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21 years ago
Estimated reading time
20 Minutes
The Mission I return to the apartment after the meeting and open the door. Chy looks up at me from the data terminal and waves a greeting. A stranger watching would be hard pressed to tell up apart. Both of us are WolfGen Warriors. Clones created by the State for combat only. Our best friends could tell us by knowing us well. But for us there were no difficulty. He was clone batch 49, and I was 48 There were 50 batches in all. 50 of 10 each, 500 in total, and then the madness happened, and there were no more clones. That batch killed the techs, and then started on themselves. Non survived. I flop down on the couch, and he comes over and snuggles next to me. "Chy.. I'm going back again" Sighs.. "You know what would happen if they catch you.." Nods.. we both know that if I'm caught I would NOT survive. "Whats the mission?" "Sulia.. They want me to try and get in and find out if the State is finished expanding, or they are getting ready for another push". We huddle and reminisce. Several years ago I was a Commander of the 12 Armed, and Chy was a Second Lieutenant.. Like all WolfGen's we felt a close bond, but ours became stronger and crossed into forbidden territory. We became lovers. We were found out, and had to flee. I had been thinking for fleeing for a while, for one.. I didn't like killing. Enemy's of the State were fine, but when the religious, the different, and then the twinks became enemies I had had enough. Camps had been set up, the body pits, the furnaces, and the mindless brutality.. It sickened me, and I was a part of it. A symbol. State created Storm trooper. So I ran. For several weeks Chy and I hid, fleeing from hideout to hideout. The State reacted appropriately. I was listed as being killed heroically, and secret orders were capture, interrogate to find out where my training went wrong, and then a miraculous finding of my body and State funeral. Nicely planned, no embarrassment. I knew there was a resistance movement, I was instrumental in rooting it out for a while, but armed with that knowledge I was able to tracked them down and make contact. It was difficult at first, they didn't trust me or Chy. Both of us were the symbols of the ultimate race, dedicated to the State, Automations of the High Council. And it took a very public demonstration of our love for each other to make them realise that we were different. They got us out and across the border, it cost them, and in return we both dedicate our lives to helping them. We rapidly found that the resistance and Varistan, our new home, had no interest in invading the State, but it was concerned about the 'ethnic cleansing' and other atrocities, so we try and help others escape who do not wish to follow the States doctrines. "When do you leave" Chy asked. "Two days time.. Night flight." W cuddle, and then a knock on the door. I rise and open it and see a young male fox, and his male cat lover. "Thenus, and Lars.. what brings you here?" I'm suddenly pounced and nuzzled warmly by Thenus, and I hug him in return. My memory drifts for a moment to a journey many months ago. A difficult crossing, Myself holding a grieving fox, shielding him from the mutilated body of his wolf lover. Thenus had stayed with us a while, the cub neither of us could have (thou that never stopped us from trying) He has come a long way, thou I sometimes saw a look flicker across his muzzle. Some memories would never leave him. "Marc.. you and Chy want to rage??. " I shake my head.. "Sorry.. I've an exam to study for." Thenus nodded. He knew what THAT codeword meant. Lar's I didn't know well enough to let him know what I did. "Ok you two stay-at-homes.. Bye". The two of them raced out I wandered back to Chy.. "Cubs.. we were never like that were we". He looks up. "Difficult to rock and roll in a Vat" I laugh and swat him. WolfGens were genetically enhanced Artic wolves. About 7 foot tall, and bulked out with muscles. Both of us were openly twink, thou I tended to tease more.. A lot more.. Contrary to the popular belief that Chy and I were heavily into B&D, we were always tender with each other. Muscles, Claws, and Fangs meant that one had to be more careful, thou some of our spats were fantastic. Good thing that he was the same bulk as me - cause a lesser fur would be a fixture on the wall if they collected one of our swipes. The days passed. Chy and I talked about the landscape I would travel