shy, muffled squeak.

“Very good boy.” She licked her fangs with her dexterous tongue. “I guess we’ve figured out how the storm’s affecting mouses. Giving you an endless appetite.” 

A pink, sniffy nose peeked cutely into view! Innocently, too. Whiskers twitching. Face following. Big, dishy ears and all. As Field reemerged, sliding up her body. Stopping at those luscious breasts. He mouthed at the mounds, mumbling, “I guess I could stop. You know. If it’s gonna be a problem … ” Teasingly. His whiskers were glistening with ‘wet.’ With her nectar, more like. 

“ … not likely,” she cooed, scratching his chin affectionately. 

He swallowed, hazily. Still tasting her. Finding his breath again and resting his chin on her bosom. His blue-grey eyes adoringly upon her. He was so sweetly addled. Dizzily smitten. Thinking pink. There wasn’t an easy way to explain their connection. They were in each other so deeply. Their love was eternal.  

She shifted her legs further apart, kicking all the covers away. Leaving them both exposed to the comfortable bedroom air. “You can only have so many snacks before you crave the meal.” 

 “Y-yes.” Excitedly. Nodding. “Very true … ”

Paws sliding to his shoulders, now, and then down his back.

“I love you,” he squeaked. 

“I love you, too, mousey,” she breathed, hotly, as they hugged and shimmied.  

His trim hips dipped into proper position, missionary-style. That ropy tail just begging to be grabbed. (So, she grabbed it close to the tip. Wrapping it around her fingers.) “Are you going to bite me this time?”

“I think I just may,” she breathed, “have a little nibble.” 

He pushed forward, gently, into such scintillating sweetness. It surrounded him, fully. His essence. It tingled. He wriggled from top to tip. And, then, with a deep, squeaky breath, he dove in. And out. And back in. He partook. He squeakily, steadily humped his mate.

Moments later, her fangs eased into his neck. 

They were linked. 

And, for a while, there was no storm. No ship. No threat of war. 

Just them … 

… well, not entirely. 

You see, the storm was affecting Adelaide by extending her ‘abilities’ to wavelengths not normally open to her. She sensed, vaguely, non-corporeal entities. Beings of pure energy. They were taking refuge within the ship’s hull. (In fact, this is what Pyro had been seeing earlier. Actual aliens. They’d be fried if exposed directly to the ion discharges.) They were very friendly beings, though. They wouldn’t hurt anything. In fact, they were very curious. Adelaide could only detect them. She couldn’t speak with them. 

But one of them happened to be in the room, invisibly floating, coursing through the air. And it soon witnessed something truly wonderful!

Pink and gold. 

Vivid colors of passion.

Speaking a universal language.    

Existing as one.