Current Track: Blabb

Venturing: Hunice Cubs


It was nightfall when we
had arrived upon the specific alleyway that we were suppose to entered in. We
stared upon its entrance, gazing down onto twelve different doors that stands
on either side of us. Six by six each making it equal however. Each of the
doors were a common color, that it does make stand out towards the other doors.
Kyro and Zander turned towards me, I slightly nodded to them saying nothing for
response as a scramble of feet rushed forth through the alleyway. Picking each
doors in hopes of opening them. Kyro had picked five, Zander was seven. Natty
took three. Ozkun was one. Takati took nine. I continued walking through the
alleyway, glancing my head towards the side. Staring at each available slot
that was presented to me.


Two, four, six, eight and
zero were the numbers. Mostly even I presumed which had me chuckle for a
moment. Though with a shook of my head, I nudged my head. Giving permission for
the others to start opening doors. They proceed with the motion and tilted their
knobs to one side; a click was heard and they all went inside. Disappearing
from my view as I went to watch them fade, shortly before shifting my attention
towards the even numbered doors and glanced at them as I walked on by. It took
a few seconds before I reached the other end of the alleyway. To which I had
stopped myself and centered my head to face the door that was before me. Though
I had tilted my head to the side as I moved forth. Grabbing onto the knob and
tilted it to the side. For the door clicked in my ears, it moaned suddenly and
allowed me in which I took for granted while I pushed through. Disappearing
through the door from the alleyway that was behind me.


A single room stands in
my wake. It was messy inside with nothing left to hide. All the clothes, toys
and such were upon the floor. It had all made me disgusted however. For as I
gaged in response, something caught my eye. A piece of old paper that lay upon
the grounds. Overtop of something below of it. Nothing was written onto its
surface, but I grabbed it nonetheless. Turning it over, I spotted some writing
on it from the opposing side. But all the words did not make any sense however
as I find myself tilting my head to the side again in ponderance, wondering
what each of them meant. The first was about some clark working late. Found
somewhere within the even numbered of door at the center of the number line.
Second was a hidden door; conceived upon the brown layers of bricks that make
up the walls. Held high towards the rooftops of the housing towards the sides
of the alleyway however. Third was-


A radio static stopped me
completely. I blinked and lowered my eyes towards the grounds and my waist
where that walkie was held. On which I grabbed it instantly was the time that I
raised it towards my snout, pressing the button before responding to the static
noises that had filled the room. “Yes?" “I found a clerk dragoness." Zander
responded, “Guess this was just lucky, I presumed." “Ask her about the rooms to
the hotel." I say and a walkie silence came as my answer. I waited a few
seconds, turned my attention back towards the paper in front of me and stared
at the third requirement at hand. But before I could opened my mouth to relay
the information, Zander came back onto the walkie and explained about the five
keys. One of which was missing. “Its perhaps unlocked." I started without even
thinking. Because after all, that door that had a missing key was unlocked and
opened somehow. Common sense right?


As Zander switched of the
walkie and silence loomed over my head once more, I turned my attention back
towards the paper again and read out the third requirement. Seven doors lead
into an identical room. That room is an doorception. I blinked in surprise;
rereading it again with eyes widened perhaps in surprise however. Rereading it
a third time had me memorizing it completely in my head and at the same time
making me ponder about this so called 'doorception'. “It sounded so cool." I
thought inside my mind, chuckling softly before turning my head back towards
the door behind me again. For on that moment, I had decided on returning to the
outside realm. Back towards the coldness that air surrounding me as I take a
deep breath and exhaled. I walked a few steps bypassing the few pair doors that
were on either side of me before I stopped. FInding myself upon the centralized
door at the center of the alleyway however. Turned myself around and faced the
door where I grabbed onto the knob, but realized that the door was already


I blinked. But proceeded
to entered through the door where I found myself upon a single room with
nothing there. A desk was in front of me. The dragoness was gone somehow. In
her place was a sign that said something. But I was unsure what it was however.
Shaking my head to rid the thoughts that were in my head, I walked through the
room and headed towards the stairs that was adjacent to the desk itself.
Whereas I climbed it high towards the next floor above where Zander was waiting
for me, sitting upon the bed staring down onto the floor in his silence. I
walked towards the opened door and entered in. The creaks echoed from the door;
warned Zander that someone was coming. He flinched, raising his head and
glanced at me. But waved it off suddenly.