thru, each of us straining our memories and looking at the latest reports. The last day came. Chy helped me put on the camouflage paint. A white wolf would stand out in the dark. "Chy.. be a little more careful. I'm NOT a canvas" "Oh shush.. and Stand Still.. Put that away unless you want THAT blackened as well" "Well if you didn't rub it.. it wouldn't YIPE!!!!" I stood.. moaned and panted waiting for the paint to dry, whilst Chy made sure that my maleness was NOT painted. Panting I look down.. "Chy" "Hmmm?" "You Have a black muzzle" SWAT.. "Well if you didn't hump so much I wouldn't" The night came. Chy walked with me onto the runway, where I met the pilot. The small VTOL stealth plane swooped and landed. Chy hugged me and checked my equipment. The harness.. not the other equipment. But I wish he would. Combat and fear made me incredibly horny. The pilot greeted me. "Flight Captain Hars". He took his helmet off and smiles.. What a cute cat.. Nicely built from what I could see from his suit.. Chy and I were lovers, but that didn't stop us from having other lovers, threesomes, foursomes, Heck.. whole orgies.. the neighbours often complained before we got the sound-proofing in. I shake my head.. Hormones and Combat should not mix.. I climb up into the cockpit.. Cockpit.. what a name.. I bite my tongue but to no avail. I've a raging hard on. We take off. Hars lifting off the small plane and sending it speeding towards the border, and my destiny. We chat.. first about little things like the weather, the trip. The plane is largely automatic so little attention is needed. Hars is just there incase the computers fail. We get closer to the drop point.. "So Hars.. what are you doing after the mission.?" I cannot see his expression under his flight helmet, but he replies gruffly "Humping my Girlfriend!" "Aww.. any chance of a threesome..?" "Sorry Marc.. I KNOW your reputation". I sit.. raging hard on, no way to hunch over and relieve myself. "Any chance of err.. playing with your joystick?" "Sorry.. I Don't think your qualified for that.." Idly I flick my tail across his, teasing slightly. But then I hear a beep.. He turns.. Raises his visor. and says sweetly. "Marc.. your a nice guy.. Really nice" and gives me a kiss.. My jaw drops.. "But " he continues "I really must tell you that your DROPPED!!!!" He pulls a lever and I fall.. laughing all the way to the ground. I vow to look him up and give him a hug and buy him a drink. Not many males can make ME speechless.. I drift in the darkness, and look for the patterns of light that will guide me. I'm alone going in , the resistance will meet me on the way out. I land.. bounce, roll, and quickly gather my chute.. Hiding it I take out the compass and head off. I've only a few hours to make my destination. Its still dark when I see the fortress ahead. It's high lights reach to the sky above the bluff, they have no fear of attack so why hide. The State believes that they have NO real opposition, and has turned slack in it's diligence. The normal populace is no threat, esp. with the verdicts that supposed traitors are given. I start to climb. My own strength helps me here, and within 2 hours I'm at the rest point. Driving my pitons onto the base of the towers I huddle down and wait. I will rest through the day, and then go in at night. I hang.. Safe out of the wind I watch the sun rise, lighting the plains below. From up here everything seems clean and fresh, but down there the people hurry, watching each other in suspicion. Are they the watchers or the hunted. Furtively watching. Its fur eat fur down there. The State started us with the best intentions, At first we were created to be it's Police, the guardians of the people. Helping, preventing crime, doing rescue work.. but others had their own agendas came and demanded that the WolfGen program be changed. The first batch was destroyed, and every batch from there on was for combat only. Super cannon fodder, loyal to the faceless State. The program made 500 of us. 50 batches of 10. The best in each batch contributing his DNA to make the next batch. An artificial evolution. The scientists never knew what hit them.. Batch 50, the best was strange.. He wanted to be the father of Batch 51. Did everything to prove himself, Steroids, Combat enhancing drugs, the other WolfGens knew.. but who could be told. That would have shown dissention in the ranks. But he was chosen. His DNA.. damaged by his own desire for perfection, was injected into the