Alright, my first day of writing in this thing… Hm, I really can’t say that I know what to write. Well, I guess I’d best introduce myself, though I doubt anyone will be reading this journal. My name is Seriel Aroctus, and I’m the apprentice to a mage, but not just any mage, the grand mage himself! Lupus Teomar, the shadow wolf!
Since the day I was born, I had been destined to become his apprentice. I was born with magic in my eyes and a moon on my back, well that’s what my parents said anyways… I do actually have a moon across my back, though it’s rather awkward at times to show people as I need to unclothe to let people see it. Oh, I guess I should also say what species I am, just in case anyone does read this… (Though if someone does, I should likely keep the embarrassing stuff out of here…) I am a Raven, part of the Avian race.
I am an oddity among the races as Avians have never held magic before, it’s been impossible for any of our race to be born with magic as only select few races have held the power before. The Canine race is the most prominent, having been the originators of magic. Next are the Felines, though the Canine race has many times claimed that the cats stole their incantations. Almost every race on the world of Terius knows magic, all but a few who were condemned by the gods to never hold the spark.
When I was born, I should’ve been killed as I held what was impossible for my race, but the grand master stopped the one who was to kill me. He chose me to be his apprentice as I held powerful magic, some of which had not been seen for hundreds of years. Usually such a request would mean death for the one who would command it, but as Lupus was the grand mage his commands were to be taken with the upmost seriousness.
So it was that today I started my apprenticeship, my master ordered me to take this journal and record at least one log per week in this journal, so I thought that today would be good to record as today marks the first day of my life as the first Avian mage.
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Janus 22, 3724 AW
My day started out as usual, with my dad lecturing me on why I should worship the Avian gods as our family did. “You need to learn better respect for the gods, they let us stay upon Terius with our intelligence intact!” Obsterqus Aroctus, my father…
“Yes father, I know. You’ve taught me this many times before!” I griped at my father, tail feathers ruffled up in anger. Unlike my family, I wasn’t one to simply bend down to some gods just on the principle that I was intelligent. “They’re also the reason why I’m ostracized by everyone in the family!” I warbled in anger.
My father’s chest started to puff up in anger, but before he could let out his rage my mother stepped in. “Obsterqus, it’s almost time for Lupus to be here, you two really shouldn’t be having a shouting match at a time like this.”
The older raven glared at my mother for but a second before his anger passed, his anger subsiding in the presence of his wife. “Yes… yes you’re right Delari, pardon me. Is the house ready for the grand mage’s entrance?” He asked.
Mother crossed her arms, “Well it would be…” Her eyes started to glow with an inner rage, “If you two idiots were helping me!” Both of us shot out of the room and started to rush to clean up the house, knowing that Delari Aroctus was not one to be messed with, especially when it came to cleaning. It took us a half an hour to finish cleaning the house, and just in time too as I finished up sweeping the floor there was a light knocking on the door. Everyone in the house froze as the knocks rang through the air, we each glanced at one another, nervousness clenching our throats.
Father took a few breathes, knowing that he needed to make a good impression on the grand mage. Even though my parents had met Lupus when I was a chick, they hadn’t seen him since then and they were concerned that he might rescind the order to let me live if they didn’t appear their best. He looked at me and smiled, “Well, let’s get this over with then, huh?”
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I’ll skip some of the pleasantries, my parents spent an hour talking to the master himself while I sat in another room shivering in my seat. I had never met the grand mage myself, well at least with him being in my memories. I knew that my parents were explaining the past seventeen years of my life to the master, letting him know of my achievements in the years since the mage had allowed me life. “Seriel, please come in.” A deep resonating voice came from the other room, and so I stood and opened the door to walk in.
I felt inadequate in my clothes, feeling like I should be dressed more like a mage would rather than the peasant status of my family. Lupus was facing away from me and so I walked past him until I stood in the middle of the room and turned. Looking upon the grand mage, I was shocked. I had originally be thinking that the grand mage would appear as a wizened mage, perhaps with graying hairs and a staff.