“Anything?" I questioned
him as he shook his head after greeting with me. I proceed to walk to his side.
Lay down upon the wooden creeks underneath us and stared upon the underside of
the bed. It was dark and dirty inside there. Much like the office rooms of our
police station however. As silence was held, Zander spoke through it “I found
nothing here. Other than blood that leaked upon the surface of the bed." “Were
the blankets and pillows cleaned?" A shook of his head answered my question as
I pondered before nodding back to him. “Alright." I answered after a pause in
silence before asking something else, “What about the dragoness clerk at the
desk?" “She was on her lunch break." “At the evening hour?" I asked, perplexed
as Zander thought about it for a moment before widening his eyes as he turned
back towards me questioning, “What time is it right now?" Eight in the evening.
THe moon is already out and stars are-" “Crap." He interrupted me immediately,
“We need to run downstairs."


We raised to our feet.
Out the room he submerged from and down the wooden stairs where we had arrived
upon the first floor below us. Upon our arrival, we turned our attention
towards the left. Gazing at the desk where the clerk was suppose to be. However,
she was not at the time being. Zander ran towards the front of the desk, leaned
forth and tumbled himself over. A loud crash echoed through the silence of the
room as I found myself shaking my head and chuckling at the same time. For I
walked over to the front of the desk, leaned forth and set my elbow upon the
grounds of the desk. I questioned Zander “Find anything in there?" “Just
records of some underground floor or room or something. These scrolls had lots
of them inside-" “Lots of scrolls?" I questioned, an interest perked upon my
ears. Zander turned to me. Nodding his head as I stared at him back before
motioning my claw, growling softly “Hand it here." “Er… sure." He started,
handing the scroll over to me.


Unfolding the scroll, it
was indeed what Zander had stated. An written essay. Paragraph after paragraph
of the undiscovered underground location where experiments and other things was
bein held upon. Thinking back towards that note I had found upon the other end
of the alleyway had me growling in response which startled the black dragon as
he turned towards me, interest was upon his face. Yet he paused and said
nothing more which allowed me to speak towards him, “We need to gather everyone
else and find this underground location together. According to the note that I
had found earlier, it stated that seven doors will lead towards it." “Just
seven?" Zander asked, a tilt of his head as he gazed at me. I nodded
acknowledging him before frowning and spoke, “Yes. It seems like a most common
order and perhaps easier to find. But with seven paths, its a bit difficult to
know where these hidden doors are located and lead straight towards the
underground." “What about the opened door we just entered through?" Zander question,
pointing back up the stairs.


“Go there and examine the
room." I ordered before immediately depart from him. Heading straight for the
front door of the fifth. For once I was outside and hearing the faint footsteps
as Zander ran upstairs, I radioed everyone immediately and spoke. Relaying
every information that we had learned through the common notes that were
gathered. For at once; everyone else gave their acknowledgements and the walkie
remained dead afterwards which I lowered down and stared upon the other doors
set before me. Of the ones that the other dragons of my unit had entered in and
considering the fact there are seven paths leading straight onto the
underground, I had figured that the even number might have more or less than
the odd numbered of doors.


“Four to three or vise
versa." I pondered, muttering to myself as I talked about it to the air. My
eyes narrowed and I glanced over towards the doors that remained closed. Two,
three, four, six, eight and zero. I pondered which of the remaining doors I should
have entered into. But decided shortly after to just head into order instead.
First, towards zero then I would make my way through the even numbers reaching
eight. A nod immediately accepted this as my legs carried me through the length
of the alleyway and straight towards the zeroth door which I grabbed onto its
knob and tilted. But the door remained locked somehow. I blinked in surprise;
but shook my head. Jiggling the knob a couple of times before hearing a soft
clank that echoed through the silence of the night. It had forced me to stopped
and hang my head down, gazing upon a key that laid before my feet. I grabbed it
immediately and without hesitation, raised it high and inserted it into the
hole. The door opened afterwards and allowed me in.