cultures, split into 10, and grown. The bodies were perfect.. but the minds could only be examined when the vats were opened. The day came. The scientists stood around waiting for Batch 51 to mature and come out. They awoke, stretched, limbered exalting their release from their embryonic confines. The scientists approached to take blood samples and other tests. And one of the new batch.. annoyed at the pinprick of a needle struck out. The scientist died instantly. The other WolfGens triggered by this action attacked also. In seconds not a non-WolfGen was left.. But the bloodlust continued. They fought amongst themselves. In less than 5 hours the 10 had been reduced to 5, then 4. In the end there was only one standing.. screaming his rage in the ruins of the lab. They left him there.. closed the air supply and left him. With those scientists dead there was little hope of them to re-start anew. The lab was decimated - their camera's could see that. But the State wanted us.. and they could have us.. At a price. The price being 2 years for the next mature batch. Each WolfGen male (for there were no females made, our seed is self contained and only requires a receptacle to grow in) had to mate with a female fur. This happened Many times.. Often the female was NOT willing, but the State decreed that the mating take place, and so it did. Broken limbs and torn flesh does not stop conception. And the body was only there to grow our flesh. Once the young was born the vessel was discarded. Sometimes it provided entertainment for the males, more often or not it didn't survive the birthing. We were born large, complete with claws and teeth, and regrettably our instincts for release are strong. The State would not bother with sedating the foetus so that the vessel would be protected. There were always other vessels to be found from the camps and prisons. I hang my head in shame at this. Knowing now the tenderness of matings and giving birth. I am twink.. females hold no interest for me and I know the consequences if I did impregnate , but I have seen friends partner, hand-fast, and produce young I am Uncle to several of their cubs.. But I was forced in my time to spill my seed for the State. And perpetuate my own kind. I will never know my own cubs, or the fur that bore them - if she survived... Looking to the East I spot a smoke haze. I shudder, knowing the carnage that was hidden by the billowing plumes. Anyone who said NO to the State ended there. And those that the State had no use for. The infirm, invalid, old went first. Then the others. Twinks.. Figs.. call them what you will. They didn't produce more people for the State, so why keep them. Raids were undertaken, and they were gathered. What survived the prisons were sent to the camps. Closing my eyes in sadness I remember a young wolf.. Looking back at me in hope of freedom, not yet realising that his own flesh was too weak and damaged to make the journey, and grief of his young lover.. No more.. Never again.. There is a score I will settle one day. I KNOW the Commander of that prison that 'entertained' him. Sipping from my flask and eating a ration bar I yawn.. Better sleep and be ready for the next part. Closing my eyes I surrender to morpheas, but my dreams are troubled. They usually are... A soft beep on my wrist and I'm awake instantly. It's dark, and there's no wind.. Releasing myself I raise myself up the wall, paws and claws seeking every toeholds. Finally I'm up the top and moving along the battlement. I see another WolfGen in the distance. I must keep away them as we are mildly telepathic between Batch Mates. But with each successive batch the link grows weaker.. However violent actions like pain or shouts of warning can be heard and felt by all of us. He paces towards me, and I raise my blowpipe. It's a nice weapon, fast acting, harmless to the victim (I don't kill unless necessary), and can be VERY accurate. I Puff, and the WolfGen swat the mosquito, and then sinks down. I walk over to him and sniff.. His smell is rich and musky, and his mind purr's on in sleep. If I had time I might enjoy myself as I KNOW that the drug I use does NOT affect sexual stimulus.. But I have a mission So I move him out of the way.. My scent is neutral as I have bathed in inhibitors before I came. No fur can detect MY scent. I flit.. shadow to shadow.. There are other furs here but they do not see me. I see a roster pad and have a quick looks. Better find if any Batch mates are here. Damd.. There