But rather, the one that I looked upon appeared to be my own age. He had a smile spread across his face, “So, here you are.” His voice wasn’t the deep one that had spoken to me before, rather his voice was likened to my own, not in the midst of puberty but yet not that of a complete adult yet. The wolf smiled, his black fur bristling as his smile caused it to move. “I see that you’re surprised by my appearance, were you expecting an older wolf?”
Lupus’ eyes were a sterling silver, shocking to my core, causing a sense of awe to spread through my very being. I couldn’t tear myself away from them, and so when my father snapped at me to answer I jumped in shock as I realized that I had been standing around with my beak hanging open. “Y… yes…” I muttered. Dipping my head in embarrassment.
The wolf laughed, “Oh don’t worry, many elder mages have met me and assumed me but an apprentice, not the grand mage.” His laugh was joyful, it seemed to vibrate with youthful vigor.
“Well master Lupus, here he is. We hope that you take him as you promised so long ago.” My mother pleaded, I could see it in her eyes that she was terrified that I might be killed.
“Oh but of course, I am not one to break promises.” Lupus said, standing up, his red robes ruffling with an invisible wind. “Do not worry my fair ravens, I shall take care of your son. He has much potential, but we must go now. The council only gave me so much time before I must return.”
My parents looked to one another, grief blooming in their eyes as they realized that they wouldn’t see their son for a long time. In my own chest, my heart was wrapped in a painful embrace of some devil who wanted to tear out my still beating heart. I had to hold back tears as my mother and father stepped towards me, I towered over my petite mother who wrapped her slim wings around me. “Be safe my darling.” She muttered.
She held the embrace for a moment and then released me so that dad could approach me, as he looked me in the eyes I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. For a moment I thought he might lecture me there before he wrapped his arms around me in his own embrace, shocking me. “Son, we’re proud of you,” he said with a heaviness in his chest. “I know that I’ve been hard on you…” his voice broke for a moment, “But… but I did it out of love for you, I would hate to see you fail because of my inability to raise a son…”
I didn’t know what to say, I couldn’t say anything… If I did, I would break down crying right then. “I… I love you both…” I warbled before hugging my father back, and as we separated Lupus wiped a tear from his eye.
“I’m sorry to pull you from your family in such a way, but if I were to not to, then your execution would be scheduled within an hour.” He said with grief in his voice, the wolf’s eyes dimming to a gray. “So… we must now leave, so that your life is spared for the future.”
I nodded, wiping tears from my eyes. I smile back at my family, “I’ll be back one day.” They both nodded, their eyes glistening with tears. And so I stepped towards my new master, and out we stepped through the door. Though rather than the street that I knew was outside my door was a large room with mystic symbols floating through the air, I blinked in shock as I glanced around. “Whoa…” I muttered, shock apparent in my voice.
“Sorry about the sudden warp, but I had to link your house to my portal so that it would make travel faster.” Lupus said as he stretched, “We have an hour before we must see the council together.” He explained as he reached into his robes and pulled out a book with a silver binding on it, “This is a mage’s journal. Only true mages have these, having one marks you as my apprentice.”
I took it in hand, looking at its silver color set against my black feathers. “Wow…”
“I know that we haven’t done much, but I thought you might like to record some of your feelings in here before we head off to the council. I want you to make a habit of this as you will be putting at least one entry into this book a week, do you understand?” The mage asked, his smile never leaving his face.
I nodded, and even as I did I had started thinking about the words that I would put on its pages. “Good, then I’ll leave you to it. When I come back, we’ll be going to the council together.” My master said as he turned to walk out of the room.
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And so that’s what’s happened up until now, no magic that I’ve learned just yet, but soon I am to meet the council. Master will be here any minute now, I would write more about my past but there will hopefully be time for that later. Ah… I hear my master approaching now, I guess that means that my time writing is done. I’m nervous to see what the council thinks of me, but I guess I’ll leave that for my next entry, until next time.
- Seriel Aroctus
The New Apprentice of Lupus Teomar
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