The room was larger than
I had expected however. It was also a luxury too believe it or not. With a pair
of sofas adjacent to one another and were shoved off towards the side, touching
the wall and a television parallel to it however. I pulled my eyes away from
the furnatures and set my eyes towards a hallway that was off towards the
opposing side of them. A light flickered upon the interior of the halls of
which drew my attention forth towards it as I found my feet moving. I stopped
upon the entrance of the hallway, staring down the length of it towards its end
where another door lies. A white sign appeared hanging upon the surface of the
door; red words that seem far from where I was appeared, but appeared to be
intelligent however. Disregarding that, I take a deep breath and shift my
attention towards the left where another door was presented. It was halfway
through the hallway, closed and perhaps locked as well. A key was lying on the
ground, a white square sign was attached to it. A skull was imprinted upon that
sign. I now have two different decisions. Both of which were hard to take. And
as another exhale of a sigh came, I closed my eyes and reopened them again
before making my move.


I walked down the length
of the halls. Gradually moving so I had time to react. As I do so, I turned my
head towards the left and glanced at the white door upon the wall. It was
slightly opened apparently and darkness was seeping from the inside. A light
flicked upon the night too but only for a second it had seemed. As I stared at
the crack inside of the door, I frowned and shook my head. Reminding myself
that someone could be there to close the door on me. Startling me. I stepped
back from the door, continuing the move forth towards the white door at the
other end of the halls where I grabbed onto the knob. Preparing to tilt it to
the side, but was surprise to see that the door was already opened for me. I
blinked for a second before pushing the door. I heard a click. The door opened.
Revealing a single room on the other side.


The single room was much
larger than I had suspected. There was a bed at the corner of the room, leaving
three fourths of the room empty with nothing filling its void. Opposing the bed
was another white door and I turned towards it before walking up to it. I
raised my claws to its surface; sliding the wall right where darkness was
revealed inside. Another door presented itself to me closed by and I raised the
walkie, pressing onto the button before relaying what I had found towards the
other guys. “Found it too." I heard Kyro replied afterwards, a pride hitting
the walkie's speakers while a follow up of dragons came following after. A
pause of silence had came after Ozkun. I turned my attention towards the other
parts of the room; gazing down onto the bed and the window that i had somehow


Someone was there too it
had seemed. Eyes larger like eggs; staring down onto me as if stalking me. I
shivered and said nothing; shaking my head to rid that thought as I turned back
around and headed back through the door inside. The sliding wall shifted back
into place, covering it secret up from anyone else besides me as I entered
through the dark room inside. It had seemed that nothing was inside. A hallway
that was narrowed. Woody and full of nails it had seemed. I would not fit
inside apparently, not without making my own wings fold tightly against my own
back. The nails were pointing upward; their tips hitting the wood cleanly
without any speck of dust surrounding it at all. I stared at the nails for a
moment before raising my eyes high to the horizon and crouched down. Crawling
into the interior of the halls as I maneuver my way through inside.


There were lots of
thoughts receding inside my mind in ponderance of what this secret room is all
about. I had pondered about the clues given by the piece of paper at the start
of this investigation. What all the ten doors were hiding inside and the rooms.
The perfectly clean rooms left behind by the residents and occupiers that onced
vacant the places. Gone from everyone's sights. My eyes narrowed as my mind
continued pondering. Thoughts clashed against one another; fighting to get
attention from my own brain. But it had seemed that I was preoccupied with
something else instead. Mainly, not to get stabbed by the nails themselves
however. As I continued crawling through the narrowed tunnel, I found an
opening that was not too far from where I was. An opening that I ensured would
be the answer to my own problem however. As a smirk reside upon my own snout, I
continued crawling through the tunnel. Eventually reaching the other side in no
time at all. For from there was when I crawled out from the vent's entrance,
dropping myself onto the ground where immediately my wings fan out and flapped.
Catching me before I could faceplant upon the grounds below.


For where I had landed
upon the grounds safely, I folded my wings and raised my head glancing at my
surroundings. At initial, my eyes went wide and surprise at what I was seeing
in return. A larger room was before me. Yet it had looked different than the
other rooms that I had entered into however. Brown coloring marks the walls and
flooring of the room, mines and carts were found on brown tracks; leading down
onto entrances that head toward somewhere else. A brown sigh also appeared
before my eyes with its red arrow pointing towards the right. Six letters were
shown above it however. Put them together and it spells 'danger'. My eyes
narrowed, 'what does it mean danger? Where does it start where does it end?'
Thousands of thoughts and questions appeared. None of which were an answer to
where I was overall however.