are several. I must be on my toes here. A name stands out to me.. A certain Commander with who I have a score. He's now the minder of the information I need. This could be fun. Having been posted here before I know most of the quick routes and passages, and make time as I leap and move. My equipment being plastic and non-resonant does not click much, and clad only in harness and jock-strap there is little fabric to rustle. I could run full pelt past another fur and they would hear just the wind. I decline from wearing shoes on missions - preferring the silence of furry paws. I near the office, and pull out my blow-pipe. All is well and quiet. I listen at the door - remembering where the desk used to be. The Commander is batch 42, and far enough from me in both genetics and distance NOT to detect me. Looking through the keyhole I can see him sitting, back to me.. Oh easy.. I open the door and PUFF.. I detect his mind forming a warning.. but it dies quickly as he slumps. Any WolfGen catching that would think it was a stubbed paw. I stand looking at the sleeping form, then place a 'Do Not Disturb' note outside the door and lock it from the inside. Any fur passing would think the Commander was entertaining.. Well He will in a fashion. I tape up his muzzle, tie him to the chair, and gather the papers I need. And then start the personal and non-official part of the mission. Myself and Chy were testers of a telepathic dampening drug. And It works.. Injecting the blue fluid into the sleeping for I feel his mind close and become silent. Then I inject the sleeping antidote. He stirs and awakens.. Seeing me before him he is puzzled. There are NO black WolfGens.. then he realises and tenses against his bonds.. Growling and cursing me through his muzzle he struggles. But I sit on the desk and smile. My desertion and the reason for it is well known amongst the WolfGens. "You.. Your Back.. TWINK!!" He mutters. Not loud enough to be heard outside. My bonds have made sure of that.. "Yes.. and We have some unfinished business too." He is puzzled and tries to call for help.. I can see his brow furrow.. "Sorry old chap.. could not let you do THAT.. Your a prisoner in your own mind.." He sighs.. glares.. "What business?" "Kyten" He IS puzzled.. "Who is that" "Nobody.. just a poor young twink who was mutilated on your orders.. Just one of thousands. Tell me.. do you still enjoy emasculating twinks with your claws, or have your moved onto better things?" He snarls and rocks the chair.. It creaks but holds.. I grin and reach downwards.. feeling his groin and the long package within.. "Let me show you what it's like being a Twink.." He is helpless as I free him from his clothing, cutting it off where I cannot unbutton or unfasten it. He sits naked, and still pretty handsome. Muscles bulge and sinews stand out.. All covered in sleek white fur.. I fondle him and gets a response. He's helpless under my touch and soon swells. Kneeling I take him in my mouth and suckle. Its not my intention to hurt him.. Yet.. He's large.. larger than me, and I soon bring him to climax, swallowing the rich fluid. I stand and look at him and he glares back.. Pure Hate. "Well.. you seem to like getting sucked by a twink." A muted Snarl is his answer. Walking behind him I smile when I see that the chair has no back to it.. Oh this will be fun. I'm already hard and needing release. Lifting his tail I unsheathe myself.. No saliva.. He'll take me dry. I press upward and he struggles.. trying to lift himself away from me - but all it does is make it easier. Oh this is GOOD!!!.. He's tight, and I gnaw his furry neck and shoulders. Reaching around I grasp his maleness and jerk it in time with my thrusts, and soon I am pleasured by his own pulses of precome vibrating my shaft.. I pause for a moment.. and relax.. Yes it SHOULD be safe enough, and hump faster.. My swollen knot lodges beneath his tail and against his ring - and I'm desperate. I Hump - lifting the chair with my lust.. Once.. Twice.. and suddenly there's a POP and I'm in.. The furry form beneath me screams through his bonds and squirm as I swell to my full size, still fondling and jerking his sheath.. It's over soon.. too soon as my excitement and need has been great.. As my seed spurts deeply into him I'm rewarded by a sudden spasm of his maleness as he climaxes too. I pant and tenderly tongue out his ear.. "Oh lover.. was it good for you too". But he is silent in his shame. "Shall I tell the others that you have been my