Current Track: Blabb

In the world of Poke'mon, some orders have secluded themselves from civilization to pursue the warrior's way. What's even more remarkable, is that they pursue these ideals from masters of their craft, Poke'mon themselves.

Bushido "White": A Poke'mon Story
One crisp spring morning, several people in kendo armor sat organized in formation before a speaker, who in turn sat respectfully before a formidable Samurott. It was silent, looking into the hearts of all that would learn its craft, and sought to destroy every weakness they possessed.
"Master Daikenki will demonstrate its exquisite "Megahorn" thrust!" the single speaker announced. The mass bowed in singularity, and the Samurott stood. It looked over the crowd, and once it was satisfied with the display of discipline, it lowered its head before letting its cry loose.
"Sam-ROHHHHHHH!" The speaker raised his head after the fearsome bellow sounded, and the mass behind him followed. The Samurott looked to a nearby boulder, one it had brought solely for this demonstration. It looked at the boulder with pure focus, and walked away a good distance. Samurott turned to face the boulder, and took off in a blinding "Aqua Jet" charge with its paws spreading like ripples, closing in on it while lowering it's mighty horn. It connected with a loud "CRACK!" and the Samurott passed right by, landing in an awesome display of style and agility. The onlookers sat stunned.
"Splendid. Marvelous. SImply marvelous. Did you see?" they whispered to each other, and the speaker in front of them stood. The Samurott approached him boldly, its imposing horn suggesting a darker course of action as it stopped short of the human. The human bowed low, and the Samurott lowered its horn respectfuly. They both raised their heads to look each other in the eyes, and the Samurott proudly walked away, returning to its stone-cut shrine home. "It closed the sliding stone door, and was not seen again that day" (Poke'mon war-forme founder's log).
The speaker turned to face the rest of the people seated in formation, and urged them up.
"Pair up!" he instructed, and everyone stood, armed with bamboo practice swords. They all pointed at the other across from them evenly. A notable pair, two young boys close in age and size, stood against each other. They lightly tapped the ends of their shinai together.
"Now! Commence practice! Strive to feel the power our master has demonstrated to us!" The two boys took wide-legged stances, the swords drawn back straight. They were still, and the static between them was like crashing tides.
"Ey! the shorter one shouted, his feet like the Master's "Aqua Jet". He closed the distance with a thrust that the taller one parried with...
"Ey! TOH!" he shouted, dropping an '/' swing to deflect the blow, and an '' to attack with a speedy lunge. They passed each other and stopped, the victor decided in an instant. The shorter of the two had a thin crack in his mask, the other's breastplate had visible damage along the left side. Then they noticed they were being watched, and collapsed in surprise.
"Our prized students, easily Futachimaru "Dewott" level!" The students removed their equipment to note the damage, and the speaker addressed them both.
"Rodari!" The taller one dropped his chest armor and looked at the speaker. He had spiky black hair, and eyes like Dark Pulse. He had a slim frame, but his training honed his body to provide him with sufficient agility.
"Yuji!" The shorter one held his mask and also gave his attention, with soft blue eyes with a more vivid Aqua Ring on the border of his irises. While shorter than his partner, Yuji was more broad, hinting at his future as a warrior.
"Yes, Instructor Ushimata!" they both responded, fully attentive.
Instructor Ushimata was a large bald man, with squinting eyes and a warm smile. He was the instructor to the large group of people; the only one that could understand the Master's mind. Thus, it was his task, appointed by the Samurott to provide them it's wishes. He wore a sword in his belt, proof of his status.
"You both have greatly improved since you joined us, the Master could see your potential. Infact, Master Daikenki would like to instruct the both of you. The two boys dropped their jaws in surprise. Ushimata smiled.
"Instructor Ushimata, how would we understand the Master?" Rodari asked, skeptical. Ushimata gathered the two of them up, while telling the rest of the group to disperse. Ushimata continued, taking a seat on the ground and ushering the boys the same. He sat up straight with a deep breath, and the boys gave their attention with gleaming, hopeful eyes.
"Master Daikenki understands more than we could. I am barely able to interpret the Master's movements and teachings. And you would understand the Master the same way you've understood me: with a pure heart, and your desire to be strong.I will take you to meet the Master tomorrow. Master Daikenki will be pleased, but hold nothing back, either of you. Now..." Ushimata stood with a jolly smile.
"Time for breakfast!" The boys smashed into the ground in disappointment as their instructor walked away in laughter.
It was noisy in the dojo mess-hall. Most were speaking of the demonstration, Yuji and Rodari were speaking anxiously of what the instructor told them.
"What do you think Master Daikenki is like, up close?" Yuji asked, nervous. Rodari scoffed as he stuffed his face with Miltank milk, Cherubi and Snowver berries, and sweet-smelling bananas from Tropius.
"I think (smack) Daikenki could seriously hurt us if (smack, gulp) it chose." Rodari said between his characteristic rudeness. Yuji shuddered.
"I don't think Master Daikenki would hurt US Rodari, I'm sure it knows our strengths by now." Yuji mentioned with a nervous chuckle. He picked at his oats and found a fresh date mixed in. He popped it into his mouth and chewed with enthusiasm. He and his friend sat and leisurely ate their breakfast, but a rush of people drew their attention to the open doors of the hall.
"Hel..Help me..." a fellow student gasped as he collapsed outside, quickly surrounded by the others from inside. Ushimata was among the crowd, and he knealt to inspect the wounds of his brother.
"What happened to you?" Ushimata asked, his hearty smile replaced with a grim frown.
"The..Gallade school..." the defeated student whispered.