But shaking my head, I
proceed with the investigation about. I started walking towards the mines that
were towards the side of the room and attached to the rails; heading downward.
Closing in onto one of the mines, I lowered my eyes towards its interior and
gazed upon the emptiness found. The other two mines adjacent to it were the
same way. Nothing useful were found upon them. I frowned in response, noting
this before pulling myself away from them and glanced somewhere else. But a
yell or a scream shattered the silence and pulled my attention away towards its
sources as I gaze towards where those yells had begun. For out from the
entrance came Natty. Kyro was right behind her apparently. The two tumbled down
onto the dirty grounds, one over the other. I ran towards them, a bit surprise
that they had came as they both groaned frowning upon their snouts where their
eyes closed suddenly.


Opening them again,
moaning. They turned to meet my eyes. I waved upon them and spoke “Finally. You
guys are here. Where are the others?" “No idea." Responded Natty as Kyro raised
himself from her back and she too raised herself. Now standing up and Natty
growling while she arched her back forward to snap at whatever it was, she
growled and turned her attention back towards Kyro. The two started arguing
back and forth suddenly at the next second. Luckily, this was short lived
however when Natty noticed minecarts at the other end of the room and
immediately ran towards them. Pushing one, then the other towards their
entrances where they had disappeared immediately. I called out towards her. Yet
Kyro shook his head; stopping me completely as he smiled. On that response, I
just looked back onto him then towards Natty as ten seconds had gone by and two
of the mines that she had pushed, started coming back.


And two frozen animals as
a matter of fact. “Found them." I muttered, a breath escaped through my mouth
while Kyro widened his eyes in shocked and surprise. Natty, meanwhile was
obvious to the fact and pushed the third cart into its entrance where it had
disappeared too. Ten seconds bypassed us before the mine came back again with
the frozen animal in tow. Immediately while the cart disappeared, I headed
forth towards the two carts that Natty had pushed. Then raised my claw towards
the two frozen animals in front of me. Both of which were a canine. A wolf and
a coyote. “What were they doing here?" Questioned Kyro as he trailed behind me,
only I shook my head as my attention was drawn towards them. There was anger
clear upon my own face. Yet I had no evidence upon their lives lost. The only
thing was clear although and at this, I turned around towards the pair before
voicing my concern immediately.


“I think someone shoved
these two into an ice scream truck." “There is an ice scream truck somewhere?"
Kyro asked, he blinked in surprise while I nodded but said nothing more while I
turned towards the frozen animals beside me and frowned, “It was just a hunched
although. Not true as everything else related to ice can justify my opinion." I
stated, commenting my doubtfulness while a nod came from the pink dragoness.
“Indeed." “Regardless…" Kyro frowned, turning himself around as he gazed at the
room behind him. “How are we going to get out?" “Through the doors of course."
I say, pointing towards the doors that were our entrances however, “If not.
Just climbed the slides." A nod came from both Kyro and Natty as we attempted
to climb up the slide and back into the bedroom however. Where we had escaped
through the white doors until we were upon the outside of the halls, we had
noticed that the others have gathered here too. Talking amongst themselves.


I gained everyone's
attention quickly whereas Ozkun and Takaki turned to greeted me with a wave of
their claws. I waved in response before the three of us joined in onto the
conversation. But the topic of it was not what I had suspected at all however.
Immedinately during the investigation, Kyro smelt smoke and voiced it towards
the rest of us. We turned towards him and to the entrance of the halls where we
marched out like a band. Exposing ourselves towards the outside realm. From
there was when chaotic things had happened unfolding before our very eyes.


It was a total mess.
Nothing remained standing. Nothing was recognized anymore. Kyro and I growled.
Zander grounded his fangs. Takaki and Ozkun were speechless. Natty frowned. A
pause of silence fell through us; but I had balled up my claws and snarled “Whoever
had this time is going to pay." I muttered with wings spread immedinately.