lover. Do you think they will want a piece of you too?" His muzzle hangs down and I leave him in his silence. A few minutes more and I have shrunken enough to pull out. I'm still not that small yet and I can feel his ring give as I withdraw - and a trace of blood is smeared over my organ. I stand in front of him.. "Oh look.. You WERE a virgin.." and I wipe my bloody shit covered organ over his muzzle to clean it. "Bye Commander.. It WAS nice knowing you.. Perhaps we can do it again sometime?" He mutters "I will have your balls and shaft for this".. and it gives me an idea.. a nasty idea. I walk back and pull out a thin tube from my harness. "See this.. its a radio controlled bomb.. Just a little one, and I'm going to hide it. Now if I hear a siren while I'm getting out of here I'll detonate it." He looks warily at me as I reach down, and his expression turns to terror as I slide it deep into his sheath. I whisper into his ear. "Gift from Kyten.." I crack the door and look out. It's clear, and turning off the light I leave. I will need to hurry as I know that the anti-telepathic drug does not last long. Down corridors and hiding in shadows I make it to the ground floor. Damb.. no way I can make it out the front, only one way out Now... Lifting the grate at my feet I try not to breath the fetid odours.. and slip inside. There is a bar across the drop that I will need to hang from and make my way down. Tying a rope I start climbing when a form blots out the light above.. Its a WolfGen.. and he's of my batch.. I blank my mind. {Who Are You} {What Company Are You} {WHERE ARE YOU!!!!} {MARCUS.. Bastard.. I'll Get You...} And I drop in a hail of bullets. PHAUG!! The stench is unbelievable.. Wolf, Fox, Pig, every furries wastes are mixed up in this disgusting soup.. I think my muzzle has imploded in disgust.. But I wade through the motions.. Above I hear a siren start to wail and true to my word I reach down and press a button. Luckily I was ready for it but a sudden spasm of agony leapt through my groin. Commander would not be entertaining again... And Every WolfGen would have felt THAT!!!. Doubling back on my tracks I move back under the fortress.. Knowing where they would be concentrating their efforts, I switch to a cleaner stream flowing out. I drift for about half an hour till I see the stream disappear under a wall... I follow it and duck.. to appear gasping on the other side. I'm out.. I breath in deeply and suddenly I feel a pat on my head. I turn.. and find myself looking cross-eyed at a rifle muzzle. I focus up the barrel to a WolfGen grinning back.. "Hi Marc.." he says with false cheerfulness. "Nice of you to join me.. Commander is interested in talking about a transplant.." I do not need to imagine what type of transplant the Commander wants. "Why?.. is he feeling a bit short nowadays.." "Ok.. Hands on head.. muzzle closed.. Oh nice fur colour.. suits you. Blackheart!!" I probe with my mind.. Its not easy but Chy and I HAVE worked on this.. He's definitely not my batch but I can invade his mind a little.. "Now Marc.. no tricks.. walk to the bank.." I've found his pleasure/sexual centre and tap gently with my mind.. "Ha.. What's this.. telepathic Blow Job.. You MUST be desperate... Twink!!!" He smirks.. I gather my reserves and GRAND SLAM.... He yelps and I duck.. Bullet just missing my head, but he now has two shafts to worry about. One he's reloading, and the other that has just unloaded into his pants and is still throbbing violently.. I make my escape, only 10 meters to go to the cliff. There are shouts behind me, 5 meters, the bullets are seeking me, one meter and I'm over the abyss. A 4000 foot drop into the night. I look at my watch, a series of numbers are ticking rapidly downwards.. At the appropriate number I pull a cord and hope... To be jerked upwards by a paraglider. All plastic, no radar.. I'm invisible, silent, and like a bird. Above the searchlight swings but it is no good. There is too large an area for them to sweep effectively. And I drift into the night. Morning comes and I'm well on my way home.. I'm at the rendezvous point for the resistance and keeping an ear open for any trouble.. But it has been silent. They would not have expected me to go further inland from the borders. I float in the river next to the reeds. The water is cool, but not cold. It refreshes me as I am still pumped up from the night activities. A small van arrives and a familiar ferret wanders out. He looks around, and then walks to the bank to relieve himself. I GRIN!!!. He finishes, shakes his unsheathed organ and looks down suddenly to see the water erupt and a black monster with claws and fangs erupt from the river.. He shrieks but the monster has already wrapped its arms around him and suddenly engulfs his maleness in a toothy maw.. Unfortunately his maleness shrinks and I look up.. "Aww Freddy.. And I thought you liked me." I rest laughing as the ferret batters my ears and screams... "BASTARD.. BASTARD.. BASTARD!!! You rotten twink.. you've taken YEARS off my life..." I lap the shrunken organ.. "And a few years of that as well.." He sighs.. remembering how we first met.. Two male WolfGens performing in front of him to prove to him that they were twinks.. Being head of the resistance meant that you had to see SOME unusual sights.. But that one took the cake. I let him up and he sniffs at me.. "Shit.. what have you been doing.. " I sniff.. "Exactly.. wallowing in it. I needed a way out and it offered the best choice.. "Well that won't matter.." he grins nastily. "Hmmm.. why. " "Cause you'll be in a Can going out of here.." We chat for a while, he brings me up to date on the current situation, and I tell him how's things are going on our side. The United Nations of Furs are working hard to support us. He asks about Chy, and others that I have helped across, and seem happy that most are doing well. We walk to the back of the truck and he opens it to reveal a tall Can.. and offers me a morsel.. I sniff.. Pickled Herring. "Freddy You know I HATE Pickled Herring.." "I know.." he smiles.. "You'll be soaking in it.." I groan and he opens the can.. PICKLED HERRING.. I strip and climb in.. Fastening the small breather unit to my muzzle I give him one last GLARE and sink.. It's cold, gooey, sticky, the smell gets past the breather, I HATE IT... and with one last laugh he says.. "Revenge you rotten twink. for all the times you've teased me!!!!" and closed the can. Only Freddy would have thought of this.. Still I HAVE teased him on a few occasions, but he's a good soul. His own son was Twink, and died at the camps. I slide a small pill under the breather unit and sleep. An unknown time later I wake, and feel the can swaying and then a clunk and its firm again.. Still nothing.. so I doze.. Suddenly I hear noises, and the lid comes off.. I reach for my knife ready to defend myself but there is no need.. Friendly faces peer back.. Chy looks at me, as do my new friends. The medic comes over and does a quick check of my pulse and looks into an eye. But he knows not to test further. We have a special agreement on that. Groggily I try to stand - but am lifted out by Chy who cradles me in his arms.. "Marc.. YOU STINK!!!" Sigh "Well give me a kiss then.. " He does,, and for several minutes we are alone in our own eyes.. "At least one thing about your fish bath Marc!. " "What.." "It's bleached your fur white again.." I look down and see my gleaming white fur again.. Debriefing took several hours, and I was exhausted by then.. Leaning heavily on Chy I weave to our apartment and collapse on the couch.. We hug and nuzzle, glad to be together. "Next time Chy.. YOU Go.." But he smiles and knows that I am better at stealth.. A knock at the door and Thenus is there.. Alone. I look up.. "Everything fine cub..?" He walks over and hugs me warmly.. kisses me.. "Yes.. just glad to know your back.. How did it go?" I look back.. "Kyten has been avenged. The commander who took his wolfhood has met the same fate." Thenus closes his eyes for a moment and I see old pain there.. but he looks back.. "Thank you Marc.." I doze again.. Chy is behind me cuddling close, and Thenus has snuggles into my lap.. Its a new life, and one that seems complete for me. Some of the burning in my soul has been quenched, and its easier to live with myself. My memories, and my deeds. I can... Have changed, and seeing the WolfGens of my old land I can see how much I have changed from them The doc has talked to both Chy and myself about starting the WolfGen project again - but under different guidelines. We have both been against it - but somehow - perhaps us WolfGens CAN make a difference. Time will tell, and we both have time.. My cells, and that of Chy are in safekeeping, and that is enough for us for the moment. I squeeze a white furred hand and get a squeeze back in return. I nuzzle a fox ear and feel him snuggle closer.. Yes.. Life is good for me now....
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